999 resultados para Material balance


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Fresh water sponge was used as a silica source for the synthesis of MCM-41 via the hydrothermal process. The silica was extracted from the sponge by washing with nitric acid and piranha solution. Synthesis of MCM-41 was performed at 100 °C for 5 days and the procedure was optimized, with modifications made to the leaching temperature of the silica and the synthesis of mesoporous material, which was characterized by XRD, FT-IR, SEM and adsorption of N2. The optimal result was achieved at a temperature of 135 °C for 3 days, showing ordered mesoporous material with a surface area of 1080 m² g-1.


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The use of a battery of three mass metrics (atomic economy - AE, reaction mass efficiency - RME, and mass intensity - MI) for systemic evaluation of the material greenness of synthesis reactions is presented. Material greenness is discussed in terms of materialization/dematerialization of the reaction system and also according to the first two Principles of Green Chemistry, and is shown to involve two components: atomic greenness (incorporation of the atoms provided by reagents into the product, evaluated by AE and RME); and massic greenness (global mass of reagents and non-stoichiometric materials, evaluated by MI, related to the production of residues).


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Resulting from ion displacement in a solid under pressure, piezoelectricity is an electrical polarization that can be observed in perovskite-type electronic ceramics, such as PbTiO3, which present cubic and tetragonal symmetries at different pressures. The transition between these crystalline phases is determined theoretically through the bulk modulus from the relationship between material energy and volume. However, the change in the material molecular structure is responsible for the piezoelectric effect. In this study, density functional theory calculations using the Becke 3-Parameter-Lee-Yang-Parr hybrid functional were employed to investigate the structure and properties associated with the transition state of the tetragonal-cubic phase change in PbTiO3 material.


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In 2002, a review article was published in which molybdenum disulfide properties were discussed. The last sentence of the article read as follows: "Based on that described above, we can conclude that in spite of the vast applications of molybdenum disulfide in several industrial branches, many of the potential applications need to be investigated in the future". Since 2002, novel properties of molybdenum disulfide have been described which promise to revolutionize science. The objective of the present review paper was to provide an overview of the processes of 2H-MoS2 exfoliation and properties of the single layers, reported mainly in the last decade.


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Nutrient levels in water reservoirs have been increasing over the years worldwide and fish farming is one of the activities with the potential to cause negative impacts on these environments. Thus, the sedimentation of the main nutrients was evaluated in a reservoir as well as the contribution of aquaculture in raising these rates. The results indicated a significant difference for all nutrients, with higher concentrations in areas near the fish farming, and lower levels in more distant regions. Therefore, assessments that focus only on the water column do not reflect the true impact of this activity.


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A potentiometric Nickel sensor was prepared using 2-hydroxy-1-naphthylidene-N-cyanoacetohydrazone as electro-active material and epoxy resin as a binding material. A membrane composed of 40% Schiff's base and 60% epoxy resin exhibited the best performance. The membrane showed excellent response in the concentration range of 0.15 ppm to 0.1 mol L- 1 Ni+2 ions with non-Nernstian slope of 22.0 mV/decade, had a rapid response time (less than 10 s), and can be used for three months without any considerable loss of potential. The sensor was useful within the pH range of 1.3 to 9.6, and was able to discriminate between Ni2+ and a large number of alkaline earth and transition metal ions. The practical utility of the sensor has been demonstrated by using it successfully as an indicator electrode in the potentiometric titration of Ni2+ with EDTA and oxalic acid.


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The obtention of silica and cyclodextrin hybrid materials was accomplished by refluxing them in xylol using citric acid as a binding agent. The materials were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and elemental analysis. Evidence for the docking of cyclodextrins α and γ was substantiated based on the variation in band intensity for groups such as ≡Si-OH. Additional docking evidence includes the displacement of some of the bands that are related to cyclodextrin such as the deformation of the C-H axial bond. The α and γ-CDSi materials were characterized as amorphous compounds. The products obtained in the synthesis showed changes in the decomposition temperatures of their isolated constituents, in which the mass of α and γ-CD docked to the silica surface gave the estimated values of 41% and 47%, respectively. The elemental constituents were shown to be consistent and close to their relative theoretical values. ​Thermogravimetric analysis showed that a reduction in the percentage of the hybrids was proportional to the amount of lost mass. This new material is an improvement over synthesized organosilane materials because the operator and the environment benefit from a less toxic methodology. In addition, the material has several potential applications in complexation systems with cyclodextrin.


