989 resultados para BD


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Esta tese tem como objectivos apresentar uma análise aprofundada de alguns derivados e afixos derivacionais em Português e em Inglês, bem como investigar os processos de aquisição e desenvolvimento desses afixos, em ambas as línguas, por parte de falantes nativos da língua portuguesa, nomeadamente estudantes do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico (3.º ano de escolaridade). Será avaliada a consciência morfológica desses estudantes1, isto é, o conhecimento e a capacidade que os falantes possuem de fazer julgamentos acerca da estrutura interna das palavras de uma determinada língua, através da realização de diversas actividades morfológicas. Estas tarefas contribuirão para que se proceda a uma análise sobre a forma como os jovens aprendentes segmentam e interpretam palavras derivadas, nas quais estão incluídos os afixos derivacionais em estudo, e de que modo seleccionam formas de base às quais se adicionam esses afixos, tanto na língua materna (Português) como na língua estrangeira (Inglês). Assim, a especificidade dos morfemas derivacionais, a par da escassez de estudos que contemplem as suas características particulares, justificam necessariamente uma investigação autónoma. Espero, pois, que esta dissertação possa contribuir para um melhor conhecimento da Morfologia do Português e do Inglês, mais concretamente da Morfologia Derivacional, e de como esta é compreendida pelas crianças do Ensino Básico.


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O comandante Ernesto Jardim de Vilhena (n. Ferreira do Alentejo 1876 – m. Lisboa 1967) foi o mais importante coleccionador de arte em Portugal na primeira metade do século XX. Os objectos que foram sua propriedade constituem uma referência incontornável no património artístico nacional, estatal e privado. 1500 peças do núcleo de escultura foram doadas ao Estado Português pelos seus herdeiros em 1969, passando juridicamente à propriedade do Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga (MNAA) em 1980. A classificação destas esculturas como monumentos deve‐se não só à sua categoria artística intrínseca, mas também ao trabalho desenvolvido pelo MNAA. A dicotomia – Coleccionador e Museologia construtora da história da imagem esculpida – enforma esta tese para a qual os conceitos de biografia cultural dos objectos, gosto e a definição dos padrões e modos do coleccionismo artístico português da primeira metade do século XX se afirmam igualmente como fundamentos analíticos do conceito pessoal de património de Ernesto de Vilhena.


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Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - SFRH/BD/48804/2008 and the project PTDC/BI/65383/2006 assigned to Prof. Cecíla Roque and also to Associate Laboratory REQUIMTE (Pest-C/EQB/LA0006/2011)


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Através da desconstrução e análise das dinâmicas da violência de género, particularmente das relações conjugais violentas, tenta-­‐se perceber os motivos que levam as mulheres vítimas a permanecer em longos ciclos de violência conjugal. Exploram-­‐se as dinâmicas e interacções sociais entre todos os intervenientes das relações conjugais violentas e identificam-­‐se as lógicas que contribuem para a manutenção dos ciclos de violência, que advém dessa interacção. Ao mesmo tempo analisam-­‐se os contextos da experiencia emocional vivida pelas vítimas, em particular através de emoções socais como a vergonha e culpa que aprisionam as mulheres na relação violenta. A análise desse contexto emocional faz-­‐se, ainda, através do recurso a determinados indicadores de expressão emocional, em situação de entrevista, e que permitem explorar, de forma mais profunda, as dinâmicas emocionais por vezes não reconhecidas pelas próprias mulheres vítimas.


