878 resultados para Professores universitários - Uberlândia (MG)
Os efeitos da mundialização do capital e as implicações do neoliberalismo reconfiguraram os mercados e geraram alterações no comportamento dos indivíduos. Esses novos cenários de produção do social alteram as definições dos papéis dos atores tradicionais e conduzem-nos ao questionamento do sentido das suas ações. Assim, interessa-nos, particularmente, analisar a corresponsabilidade das empresas no desenvolvimento social e humano e no processo de transformação social. Essa reflexão obriga-nos a tecer considerações sobre a definição do estatuto económico das empresas e as suas finalidades éticas, ou a articulação entre, por um lado, os constrangimentos de gestão que pesam sobre as empresas a curto prazo e o plano singular e, por outro lado, as suas funções económicas a médio e a longo prazo e o plano do conjunto da sociedade. Esta discussão tem sido feita dentro dos esforços de teorização sobre a “responsabilidade social das empresas” (RSE). O presente estudo busca contribuir para uma discussão sobre o significado desta responsabilidade. Para tal, fizemos um inventário das dimensões associadas na literatura às práticas de RSE a partir das quais construímos uma tipologia das diferentes modalidades de responsabilidade que podem ser invocadas. Procurámos perceber como, e em que medida, as dimensões em que são promovidas como marcas da responsabilidade social das empresas se encontram distribuídas em tecidos económicos comuns, ou seja, tecidos económicos significativos de um ponto de vista intencional ou compreensivo e representativos, ao mesmo tempo, no plano extensivo, de práticas responsáveis nos planos da equidade e da justiça social. Esta orientação justifica-se pelo facto de, para além do conhecimento de práticas emblemáticas, o nosso estudo visa a compreensão de contextos socioeconómicos marcados por grandes disparidades na distribuição dos indicadores de equidade económica e de justiça social e onde, portanto, práticas empresariais responsáveis poderiam ter um significado e um efeito importantes na perspetiva da transformação das situações. Na realização da pesquisa empírica, optámos pela região Norte de Minas Gerais, no Brasil. Optámos, ainda, pelo setor do téxtil, tendo em conta: a sua importância para a região; a sua interdependência entre níveis de responsabilidade diferentes; a grande abrangência das atividades económicas envolvidas; a distribuição da atividade por empresas de diferentes dimensões e escalas e o número importante de trabalhadores abrangidos. Esta escolha do setor e do território possibilitou a consideração de diferentes vetores de análise: os modos de produção; as dimensões de empresas; os níveis de implicação no processo de globalização; os modos de inserção na economia; os setores implicados na cadeia produtiva; os tipos de trabalho – responsável e irresponsável. Neste estudo, procura-se identificar as práticas responsáveis, de acordo com a tipologia que construímos, com intuito de elencar quais têm sido as boas (ou más) práticas das empresas no Norte de Minas na perspetiva da RSE. Isto significa que, em oposição às modalidades de prática que se ajustam à definição de RSE, se perfilam outras que não obedecem aos critérios da certificação, existindo ainda muitas que poderemos considerar de irresponsabilidade, à luz dos valores éticos e de justiça social promovidos pelo label RSE.
O presente estudo tem como finalidade compreender de que modo o uso do Facebook está relacionado com o comportamento alimentar e bem-estar psicológico dos estudantes universitários do Ensino Superior Público de Lisboa. Estudos recentes remetem para o impacto do uso do Facebook no comportamento dos seus usuários, e em especial, para o impacto do uso Facebook no comportamento alimentar dos usuários devido ao aumento temporário da auto-estima resultante da interacção com os amigos do Facebook. Com o aumento do uso do FacebooK entre os jovens e com a evidência de que a alimentação adoptada pelos estudantes universitários apresenta um desvio significativo ao aconselhado pela Direcção Geral de Saúde torna-se fundamental compreender de que modo o uso do Facebook contribui para as escolhas alimentares e bem-estar psicológico dos estudantes universitários. Foi desenvolvida uma metodologia exploratória seguida de uma metodologia de pesquisa conclusiva para dar resposta ao problema proposto. Os resultados indicam que os estudantes realizam uma alimentação deficitária. Os resultados indicam também que a maioria dos estudantes reporta o uso diário do Facebook durante mais de 60 minutos. Para além disto, verificou-se que os usuários que fizeram like em páginas de marcas alimentares apresentam uma maior probabilidade de consumir os produtos da marca com like pelo menos uma vez por semana. Em relação ao bem-estar psicológico verificou-se que o uso do Facebook de pelo menos 4 vezes por semana está associado a um maior bem-estar subjectivo reportado pelos alunos participantes no estudo. Relativamente à auto-estima não foram encontradas diferenças significativas em função da frequência de uso do Facebook, no entanto os resultados seguem a mesma tendência que o bem estar-subjectivo, o que nos permite concluir que uma maior frequência de uso do Facebook tem impacto no bem-estar psicológico dos estudantes.
