904 resultados para ultra-low pressure
Despite the several issues faced in the past, the evolutionary trend of silicon has kept its constant pace. Today an ever increasing number of cores is integrated onto the same die. Unfortunately, the extraordinary performance achievable by the many-core paradigm is limited by several factors. Memory bandwidth limitation, combined with inefficient synchronization mechanisms, can severely overcome the potential computation capabilities. Moreover, the huge HW/SW design space requires accurate and flexible tools to perform architectural explorations and validation of design choices. In this thesis we focus on the aforementioned aspects: a flexible and accurate Virtual Platform has been developed, targeting a reference many-core architecture. Such tool has been used to perform architectural explorations, focusing on instruction caching architecture and hybrid HW/SW synchronization mechanism. Beside architectural implications, another issue of embedded systems is considered: energy efficiency. Near Threshold Computing is a key research area in the Ultra-Low-Power domain, as it promises a tenfold improvement in energy efficiency compared to super-threshold operation and it mitigates thermal bottlenecks. The physical implications of modern deep sub-micron technology are severely limiting performance and reliability of modern designs. Reliability becomes a major obstacle when operating in NTC, especially memory operation becomes unreliable and can compromise system correctness. In the present work a novel hybrid memory architecture is devised to overcome reliability issues and at the same time improve energy efficiency by means of aggressive voltage scaling when allowed by workload requirements. Variability is another great drawback of near-threshold operation. The greatly increased sensitivity to threshold voltage variations in today a major concern for electronic devices. We introduce a variation-tolerant extension of the baseline many-core architecture. By means of micro-architectural knobs and a lightweight runtime control unit, the baseline architecture becomes dynamically tolerant to variations.
Organic printed electronics is attracting an ever-growing interest in the last decades because of its impressive breakthroughs concerning the chemical design of π-conjugated materials and their processing. This has an impact on novel applications, such as flexible-large-area displays, low- cost printable circuits, plastic solar cells and lab-on-a-chip devices. The organic field-effect transistor (OFET) relies on a thin film of organic semiconductor that bridges source and drain electrodes. Since its first discovery in the 80s, intensive research activities were deployed in order to control the chemico-physical properties of these electronic devices and consequently their charge. Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) are a versatile tool for tuning the properties of metallic, semi-conducting, and insulating surfaces. Within this context, OFETs represent reliable instruments for measuring the electrical properties of the SAMs in a Metal/SAM/OS junction. Our experimental approach, named Charge Injection Organic-Gauge (CIOG), uses OTFT in a charge-injection controlled regime. The CIOG sensitivity has been extensively demonstrated on different homologous self-assembling molecules that differ in either chain length or in anchor/terminal group. One of the latest applications of organic electronics is the so-called “bio-electronics” that makes use of electronic devices to encompass interests of the medical science, such as biosensors, biotransducers etc… As a result, thee second part of this thesis deals with the realization of an electronic transducer based on an Organic Field-Effect Transistor operating in aqueous media. Here, the conventional bottom gate/bottom contact configuration is replaced by top gate architecture with the electrolyte that ensures electrical contact between the top gold electrode and the semiconductor layer. This configuration is named Electrolyte-Gated Field-Effect Transistor (EGOFET). The functionalization of the top electrode is the sensing core of the device allowing the detection of dopamine as well as of protein biomarkers with ultra-low sensitivity.
The trend of CO2 emission limit and fuel saving due to the oil price increase and are important drivers for engines development. The engine auxiliary devices electrification (g.e fuel pump) is a way to reduce the energy consumption, because it becomes possible to control them depending on engine operation point, this kid of management can be applied to the electric low-pressure pump. Usually the fuel delivery is performed at the maximum flow rate and a pressure regulator discharges the exceeding fuel amount inside the rail (gasoline engine) or upstream of the high pressure pump (common rail diesel engine). In this work it has been investigated the fuel saving achievable through a proper control of the electric fuel pump on a small common rail diesel engine, and a control architecture is proposed. The aim was to maximize the fuel economy without any impact on pressure control in the engine transient conditions. L'andamento del limite di emissioni di CO2 e il risparmio di carburante dovuto all'aumento del prezzo del petrolio sono fattori importanti per lo sviluppo dei motori. I dispositivi ausiliari, come la pompa del carburante, sono un modo per ridurre il consumo energetico, in quanto diventa possibile controllarli a seconda del punto di funzionamento del motore, questo tipo di gestione può essere applicato alla pompa elettrica a bassa pressione. Solitamente la portata del combustibile viene eseguita alla portata massima e un regolatore di pressione si scarica la quantità eccedente di carburante all'interno del rail (motore a benzina) o a monte della pompa a alta pressione (common rail motore diesel). In questo lavoro è stato studiato il risparmio di combustibile ottenibile attraverso un adeguato controllo della pompa elettrica del carburante su un piccolo motore diesel common rail e viene proposta una architettura di controllo. Lo scopo è quello di massimizzare il risparmio di carburante, senza alcun impatto sul controllo della pressione nelle condizioni transitorie del motore.
The energy harvesting research field has grown considerably in the last decade due to increasing interests in energy autonomous sensing systems, which require smart and efficient interfaces for extracting power from energy source and power management (PM) circuits. This thesis investigates the design trade-offs for minimizing the intrinsic power of PM circuits, in order to allow operation with very weak energy sources. For validation purposes, three different integrated power converter and PM circuits for energy harvesting applications are presented. They have been designed for nano-power operations and single-source converters can operate with input power lower than 1 μW. The first IC is a buck-boost converter for piezoelectric transducers (PZ) implementing Synchronous Electrical Charge Extraction (SECE), a non-linear energy extraction technique. Moreover, Residual Charge Inversion technique is exploited for extracting energy from PZ with weak and irregular excitations (i.e. lower voltage), and the implemented PM policy, named Two-Way Energy Storage, considerably reduces the start-up time of the converter, improving the overall conversion efficiency. The second proposed IC is a general-purpose buck-boost converter for low-voltage DC energy sources, up to 2.5 V. An ultra-low-power MPPT circuit has been designed in order to track variations of source power. Furthermore, a capacitive boost circuit has been included, allowing the converter start-up from a source voltage VDC0 = 223 mV. A nano-power programmable linear regulator is also included in order to provide a stable voltage to the load. The third IC implements an heterogeneous multisource buck-boost converter. It provides up to 9 independent input channels, of which 5 are specific for PZ (with SECE) and 4 for DC energy sources with MPPT. The inductor is shared among channels and an arbiter, designed with asynchronous logic to reduce the energy consumption, avoids simultaneous access to the buck-boost core, with a dynamic schedule based on source priority.
In questo elaborato si riporta la caratterizzazione energetica di un sistema a microcontrollore basato su tecnologia FRAM. Sono state analizzate le innovazioni e i vantaggi portati dall'introduzione della memoria FRAM, le migliori configurazioni di funzionamento del microcontrollore studiato al fine di raggiungere consumi energetici di sistema il più basso possibile.
Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Entwicklung einer neuartigen Synthesestrategie von π-konjugierten Plasmapolymeren durch die Anwendung von vorstrukturierten aromatischen Precursoren und gepulsten Niederdruckplasmen. Es gelang erstmals die strukturtreue Synthese von π-konjugierten organischen Plasmapolymeren mit dem vollkommenen Erhalt der aromatischen Funktionalität und der selektiven para-Verknüpfung aromatischer Einheiten durch geeignete Heteroatome. Hierbei kamen 1,4-Dithiophenol zur Synthese von Plasmapoly(p-phenylensulfid) und 4-Iodanilin zur Synthese von Plasmapolyanilin zur Anwendung. Die mit hoher Präzision abgeschiedenen Filme konnten sowohl postsynthetisch als auch in situ p-dotiert werden. Die chemischen Strukturen sowie deren physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften konnten vor allem mittels Röntgenphotoelektronen-, UV-VIS-NIR-, IR-, NMR-, ESR- und Impedanz-Spektroskopie aufgeklärt werden. Die synthetisierten dotierten Plasmapolymere zeigten eindeutig ohmsche Leistungsmechanismen, teilweise mit einer Leitfähigkeitserhöhung von bis zu 8 Dekaden gegenüber dem undotierten konventionellen Polymer.
In the present work, a detailed analysis of a Mediterranean TLC occurred in January 2014 has been conducted. The author is not aware of other studies regarding this particular event at the publication of this thesis. In order to outline the cyclone evolution, observational data, including weather-stations data, satellite data, radar data and photographic evidence, were collected at first. After having identified the cyclone path and its general features, the GLOBO, BOLAM and MOLOCH NWP models, developed at ISAC-CNR (Bologna), were used to simulate the phenomenon. Particular attention was paid on the Mediterranean phase as well as on the Atlantic phase, since the cyclone showed a well defined precursor up to 3 days before the minimum formation in the Alboran Sea. The Mediterranean phase has been studied using different combinations of GLOBO, BOLAM and MOLOCH models, so as to evaluate the best model chain to simulate this kind of phenomena. The BOLAM and MOLOCH models showed the best performance, by adjusting the path erroneously deviated in the National Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and ECMWF operational models. The analysis of the cyclone thermal phase shown the presence of a deep-warm core structure in many cases, thus confirming the tropical-like nature of the system. Furthermore, the results showed high sensitivity to initial conditions in the whole lifetime of the cyclone, while the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) modification leads only to small changes in the Adriatic phase. The Atlantic phase has been studied using GLOBO and BOLAM model and with the aid of the same methodology already developed. After tracing the precursor, in the form of a low-pressure system, from the American East Coast to Spain, the thermal phase analysis was conducted. The parameters obtained showed evidence of a deep-cold core asymmetric structure during the whole Atlantic phase, while the first contact with the Mediterranean Sea caused a sudden transition to a shallow-warm core structure. The examination of Potential Vorticity (PV) 3-dimensional structure revealed the presence of a PV streamer that individually formed over Greenland and eventually interacted with the low-pressure system over the Spanish coast, favouring the first phase of the cyclone baroclinic intensification. Finally, the development of an automated system that tracks and studies the thermal phase of Mediterranean cyclones has been encouraged. This could lead to the forecast of potential tropical transition, against with a minimum computational investment.
The formation of OH radicals from Criegee intermediates: a LIF-FAGE study from laboratory to ambient
Das Hydroxyl Radikal ist, auf globalem Maßstab, das bedeutendste Oxidant in der Atmosphäre. Es initiiert den Abbauprozess vieler, teilweise schädlicher, Spurengase und insbesondere den von flüchtigen Kohlenwasserstoffen (VOC). Die OH Konzentration ist somit ein gutes Maß für die augenblickliche Selbstreinigungskapazität der Atmosphäre. Messungen zu nächtlicher Zeit mit LIF-FAGE-Instrumenten (engl.: laser-induced fluorescence - fluorescence assay by gas expansion) haben Konzentrationen des Hydroxylradikals (OH) ergeben, die signifikant höher waren, als sich mit der bekannten Chemie erklären ließ. Um herauszufinden, ob ein solches Signal wirklich atmosphärisches OH ist oder von einer störenden Spezies stammt, die im Messinstrument OH produziert, wurde das LIF-FAGE-Instrument des Max-Planck-Instituts für Chemie (MPIC) im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit modifiziert und getestet. Dazu wurde ein so genannter Inlet Pre-Injector (IPI) entwickelt, mit dem in regelmäßigen Abständen ein OH-Fänger in die Umgebungsluft abgegeben werden kann, bevor das OH vom Instrument erfasst wird. Mit dieser Technik ist es möglich, ein Hintergrund-OH (OHbg), d. h. ein im Instrument erzeugtes OH-Signal, vom gemessenen OH-Gesamtsignal (OHtot) zu trennen. Die Differenz zwischen OHtot und OHbg ist die atmosphärische OH-Konzentration (OHatm). Vergleichsmessungen mit der hier entwickelten Technik, dem IPI, in zwei verschiedenen Umgebungen mit Instrumenten basierend auf Massenspektrometrie mit chemischer Ionisation (CIMS, engl.: chemical ionization mass spectrometry) als alternativer Methode des OH-Nachweises, zeigten eine weitgehende Übereinstimmung. Eine umfassende Beschreibung des Systems zur Ermittlung der Ursache des OHbg hat ergeben, dass es weder von einem Artefakt des Instruments noch von hinlänglich bekannten und beschriebenen LIF-FAGE-Interferenzen stammt. Zur Bestimmung der Spezies, die das OHbg-Signal verursacht, wurden verschiedene Laborstudien durchgeführt. