839 resultados para Francia, José Gaspar Rodríguez de, 1766-1840.
Background: Glutamate excitotoxicity contributes to oligodendrocyte and tissue damage in multiple sclerosis (MS). Intriguingly, glutamate level in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid of MS patients is elevated, a feature which may be related to the pathophysiology of this disease. In addition to glutamate transporters, levels of extracellular glutamate are controlled by cystine/glutamate antiporter x(c)(-), an exchanger that provides intracellular cystine for production of glutathione, the major cellular antioxidant. The objective of this study was to analyze the role of the system x(c)(-) in glutamate homeostasis alterations in MS pathology. -- Methods: Primary cultures of human monocytes and the cell line U-937 were used to investigate the mechanism of glutamate release. Expression of cystine glutamate exchanger (xCT) was quantified by quantitative PCR, Western blot, flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry in monocytes in vitro, in animals with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), the animal model of MS, and in samples of MS patients. -- Results and discussion: We show here that human activated monocytes release glutamate through cystine/glutamate antiporter x(c)(-) and that the expression of the catalytic subunit xCT is upregulated as a consequence of monocyte activation. In addition, xCT expression is also increased in EAE and in the disease proper. In the later, high expression of xCT occurs both in the central nervous system (CNS) and in peripheral blood cells. In particular, cells from monocyte-macrophage-microglia lineage have higher xCT expression in MS and in EAE, indicating that immune activation upregulates xCT levels, which may result in higher glutamate release and contribution to excitotoxic damage to oligodendrocytes. -- Conclusions: Together, these results reveal that increased expression of the cystine/glutamate antiporter system x(c)(-) in MS provides a link between inflammation and excitotoxicity in demyelinating diseases.
XXII,1021 p.
Astrocytes are fundamental for brain homeostasis and the progression and outcome of many neuropathologies including Alzheimer's disease (AD). In the triple transgenic mouse model of AD (3xTg-AD) generalised hippocampal astroglia atrophy precedes a restricted and specific beta-amyloid (A beta) plaque-related astrogliosis. Astrocytes are critical for CNS glutamatergic transmission being the principal elements of glutamate homeostasis through maintaining its synthesis, uptake and turnover via glutamate-glutamine shuttle. Glutamine synthetase (GS), which is specifically expressed in astrocytes, forms glutamine by an ATP-dependent amination of glutamate. Here, we report changes in GS astrocytic expression in two major cognitive areas of the hippocampus (the dentate gyrus, DG and the CA1) in 3xTg-AD animals aged between 9 and 18 months. We found a significant reduction in Nv (number of cell/mm(3)) of GS immunoreactive (GS-IR) astrocytes starting from 12 months (28.59%) of age in the DG, and sustained at 18 months (31.65%). CA1 decrease of GS-positive astrocytes Nv (33.26%) occurs at 18 months. This Nv reduction of GSIR astrocytes is paralleled by a decrease in overall GS expression (determined by its optical density) that becomes significant at 18 months (21.61% and 19.68% in DG and CA1, respectively). GS-IR Nv changes are directly associated with the presence of A beta deposits showing a decrease of 47.92% as opposed to 23.47% in areas free of A beta. These changes in GS containing astrocytes and GS-immunoreactivity indicate AD-related impairments of glutamate homeostatic system, at the advanced and late stages of the disease, which may affect the efficacy of glutamatergic transmission in the diseased brain that may contribute to the cognitive deficiency.
[ES] El seguimiento arqueológico se realiza sobre las capillas del la nave Norte de la iglesia más la capilla “de las reliquias”, en total 9 capillas de unos 10 x 10 metros cada una. Los elementos a documentar son las unidades estratigráficas exhumadas que, en gran medida corresponden a enterramientos (fosas y los propios esqueletos).
[ES] Conjunto de figuras en piedra de gran porte (unos 4 metros de altura cada una), lo componen 14 figuras en la zona baja del apostolado y un conjunto de 2 personajes más formando la Piedad en la parte superior. Se trata de formas esquemáticas de perfil redondeado que corresponden artísticamente a una de las corrientes más destacadas del siglo XX.
[ES] Se trata de un área cubierta de unos 8 x 8 metros (la altura del techo es de unos 2,5 metros en la zona más baja) en la que se disponen varios huesos de diferentes especies entre los que destacan, por su porte, varios colmillos de elefante.
