1000 resultados para ARN:ADN


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Aquest projecte té com a finalitat desenvolupar un sistema no destructiu per a la caracterització de les plantacions de vinya i d’arbres fruiters mitjançant la utilització d’un sensor làser (LiDAR - Light Detection and Ranging). La informació obtinguda ha de permetre estudiar la resposta del cultiu a determinades accions (poda, reg, adobs, etc.); i també realitzar tractaments fitosanitaris adaptats a la densitat foliar del cultiu. La posada a punt del sistema (software i hardware) es va realitzar a escala reduïda mitjançant proves de laboratori sobre un arbre ornamental. Obtenint la configuració del sensor LiDAR més adequada i la calibració de tot el sistema. L’any 2004 van realitzar assajos en plantacions de pomera, perera, cítrics i vinya. L’objectiu era posar a prova el sistema i obtenir dades dels cultius. Amb la introducció de canvis i millores en el sistema i en la metodologia de treball, l’any 2005 es van realitzar nous assajos, però només en perera Blanquilla i en vinya Merlot. En tots els assajos s’escanejaven unes franges de vegetació concretes i posteriorment es desfullaven manualment per a calcular-ne l’Índex d’Àrea Foliar (IAF). Les dades obtingudes amb el sensor LiDAR s’han analitzat mitjançant l’aplicació de la metodologia desenvolupada per Walklate et al.(2002) i s’han obtingut determinats paràmetres vegetatius de cultiu, que posteriorment s’han correlacionat amb l’Índex d’Àrea Foliar (IAF) obtingut de forma experimental. La capacitat de predicció de l’Índex d’Àrea Foliar (IAF) per part dels diferents paràmetres calculats es diferent en cada cultiu, essent necessàries més proves i major nombre de dades a fi d’obtenir un model fiable per a l’estimació de l’IAF a partir de les lectures del sensor LiDAR. L’estudi de la variabilitat de la vegetació mitjançant l’anàlisi de la variabilitat del Tree Area Index (TAI) al llarg de la fila ha permès determinar el nombre mínim necessari d’escanejades acumulades per a l’estimació fiable de l’Índex d’Àrea Foliar. Finalment s’ha estudiat la incidència de l’alçada de col•locació del sensor LiDAR respecte la vegetació.


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TCF7L2 is the susceptibility gene for Type 2 diabetes (T2D) with the largest effect on disease risk that has been discovered to date. However, the mechanisms by which TCF7L2 contributes to the disease remain largely elusive. In addition, epigenetic mechanisms, such as changes in DNA methylation patterns, might have a role in the pathophysiology of T2D. This study aimed to investigate the differences in terms of DNA methylation profile of TCF7L2 promoter gene between type 2 diabetic patients and age- and Body Mass Index (BMI)- matched controls. We included 93 type 2 diabetic patients that were recently diagnosed for T2D and exclusively on diet (without any pharmacological treatment). DNA was extracted from whole blood and DNA methylation was assessed using the Sequenom EpiTYPER system. Type 2 diabetic patients were more insulin resistant than their matched controls (mean HOMA IR 2.6 vs 1.8 in controls, P<0.001) and had a poorer beta-cell function (mean HOMA B 75.7 vs. 113.6 in controls, P<0.001). Results showed that 59% of the CpGs analyzed in TCF7L2 promoter had significant differences between type 2 diabetic patients and matched controls. In addition, fasting glucose, HOMA-B, HOMA-IR, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol correlated with methylation in specific CpG sites of TCF7L2 promoter. After adjustment by age, BMI, gender, physical inactivity, waist circumference, smoking status and diabetes status uniquely fasting glucose, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol remained significant. Taken together, newly diagnosed, drug-naïve type 2 diabetic patients display specific epigenetic changes at the TCF7L2 promoter as compared to age- and BMI-matched controls. Methylation in TCF7L2 promoter is further correlated with fasting glucose in peripheral blood DNA, which sheds new light on the role of epigenetic regulation of TCF7L2 in T2D.


