769 resultados para Korte, Irma


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La oxitetraciclina, antibiótico de amplio uso en medicina veterinaria, pertenece al grupo de las tetraciclinas. Inhibe la síntesis de proteínas en la bacteria a nivel ribosomal. La oxitetraciclina presenta principalmente una acción bacteriostática frente a bacterias Gram-positivas y Gram-negativas, así como también frente a otros microorganismos tales como micoplasmas, espiroquetas, clamidias y rickettsias. Se clasifica en la actualidad de acuerdo con la cinética de muerte bacteriana como co-dependiente. En la bibliografía científica existen trabajos publicados de farmacocinética de oxitetraciclina en distintas especies animales, sin embargo hay escasos trabajos realizados en el cerdo. Dado que es necesario conocer la disposición de un fármaco en la especie animal estudiada para diseñar un adecuado régimen de dosificación, los objetivos del presente trabajo han sido: (i) describir el perfil farmacocinético de la oxitetraciclina tras administración oral única y múltiple en cerdos (Sus scrofa domestica) y (ii) realizar el análisis PK-PD para predecir la eficacia terapeútica del régimen de dosificación...


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La tilosina, antibiótico de amplio uso en medicina veterinaria, pertenece al grupo de los antibióticos macrólidos. Actúa inhibiendo la síntesis de proteínas en la bacteria. La tilosina es una mezcla de cuatro fracciones Tilosina A, Tilosina B, Tilosina C y Tilosina D. La Tilosina A es el componente mayoritario (normalmente constituye un 90% de la mezcla y nunca menos del 80%). La tilosina ha sido incluida en el Anexo I del Reglamento No 37/2010 de la Comisión para uso en todas las especies productoras de alimentos incluyendo peces, estableciéndose un Límite Máximo de Residuos (LMR). La tilosina presenta una acción esencialmente bacteriostática frente a bacterias Gram-positivas y algunas Gran-negativas, así como otros organismos como micoplasma, espiroquetas, clamidia y rickettsia. Presenta valores de concentración mínima inhibitoria (MIC) entre 0,2 y 1 μg/ml frente a varias bacterias y micoplasmas patógenos susceptibles. En la literatura existen trabajos publicados de farmacocinética de tilosina en ganado bovino, caprino, ovino, perros y aves, en los que tras administración intramuscular la tilosina se distribuye ampliamente a tejidos y presenta una alta biodisponilbilidad. Sin embargo, no existen estudios realizados en peces. Dado que es necesario conocer la disposición de un fármaco en la especie estudiada para diseñar un adecuado régimen de dosificación, los objetivos del presente trabajo han sido: (i) describir el comportamiento cinético de la tilosina tras administración oral única y múltiple en trucha arcoriris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) y (ii) evaluar la depleción de tilosina A en tejido comestible (músculo + piel) tras administración oral múltiple...


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For much of the Mesozoic record there has been an inconclusive debate on the possible global significance of isotopic proxies for environmental change and of sequence stratigraphic depositional sequences. We present a carbon and oxygen isotope and elemental record for part of the Early Jurassic based on marine benthic and nektobenthic molluscs and brachiopods from the shallow marine succession of the Cleveland Basin, UK. The invertebrate isotope record is supplemented with carbon isotope data from fossil wood, which samples atmospheric carbon. New data elucidate two major global carbon isotope events, a negative excursion of ~2 per mil at the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian boundary, and a positive excursion of ~2 per mil in the Late Pliensbachian. The Sinemurian-Pliensbachian boundary event is similar to the slightly younger Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event and is characterized by deposition of relatively deepwater organic-rich shale. The Late Pliensbachian strata by contrast are characterized by shallow marine deposition. Oxygen isotope data imply cooling locally for both events. However, because deeper water conditions characterize the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian boundary in the Cleveland Basin the temperature drop is likely of local significance; in contrast a cool Late Pliensbachian shallow seafloor agrees with previous inference of partial icehouse conditions. Both the large-scale, long-term and small-scale, short-duration isotopic cycles occurred in concert with relative sea level changes documented previously from sequence stratigraphy. Isotope events and the sea level cycles are concluded to reflect processes of global significance, supporting the idea of an Early Jurassic in which cyclic swings from icehouse to greenhouse and super greenhouse conditions occurred at timescales from 1 to 10 Ma.