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Tehdyssä kirjallisuus- ja teoriakatsauksessa vuosien 2006 - 2010 välisenä aikana, Keski-Suomessa toimivan konepajateollisuuden järjestelmätoimittajayrityksen toimeksiannosta, pyrittiin muodostamaan kokonaiskuva laajasta tuotannonsuunnittelun ja -ohjauksen aihealueesta. Perustutkimuskysymykset liittyivät ns. MPC-systeemiin, jolla tarkoitetaan sitä, että tuotannonsuunnittelu- ja ohjauskysymyksissä on huomioitava aina henkilöiden, organisaation, teknologioiden ja prosessien muodostama kokonaisuus. Operatiivisen johtamisen tehtävänä on yrityksen tuotteita koskevan kysynnän ja tarjonnan tasapainottaminen niin, että resursseja käytettäisiin ja tarvittaisiin mahdollisimman vähän vastattaessa kysyntään asiakasvaatimukset huomioiden. Tuotantostrategian pohjalta on voitava rakentaa MPC-systeemi, jonka avulla ja jota kehittäen tuotanto saavuttaisi sille asetetut suorituskykytavoitteet mm. kustannusten, laadun, nopeuden, luotettavuuden sekä tuottavuuskehityksen osalta. Työssä tarkasteltiin yleisen kolmitasoisen viitekehyksen kautta ”perinteisistä MPC-systeemien perusratkaisuista” hierarkkisia, suunnittelu- ja laskentaintensiiviä, MRP-pohjaisia sekä yksinkertaistamiseen ja nopeuteen perustuvia JIT/Lean -menetelmiä. Tämä viitekehys käsittää: 1) kysynnän- ja resurssien hallinnan, 2) yksityiskohtaisemman kapasiteetin ja materiaalien hallinnan sekä 3) tarkemman tuotannon ja hankintojen ohjauksen sekä tuotannon lattiatason osa-alueet. Johtamisen ja MPC-systeemien kehittämisen ”uusina aaltoina ja näkökulmina” raportissa käsiteltiin myös johtamisen eri koulukuntia sekä em. viitekehyksen pohjalta tarvittavia tietojärjestelmiä. Olennaisimpana johtopäätöksenä todettiin, että MRP-pohjaisten ratkaisujen lisäksi, etenkin monimutkaisia tuotteita tilausohjautuvasti valmistavien kappaletavarateollisuuden yritysten, on mahdollisesti hyödynnettävä myös kehittyneempiä suunnittelu- ja ohjausjärjestelmiä. Lisäksi huomattiin, että ”perinteisten strategioiden” rinnalle yritysten on nostettava myös tieto- ja viestintäteknologiastrategiat. On tärkeää ymmärtää, että täydellistä MPC-systeemiä ei ole vielä keksitty: jokaisen yrityksen tehtäväksi ja vastuulle jää ”oman totuutensa” muodostaminen ja systeeminsä rakentaminen sen pohjalta.


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The calcified tissues, comprising bone and cartilage, are metabolically active tissues that bind and release calcium, bicarbonate and other substances according to systemic needs. Understanding the regulation of cellular metabolism in bone and cartilage is an important issue, since a link between the metabolism and diseases of these tissues is clear. An essential element in the function of bone-resorbing osteoclasts, namely regulation of bicarbonate transport, has not yet been thoroughly studied. Another example of an important but at the same time fairly unexplored subject of interest in this field is cartilage degeneration, an important determinant for development of osteoarthritis. The link between this and oxidative metabolism has rarely been studied. In this study, we have investigated the significance of bicarbonate transport in osteoclasts. We found that osteoclasts possess several potential proteins for bicarbonate transport, including carbonic anhydrase IV and XIV, and an electroneutral bicarbonate co-transporter NBCn1. We have also shown that inhibiting the function of these proteins has a significant impact on bone resorption and osteoclast morphology. Furthermore, we have explored oxidative metabolism in chondrocytes and found that carbonic anhydrase III (CA III), a protein linked to the prevention of protein oxidation in muscle cells, is also present in mouse chondrocytes, where its expression correlates with the presence of reactive oxygen species. Thus, our study provides novel information on the regulation of cellular metabolism in calcified tissues.


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Os hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs) estão associados ao aumento da incidência de diversos tipos de cânceres no homem. Essas moléculas são formadas principalmente na queima incompleta de matéria orgânica, sendo encontradas em todos os compartimentos ambientais. Órgãos regulamentadores das áreas ambiental e de saúde ocupacional consideram 17 HPAs como contaminantes atmosféricos prioritários. Este trabalho apresenta um método para análise simultânea destes HPAs utilizando-se a cromatografia a gás acoplada à espectrometria de massas operando no modo tandem (GC-MS/MS). Os limites de detecção e quantificação do método mostraram-se até 5 vezes inferiores aos obtidos no método GC-MS (SCAN). O método mostrou-se seletivo para análise de HPAs em extratos de amostras de material particulado atmosférico. Uma análise comparativa de dois sistemas de solventes (diclorometano/metanol 4:1 v/v e hexano/acetona 1:1 v/v) para a extração de HPAs, utilizando amostras de material particulado atmosférico, revelou que ambas as misturas de solventes possuem poder de extração semelhante. Os resultados sugerem que é possível realizar extração de HPAs de material particulado atmosférico em ultra-som com a mistura hexano/acetona (1:1), que é menos tóxica em relação à mistura diclorometano/metanol (4:1), bastante utilizada nestas análises, sem perdas significativas na exatidão do método.


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Cinzas leve de carvão tratadas pelo método hidrotérmico foram usadas como adsorvente de baixo custo para a remoção de íons metálicos e corante de solução aquosa. As isotermas de adsorção das cinzas leve tratadas foram estudadas e os resultados foram ajustados pelos modelos de Langmuir e Freundlich. A isoterma de Freundlich descreveu melhor o processo de adsorção do azul de metileno. Os dados de equilíbrio para a adsorção dos íons zinco e cádmio se ajustaram melhor á equação de Langmuir. O valor máximo de capacidade de adsorção obtido foi de 0,78 (mg g-1)(L mg)1/n para o azul de metileno, 38,1 mg g-1 para o Zn2+ e 67, 5 mg g-1 para o Cd2+. Os materiais sintetizados exibiram capacidades de adsorção muito maiores do que as das cinzas leves usadas como matéria-prima. O estudo mostrou que o material zeólitico pode efetivamente adsorver azul de metileno e íons metálicos com eficiências de remoção na faixa de 82-99%.


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Kokoelmaan kuuluu Suomen Pankin julkaisemaa aineistoa 1870-luvulta lähtien. Kokoelma sisältää vuosikertomuksia, vuosikirjoja, tieteellisiä julkaisuja kuten keskustelualoitteita, työpapereita ja muita tutkimusjulkaisuja, Suomen Pankin ennusteita, selvityksiä, raportteja ja lehtiä. Kokoelmaan kuuluu lisäksi taloudellista kehitystä kuvaavia pitkiä tilastosarjoja, joista osa on erillisiä julkaisuja ja osa on ilmestynyt Suomen Pankin muissa julkaisuissa, kuten vuosikirjoissa tai lehdissä. Tilastoihin kuuluvat mm. maksutase-, valuuttakurssi-, rahoitusmarkkina-, arvopaperi- ja korkotilastot sekä hintatasoa kuvaavat ja rahan määrän kehitystä seuraavat tilastot. Kokoelmaan kuuluu myös Suomen Pankista tehdyt historiikit, joista vanhin on vuodelta 1914. Suomen Pankin julkaisuja löytyy sekä painettuna että elektronisena. Lähes kaikki 1990-luvun puolivälin jälkeen ilmestyneet julkaisut on saatavilla elektronisena Suomen Pankin verkkosivujen kautta. Vanhemmat julkaisut on osittain digitoitu, ja tällä hetkellä elektronisena on saatavilla uudempien julkaisujen lisäksi mm. Suomen Pankin keskustelualoitteet, Bank of Finland (Montly) Bulletin ja Suomen Pankin vuosikirjat. Kokoelmassa on yhteensä n. 4000 nimekettä, ja kokoelma karttuu jatkuvasti. Kokoelman muodostavista julkaisuista n. 13 % on ilmestynyt ennen 1950 lukua ja n. 36 % vuosina 1950–1989. Yli 50 % julkaisuista on 1990- ja 2000-luvuilta. Aineisto on valtaosin suomen- ja englanninkielistä, mutta kokoelmaan kuuluu myös ruotsinkielisiä julkaisuja. Kokoelman painettua osaa säilytetään Suomen Pankin kirjaston tiloissa avokokoelmassa. Kirjasto on avoinna ulkoisille asiakkaille, ja Suomen Pankin julkaisut ovat lainattavissa joitakin poikkeuksia, kuten käsikirjoja, lukuun ottamatta. Julkaisuista voi ottaa kopioita maksutta.