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Maintaining and acquiring the pluripotent cell state in plants is critical to tissue regeneration and vegetative multiplication. Histone-based epigenetic mechanisms are important for regulating this undifferentiated state. Here we report the use of genetic and pharmacological experimental approaches to show that Arabidopsis cell suspensions and calluses specifically repress some genes as a result of promoter DNA hypermethylation. We found that promoters of the MAPK12, GSTU10 and BXL1 genes become hypermethylated in callus cells and that hypermethylation also affects the TTG1, GSTF5, SUVH8, fimbrin and CCD7 genes in cell suspensions. Promoter hypermethylation in undifferentiated cells was associated with histone hypoacetylation and primarily occurred at CpG sites. Accordingly, we found that the process specifically depends on MET1 and DRM2 methyltransferases, as demonstrated with DNA methyltransferase mutants. Our results suggest that promoter DNA methylation may be another important epigenetic mechanism for the establishment and/or maintenance of the undifferentiated state in plant cells.


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PRENDRE EL SOL POT SER UNA ACTIVITAT molt plaent. Tanmateix, la radiació ultraviolada pot esdevenir carcinògena, atesa la seva capacitat d'induir mutacions en l'ADN, motiu pel qual sempre s'ha de prendre amb moderació i utilitzar una crema protectora adequada. Els rajos solars més mutagènics són els ultraviolats de tipus B (UVB), atès que són més energètics. Provoquen mutacions de forma gairebé instantània, de manera que quan deixem de prendre el sol tenim la sensació d'estar protegits. Però un treball publicat a Science demostra que els UVA, que tradicionalment s'han percebut com a menys nocius i per això són els que emeten les làmpades solars per bronzejar-se, també són mutagènics, tot i que actuen de manera diferent dels UVB. La seva capacitat per induir mutacions no és instantània, sinó que perdura fins a tres hores després que hàgim deixat de prendre el sol.


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Mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) are useful and relatively accessible sources of molecular data to explore and understand the evolutionary history and relationships of eukaryotic organisms across diverse taxonomic levels. The availability of complete mitogenomes from Platyhelminthes is limited; of the 40 or so published most are from parasitic flatworms (Neodermata). Here, we present the mitogenomes of two free-living flatworms (Tricladida): the complete genome of the freshwater species Crenobia alpina (Planariidae) and a nearly complete genome of the land planarian Obama sp. (Geoplanidae). Moreover, we have reanotated the published mitogenome of the species Dugesia japonica (Dugesiidae). This contribution almost doubles the total number of mtDNAs published for Tricladida, a species-rich group including model organisms and economically important invasive species. We took the opportunity to conduct comparative mitogenomic analyses between available free-living and selected parasitic flatworms in order to gain insights into the putative effect of life cycle on nucleotide composition through mutation and natural selection. Unexpectedly, we did not find any molecular hallmark of a selective relaxation in mitogenomes of parasitic flatworms; on the contrary, three out of the four studied free-living triclad mitogenomes exhibit higher A+T content and selective relaxation levels. Additionally, we provide new and valuable molecular data to develop markers for future phylogenetic studies on planariids and geoplanids.


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Background: The relevance of persistent cognitive deficits to the pathogenesis and prognosis of bipolar disorders (BD) is understudied, and its translation into clinical practice has been limited by the absence of brief methods assessing cognitive status in Psychiatry. This investigation assessed the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatry (SCIP-S) for the detection of cognitive impairment in BD. Methods: After short training, psychiatrists at 40 outpatient clinics administered the SCIP three times over two weeks to a total of 76 consecutive type I BD admissions. Experienced psychologists also administered a comprehensive battery of standard neuropsychological instruments to clinical sample and 45 healthy control subjects. Results: Feasibility was supported by a brief administration time (approximately 15 minutes) and minimal scoring errors. The reliability of the SCIP was confirmed by good equivalence of forms, acceptable stability (ICC range 0.59 to 0.87) and adequate internal consistency (Chronbach's alpha of 0.74). Construct validity was granted by extraction of a single factor (accounting 52% of the variance), acceptable correlations with conventional neuropsychological instruments, and a clear differentiation between bipolar I and normal samples. Efficiency was also provided by the adequate sensitivity and specificity. Limitations: The sample size is not very large. The SCIP and the neurocognitive battery do not cover all potentially relevant cognitive domains. Also, sensitivity to change remains unexplored. Conclusion: With minimal training, physicians obtained a reliable and valid estimate of cognitive impairment in approximately 15 minutes from an application of the SCIP to type I BD patients.