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Chemical Stratigraphy, or the study of the variation of chemical elements within sedimentary sequences, has gradually become an experienced tool in the research and correlation of global geologic events. In this paper 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios of the Triassic marine carbonates (Muschelkalk facies) of southeast Iberian Ranges, Iberian Peninsula, are presented and the representative Sr-isotopic curve constructed for the upper Ladinian interval. The studied stratigraphic succession is 102 meters thick, continuous, and well preserved. Previous paleontological data from macro and micro, ammonites, bivalves, foraminifera, conodonts and palynological assemblages, suggest a Fassanian-Longobardian age (Late Ladinian). Although diagenetic minerals are present in small amounts, the elemental data content of bulk carbonate samples, especially Sr contents, show a major variation that probably reflects palaeoenvironmental changes. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios curve shows a rise from 0.707649 near the base of the section to 0.707741 and then declines rapidly to 0.707624, with a final values rise up to 0.70787 in the upper part. The data up to meter 80 in the studied succession is broadly concurrent with 87Sr/86Sr ratios of sequences of similar age and complements these data. Moreover, the sequence stratigraphic framework and its key surfaces, which are difficult to be recognised just based in the facies analysis, are characterised by combining variations of the Ca, Mg, Mn, Sr and CaCO3 contents


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Calcitic belemnite rostra are usually employed to perform paleoenvironmental studies based on geochemical data. However, several questions, such as their original porosity and microstructure, remain open, despite they are essential to make accurate interpretations based on geochemical analyses.This paper revisits and enlightens some of these questions. Petrographic data demonstrate that calcite crystals of the rostrum solidum of belemnites grow from spherulites that successively develop along the apical line, resulting in a “regular spherulithic prismatic” microstructure. Radially arranged calcite crystals emerge and diverge from the spherulites: towards the apex, crystals grow until a new spherulite is formed; towards the external walls of the rostrum, the crystals become progressively bigger and prismatic. Adjacent crystals slightly vary in their c-axis orientation, resulting in undulose extinction. Concentric growth layering develops at different scales and is superimposed and traversed by a radial pattern, which results in the micro-fibrous texture that is observed in the calcite crystals in the rostra.Petrographic data demonstrate that single calcite crystals in the rostra have a composite nature, which strongly suggests that the belemnite rostra were originally porous. Single crystals consistently comprise two distinct zones or sectors in optical continuity: 1) the inner zone is fluorescent, has relatively low optical relief under transmitted light (TL) microscopy, a dark-grey color under backscatter electron microscopy (BSEM), a commonly triangular shape, a “patchy” appearance and relatively high Mg and Na contents; 2) the outer sector is non-fluorescent, has relatively high optical relief under TL, a light-grey color under BSEM and low Mg and Na contents. The inner and fluorescent sectors are interpreted to have formed first as a product of biologically controlled mineralization during belemnite skeletal growth and the non-fluorescent outer sectors as overgrowths of the former, filling the intra- and inter-crystalline porosity. This question has important implications for making paleoenvironmental and/or paleoclimatic interpretations based on geochemical analyses of belemnite rostra.Finally, the petrographic features of composite calcite crystals in the rostra also suggest the non-classical crystallization of belemnite rostra, as previously suggested by other authors.


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La construcción de experiencias formativas que repercuten en la asignatura de las artes visuales amplía en el alumnado su comprensión de la realidad, enriquece sus facultades creativas, imaginativas y simbólicas, lo que demanda un mejoramiento e integración de enfoques, métodos y prácticas innovadoras basados en la perspectiva pedagógica que abarcan las distintas disciplinas artísticas. El presente trabajo explora los conocimientos artísticos de un grupo de 10 docentes de Educación Básica en relación a la enseñanza de las bases curriculares de las artes visuales en los niveles de 1º a 6º año en distintas escuelas de la provincia de Bío Bío, al sur de Chile. A través de la metodología de estudio de caso, sobre la base de una entrevista semiestructurada y el análisis de contenido, permitió organizar la información recabada en dimensiones y categorías que evidencian como resultado, las complejidades, diferencias y contribuciones de las Artes Visuales en la formación integral de los niños y niñas del sistema escolar.


