829 resultados para I am Jazz


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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The bifunctional carbamoyl methyl sulfoxide ligands, PhCH2SOCH2CONHPh (L-1), PhCH2SOCH2CONHCH2Ph (L-2), (PhSOCH2CONPr2)-Pr-i (L-3), PhSOCH2CONBu2 (L-4), (PhSOCH2CONBu2)-Bu-i (L-5) and PhSOCH2CON(C8H17)(2) (L-6) have been synthesized and characterized by spectroscopic methods. The selected coordination chemistry of L-1, L-3, L-4 and L-5 with [UO2(NO3)(2)] and [Ce(NO3)(3)] has been evaluated. The structures of the compounds [UO2(NO3)(2)((PhSOCH2CONBu2)-Bu-i)] (10) and [Ce(NO3)(3)(PhSOCH2CONBu2)(2)] (12) have been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction methods. Preliminary extraction studies of ligand L-6 with U(VI), Pu(IV) and Am(III) in tracer level showed an appreciable extraction for U(VI) and Pu(IV) in up to 10 M HNO3 but not for Am(III). Thermal studies on compounds 8 and 10 in air revealed that the ligands can be destroyed completely on incineration. The electron spray mass spectra of compounds 8 and 10 in acetone show that extensive ligand distribution reactions occur in solution to give a mixture of products with ligand to metal ratios of 1 : 1 and 2 : 1. However, 10 retains its solid state structure in CH2Cl2.


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Several alkylated cyclohexanones were investigated as potential diluents for the selective extraction of Am(III) and Eu(III) from nitric acid solutions by the CyMe4-BTBP ligand. No significant extraction of either of the metal ions was observed for these diluents themselves. In the extractions from 1 M HNO3, 3-methylcyclohexanone and 4-methylcyclohexanone gave comparable results to cyclohexanone whereas in the extractions from 4 M HNO3, 2-methylcyclohexanone, 3-methylcyclohexanone and 4-methylcyclohexanone all gave superior results. For the monomethylated diluents, DAm and SFAm/Eu decreased in the order of alkyl substitution 2 > 4 ~ 3. However, alkyl substitution of cyclohexanone significantly slows down the extraction kinetics compared to cyclohexanone, and the position of alkyl substitution was found to play an important role in the solvents properties. 3-Methylcyclohexanone was identified as the most promising of the diluents.


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In metazoans, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPS) direct a myriad of developmental and adult homeostatic evens through their heterotetrameric type I and type II receptor complexes. We examined 3 existing and 12 newly generated mutations in the Drosophila type I receptor gene, saxophone (sax), the ortholog of the human Activin Receptor-Like. Kinasel and -2 (ALK1/ACVR1 and ALK2/ACVR1) genes. Our genetic analyses identified two distinct classes of sax alleles. The first class consists of homozygous viable gain-of-function (GOF) alleles that exhibit (1) synthetic lethality in combination with mutations in BMP pathway components, and (2) significant maternal effect lethality that can be rescued by an increased dosage of the BMP encoding gene, dpp(+). In contrast, the second class consists of alleles that are recessive lethal and do not exhibit lethality in combination with mutations in other BMP pathway components. The alleles in this second class are clearly loss-of-function (LOF) with both complete and partial loss-of-function mutations represented. We find that one allele in the second class of recessive lethals exhibits dominant-negative behavior, albeit distinct from the GOF activity of the first class of viable alleles. On the basis of the fact that the first class of viable alleles can be reverted to lethality and on our ability to independently generate recessive lethal sat mutations, our analysis demonstrates that sax is an essential gene. Consistent with this conclusion, we find that a normal sax transcript is produced by sax(P), a viable allele previously reported to be mill, and that this allele can be reverted to lethality. Interestingly, we determine that two mutations in the first: class of sax alleles show the same amino acid substitutions as mutations in the human receptors ALK1/ACVR1-1 and ACVR1/ALK2, responsible for cases of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia type 2 (HHT2) and fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP), respectively. Finally, the data presented here identify different functional requirements for the Sax receptor, support the proposal that Sax participates in a heteromeric receptor complex, and provide a mechanistic framework for future investigations into disease states that arise from defects in BMP/TGF-beta signaling.


