999 resultados para Previdência social - Financiamento - Brasil
The formulation of public policies, particularly those relating to social housing – SH -, follow a dialectical process of construction, which are involved in the figures of the State and tha Market.The combination of the State and Market remains in constant tension and struggle for power, which provides beyond products (policies, programs and projects), periods of crises and disruptions that can give rise to new institutional arrangements. It is possible to verify a change in the relationship between the State and the Market in the formulation of public policies of SH financing, justified by the context of the Brazilian economy growth, especially after 2003, year that began the first Lula Federal Government , and through the international financial crisis (in 2008). Thus, the State and the Real Estate Market has been undergoing a process of redefinition of their interrelations, articulating new arrangements, new scales of action and new logics of financial valorization of urban space. This peculiarity demanded the rapid thinning of speech and the proposals in the reformulation of housing policies, with the primary result within the pre-existing Growth Acceleration Program – PAC -, the release of My House , My Life – PMCMV -, established by Law 1.977 of the year 2009. Given the above, this research has as study object the relationship between financing public policies of SH, promoted by the State, and behavior of Formal Housing Market. It is believed that the established roles for each agent in the new housing finance model introduced with the PMCMV, have been adapted according to the needs of each location to make this a workable policy. It remains to identify the nature of these adaptations, in other words, what has changed in the performance of each agent involved in this process. Knowing that private capital remains where there is more chance of profit, we tend to believe that most of the adjustments were made on scale of State action. The recommendation of easing urban legislation taken by PMCMV points to how the State has been making these changes in activity to implement the production of social housing by this program. We conclude that in the change for PMCMV, the direct relationship for construction and housing projects financing began to be made between the Caixa Econômica Federal bank and the builders. The city was liberated from the direct interlocutor role between all actors involved in the production of SH and could concentrate on negotiating with the parties, focused on the effectiveness of SH public policies proposed by PMCMV. This ability and willingness for dialogue and negotiation of municipal government (represented by their managers), undoubtedly, represents a key factor for rapprochement between State and Real Estate Market in the City of Parnamirim.
Objective: Identify preventive self-care practices and analyze the configurations of the network support for women with and without breast cancer registered in a mammography-monitoring project from Porto Alegre/Brazil.Method: a mixed sequential delimitation was performed, which expanded the results of the quantitative step (cross and correlation section) in a qualitative step (narrative interviews). 37 women diagnosed with breast cancer (group 1) and 72 without this diagnosis (group 2 – monitoring) participated. The following instruments were used: Assessment Questionnaire Self-care Ability (ASA-A) and Assessment Questionnaire Perceived Social Support and Community. There were performed descriptive analysis and comparison of means (t test and ANOVA) between the two groups. To deepen the understanding of the data, we selected four women with breast cancer with extreme levels on the scale of Social Support to participate in the biographical narrative interviews.Results: the analysis indicate that women who had breast cancer have better self-care practices than the women from the monitoring project (t = 1.791, P = 0.027). As for the analysis of social support, there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups. All participants have an average level of perceived social and community support. It was highlighted by the qualitative data that it was after the diagnosis of breast cancer that women lived self-care aspects they had not previously experienced.Conclusions: the self-care was significantly bigger in the group of women with breast cancer, where the cancer diagnosis was a trigger to increase self-care.
Este artigo discute os arranjos produtivos locais em atividades relacionadas ao setor de produção agrícola como uma estratégia de desenvolvimento econômico local e de inclusão social. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, baseada na aplicação de três trabalhos documentais desenvolvidos no Programa de Mestrado da Universidade de Taubaté, SP. Os resultados indicaram que a aplicação do conceito de arranjo produtivo no setor primário é uma prática em exercício na região estudada, e pode proporcionar desenvolvimento naquela localidade, inserindo o pequeno e médio produtor no círculo virtuoso do desenvolvimento regional. O estudo indica a necessidade de ampliar o acesso às fontes de financiamento e de formação de mão de- obra qualificada. É também necessário, em parceria com o poder público, criar mecanismos de redução da distância entre o produtor rural e o mercado consumidor, reduzindo os conflitos típicos da visão centro-periferia.