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El artículo analiza cómo Paul Celan, utilizando recursos arreferenciales y antimiméticos propios de la poésie pure y la poesía absoluta, desarrolla un modelo poético en el que la temporalidad y la memoria son determinantes. En el nuevo modelo, el lenguaje no constituye una realidad autónoma e inmanente; antes bien, se concreta en una acción dialógica y remite a una realidad extralingüística. El mismo texto poético configura un espacio del recuerdo, se erige en un lugar de memoria que, a través de las sedimentaciones históricas que arrastra el lenguaje, da testimonio de lo ocurrido.


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Griffioen, E. (2016).De Betrokkenheid en Prestatie van Eerstejaars HBO Toerisme Studenten in een Geflipte Leeromgeving. Juli, 25, 2016, Heerlen, Nederland:Open Universiteit


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Doel Het doel van dit onderzoek is om meer inzicht te krijgen in de wetenschappelijke kennis, wat betreft de invloed van seksdrive op de verschillen in partnervoorkeuren, bij het opteren voor een lange termijn strategie van homoseksuele en heteroseksuele vrouwen. In deze cross-sectionele studie zijn afzonderlijk bepaalde partnervoorkeurverschillen, in relatie met seksdrive en lange termijn strategieën, onderzocht van heteroseksuele en homoseksuele vrouwen. Middels digitale verspreiding van een vragenlijst hebben 320 respondenten meegedaan aan het onderzoek. Hiervan bleken 215 respondenten geschikt voor analyse; 115 heteroseksuele vrouwen en 100 homoseksuele vrouwen. De gemiddelde leeftijd van de heteroseksuele vrouwen is 43 jaar met een range van 24 tot 70 jaar. De leeftijd van de homoseksuele vrouwen is gemiddeld 44 jaar met een range van 20 tot 70 jaar. Voor het meten van seksdrive werd de seksdriveschaal gebruikt, ontwikkelt door Waterink (2011). Partnervoorkeuren werd onderzocht aan de hand van een vragenlijst met vier partnervoorkeuren; gezichtsaantrekkelijkheid, intelligentie, leeftijd en humor geselecteerd uit onderzoek van Buss (1989); Baily, Gaulin, Agyei, & Gladue (1994); Smith en Stillmann (2002) en Lippa (2007). Korte versus lange termijnstrategieën werd gemeten aan de hand van een vrij vertaalde vragenlijst uit het Engels van Jackson en Kirkpatrick (2007) die “Short en Long Term Mating Orientation” meet. De analyse liet zien dat er geen significant verschil werd gevonden met betrekking tot de seksdrive van homoseksuele vrouwen vergeleken met heteroseksuele vrouwen. Uit de analyse kwam dat de partnervoorkeuren gezichtsaantrekkelijkheid, intelligentie, jongere leeftijd en humor niet belangrijker is bij homoseksuele vrouwen vergeleken met heteroseksuele vrouwen. De mate van seksdrive had invloed op het partnerkenmerk intelligentie. Volgens de verwachting werd bij een hoge seksdrive intelligentie belangrijker gevonden bij homoseksuele vrouwen dan bij heteroseksuele vrouwen. In tegenstelling tot de verwachting werd intelligentie bij de groep homoseksuele vrouwen met een gemiddelde seksdrive significant belangrijker dan bij de groep homoseksuele vrouwen met een hoge seksdrive


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Acid stimulated accumulation of insoluble phosphorus within microbial cells is highly beneficial to wastewater treatment but remains largely unexplored. Using single cell analyses and next generation sequencing, the response of active polyphosphate accumulating microbial communities under conditions of enhanced phosphorus uptake under both acidic and aerobic conditions was characterised. Phosphorus accumulation activities were highest under acidic conditions (pH 5.5 > 8.5), where a significant positive effect on bioaccumulation was observed at pH 5.5 when compared to pH 8.5. In contrast to the Betaproteobacteria and Actinobacteria dominated enhanced biological phosphorus removal process, the functionally active polyP accumulators at pH 5.5 belonged to the Gammaproteobacteria, with key accumulators identified as members of the families Aeromonadaceae and Enterobacteriaceae. This study demonstrated a significant enrichment of key polyphosphate kinase and exopolyphosphatase genes within the community metagenome after acidification, concomitant with an increase in P accumulation kinetics.


