759 resultados para SECRET


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Hardly a day goes by without the release of a handful of news stories about autonomous vehicles (or AVs for short). The proverbial “tipping point” of awareness has been reached in the public consciousness as AV technology is quickly becoming the new focus of firms from Silicon Valley to Detroit and beyond. Automation has, and will continue to have far-reaching implications for many human activities, but for driving, the technology is here. Google has been in talks with automaker Ford (1), Elon Musk has declared that Tesla will have the appropriate technology in two years (2), GM is paired-up with Lyft (3), Uber is in development-mode (4), Microsoft and Volvo have announced a partnership (5), Apple has been piloting its top-secret project “Titan” (6), Toyota is working on its own technology (7), as is BMW (8). Audi (9) made a splash by sending a driverless A7 concept car 550 miles from San Francisco to Las Vegas just in time to roll-into the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show. Clearly, the race is on.


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L’infidélité fait partie des problématiques conjugales à la fois les plus prévalentes et les plus souffrantes sur le plan psychologique. La notion de secret, qui lui est centrale, s’avère pourtant un aspect très peu étudié. Ce mémoire doctoral compare les caractéristiques psychologiques et conjugales des individus gardant secrète leur infidélité (n = 81) à celles des individus l’ayant révélée (n = 48) et ceux ne déclarant pas de conduites infidèles dans leur relation de couple actuelle (n = 459). Six questionnaires complétés en ligne sont utilisés, ceux-ci mesurant les caractéristiques sociodémographiques, les relations extraconjugales, les motivations à l’infidélité, la satisfaction conjugale, les traits de personnalité du Big-Five et le style d’attachement. Les résultats démontrent que le fait d’être âgé de plus de 35 ans, de posséder un style d’attachement non-sécurisant, d’avoir des conduites infidèles motivées par des raisons sexuelles, de ne pas comprendre les raisons de son infidélité et d’envisager poursuivre la relation extraconjugale seraient des prédicteurs d’une infidélité gardée secrète. Ces constats permettent d’avancer l’idée que de garder son infidélité secrète pourrait avoir deux buts principaux : éviter les conséquences psychologiques et conjugales pouvant découler du dévoilement de son infidélité et faire perdurer la relation extraconjugale afin de permettre que la satisfaction des besoins non comblés dans le couple se poursuive.


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The secretaries of the secret were an essential element of the Holy Office’s district courts. They were in charge of record-ing and writing all of the official documents of these tribunals, but also of keeping the archive in order. And not only of these, so they were not the simple bureaucrats that the traditional historians wrote about. In fact, their long working hours turned a unique and much defined office into a complex taxonomy of professionals who shared the secretaries of the secret’s concerns but not their privileges. This paper aims to go in depth into these profession-als’ current life. They were not officials, but they take care of some important duties even if they were not getting paid for it.


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Bakgrund: Humant immunbristvirus, HIV, är ett virus som angriper kroppens immunsystem. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS, utvecklas från HIV efter lång tid utan behandling. I samhället råder det okunskap och rädsla kring sjukdomen vilket skapar stigmatisering och diskriminering som dagligen påverkar de som lever med HIV/AIDS. Attityden mot HIV-smittade personer är hos många negativ. Det finns sjuksköterskor som inte vill behandla HIV-smittade på grund av rädsla och okunskap. Att få diagnosen är livsomställande och att handskas med det är inte lätt. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva hur det är att leva med HIV/AIDS i Norden. Metod: Litteraturöversikten baserades på sex kvantitativa och sju kvalitativa artiklar för att få en fördjupad kunskap och en överblick över kunskapsläget för hur det är att leva med HIV/AIDS i Norden. Resultat: I resultatet framkommer det tre kategorier som tillsammans ger en överblick om hur det är att leva med HIV/AIDS. Dessa kategorier är; anpassning till ett nytt liv, hålla hemligt eller komma ut och begränsad sexualitet. Stigmatisering påverkade personernas syn på sig själva och deras beslut kring avslöjandet av sjukdomen. Slutsats: Personer som lever med HIV bemöts ofta med okunskap, fördomar och avståndstagande, därför är bemötandet avgörande. Litteraturöversikten bidrar med information och kunskap som senare kan användas av vårdpersonal för att få en djupare förståelse för personer som lever med HIV. Sjuksköterskan bör ha kunskap om HIV/AIDS för att på bästa sätt kunna ge god omvårdnad, då okunnighet och fördomar i samhället ansågs vara värre än själva sjukdomen.Nyckelord:


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This thesis focuses on the private membership test (PMT) problem and presents three single server protocols to resolve this problem. In the presented solutions, a client can perform an inclusion test for some record x in a server's database, without revealing his record. Moreover after executing the protocols, the contents of server's database remain secret. In each of these solutions, a different cryptographic protocol is utilized to construct a privacy preserving variant of Bloom filter. The three suggested solutions are slightly different from each other, from privacy perspective and also from complexity point of view. Therefore, their use cases are different and it is impossible to choose one that is clearly the best between all three. We present the software developments of the three protocols by utilizing various pseudocodes. The performance of our implementation is measured based on a real case scenario. This thesis is a spin-off from the Academy of Finland research project "Cloud Security Services".


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Acompanha: Da crueldade à duplicidade da alma humana: sequência expandida a partir de clássicos do terror


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Depuis l'année 1960, jusqu'au début des années '90, une institution financière, dite coopérative, s'est imposée sur le marché au Québec, accumulant durant cette période près de un milliard et demi de dollars (1 500 000 000,00 $) d'actifs. Presque jusqu'à sa "mort" coopérative, elle a connu des taux de croissance atteignant soixante pourcent (60%) par année. Beaucoup de personnes ont perdu des sommes importantes dans cette galère. L'image des coopératives en a pris pour son rhume et n'eût été du Mouvement Desjardins, nous doutons fort que la coopération aujourd'hui encore bénéficierait des mêmes appuis! Cette institution financière se nomme : le mouvement des caisses d'entraide économique. Pour éviter une situation semblable dans l'avenir, nous croyons pertinent de faire un retour dans le passé et d'analyser les comportements que ces caisses privilégiaient. À la lecture de ce travail, certains seront surpris de connaître les méthodes utilisées par elles et, à notre avis, le peu de dimension coopérative qu'on apportait avec les membres. Leur "faillite technique" en '81 a obligé le Gouvernement du Québec à réagir en conséquence. C'est alors que fut créé au Ministère des Institutions Financières un service d'inspection opérant avec des règles et des suivis relativement élaborés. On se rappelle qu'à cette époque aussi plusieurs banques à charte canadiennes ont connu des problèmes financiers majeurs, nécessitant l'intervention de l'État fédéral. Il a donc fallu des situations critiques avant qu'on apporte les correctifs requis, et cela même si le gouvernement de l'époque savait par un rapport secret depuis 1978, l'existence d'un problème potentiel! En 1979, alors que nous étions à l'emploi du Mouvement Desjardins, nous nous sommes intéressés à leurs techniques de ventes et à leur fonctionnement parce que certains dirigeants, gestionnaires et recruteurs des Caisses d'Entraide Économique laissaient courir le bruit que leur réseau était regroupé avec le Mouvement Desjardins, et aussi parce que leur agressivité causait des saignées de fonds très importantes dans les caisses populaires. On profitait ainsi de la grande crédibilité et confiance accordées à Desjardins pour accroître les ventes de leurs plans d'épargne. En collaboration avec certaines fédérations, nous avons compilé plusieurs informations pour fins d'analyse et de compréhension de leur système. Peu de temps après le début de ce travail, des problèmes majeurs au niveau de la liquidité, de la sécurité des fonds et de privilèges accordés à certains de leurs membres ont été soulevés au réseau TVA. Dès lors, étant donné la précarité de leur système financier, les membres n'avaient plus accès à leurs épargnes. La confiance en cette institution financière fut détruite presque sur le coup. […]


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Transmitting sensitive data over non-secret channels has always required encryption technologies to ensure that the data arrives without exposure to eavesdroppers. The Internet has made it possible to transmit vast volumes of data more rapidly and cheaply and to a wider audience than ever before. At the same time, strong encryption makes it possible to send data securely, to digitally sign it, to prove it was sent or received, and to guarantee its integrity. The Internet and encryption make bulk transmission of data a commercially viable proposition. However, there are implementation challenges to solve before commercial bulk transmission becomes mainstream. Powerful have a performance cost, and may affect quality of service. Without encryption, intercepted data may be illicitly duplicated and re-sold, or its commercial value diminished because its secrecy is lost. Performance degradation and potential for commercial loss discourage the bulk transmission of data over the Internet in any commercial application. This paper outlines technical solutions to these problems. We develop new technologies and combine existing ones in new and powerful ways to minimise commercial loss without compromising performance or inflating overheads.