In this work parameters of Mg-doped GaN samples were studied using positron annihilation spectroscopy and analyzed. It is shown that gallium vacancies exist in an unintentionally doped sample. Next, the sample with higher concentration of Mg and low growth temperature contains vacancy clusters. In case of low concentration of Mg the growth temperature does not affect the formation of defects. Analog electronics can be replaced by a modern digital device. While promising a high quantity of benefits, the performance of these digitizers requires thorough adjustment. A 14-bit two channel digitizer has been tested in order to achieve better performance than the one of a traditional analog setup, and the adjustment process is described. It has been shown that the digital device is unable to achieve better energy resolution, but it is quite close to the corresponding attribute of the available analog system, which had been used for measurements in Mg-doped GaN.
The reflectance of thin films of magnesium doped SrRu03(Mg-SR0) produced by pulsed laser deposition on SrTiOa (100) substrates has been measured at room temperature between 100 and 7500 cm~^. The films were chosen to have wide range of thickness, stoichiometry and electrical properties. As the films were very thin (less than 300 nm), and some were insulating the reflectance data shows structures due to both the film and the substrate. Hence, the data was analyzed using Kramers-Kronig constrained variational fitting (VDF) method to extract the real optical conductivity of the Mg-SRO films. Although the VDF technique is flexible enough to fit all features of the reflectance spectra, it seems that VDF could not eliminate the substrate's contribution from fllm conductivity results. Also the comparison of the two different programs implementing VDF fltting shows that this technique has a uniqueness problem. The optical properties are discussed in light of the measured structural and transport properties of the fllms which vary with preparation conditions and can be correlated with differences in stoichiometry. This investigation was aimed at checking the VDF technique and also getting answer to the question whether Mg^"*" substitutes in to Ru or Sr site. Analysis of our data suggests that Mg^+ goes to Ru site.
Teis ( Maestro en Ciencias de Ingeniería Mecánica con Especialidad en materiales) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias con Orientación en Ingeniería Ambiental) UANL, 2012.
Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con orientación en Farmacología y Toxicología) UANL, 2014.
The effect of dopants with different valencies and ionic radii on the densification, structural ordering, and microwave dielectric properties of Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3 (BMT) is investigated. It is found that dopants such as Sb2O5, MnO, ZrO2, WO3, and ZnO improve the microwave dielectric properties of BMT. Addition of trivalent dopants is detrimental to the cation ordering and dielectric properties of BMT. A correlation between the microwave dielectric properties of BMT and ionic radii of the dopant has been established. The variation of the dielectric properties of pure and doped BMT at cryogenic temperatures is also discussed.
The effect of glass additives on the densification , phase evolution, microstructure and microwave dielectric properties of Ba(Mg1;3 Ta2i3)03 (BMT) was investigated . Different weight percentages of quenched glass such as B203 , Si02, B203-SiO2, ZnO-B203, 5ZnO-2B2O3, Al203-SiO2, Na20-2B203.10H20, BaO-B203-SiO2, MgO-B203-SiO2, PbO-B203-SiO2 , ZnO-B203-SiO2 and 2MgO-Al203-5SiO2 were added to calcined BMT precursor . The sintering temperature of the glass -added BMT samples were lowered down to 1300 °C compared to solid-state sintering where the temperature was 1650 °C. The formation of high temperature satellite phases such as Ba5Ta4O15 and Ba7Ta6O22 were found to be suppressed by the glass addition . Addition of glass systems such as B203, ZnO-B203, 5ZnO-2B203 and ZnO-B203-SiO2 improved the densification and microwave dielectric properties. Other glasses were found to react with BMT to form low-Q phases which prevented densification . The microwave dielectric properties of undoped BMT with a densification of 93 . 1 % of the theoretical density were Cr = 24 . 8, Tr = 8 ppm/°C and Q„ x f= 80,000 GHz. The BMT doped with 1.0 wt% of B203 has Q„ x f = 124,700GHz, Cr = 24.2, and T f = -1.3 ppm /°C. The unloaded Q factor of 0.2 wt% ZnO-B203-doped BMT was 136,500 GHz while that of 1.0 wt% of 5ZnO-2B203 added ceramic was Q„ x f= 141,800 GHz . The best microwave quality factor was observed for ZnO -B203-SiO2 (ZBS) glass-added ceramics which can act as a perfect liquid-phase medium for the sintering of BMT. The microwave dielectric properties of 0.2wt% ZBS-added BMT dielectric was Q„ x f= 152,800 GHz, F,= 25.5, and Tr = - 1.5 ppm/°C
