888 resultados para feeling
Cultural-Historical Psychology alleges the thesis of social experience as the basis of human formation and points the affective-cognitive unity as the intermediate in subject relations with the knowledge on the development of psychological functions. This article presents some elements that indicate the constitution of affective processes from the relations the subject maintains with human objectifications. Part of the critics to the organismic and subjectivist thought that, both in Psychology and in Education, separates emotions from other functions of human consciousness – treating them as deterrents in the teaching and school learning processes – and signs the importance of (re) thinking the relations the subject establishes with reality, the role of knowledge and of the concrete conditions of life and education that produce the affective processes. It defends that thinking and feeling are psychological processes developed from history of appropriation and objectification of signs and instruments that each subject realizes and affirms in scholar education, and the intentional character of teaching – in the organizational and pedagogical practice – as determinant elements in the transformation of the ways of thinking and feeling.
In the early decades of Brazilian Republic, didactic literature played an important role in contributing to the «spirit of national integration», as José Veríssimo recommended. But, in addition to fighting the «parochialism» of different regions of the vast country, didactic literary works intended to combat the «foreign threat» represented by uncontrolled immigration and the economic and military imperialism. Brief analysis of Contos Pátrios (1894) and A Pátria Brasileira (1909), written by Olavo Bilac and Coelho Neto, and Porque Me Ufano do Meu País (1901), by earl of Afonso Celso, aims to reveal some of the resources used by the authors to elicit the feeling of brotherhood, solidarity and collective bond among Brazilian children, driving away threats that hung over the country. It also indicates that the interpretation of the national past, from which came the heroes, martyrs and leaders to be worshiped and imitated by children, radically opposed the monarchist Afonso Celso and the republicans Bilac and Coelho Neto.
The involvement of adolescents as workers in the trafficking of illicit drugs has increased in recent decades in Brazil, and perhaps the world, making them also victims and perpetrators of violent acts related to this activity. Given the above, we conducted research – that now present some results in this article – on such subjects. Basically, we pretend to understand if they had, throughout its history, references to the authority that contributed to its entry in that class. The teens were chosen social stratum of low income and working on trafficking. We conducted interviews / conversations with these individuals and analyzed according to the perspective of psychoanalysis extramural. We conclude that, for them, such activity is a possible route in our society, to gain social recognition and feeling of belonging to the adult world and the society of consumers.
The objetive of this article is discuss the question of difference and alterity presents in analyzes of contemporary society conducted by the polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman. The author observed that human relations are guided by a logic of cost-benefit connected with values of present in the discardability of consumer society. At the same time, it has built ways of eliminating difference through the construction of a politics of expulsion of those considered strangers. For the author, the cities are the materialization of the ambivalence of live with the other people in contemporary times, being the locus of experience approach and retraction to the other expressed by fear of the difference. The result of this process is the impoverishment relational, the feeling of loneliness and an ethical-political crisis seen that could be seen from the primacy of the private/intimate rather than the public dimention/action.
The present work is a reflexive-theoretically research that intends, by the light of Psychoanalytic and Freudo-Marxim theories, to think about the work malaise - effect of a repressive civilization -, and the sublimation possibilities, in the context of the discussions about the conflict individual-civilization. The work favors the essential thing for the human race's representations. Current researches indicate the importance of thinking the work in the process physical and mental health/illness, as well as the subjectivity of the human race in the present time. However, the organizations of work, using reductionist views, with the psychiatric-medical Knowledge/power as accomplice, have a tendency to disregard their responsibilities in the "production" of the illnesses in the workers. Freud, by the neurosis's understanding, showed that in the individual-civilization conflict the first one pays a high price: the constant malaise (the guilt as malaise). While who detains the guilt, in the social sense of the word (the guilt of malaise), is the human culture, intermediated by the organizations, defenders of the minority's interests that hold the manners of production/exploration. According to Freud, the growth of the feeling of guilt is inevitable, considering the necessity of the drives repression to cultural progress through displeasure work. However, Reich and Marcuse theorize an exit for the Freudian pessimism about the conflict between the individual and the civilization. Freud didn't consider properly the nature socio-historical of the Reality Principle, understanding it like universal. Therefore, the level of repression would have a specific socio-economic class: surplus value for a minority and more repression for the great mass. A less repressive Reality Principle might provide a fair progress of the humanity. It's in the list of discussion the possibility of the work in social and psychological conditions that allow the reduction of worker's malaise in the civilization's breast.
This article has as a purpose to make a theoretical reflection on the experience of helplessness in the recent days. It starts from the Freud’s concept of helplessness, and compares it with analyses and reflections from contemporary authors on models of subjectivation which have risen at the present time. In the first experiences of life helplessness comes out as a result of an incompleteness of the organism, its need to perform exchanges with the world, and the extreme dependency on help from others. On the one hand, the contemporary culture highlights the individualism, which indicates good possibilities for granting desires. On the other hand, it makes bonds and relationships ephemeral and fragile. At the absence of a solid, safe and stable continent for affective and emotional experiences a feeling of helplessness appears. It activates primary defense mechanisms, contributing to the intensification of regressive forms of subjectivation and the decline of the symbolic sphere.