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Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej


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International audience


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Participation Space Studies explore eParticipation in the day-to-day activities of local, citizen-led groups, working to improve their communities. The focus is the relationship between activities and contexts. The concept of a participation space is introduced in order to reify online and offline contexts where people participate in democracy. Participation spaces include websites, blogs, email, social media presences, paper media, and physical spaces. They are understood as sociotechnical systems: assemblages of heterogeneous elements, with relevant histories and trajectories of development and use. This approach enables the parallel study of diverse spaces, on and offline. Participation spaces are investigated within three case studies, centred on interviews and participant observation. Each case concerns a community or activist group, in Scotland. The participation spaces are then modelled using a Socio-Technical Interaction Network (STIN) framework (Kling, McKim and King, 2003). The participation space concept effectively supports the parallel investigation of the diverse social and technical contexts of grassroots democracy and the relationship between the case-study groups and the technologies they use to support their work. Participants’ democratic participation is supported by online technologies, especially email, and they create online communities and networks around their goals. The studies illustrate the mutual shaping relationship between technology and democracy. Participants’ choice of technologies can be understood in spatial terms: boundaries, inhabitants, access, ownership, and cost. Participation spaces and infrastructures are used together and shared with other groups. Non-public online spaces, such as Facebook groups, are vital contexts for eParticipation; further, the majority of participants’ work is non-public, on and offline. It is informational, potentially invisible, work that supports public outputs. The groups involve people and influence events through emotional and symbolic impact, as well as rational argument. Images are powerful vehicles for this and digital images become an increasingly evident and important feature of participation spaces throughout the consecutively conducted case studies. Collaboration of diverse people via social media indicates that these spaces could be understood as boundary objects (Star and Griesemer, 1989). The Participation Space Studies draw from and contribute to eParticipation, social informatics, mediation, social shaping studies, and ethnographic studies of Internet use.


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The communication in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) is commonly divided in two scenarios, namely vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I). Aiming at establishing secure communication against eavesdroppers, recent works have proposed the exchange of secret keys based on the variation in received signal strength (RSS). However, the performance of such scheme depends on the channel variation rate, being more appropriate for scenarios where the channel varies rapidly, as is usually the case with V2V communication. In the communication V2I, the channel commonly undergoes slow fading. In this work we propose the use of multiple antennas in order to artificially generate a fast fading channel so that the extraction of secret keys out of the RSS becomes feasible in a V2I scenario. Numerical analysis shows that the proposed model can outperform, in terms of secret bit extraction rate, a frequency hopping-based method proposed in the literature.


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It is no secret that computer services came to revolutionize the world. More than a service, have since become an indispensable tool for humanity, because they simplify and make life easier in many of his orders, through its various support options. These advances are added Internet services, so that by the mid 1980's assessed the need for such a research tool in order to apply it in various fields of human knowledge.This research, based on the use and quality of documentary information from the Internet, with application to the students of the Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, if the Library Board Laboratory Joaquin Garcia Monge, develops in the form of theses.


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Secret communication over public channels is one of the central pillars of a modern information society. Using quantum key distribution this is achieved without relying on the hardness of mathematical problems, which might be compromised by improved algorithms or by future quantum computers. State-of-the-art quantum key distribution requires composable security against coherent attacks for a finite number of distributed quantum states as well as robustness against implementation side channels. Here we present an implementation of continuous-variable quantum key distribution satisfying these requirements. Our implementation is based on the distribution of continuous-variable Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen entangled light. It is one-sided device independent, which means the security of the generated key is independent of any memoryfree attacks on the remote detector. Since continuous-variable encoding is compatible with conventional optical communication technology, our work is a step towards practical implementations of quantum key distribution with state-of-the-art security based solely on telecom components.


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We have long been critics of the creative work of philosophers and culture at the tender touch of his words, written or verbal, are both with the "hammer" that whoever owns the Ethics in writer-reader relationship is the first, called "comprehensive architect of the word" but inveterate dominant ideals of multiple anonymous.With this statement suggests that the second of this connection is nothing but a later, perhaps a "so and so" incognito benefits from its "home on earth", and who succeeds, after a long journey "cognitive "the privilege of reading. This old argument raised from ancient tradition, makes the reader a living subject-receptor but without providing the bulk of responsibility quantitative space offered by the marketing and consumption.Distrust of the concepts that attempt to establish a definition coldly detached from a bandage dressing, and the reader has not been imposed by the consumer society. In the sixteenth century came the paperback version, the books of Erasmus of Rotterdam were bestsellers in their time. The Praise of Folly and the political writings of Marthin Luther read at a time when the religious world was incorruptible, were read more than the Bible. Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis in the 1300's, that is, before you discover Gutenberg printing circulated throughout Europe in the Latin language, and even in the inscrutable rock monasteries under his cassock, in the secret place of the monk carrying the book. Accepting that the reader is a result of the market, is to bring the book to reified object category and inapreciar history book.