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The endogenous microbiota, constituting the microbes that live inside and on humans, is estimated to outnumber human cells by a factor of ten. This commensal microbial population has an important role in many physiological functions, with the densest microbiota population found in the colon. The colonic microbiota is a highly complex and diverse bacterial ecosystem, and a delicate balance exists between the gut microbiota and its host. An imbalance in the microbial ecosystem may lead to severe symptoms in and also beyond the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the important role of the gut microbiota in human health, means of its modification have been introduced in the dietary concepts of pro-, pre- and synbiotics. Prebiotics, which are usually carbohydrates, strive to selectively influence beneficial microbes resident in the colon with the aim of modifying the composition and functionality of the commensal microbial population towards a purportedly healthier one. The study of prebiotic effects on colonic micro-organisms is typically done by using human faecal material, though this provides relatively little information on bacterial populations and metabolic events in different parts of the colon. For this reason, several in vitro models have been developed to investigate the gut microbiota. The aim of this doctoral thesis was to screen through some of the promising prebiotic candidates, characterize their effects on the microbiota through the use of two in vitro methods (pure microbial cultures and a colon simulator model) and to evaluate their potential as emerging prebiotics or synbiotics when combined with the probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis . As a result of the screening work and subsequent colon simulation studies, several compounds with promising features were identified. Xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS), which have previously already shown promise as prebiotic compounds, were well fermented by several probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis strains in pure culture studies and in the following simulation studies utilizing the complex microbiota by endogenous B. lactis Another promising compound was panose, a trisaccharide belonging to isomalto-oligosaccharides (IMO) that also was also able to modify the microbiota in vitro by increasing the number of beneficial microbes investigated. Panose has not been widely studied previously and therefore, this thesis work provided the first data on panose fermentation in mixed colonic microbiota. Galacto-oligosaccharide (GOS) is an established prebiotic, and it was studied here in conjunction with another potential polygosaccharide polydextrose (PDX) and probiotic B. lactis Bi-07. In this final study, the synbiotics including GOS were more effective than the constituting pro- or prebiotics alone in modulating the microbiota composition, thus indicating a synergy resulting from the combination. The results obtained in this in vitro work can be, and have already been, utilized in product development aimed at the nutritional modification of the human colonic microbiota. Some of the compounds have entered the human clinical intervention phase to nvestigate in more detail the prebiotic and synbiotic properties seen in these in vitro studies.


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Silica based biomaterials, such as melt-derived bioactive glasses and sol-gel glasses, have been used for a long time in bone healing applications because of their ability to form hydroxyapatite and to stimulate stem cell proliferation and differentiation. In this study, bone marrow derived cells were cultured with bioactive glass and sol-gel silica, and seeded into porous polymer composite scaffolds that were then implanted femorally and subcutaneously in rats to monitor their migration inside host tissue. Bone marrow derived cells were also injected intraperitoneally. Transplanted cells migrated to various tissues inside the host, including the lung, liver spleen, thymus and bone marrow. The method of transplantation affected the time frame of cell migration, with intraperitoneal injection being the fastest and femoral implantation the slowest, but not the target tissues of migration. Transplanted donor cells had a limited lifetime in the host and were later eliminated from all tested tissues. Bioactive glass, however, affected the implanted cells negatively. When it was present in the scaffold no donor cells were found in any of the tested host tissues. Bioactive glass S53P4 was found to support both osteoblastic and osteoclastic phenotype of bone marrow derived cells, but it was resistant to the resorbing effect of osteoclastic bone marrow derived cells, showing that bioactive glass is rather dissolved through physicochemical reactions than resorbed by cells. Fast-dissolving silica sol gel in microparticulate form was found to increase collagen formation by bone marrow derived cells, while slow dissolving silica microparticles enhanced their proliferation, suggesting that the dissolution rate of silica controls the response of bone marrow derived cells.


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A Embriologia Humana é de extrema importância na formação de profissionais de saúde, porém seu estudo, muitas vezes, é considerado desestimulante, decorativo e sem significado prático para muitos estudantes, tornando-se pouco efetivo. Este trabalho objetivou produzir material didático interativo com modelos embrionários representativos do desenvolvimento embrionário do sistema nervoso. Para avaliar de forma qualitativa a real efetividade e capacidade de facilitar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem no contexto da Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas, o material foi aplicado aos estudantes da primeira série de Medicina e Enfermagem da Faculdade de Medicina de Marília. Os estudantes consideraram que o material contribuiu para o entendimento do tema e facilitou a visualização dos eventos embrionários, além de despertar o interesse pelo estudo da disciplina. O material serviu como recurso para sedimentar o conhecimento e suscitou nos estudantes a integração dos conhecimentos com outras disciplinas. Em termos qualitativos, a análise dos questionários dos estudantes indicou que o material didático produzido foi efetivo na aprendizagem e funcionou como recurso na aprendizagem autodirigida, favorecendo a diversificação de fontes de busca e sendo complementar a livros-texto e outros materiais teóricos.