This paper is the result of a homonymous scientific research, funded by CNPq-PIBIC where we understand the adoption process as a process of dissidence in relation to the bio-parental matrix. Founded on a heteronormative naturalization of human sexuality - which presupposes a continuum and naturalized organization among sex / gender / desire – this bioparental matrix sets the binary relation of distinction between the legitimate/illegitimate child as their origin or not arising from “blood ties”. Considering our experience in the Project developed at the Department of Clinical Psychology at UNESP, Assis, SP called “Ties of love: Adoption, Gender, Citizenship and Rights”, we prepared a content analysis - as proposed by Bardin (1977) -, of transcripts of psychological sessions that were made from 2005 to 2012 in the "Center for Research and Applied Psychology “Dra. Betti Katzenstein. Our general objective was to analyze the effects of the bioparental matrix and its impact on children/adolescents and their families as well as estimate the possibilities of escape to the subjection to this bioparental matrix. The results showed us several aspects that may be significant for understanding the discursive crossings related to the practice of adoption. It was observed that there is still a great ambivalence pervading this theme, revealing that there is a discrepancy between what we say and what we do in relation to practices of caring among the adopted children. On the one hand, it was noticed that relatives rationally seek to enhance the bonding of the “emotional ties”, but their practices and beliefs, are still supported in modes of subjectivation that prioritize the biological discourse. This fact reveals a strained and conflictive field that probably weaknesses those families seeking to prioritize the ties of affection. However, as can be seen in this study, it is comforting and motivating to realize the power of resistance of individuals to absolute truths that govern their ways of feeling, affiliating and/ or exert their parenting.
This research aimed at identifying the existence of the feeling of shame in “trecheiros” (nomads) in the contemporary world and which meanings were built in those people’s lives. Such comprehension was developed based on the questioning regarding the subject, its history, and its relation with the group and with society. The survey was based on the psychosociological approach and the material was built with reports from eight “trecheiros” who use the services of the C.A.M. (Migrants’ Assistance Center) of Assis, in the State of São Paulo. The data were gathered by means of semidirected interviews, with varied lengths of time. The survey enabled the comprehension of the meanings built by the “trecheiros” from the three aspects which identify this contemporary: the registrations of the body, of the action, and of the feeling. Finally, the feeling of shame was found related to these three aspects, marking the relation of uneasiness between shame and contemporary.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Inside my participation in the Teacher Education for the Educational Service of Students with Learning Disabilities extension project, which serves elementary school students which are presented by the school as students with learning desabilities in reading and writing, and in view of the large amount of material already published in relation of this issue it is necessary theoretical depth to better understand these entitled desabilities. Considering as how they are perceived and diagnosed by the school team, worked in the context of the classroom, understood by the parents and how these difficulties intefere in the lives of these students. It is known that due to these difficulties many students end up producing a feeling of school failure, a fact that leads, in many cases, to the dropout of these students. Given the need to discuss such pressing issues I present as the goal of this paper: characterize what learning to write and reading difficulties really are and speculate what are the possibilities of educational interventions within the school context to motivate and assist in overcoming the students‟ learning difficulties. Using resources such as a record notebook, activities already implemented, and leaning on the concept of school failure and learning difficulties, the metodology of this study is defined as documentary literature
The gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one of the main causes of dental erosion. The aim of this case presented is to describe the prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient with GERD after 4 years of followup. A 33-year-old male patient complained about tooth sensitivity. The lingual surface of the maxillary anterior teeth and the cusps of the upper and lower posterior teeth presented wear. It was suspected that the feeling of heartburn reported by the patient associated with the intake of sports supplements (isotonics) was causing gastroesophageal changes. The patient was referred to a gastroenterologist and was diagnosed with GERD. Dental treatment was performed with metal-free crowns and porcelain veneers after medical treatment of the disease. With the change in eating habits, the treatment of GERD and lithium disilicate ceramics provided excellent cosmetic results after 4 years and the patient reported satisfaction with the treatment.
Individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) seem to present asymmetric postural control, and the commitment to postural control that is a big factor of falls in this population. However, the asymmetry in the postural control of fallers and non fallers with PD and neurologically healthy elderly is not too much studied. The objective of the study is to analyze the asymmetry in postural control in different static positions of elderly patients with PD and healthy elderly fallers and non fallers. The study included 70 older adults with PD and 70 neurologically healthy (CG). The groups were matched for age, gender, height, weight and cognitive condition. It was evaluated the clinical, cognitive status and incidence of falls among its participants through weekly prospective follow-up of 4 months. Then, for each group, CG and PD, it was selected 12 elderly fallers and 12 elderly non fallers to evaluate postural control. Participants were evaluated through two force platforms in conditions of bipedal support, unipedal and tandem position. It was realized 3 attempts of 30s for each condition. For unipedal and tandem condition it was made 3 attempts for each lower limb. The parameters of interest of the center of pressure (CoP), were analyzed for each condition and compared by MANOVAs with factor group, fall and asymmetry. Post hoc Tukey tests were used to determine the relationships between them. The results show that CG individuals showed greater velocity and CoP area in relation to PD. It was verified that at the control group that non fallers individuals (CGN) had more displacement and RMS in the average lateral direction in the dominant limb when compared to the less affected limb of non fallers with PD (PDN). Faller individuals in the control group (CGF) had larger area in the non dominant limb when compared to the most affected leg of fallers individuals with PD (PDF). Still, the PDF individuals had higher RMS in anteroposterior feeling....
In this course conclusion work intends to initially trace a brief history of childhood, watching as their design has been changing over time until you get to today, then it will be contextualized childhood and his relationship with the image, ie as this is narrated from images and phrases linked to them shared daily on a social network of communication accessed around the world, Facebook. Seek to identify the way that these images have in childhood now, in view of the existence of a Aesthetics domination over people, in the philosophical sense of the word means that which affects the senses, so the images can be produced Aesthetic emotions: ways of being, acting and feeling. For this will be a collection of materials on this web site, and to give theoretical support to work a literature will also be held, using for the basement of research, the theories of thinkers Walter Benjamin, Foucault, Philippe Aries, René Schérer