O objetivo deste artigo é investigar o sistema federal de financiamento à inovação no Brasil, focalizando os mecanismos de apoio financeiro às empresas oferecidos pelas principais agências federais de fomento. Indaga-se se a aplicação de recursos feita pela FINEP e pelo BNDES, como principais agências, e também pelo SEBRAE, tem sido adequada para estimular a atividade de inovação nas empresas brasileiras. Verifica-se que o sistema federal de financiamento à inovação evoluiu favoravelmente nos últimos dez anos, com o aumento da oferta de recursos, com o surgimento de novos programas e mecanismos de apoio financeiro. Não obstante, ainda há fragilidades relevantes, como a instabilidade no padrão de financiamento, a pulverização e dispersão no uso de recursos, a falta de autonomia das agências, a dificuldade das empresas de pequenos e médio porte acessarem os recursos.
El artículo tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis del tema gobierno corporativo a partir de la tendencia seguida en los últimos años, por la gerencia de las empresas, a no sólo discutir y presentar el análisis de variables financieras, económicas o de mercadeo en sus informes financieros, sino que también comienza a tener peso, en estos informes el análisis y discusión de variables de carácter social, como por ejemplo aquellas relacionadas con el medio ambiente, los recursos humanos, y todas las acciones orientadas a la protección del accionista minoritario. Igualmente, en el artículo se presenta el caso de Brasil, donde en los últimos años ha surgido una serie de nuevos informes, por medio de los cuales se espera pasar una mayor cantidad de información a los usuarios y de la misma forma fue creado un nuevo índice en la bolsa de valores de São Paulo, conocido como IGC(Índice de Gobierno Corporativo).Todas estas novedades no tienen otro fin que el dar herramientas objetivas y crear un ambiente de total transparencia y confiabilidad para que el potencial inversionista tome la mejor decisión.
As an example of what happened in Brazil in the 90s, it s noticed in Natal a new system of cooperative housing production which is done by advancing the users resources selffinancing. This system comes as an alternative for the real state market performance since the end of the National Housing Bank (BNH), in 1986. Self-financed housing cooperatives play an important social role by contributing to own housing acquisition by low-income population, without, however, becoming a mechanism of social interest housing production. It is important to consider that Brazil registers a housing deficit of 6.6 million housing units (IBGE 2000/Census), which, compared to 1991, shows an increment of 21.7% to a growth rate of 2.2% a year. This deficit figure has been deepening, mainly with the end of the National Housing Bank (BNH). The self-financed cooperative housing production broadens around the Metropolitan Region of Natal (RMN) and remains as an alternative to the lack of financing in the housing / real state market. In general, the aim of this work is to analyze the role of self-financing housing cooperatives on the housing production in the RMN, in order to identify their role in the real state market, in the own housing promotion and in the housing policy. The Universe of this study is performance of four housing cooperatives - CHAF-RN, COOPHAB-RN, MULTHCOOP e CNH - that work through self-financing. It is considered here an amount of 38 undertakings launched between 1993 and 2002, including 8143 housing units. The methodology adopted consists of bibliographic, documental and field research. As a result, actions like brokerage, marketing, speculation, and the criteria to define places for undertakings and final products, show how close they are to the housing market production. As a matter of fact, this short distance explains why the self-financed cooperative production for social interest housing is still limited. This reinforces the theory that it is necessary to define and implement a subsidized housing policy to serve the low-income Brazilian population
Sílvio Romero, crítico, ensaísta e historiador da literatura brasileira, cujo nome de batismo era Sílvio Vasconcelos da Silveira Ramos, nasceu em Lagarto, Sergipe, em 1851, e morreu no Rio de Janeiro, em 1914.