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As preocupações com a introdução de melhorias na eficiência do trabalho e do trabalhador têm, desde sempre, estado presentes no mundo do trabalho. Porém, a utilização de métodos científicos no seu estudo, planificação e organização surge apenas nos anos iniciais do século XX tendo como objectivo o aumento do rendimento mediante a supressão de desperdícios de tempo, esforço e materiais. Por norma, habituámo-nos a conotar de imediato o tema com as realidades de países como os Estados Unidos da América, a França, a Alemanha ou o Japão. No entanto, na verdade, estes princípios difundiram-se praticamente por todo o mundo industrializado ou em vias de industrialização, tendo sido desenvolvidas experiências interessantes também na América do Sul, na Europa Oriental ou nos países periféricos da Europa do Sul, entre os quais Portugal. De facto, em Portugal, os primeiros indícios de reflexão em torno destes princípios surgem ainda no período da I República, por via de pequenos artigos publicados em alguns periódicos da época. No entanto, é após a II Guerra Mundial que o aprofundamento dos estudos e da aplicação dos métodos de organização científica do trabalho tem a sua época de maior desenvolvimento. É, de facto, neste período que se dá início ao que podemos considerar como a «época de ouro» da organização científica do trabalho no País, durante a qual são criados organismos privados e estatais que têm por objectivo difundir estes princípios não só a nível industrial, mas também agrícola e administrativo. As lógicas da época não são alheias a esta realidade, encontrando-se a mesma enredada nas dinâmicas da assistência técnica norte-americana, da inserção de Portugal nos organismos de cooperação económica e sendo influenciada por outros impactos internacionais, bem como pela forma como todos estes elementos se relacionam com os desafios que Portugal enfrentava na época, com a procura da produtividade e com a tomada de consciência sobre a necessidade de ultrapassar as debilidades que haviam sido reveladas pela II Guerra Mundial e pelos estudos preparatórios dos Planos de Fomento. Na verdade, traçar a história da organização científica do trabalho em Portugal é traçar uma narrativa em dois planos, nos quais os impulsos externos são evidentes mas cujas dinâmicas são assumidas por uma plataforma de apoio que, no País, apostou na importância da melhoria da eficácia da indústria e da Administração Pública através da aplicação destes princípios. Encontramo-nos, assim, perante um Estado que, também por esta via, se internacionaliza e moderniza, que cresce em funções e funcionários; que é impelido a enfrentar novos desafios; que se envolve e recebe impactos de movimentos, correntes e organismos internacionais, num mundo que se torna cada vez mais interligado. São os ventos da época que sopram em Portugal pela porta deixada aberta pela decisão de «não ficar de fora». O estudo que seguidamente se apresenta irá, assim, identificar os veículos que conduziram à introdução da organização científica do trabalho no País e as dinâmicas que os enredaram e definiram a nível nacional e internacional, sem esquecer os actores, objectivos e resistências em presença.


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Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT-MCTES) under the grant SFRH/BD/69306/2010


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The main objective of this thesis was the development of a gold nanoparticle-based methodology for detection of DNA adducts as biomarkers, to try and overcome existing drawbacks in currently employed techniques. For this objective to be achieved, the experimental work was divided in three components: sample preparation, method of detection and development of a model for exposure to acrylamide. Different techniques were employed and combined for de-complexation and purification of DNA samples (including ultrasonic energy, nuclease digestion and chromatography), resulting in a complete protocol for sample treatment, prior to detection. The detection of alkylated nucleotides using gold nanoparticles was performed by two distinct methodologies: mass spectrometry and colorimetric detection. In mass spectrometry, gold nanoparticles were employed for laser desorption/ionisation instead of the organic matrix. Identification of nucleotides was possible by fingerprint, however no specific mass signals were denoted when using gold nanoparticles to analyse biological samples. An alternate method using the colorimetric properties of gold nanoparticles was employed for detection. This method inspired in the non-cross-linking assay allowed the identification of glycidamide-guanine adducts and DNA adducts generated in vitro. For the development of a model of exposure, two different aquatic organisms were studies: a goldfish and a mussel. Organisms were exposed to waterborne acrylamide, after which mortality was recorded and effect concentrations were estimated. In goldfish, both genotoxicity and metabolic alterations were assessed and revealed dose-effect relationships of acrylamide. Histopathological alterations were verified primarily in pancreatic cells, but also in hepatocytes. Mussels showed higher effect concentrations than goldfish. Biomarkers of oxidative stress, biotransformation and neurotoxicity were analysed after prolonged exposure, showing mild oxidative stress in mussel cells, and induction of enzymes involved in detoxification of oxygen radicals. A qualitative histopathological screening revealed gonadotoxicity in female mussels, which may present some risk to population equilibrium.


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The extraction of relevant terms from texts is an extensively researched task in Text- Mining. Relevant terms have been applied in areas such as Information Retrieval or document clustering and classification. However, relevance has a rather fuzzy nature since the classification of some terms as relevant or not relevant is not consensual. For instance, while words such as "president" and "republic" are generally considered relevant by human evaluators, and words like "the" and "or" are not, terms such as "read" and "finish" gather no consensus about their semantic and informativeness. Concepts, on the other hand, have a less fuzzy nature. Therefore, instead of deciding on the relevance of a term during the extraction phase, as most extractors do, I propose to first extract, from texts, what I have called generic concepts (all concepts) and postpone the decision about relevance for downstream applications, accordingly to their needs. For instance, a keyword extractor may assume that the most relevant keywords are the most frequent concepts on the documents. Moreover, most statistical extractors are incapable of extracting single-word and multi-word expressions using the same methodology. These factors led to the development of the ConceptExtractor, a statistical and language-independent methodology which is explained in Part I of this thesis. In Part II, I will show that the automatic extraction of concepts has great applicability. For instance, for the extraction of keywords from documents, using the Tf-Idf metric only on concepts yields better results than using Tf-Idf without concepts, specially for multi-words. In addition, since concepts can be semantically related to other concepts, this allows us to build implicit document descriptors. These applications led to published work. Finally, I will present some work that, although not published yet, is briefly discussed in this document.


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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous priority pollutants that tend to be trapped in aquatic sediments due to their high hydrophobicity. Nonetheless, the differential toxicological effects and mechanisms between the various classes of PAHs and their mixtures, as they invariably occur in the environment, are scarcely known, especially under ecologically-relevant scenarios. This thesis aimed at establishing a bridge between the study of mechanistic pathways and environmental monitoring of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic PAHs, by introducing ecological-relevance in the research with model PAHs. A first bioassay conducted in situ with the mussel Mytilus edulis demonstrated that, dredging operations in harbours increase PAH bioavailability, eliciting genotoxicity, and showed that established environmental guidelines underestimate risk. Subsequent ex situ bioassays were performed with the carcinogenic benzo[b]fluoranthene (B[b]F) and non-carcinogenic phenantrene (Phe), selected following preceding results, and revealed that low-moderate concentrations of these PAHs in spiked sediments induce genotoxic effects to the clam Ruditapes decussatus, therefore contradicting the general notion that bivalves are less sensitive to PAHs than vertebrates due to inefficient bioactivation. Also, it was demonstrated that passive samplers permit inferring on PAH bioavailability but not on bioaccumulation or toxic effects. On the other hand, sea basses (Dicentrarchus labrax), yielded a complex pattern of effects and responses, relatively to genotoxicity, oxidative stress and production of specific metabolites, especially when exposed to mixtures of the PAHs which led to additive, if not synergistic, effects. It was shown that Phe may elicit significant genotoxicity especially in presence of B[b]F, even though the low, albeit realistic, exposure concentrations diluted dose- and time-independent relationships. The present work demonstrated that environmental quality guidelines underestimate the effects of PAHs in realistic scenarios and showed that the significant genotoxic and histopathological effects caused by mixed PAHs may not be reflected by oxidative stress- or CYP-related biomarkers. Besides important findings on the metabolism of PAH mixtures, the work calls for the need to re-evaluate the criteria for assessing risk and for the disclosure of more efficient indicators of toxicological hazard.


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Cloud computing has been one of the most important topics in Information Technology which aims to assure scalable and reliable on-demand services over the Internet. The expansion of the application scope of cloud services would require cooperation between clouds from different providers that have heterogeneous functionalities. This collaboration between different cloud vendors can provide better Quality of Services (QoS) at the lower price. However, current cloud systems have been developed without concerns of seamless cloud interconnection, and actually they do not support intercloud interoperability to enable collaboration between cloud service providers. Hence, the PhD work is motivated to address interoperability issue between cloud providers as a challenging research objective. This thesis proposes a new framework which supports inter-cloud interoperability in a heterogeneous computing resource cloud environment with the goal of dispatching the workload to the most effective clouds available at runtime. Analysing different methodologies that have been applied to resolve various problem scenarios related to interoperability lead us to exploit Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) methods as appropriate approaches for our inter-cloud framework. Moreover, since distributing the operations in a cloud-based environment is a nondeterministic polynomial time (NP-complete) problem, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based job scheduler proposed as a part of interoperability framework, offering workload migration with the best performance at the least cost. A new Agent Based Simulation (ABS) approach is proposed to model the inter-cloud environment with three types of agents: Cloud Subscriber agent, Cloud Provider agent, and Job agent. The ABS model is proposed to evaluate the proposed framework.


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Nesta dissertação é realizado o estudo de um motor em disco polifásico com armadura convencional e rotor que pode ser convencional, em alumínio, ou composto por material supercondutor de alta temperatura multi‐semente. O motor com o rotor em alumínio apresenta um comportamento assíncrono bem definido, baseado na lei geral de indução de eletromotrizes no induzido. Contudo, ao ser mergulhado em azoto líquido, evidencia melhores características eléctricas, tanto do induzido como do indutor, mesmo que o núcleo ferromagnético convencional possa exibir degradação magnética. O motor com o rotor SAT exibe um comportamento distinto, evidenciando ambos os regimes síncrono e assíncrono estáveis. O regime síncrono fica caracterizado pelo fenómeno de aprisionamento de campo, que garante que o rotor gire síncrono com o campo girante do estator. Em regime assíncrono, para um determinado valor de binário resistente aplicado superior ao electromagnético máximo desenvolvido pelo motor, o fenómeno de escoamento de campo está presente, sendo o binário electromagnético motor reforçado por um binário extra de perdas de carácter resistivo desenvolvidas no rotor devido à interacção da densidade de corrente a campos eléctricos que se estabelecem no rotor. Neste caso, o fenómeno de escoamento de campo não é devido a forças de Lorentz que se definem na matriz de Abrikosov, mas sim devido a esta ser “puxada” pelo campo girante do estator, ficando a matriz a deslizar sobre o rotor. De modo a obter as características dos sistemas electromecânicos em estudo é realizada uma análise teórica, baseada na teoria convencional das máquinas eléctricas, com o objectivo de compreender alguns dos fenómenos do motor de fluxo axial, e uma análise baseada num programa comercial de elementos finitos onde o fenómeno da supercondutividade é simulado com base na relação entre o campo elétrico e a densidade de corrente pela lei da potenciação (E‐J power law). O ensaio dos motores referidos é realizado para comparar ambos os sistemas e de realçar o princípio de funcionamento e as características mais relevantes de cada um. Da análise realizada é desenvolvido um modelo que caracteriza o funcionamento da máquina com o rotor com SAT.