MAGNESIUM ALLOYS have strong potential for weight reduction in a wide range of technical applications because of their low density compared to other structural metallic materials. Therefore, an extensive growth of magnesium alloys usage in the automobile sector is expected in the coming years to enhance the fuel efficiency through mass reduction. The drawback associated with the use of commercially cheaper Mg-Al based alloys, such as AZ91, AM60 and AM50 are their inferior creep properties above 100ºC due to the presence of discontinuous Mg17A112 phases at the grain boundaries. Although rare earth-based magnesium alloys show better mechanical properties, it is not economically viable to use these alloys in auto industries. Recently, many new Mg-Al based alloy systems have been developed for high temperature applications, which do not contain the Mg17Al12 phase. It has been proved that the addition of a high percentage of zinc (which depends upon the percentage of Al) to binary Mg-Al alloys also ensures the complete removal of the Mg17Al12 phase and hence exhibits superior high temperature properties.ZA84 alloy is one such system, which has 8%Zn in it (Mg-8Zn-4Al-0.2Mn, all are in wt %) and shows superior creep resistance compared to AZ and AM series alloys. These alloys are mostly used in die casting industries. However, there are certain large and heavy components, made up of this alloy by sand castings that show lower mechanical properties because of their coarse microstructure. Moreover, further improvement in their high temperature behaviour through microstructural modification is also an essential task to make this alloy suitable for the replacement of high strength aluminium alloys used in automobile industry. Grain refinement is an effective way to improve the tensile behaviour of engineering alloys. In fact, grain refinement of Mg-Al based alloys is well documented in literature. However, there is no grain refiner commercially available in the market for Mg-Al alloys. It is also reported in the literature that the microstructure of AZ91 alloy is modified through the minor elemental additions such as Sb, Si, Sr, Ca, etc., which enhance its high temperature properties because of the formation of new stable intermetallics. The same strategy can be used with the ZA84 alloy system to improve its high temperature properties further without sacrificing the other properties. The primary objective of the present research work, “Studies on grain refinement and alloying additions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-8Zn-4Al alloy” is twofold: 1. To investigate the role of individual and combined additions of Sb and Ca on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ZA84 alloy. 2. To synthesis a novel Mg-1wt%Al4C3 master alloy for grain refinement of ZA84 alloy and investigate its effects on mechanical properties.
Demand on magnesium and its alloys is increased significantly in the automotive industry because of their great potential in reducing the weight of components, thus resulting in improvement in fuel efficiency of the vehicle. To date, most of Mg products have been fabricated by casting, especially, by die-casting because of its high productivity, suitable strength, acceptable quality & dimensional accuracy and the components produced through sand, gravity and low pressure die casting are small extent. In fact, higher solidification rate is possible only in high pressure die casting, which results in finer grain size. However, achieving high cooling rate in gravity casting using sand and permanent moulds is a difficult task, which ends with a coarser grain nature and exhibit poor mechanical properties, which is an important aspect of the performance in industrial applications. Grain refinement is technologically attractive because it generally does not adversely affect ductility and toughness, contrary to most other strengthening methods. Therefore formation of fine grain structure in these castings is crucial, in order to improve the mechanical properties of these cast components. Therefore, the present investigation is “GRAIN REFINEMENT STUDIES ON Mg AND Mg-Al BASED ALLOYS”. The primary objective of this present investigation is to study the effect of various grain refining inoculants (Al-4B, Al- 5TiB2 master alloys, Al4C3, Charcoal particles) on Pure Mg and Mg-Al alloys such as AZ31, AZ91 and study their grain refining mechanisms. The second objective of this work is to study the effect of superheating process on the grain size of AZ31, AZ91 Mg alloys with and without inoculants addition. In addition, to study the effect of grain refinement on the mechanical properties of Mg and Mg-Al alloys. The thesis is well organized with seven chapters and the details of the studies are given below in detail.
Tin oxide(SnO2) andMgdoped(2,4,6,and8wt%)SnO2 nanoparticles weresynthesizedbytheself- propagating solutioncombustionsynthesisusingcitricacidasfuel.Thecharacterizationofsampleswas done byX-raydiffractionspectroscopy(XRD),transmissionelectronmicroscopy(TEM),UV–visible spectroscopy,SAEDandphotoluminescence(PL).XRDpatternandTEMstudiesshowthatthe synthesized particlesareofaveragesize30nmandtheyareintetragonalrutilestructureofSnO2. Combined blueandgreenemissionisseenin4wt%MgdopedSnO2 and intensityofbluebandis increased withrespecttoincreaseinMgdopantconcentrationwhichisattributedtoincreasein population ofoxygenvacancies.ThePLemissioninblueandgreenregionisduetothedoublycharged state (Vo 2þ) ofoxygenandtininterstitialdefectsrespectivelyandisexplainedwithanenergyband diagram
Relativistic Auger rates for the 2p spectra of Mg-like ions have been calculated in the atomic range 13 < Z < 36. We used the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method but beyond a simple frozen-orbital approach we include also relaxation for the bound electrons and the interchannel interaction between the continuum states. Both effects may alter the individual transition rates remarkably. This is analysed for a few selected states within the isoelectronic sequence. Weak transitions within the 2p spectra can be changed by an order of magnitude because of the continuum coupling. The influence of both effects for higher-Z ions is reduced but still remain visible.