ABSTRACT Background: The school needs proficiar education able to meet the needs of every child regardless of the social and physical condition linguistically. Objective: This study aims to identify the sense of psychological belonging as a contribution to inclusive social education in the city of Arapiraca / al. Method: The methodology used to conduct this study was triangulated. The quantitative, descriptive and explorative, it was .desenvolvido at a school in Arapiraca - AL, in the period from January 2014 to March 2014, having been asked 38 students and their teachers with special necessidaes. With regard to the qualitative study was chosen for conducting interviews with teachers and students. Results: We questioned 38 students with special educational needs and 20 teachers, and it was found that 25% of teachers have specific training and 75% have no specific training. As for the students most had needs intellectual level. As for the teachers felt unprepared to meet students with special educational needs. On the other hand, it is important to note that among the students surveyed most are affected by stress and depression and reported that such things happen because you often see in the classroom in situations that do not know how to solve and when they seek help, found. Conclusion: The school, set in this context has an important role follow the changes, preparing their students more consciously to exercise citizenship by providing means proficionais skilled resources to this function. It is within the perspectiva of inclusive education we believe to achieve in the future, a society where everyone has their rights respected. The sense of psychological belonging experienced by educators in the classroom has special students is part of their lives. School social inclusion is a process that involves access, retention and success of students, but that requires a lot of educator and many times that is not prepared to answer all the expectations of the particular student. Focusing on the issue of the current situation that the public school experience, is undoubtedly recognize the need for changes in their practices. The search we are undertaking it is to carry on with this discussion in order to build the mission of educators grounded in a conscious inclusion within the educational possibilities available today. Key - words: Education. Inclusion. Citizenship. Psychological, Feeling of belonging.
El artículo intenta discutir la formación de la identidad médica a partir del análisis del proceso de descalificación oficial de los curanderos y de los esfuerzos por diferenciar el conocimiento médico de la llamada charlatanería en Río de Janeiro de la primera mitad del siglo XIX. En este sentido, se trata de señalar la diferencia entre el período en que las actividades de los curanderos eran legitimadas por la Fisicatura-mor (órgano del gobierno responsable por la normatividad de las prácticas de cura) a partir de la concesión de licencias a los mismos y luego para el momento en que los médicos organizados en instituciones y articulados políticamente comienzan el proceso de descalificación de los curanderos populares y también en la apropiación de sus conocimientos. El artículo analiza las licencias y peticiones así como discursos de políticos del período para demostrar la búsqueda de la hegemonía social del conocimiento médico, principalmente por la asociación del conocimiento de las plantas dominadas por los curanderos populares y la legitimidad de la población hacia ellos.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Programa Multi-Institucional e Inter-Regional de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis, 2015.
O artigo em questão é fruto de pesquisa sobre a educação jornalística e teve como objeto as matrizes curriculares de todos os cursos de Comunicação Social com habilitação em jornalismo do Brasil. O objetivo foi o de fazer um diagnóstico das estruturas curriculares do referido curso em todas as regiões do país e depois consolidar um desenho da estrutura nacional. Utilizamos como metodologia a pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa. Nossas principais constatações foram em primeiro lugar a de que o espaço destinado aos conteúdos de Síntese/Comunicação na estrutura curricular de todas as regiões é mínimo, o que dificulta a inter-relação entre a teoria e a prática. em segundo lugar pudemos verificar que, apesar das premissas previstas nas DCN para o curso de Comunicação Social, as realidades regionais não estão contempladas nas matrizes curriculares dos cursos.