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Uppsatsen undersöker hur de olika panoreringsteknikerna, direkt/ambient och direkt-överallt, för 5.1 surround uppfattas utav lyssnare. Enligt direkt/ambient ska alla direkta källor panoreras till frontkanalerna (L, C, R) och endast ambiens finnas i surroundkanalerna (Ls, Rs). Enligt direkt-överallt kan direkta källor panoreras till alla kanaler. Ljudstimuli i tre genrer har utav undertecknad framställts, rock/hårdrock, jazz/fusion och hip hop. Ett exempel enligt direkt/ambient och ett enligt direkt-överallt framställdes i varje genre. Vidare har två lyssningsundersökningar ägt rum, en med ”vana” lyssnare i ett kontrollrum samt en med ”vanliga” lyssnare i hemmiljö. Undersökningarna visade att de flesta föredrog direkt-överallt-produktionerna och dessa uppfattades även som mest omslutande vilket har visat sig vara en viktig egenskap för en musikproduktion i surround.


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Uppsatsen går ut på att undersöka om det finns skillnader på tekniker som används vid mixning av basinstrument i musik avsedd att spelas på dansgolv som t.ex. house, trance, hip hop, R n´B, osv. och annan musik som vanligen spelas på radio, TV, Mp3-spelare, bärbara datorer osv. som rock, metal, jazz, pop, osv. Musik som är dansinriktad och spelas på dansgolv upplevs oftast som starkare i basen, då den också har basinstrumenten som den viktigaste för att skapa ett ”groove”. I uppsatsen undersöks om det finns någon speciell teknik som vid mixning av sådan musik leder till denna basbetoning.Resultatet visar att teknikerna som används är oftast de samma, men anpassade till uppspelningssystemens möjligheter. Balansen i nivåer mellan de olika basinstrumenten och de övriga instrumenten och deras frekvensinnehåll är det som leder till upplevelsen att basinstrumenten låter starkare. Alltså ska basinstrumenten mixas mycket starkare i förhållande med de andra instrumenten. Detta för att skapa trycket. Basbetoningen sker däremot oftast automatiskt av ljudsystemet nattklubbarna, då det i förväg är inställt för att lyfta basen.Uppsatsens målgrupp är personer som är nybörjare på mixning av musik, speciellt dancemusik, samt för dem som har problem i mixningen av bas samt de som vill kunna ge sina mixar ett extra tryck i basen.