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Background: The relevance of persistent cognitive deficits to the pathogenesis and prognosis of bipolar disorders (BD) is understudied, and its translation into clinical practice has been limited by the absence of brief methods assessing cognitive status in Psychiatry. This investigation assessed the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatry (SCIP-S) for the detection of cognitive impairment in BD. Methods: After short training, psychiatrists at 40 outpatient clinics administered the SCIP three times over two weeks to a total of 76 consecutive type I BD admissions. Experienced psychologists also administered a comprehensive battery of standard neuropsychological instruments to clinical sample and 45 healthy control subjects. Results: Feasibility was supported by a brief administration time (approximately 15 minutes) and minimal scoring errors. The reliability of the SCIP was confirmed by good equivalence of forms, acceptable stability (ICC range 0.59 to 0.87) and adequate internal consistency (Chronbach's alpha of 0.74). Construct validity was granted by extraction of a single factor (accounting 52% of the variance), acceptable correlations with conventional neuropsychological instruments, and a clear differentiation between bipolar I and normal samples. Efficiency was also provided by the adequate sensitivity and specificity. Limitations: The sample size is not very large. The SCIP and the neurocognitive battery do not cover all potentially relevant cognitive domains. Also, sensitivity to change remains unexplored. Conclusion: With minimal training, physicians obtained a reliable and valid estimate of cognitive impairment in approximately 15 minutes from an application of the SCIP to type I BD patients.


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La justicia y la ciencia son ámbitos muy diferentes de la actividad humana. Sin embargo, los conocimientos científicos dan lugar a la aparición de una serie de disciplinas aplicadas que son de gran utilidad en forensia y que pueden ser trascendentales en la Administración de la Justicia. El problema es reconocer primero si una especialidad es realmente científica y si puede utilizarse de manera fiable en el ámbito de la justicia. En este sentido, la utilización de las pruebas de ADN es un buen ejemplo de cómo, poco a poco, se ha ido ajustando su uso en los tribunales. Además los laboratorios donde se practican esas técnicas forenses están correctamente homologados y al mismo tiempo los especialistas que trabajan en ellos son profesionales con una sólida formación y que se mantienen constantemente al día. Otro elemento crucial es que los expertos que aportan su testimonio deben hacerlo de manera precisa y comprensible. En los casos en que se presente una prueba pericial basada en una aproximación científica novedosa, ésta debe cumplir toda una serie de requisitos para poder ser aceptada por los tribunales.


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La primera referencia histórica sobre anestesia, la encontramos en el Génesis cuando Yavé, sumió a Adán en un profundo sueño para formar, con una de sus costillas a su compañera Eva.


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La introducción de las técnicas basadas en el ADN ha dado una nueva dimensión a la forensia dedicada a combatir el fraude alimentario. En este artículo se presentan de manera conceptual estas técnicas y se muestra una serie de ejemplos aplicados. Las ciencias forenses están en continua expansión y sus nuevos procedimientos de análisis pueden aplicarse en los dictámenes periciales y forenses de la Administración de Justicia en el ámbito alimentario.


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In this work, the combustion process of ammonium dinitramide, ADN, has been modeled in two different situations: decomposition in open environment, with abundant air and decomposition in a rocket motor internal environmental conditions. The profiles of the two processes were achieved, based on molar fractions of the species that compose the products of ADN combustion. The velocity of formation and quantity of species in the open environment was bigger than the ones in the rocket motor environment, showing the effect of the different atmosphere in the reactions kinetics.