As an example of what happened in Brazil in the 90s, it s noticed in Natal a new system of cooperative housing production which is done by advancing the users resources selffinancing. This system comes as an alternative for the real state market performance since the end of the National Housing Bank (BNH), in 1986. Self-financed housing cooperatives play an important social role by contributing to own housing acquisition by low-income population, without, however, becoming a mechanism of social interest housing production. It is important to consider that Brazil registers a housing deficit of 6.6 million housing units (IBGE 2000/Census), which, compared to 1991, shows an increment of 21.7% to a growth rate of 2.2% a year. This deficit figure has been deepening, mainly with the end of the National Housing Bank (BNH). The self-financed cooperative housing production broadens around the Metropolitan Region of Natal (RMN) and remains as an alternative to the lack of financing in the housing / real state market. In general, the aim of this work is to analyze the role of self-financing housing cooperatives on the housing production in the RMN, in order to identify their role in the real state market, in the own housing promotion and in the housing policy. The Universe of this study is performance of four housing cooperatives - CHAF-RN, COOPHAB-RN, MULTHCOOP e CNH - that work through self-financing. It is considered here an amount of 38 undertakings launched between 1993 and 2002, including 8143 housing units. The methodology adopted consists of bibliographic, documental and field research. As a result, actions like brokerage, marketing, speculation, and the criteria to define places for undertakings and final products, show how close they are to the housing market production. As a matter of fact, this short distance explains why the self-financed cooperative production for social interest housing is still limited. This reinforces the theory that it is necessary to define and implement a subsidized housing policy to serve the low-income Brazilian population
O artigo problematiza o índice de Gini como instrumento de mensuração das desigualdades no Brasil, expondo dimensões fundamentais das desigualdades socioeconômicas quando a renda do trabalho; mercado de trabalho; distribuição funcional da renda; e desigualdades tributárias. A conclusão é que há poucas alterações nas desigualdades socioeconômicas do Brasil quando essa dimensões são consideradas. O mercado de trabalho não se alterou substancialmente em relação à desestruturação vivenciada nas últimas decadas do século XX, agravando as desigualdades socieconômicas intraclasses. A participação dos lucros na fatia da renda nacional aumentou e a desigualdade marcante se revela no financiamento tributário, pois o peso da carga de impostos está sobre os trabalhadores assalariados e os mais pobres, ao mesmo tempo que os recursos públicos são canalizados para os mais ricos por meio do pagamento de juros e amortização da dívida pública. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
Este trabalho traz reflexões sobre o turismo praticado em Flecheiras, Praia do município de Trairi, litoral oeste do Estado do Ceará – Brasil. O objetivo aquí é analisar o desenvolvimento da atividade turística neste lugar, trabalhando o turismo enquanto prática social a partir de uma visão geográfica. Sobre essa lógica, o trabalho é voltado para a análise do desenvolvimento local desta comunidade litorânea ao longo do tempo. Para tanto, além do levantamento bibliográfico sobre o tema em questão, foi necessária uma pesquisa de campo para a aplicação de formulários junto aos nativos, trabalhadores locais, turistas, dentre outros, com o intuito de alcançar informações sobre o posicionamento destes em relação à inserção do turismo em Flecheiras. É imprescindível atentar para os autores que trabalham o turismo como uma atividade puramente econômica, dispersando as questões que envolvem relações sociais pertinentes a esta atividade e a dinâmica local que se desenvolve neste espaço geográfico. Na análise aqui apresentada, a atividade turística é estudada sob diversos aspectos e não apenas sob o viés econômico.
A necessidade de proporcionar o acesso a serviços básicos e de lazer é uma premissa essencial para a melhoria da qualidade de vida para todos os cidadãos do mundo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as condições estruturais dos equipamentos de lazer na cidade de Belém, Estado do Pará, Brasil. O turismo depende da prestação de serviços e equipamentos capazes de atender a sociedade em caráter satisfatório, seja portador de necessidades especiais ou não. Pesquisadores como Silva & Boia (2006) e Rua (2006), além de documentos técnicos como do Ministério do Turismo – Mtur (2006) e da Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas – ABNT (1994) deram suporte a presente pesquisa. A metodologia utilizada foi baseada em um estudo de caráter descritivo e exploratório para o levantamento de informações e descrição de fenômenos, efetivado por meio de observação dos fenômenos a serem analisados. Na pesquisa de campo foram analisadas se as estruturas edificadas possibilitam o acesso aos portadores de necessidades especiais. Percebeu-se que as políticas de inclusão social não atendem as necessidades básicas para que os portadores de deficiências possam usufruir dos equipamentos de lazer de forma adequada.