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Although many tropical insects carry infectious diseases, cutaneous injury can occur by other mechanisms, for example erucism (envenomation by caterpillars) or lepidopterism (dermatitis from moths). Pararama is a unique form of erucism seen in workers in contact with rubber trees in the Amazon, and it is caused by Premolis larvae, resulting in progressive periarticular fibrosis, ankylosis, and the loss of articulation. Ants and aquatic insects of the Belostomatidae family can cause painful bites and stings. Anaphylactic shock and death can result from the venom of bees and wasps. Beetles can cause vesicular dermatitis via cantharidin or paederin. Myiasis results from fly larvae (maggots) feeding on live or necrotic tissue of humans or other hosts, while New World screwworm fly larvae feed only on living tissue and burrow (ie, screw) more deeply when attempts are made to remove them. Tungiasis is characterized by very pruritic and painful papules and ulcers resulting from a Tunga flea penetrating the host's skin. Dermatologists should be able to diagnose and treat the cutaneous manifestations of these tropical insects and educate their patients on prevention. (J Am Acad Dermatol 2012; 67:339.e1-14.)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os planos de manejo florestal comunitário são importantes instrumentos de geração de renda e preservação ambiental para as populações tradicionais que vivem nas Unidades de Conservação da região amazônica. No entanto, poucas são as evidências de que esta atividade tenha trazido benefícios sociais a estas comunidades. Neste contexto, a presente pesquisa teve como principal objetivo identificar os impactos econômicos e sociais a partir da introdução do Projeto de Apoio ao Manejo Florestal Sustentável na Amazônia (ProManejo) na Reserva Extrativista (Resex) Verde para Sempre (Porto de Moz – PA) e do Programa Bolsa Floresta (PBF) na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (RDS) Rio Negro (Novo Airão – AM). Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa do tipo avaliação de efetividade, contemplando três dimensões: (i) objetiva, que exprime a alteração na renda e em sua composição entre os períodos ex-ante e ex-post à iniciativa; (ii) substantiva, que visa auferir as variações nas condições sociais, tais como, habitação, infraestrutura e acesso a bens de consumo, e; (iii) subjetiva, que busca descrever a percepção de melhoria das variáveis econômicas (renda e benefícios), sociais (atendimento dos serviços públicos) e ambientais (redução do desmatamento). O estudo também pode ser classificado como um quase experimento, o qual utilizou três tipos de estratégias de pesquisa: bibliográfica, documental e de campo. Este último contemplou a aplicação de um questionário estruturado por meio de entrevistas domiciliares com os/as chefes de família, e possibilitou conhecer 53% das famílias beneficiárias do projeto na Resex e 63% na RDS. As evidências apontam que ambas as iniciativas surtiram impactos positivos, principalmente, no incremento da renda das famílias e na redução do desmatamento. Em relação às condições de vida e à gestão do plano de manejo florestal, os resultados indicam uma situação mais favorável na RDS, devido à metodologia participativa e ao prazo indeterminado de término do Programa Bolsa Floresta (PBF).


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Mapas geológicos e cartas estratigráficas das bacias sedimentares do Amazonas e do Solimões foram revisados, ¬enfatizando-se as formações Alter do Chão, Içá e Solimões, detentoras das maiores reservas de água doce subterrânea, nessas bacias. A carência de informações sobre essas formações foi minimizada pela utilização de amostras de sondagens estratigráficas e de perfis construtivos, litológicos e geofísicos de poços de captação de água e de petróleo obtidos na Base Operacional Geólogo Pedro de Moura, região de Urucu, cerca de 650 km a sudoeste de Manaus (AM). Na Bacia do Amazonas, o Sistema Aquífero Alter do Chão comporta aquíferos livres e confinados, com coeficiente de transmissividades entre 1,5 x 10-3 e 9,1 x 10-3 m2/s, indicados para abastecimento público; na Bacia do Solimões, esse Sistema é confinado pelo Aquiclude Solimões, ao qual se sobrepõe o Sistema Aquífero Içá-Solimões. A reserva de água estimada é de 33.000 km3. O Sistema Aquífero Içá-Solimões, em Urucu, é livre-confinado, com dois aquíferos hidraulicamente conectados: o mais superficial, com topo e base em profundidades próximas de 20 e 70 m, respectivamente, e o mais profundo, entre 50 e 120 m. Com área de afloramento na Bacia do Solimões de 948.600 km2, a reserva estimada desse sistema foi calculada em 7.200 km3, menos expressiva que a do Sistema Aquífero Alter do Chão. Os parâmetros hidrodinâmicos médios foram: T = 3 x 10-3 m2/s, S = 5 x 10-4 e K = 1 x 10-4m/s, de ordens de grandeza similares aos valores encontrados no Sistema Aquífero Alter do Chão. Avaliando-se as inter-relações regionais e potencialidades desses dois sistemas aquíferos procurou-se contribuir para o conhecimento hidrogeológico na Região Hidrográfica Amazônica, onde as pesquisas sobre águas subterrâneas ainda são incipientes.