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Este trabalho foi efectuado com o apoio da Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Agronomia com o Centro de Engenharia dos Biossistemas (CEER


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Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PhD grant (SFRH/BD/62568/2009)


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The focus of this Thesis was the study of the sensor domains of two heme-containing methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCP) from Geobacter sulfurreducens: GSU0582 and GSU0935. These domains contain one c-type heme, form swapped dimers with a PAS-like fold and are the first examples of a new class of heme sensors. NMR spectroscopy was used to assign the heme and polypeptide signals in both sensors, as a first step to probe conformational changes in the vicinity of the hemes. However, the presence of two conformations in solution impaired the confident assignment of the polypeptide signals. To understand how conformational changes and swapped dimerization mechanism can effectively modulate the function of the two sensor domains and their signal transduction process, the sensor domains folding and stability were studied by circular dichroism and UV-visible spectroscopy. The results showed differences in the thermodynamic stability of the sensors, with GSU0582 displaying higher structural stability. These studies also demonstrated that the heme moiety undergoes conformational changes matching those occurring at the global protein structure and that the content of intrinsically disordered segments within these proteins (25% for GSU0935; 13% for GSU0582) correlates with the stability differences observed. The thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the sensor domains were determined at different pH and ionic strength by visible spectroscopy and stopped-flow techniques. Despite the remarkably similar spectroscopic and structural features of the two sensor domains, the results showed that their properties are quite distinct. Sensor domain GSU0935 displayed more negative reduction potentials and smaller reduction rate constants, which were more affected by pH and ionic strength. The available structures were used to rationalize these differences. Overall, the results described in this Thesis indicate that the two G. sulfurreducens MCP sensor domains are designed to function in different working potential ranges, allowing this bacterium to trigger an adequate cellular response in distinct anoxic subsurface environments.


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The development of devices based on heterostructured thin films of biomolecules conveys a huge contribution on biomedical field. However, to achieve high efficiency of these devices, the storage of water molecules into these heterostructures, in order to maintain the biological molecules hydrated, is mandatory. Such hydrated environment may be achieved with lipids molecules which have the ability to rearrange spontaneously into vesicles creating a stable barrier between two aqueous compartments. Yet it is necessary to find conditions that lead to the immobilization of whole vesicles on the heterostructures. In this work, the conditions that govern the deposition of open and closed liposomes of 1.2-dipalmitoyl-sn-Glycero-3-[Phospho-rac-(1-glycerol)] (sodium Salt) (DPPG) onto polyelectrolytes cushions prepared by the layer-by-layer (LbL) method were analyzed. Electronic transitions of DPPG molecules as well as absorption coefficients were obtained by vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy, while the elemental composition of the heterostructures was characterized by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The presence of water molecules in the films was inferred by XPS and infrared spectroscopy. Quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) data analysis allowed to conclude that, in certain cases, the DPPG adsorbed amount is dependent of the bilayers number already adsorbed. Moreover, the adsorption kinetics curves of both adsorbed amount and surface roughness allowed to determine the kinetics parameters that are related with adsorption processes namely, electrostatic forces, liposomes diffusion and lipids re-organization on surface. Scaling exponents attained from atomic force microscopy images statistical analysis demonstrate that DPPG vesicles adsorption mechanism is ruled by the diffusion Villain model confirming that adsorption is governed by electrostatic forces. The power spectral density treatment enabled a thorough description of the accessible surface of the samples as well as of its inner structural properties. These outcomes proved that surface roughness influences the adsorption of DPPG liposomes onto surfaces covered by a polyelectrolyte layer. Thus, low roughness was shown to induce liposome rupture creating a lipid bilayer while high roughness allows the adsorption of whole liposomes. In addition, the fraction of open liposomes calculated from the normalized maximum adsorbed amounts decreases with the cushion roughness increase, allowing us to conclude that the surface roughness is a crucial variable that governs the adsorption of open or whole liposomes. This conclusion is fundamental for the development of well-designed sensors based on functional biomolecules incorporated in liposomes. Indeed, LbL films composed of polyelectrolytes and liposomes with and without melanin encapsulated were successfully applied to sensors of olive oil.