[ES] Este proyecto corresponde a una continuación del que documenta la torre central y que se realizó en 2005. Dicho trabajo puede consultarse también es este repositorio:
[ES] Yacimiento arqueológico a las afueras de la ciudad de Vitora-Gasteiz que han sido afectadas por la urbanización de Zabalgana. Se trata de restos muy arrasados de varios edificios de los que sólo se conserva su interpretación en planta aunque excepcionalmente se conserva algún alzado.
[ES] Se trata de una explanada de unos 150 x 50 metros a las afueras del pueblo que antiguamente formaba un conjunto de eras empedradas (círculos de unos 20 metros de diámetro) de las cuales dos se han descubierto.
[ES] La eficiencia y capacidad competitiva de las organizaciones depende —además de otros factores— de la calidad del capital humano de que disponen. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el efecto del capital humano de la empresa tanto en la decisión de entrar en los mercados internacionales como en la intensidad de ventas realizadas en dichos mercados utilizando modelos de regresión logit y tobit. El trabajo empírico se realiza sobre una muestra de empresas manufactureras españolas. El capital humano se evalúa desde una doble óptica, por un lado se considera la formación genérica de los empleados y por otro lado la formación específica de los mismos. Los resultados muestran que la formación genérica y la específica tienen un efecto positivo y significativo tanto sobre la decisión de entrar en los mercados internacionales como en la intensidad de ventas realizadas en dichos mercados.
Feeding trial was conducted in static water to assess the growth of H. longifilis fingerlings fed different I inclusion levels of mucuna seed meal (MSM). Raw and boiled MSM were used in the diets at 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% inclusion levels and the performance of fish fed these diets was compared with fish fed a fishmeal-based diet which contained 40% protein. All diets were prepared to be isonitrogenous and isocaloric A two by five factorial experiment with three replicates using ten fish of average initial weight 1 .46g was carried out. Daily fish ration of five percent body weight was administered two times for eight weeks. The specific growth rate in diets 1 (control) and 6(10% boiled MSM) were similar and significantly (P<0.05) higher than the other dietary groups. The significantly lower growth performance of fish fed diets containing higher inclusion levels of both raw and boiled MSM might be due to incomplete elimination of the antinutritional factors present in MSM by boiling. Other methods of processing MSM to improve its nutritive value should be investigated. (7 page document)
9 p.
Prefeitos de todo o país estiveram no Congresso Nacional pedir que aprovem a reeleição para Prefeito na votação das Disposições Transitórias. Os Prefeitos gostaram da proposta da fusão de emendas, entre as quais as do Deputado César Neto que prevê eleições municipais para este ano com mandato tampão e com possibilidade da reeleição. Houve acordo até o artigo 32 das Disposições Transitórias, foi discutida a questão tributária. As dúvidas relativas ao sistema Judiciário e a sua adaptação a nova Carta foram acertadas; assim como votação, em sessão da Câmara dos Deputados, do projeto de lei que regulamenta as eleições municipais de 1988. Depoimentos: Lincoln Magalhães (Pres. Municipal/ SP); Jovani Masini (PMDB/PR); Antônio Gaspar (PMDB/MA); Jose Serra (PMDB/SP); Bonifácio de Andrade (PDS/MG)., Ibsen Pinheiro (PMDB), Amaury Müller (PDT/RS). Presidente da Associação Municipal SP, Lincoln Magalhães; Jovani Masini; Mário Covas; Sandra Cavalcanti; Antônio Gaspar; José Serra; Bonifácio de Andrada; Ibsen Pinheiro; Bernardo Cabral; Ulysses Guimaraães; Amaury Muller; Presidente da Associação Municipal SP, Lincoln Magalhães; Jovani Masini; Mário Covas; Sandra Cavalcanti; Antônio Gaspar; José Serra; Bonifácio de Andrada; Ibsen Pinheiro; Bernardo Cabral; Ulysses Guimarães; Amaury Muller.
[ES] España, al igual que Italia, líder tradicional del sector de granito, ha visto como China, India o Brasil, han escalado posiciones en el ranking de producción y exportación mundial de granito. En un contexto globalizado, es necesario posicionarse frente a estos competidores en los mercados internacionales, y dado que estamos ante un producto genérico que cumple unas condiciones adecuadas de precio y calidad, una forma de identificarlo y diferenciarlo es aportándole valor mediante la creación de una marca. En el trabajo se analiza la utilidad de una estrategia basada en el made in para el caso de Galicia, núcleo fundamental de la industria en España, alternativa que resulta interesante para las empresas consultadas pero cuya puesta en práctica exige la colaboración entre éstas y las instituciones.
Coleção Marcio Moreira Alves.