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Better knowledge of the anthropogenic soils can help create future scenarios for the Amazon region through information that supports the sustainable planning. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of soil physical anthropogenic and not anthropogenic in the region of Manipur, AM. In the study area we selected two, one with no anthropogenic soils (native forest) and another with anthropogenic soils (black earth archaeological). In each area, we established a grid measuring 70 x 70 m and the soils were sampled at the points of intersection of the grid with regular spacing of 10 by 10 feet, making a total of 64 sampling points in each landscape. Soil samples were collected at a depth from 0.0 to 0.10 I did the analyzes physical (texture, bulk density, macroporosity, microporososidade, porosity and aggregate stability). Then, the data were subjected to descriptive statistics and geostatistics. It was found that the anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic soils showed different behaviors in relation ace their spatial structures. The spatial variability that prevailed in anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic soil was moderate and weak indicating that these soils are strongly linked to changes in the soil by extrinsic factors. The soil was observed anthropogenic best results for total porosity, microporosity and bulk density, showing superior characteristics compared for agronomic soil not anthropogenic. And the range of values found in the above two areas were used in the mesh, showing greater spatial continuity in these environments.


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von Walden F, Casagrande V, Ostlund Farrants AK, Nader GA. Mechanical loading induces the expression of a Pol I regulon at the onset of skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 302: C1523-C1530, 2012. First published March 7, 2012; doi:10.1152/ajpcell.00460.2011.-The main goal of the present study was to investigate the regulation of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) gene transcription at the onset of skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Mice were subjected to functional overload of the plantaris by bilateral removal of the synergist muscles. Mechanical loading resulted in muscle hypertrophy with an increase in rRNA content. rDNA transcription, as determined by 45S pre-rRNA abundance, paralleled the increase in rRNA content and was consistent with the onset of the hypertrophic response. Increased transcription and protein expression of c-Myc and its downstream polymerase I (Pol I) regulon (POL1RB, TIF-1A, PAF53, TTF1, TAF1C) was also consistent with the increase in rRNA. Similarly, factors involved in rDNA transcription, such as the upstream binding factor and the Williams syndrome transcription factor, were induced by mechanical loading in a corresponding temporal fashion. Chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed that these factors, together with Pol I, were enriched at the rDNA promoter. This, in addition to an increase in histone H3 lysine 9 acetylation, demonstrates that mechanical loading regulates rRNA synthesis by inducing a gene expression program consisting of a Pol I regulon, together with accessory factors involved in transcription and chromatin remodeling at the rDNA promoter. Altogether, these data indicate that transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms take place in the regulation of ribosome production at the onset of muscle hypertrophy.


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Angiotensin II (Ang II), acting via the AT1 receptor, induces an increase in intracellular calcium [Ca(2+)]i that then interacts with calmodulin (CaM). The Ca(2+)/CaM complex directly or indirectly activates sodium hydrogen exchanger 1 (NHE1) and phosphorylates calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII), which then regulates sodium hydrogen exchanger 3 (NHE3) activity. In this study, we investigated the cellular signaling pathways responsible for Ang II-mediated regulation of NHE1 and NHE3 in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. The NHE1- and NHE3-dependent pHi recovery rates were evaluated by fluorescence microscopy using the fluorescent probe BCECF/AM, messenger RNA was evaluated with the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and protein expression was evaluated by immunoblot. We demonstrated that treatment with Ang II (1pM or 1 nM) for 30 min induced, via the AT1 but not the AT2 receptor, an equal increase in NHE1 and NHE3 activity that was reduced by the specific inhibitors HOE 694 and S3226, respectively. Ang II (1 nM) did not change the total expression of NHE1, NHE3 or calmodulin, but it induced CaMKII, cRaf-1, Erk1/2 and p90(RSK) phosphorylation. The stimulatory effects of Ang II (1 nM) on NHE1 or NHE3 activity or protein abundance was reduced by ophiobolin-A (CaM inhibitor), KN93 (CaMKII inhibitor) or PD98059 (Mek inhibitor). These results indicate that after 30 min, Ang II treatment may activate G protein-dependent pathways, including the AT1/PLC/Ca(2+)/CaM pathway, which induces CaMKII phosphorylation to stimulate NHE3 and induces cRaf-1/Mek/Erk1/2/p90(RSK) activity to stimulate NHE1