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Lagstiftaren har skapat Lagen om anställningsskydd (LAS) för att skydda de arbetstagarna som arbetat längst i företaget och mot godtycke. Det har blivit allt vanligare att avtala bort LAS, vid uppsägning av personal på grund arbetsbrist. Istället används Medbestämmandelagen (MBL). Fackföreningen kan då förhandla bättre villkor om ersättning för dem som avskedas än vad LAS kräver och de anställda blir överraskade av att de har blivit utvalda trots många år i företaget. Syftet med studien är att genom intervjuer jämföra hur sju olika fackförbund går tillväga vid uppsägningar på grund av arbetsbrist. Det finns mycket forskning ur det juridiska perspektivet men lite forskning ur det sociologiska perspektivet. Det menar även Roine Johansson som vill med sin socialpsykologiska studie bidra till teoriutveckling inom organisationsanalysen, den här studien har en stomme av Johanssons förslag om förhandskontroll, kontroll under själva arbetsprocessen och efterhandskontroll. Denna kvalitativa studie visar att fackföreningar inte har ett gemensamt arbetssätt att hantera rutinerna vid uppsägning på grund av arbetsbrist och fackligt stöd före, under och efter uppsägningsprocessen. För att komma tillrätta med detta och stärka fackföreningsrörelsen samt den svenska modellen, med att arbetsmarknadens parter gör egna avtal, bör de centrala arbetsorganisationerna arbeta fram gemensamma arbetsrutiner vid uppsägningar på grund av arbetsbrist. De anställda ska också få det fackliga stöd som de förväntar sig med sitt medlemskap. Lagstiftarna bör se över uppsägningsvillkoren vid uppsägningar enligt lagen om anställningsskydd.


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I explore transformative social innovation in agriculture through a particular case of agroecological innovation, the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in India. Insights from social innovation theory that emphasize the roles of social movements and the reengagement of vulnerable populations in societal transformation can help reinstate the missing “social” dimension in current discourses on innovation in India. India has a rich and vibrant tradition of social innovation wherein vulnerable communities have engaged in collective experimentation. This is often missed in official or formal accounts. Social innovations such as SRI can help recreate these possibilities for change from outside the mainstream due to newer opportunities that networks present in the twenty-first century. I show how local and international networks led by Civil Society Organizations have reinterpreted and reconstructed game-changing macrotrends in agriculture. This has enabled the articulation and translation of an alternative paradigm for sustainable transitions within agriculture from outside formal research channels. These social innovations, however, encounter stiff opposition from established actors in agricultural research systems. Newer heterogeneous networks, as witnessed in SRI, provide opportunities for researchers within hierarchical research systems to explore, experiment, and create newer norms of engagement with Civil Society Organizations and farmers. I emphasize valuing and embedding diversity of practices and institutions at an early stage to enable systems to be more resilient and adaptable in sustainable transitions.


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Background The transition to higher education can affect lifestyle-related factors. Objectives: To identify lifestyles of higher education students and analyse the influence of self-esteem and psychological well-being. Methods Correlational cross-sectional study. A total of 4,314 students partici- pated in the study. Online questionnaires were used: Estilo de Vida Fantástico (Fantastic Lifestyle Assessment) [1]; Questionário de Bem- estar Psicológico (Psychological General Well-Being Questionnaire) [2], and Escala de auto-estima de Rosenberg (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale [3]. Results Most students (85.3 %) have a healthy lifestyle. Lifestyle is strongly correlated with self-esteem and psychological well-being (p < 0.001). While analysing the association between self-esteem and psycho- logical well-being and the various lifestyle domains according to gen- der, a positive and significant correlation (p < 0.001) was found among female students, except for the Smoking domain (p = 0.393); in relation to psychological well-being, positive correlations were found in all domains. Among male students, positive and significant correlations (p < 0.001) were found in most lifestyle domains and self-esteem, except for the Smoking (p = 0.992), Alcohol and other drugs (p = 0.181) and Other behaviours (p = 0.442) domains; in rela- tion to psychological well-being, positive and significant correlations (p < 0.001) were found in most lifestyle domains, except for the Smoking (p = 0.458) and Other behaviours (p = 0.128) domains. Conclusions Based on the results, higher education institutions should support intervention projects to maintain high levels of psychological well- being and self-esteem, promoting healthy lifestyles.