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OBJETIVO: O transplante de hepatócitos xenogênicos encapsulados pode ser utilizado no futuro em situações como a insuficiência hepática fulminante. Porém, observa-se perda precoce da expressão de genes hepatocitários específicos em hepatócitos humanos. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a influência da resposta imunológica na perda da expressão genética hepatocitária de hepatócitos humanos encapsulados e transplantados em ratos. MÉTODO: Hepatócitos humanos foram isolados de fragmentos hepáticos, encapsulados em fibras e transplantados em ratos. Nos dias 3, 7 e 14 após o transplante as fibras foram coletadas e avaliadas a morfologia por microscopia óptica e eletrônica, e a expressão dos genes por biologia molecular. O ARNm da albumina humana foi quantificado por RT-PCR e Northern blot. A resposta imunológica contra os hepatócitos foi avaliada através do ADN hepatocitário na busca de apoptose do núcleo celular e pelo aumento da expressão do CMH de classe I. RESULTADOS: Os aspectos morfológicos dos hepatócitos mantiveram-se normais até o sétimo dia após o transplante. Não se observaram células envolvidas com resposta imunológica do receptor nas fibras. Os transcritos da albumina foram detectados até D-14. Entre os dias 3 e 7 estavam em 30% em relação ao dia 0. A análise do ADN mostrou bandas preservadas sem a presença de fenômenos de apoptose nos diferentes dias. Não ocorreu aumento da expressão do CMH de classe I. CONCLUSÕES: Hepatócitos humanos encapsulados e transplantados em ratos permanecem viáveis apesar da diminuição da expressão de determinados genes. Este fenômeno, não se deve à resposta imunológica do receptor, mas ao próprio processo de isolamento celular.


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Foram estudados os grãos de pólen de sete táxons pertencentes à tribo Eupatorieae, ocorrentes na Restinga de Carapebus, Carapebus, Estado do Rio de Janeiro. São eles: Barrosoa atlantica King & Robins., B. betonicaeformis (DC.) King & Robins., Mikania belemii King & Robins., M. cordifolia Willd., M. glomerata Spreng., M. micrantha H.B.K., M. trinervis Hook & Arn. e Trichogoniopsis podocarpa (DC.) King & Robins. A tribo apresentou em comum, grãos de pólen pequenos a médios, oblato-esferoidais a prolato-esferoidais, tricolporados, sexina espinhosa e cavada. Os táxons puderam ser separados quando foram consideradas a forma polínica, as dimensões do espinho e a distância entre eles. Assim, foi possível formar dois conjuntos de espécies identificados pela forma polínica: o primeiro, com forma oblato-esferoidal, composto por Barrosoa atlantica, Mikania micrantha e M. trinervis e o segundo, com forma prolato-esferoidal, composto por Barrosoa betonicaeformis, Mikania belemii, M. cordifolia, M. glomerata e Trichogoniopsis podocarpa. Os resultados obtidos, em comparação à literatura corrente, permitem concluir que a tribo Eupatorieae é, palinologicamente, homogênea, porém algumas espécies podem ser separadas pelo grão de pólen, exceto M. glomerata de T. podocarpa e M. belemii de M. cordifolia.


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O presente trabalho trata do levantamento florístico da família Selaginellaceae Willk. no Estado de São Paulo. De acordo com os dados obtidos, foi possível o reconhecimento de 14 espécies nativas, distribuídas em três subgêneros: Heterostachys Baker, Stachygynandrum (P. Beauv.) Baker e Tetragonostachys Jermy. Os subgêneros Heterostachys e Tetragonostachys estão representados no Estado por uma única espécie cada, Selaginella muscosa Spring e Selaginella sellowii Hieron., respectivamente. O subgênero Stachygynandrum está representado por 12 espécies: Selaginella contigua Baker, S. convoluta (Arn.) Spring, S. decomposita Spring, S. flexuosa Spring, S. macrostachya (Spring) Spring, S. marginata (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Spring, S. mendoncae Hieron., S. microphylla (Kunth) Spring, S. suavis (Spring) Spring, S. sulcata (Desv. ex Poir.) Spring, S. tenuissima Fée e S. valida Alston. Selaginella mendoncae e Selaginella sellowii estão sendo citadas pela primeira vez para o Estado de São Paulo. Além dessas 14 espécies nativas, também foram encontradas quatro espécies introduzidas - Selaginella kraussiana (Kunze) A. Braun, S. pallescens (C. Presl) Spring, S. plana (Desv. ex Poir.) Hieron. e S. vogelii Spring. São apresentadas chaves de identificação e descrições para os subgêneros e espécies, bem como ilustrações, distribuição geográfica e comentários das espécies estudadas.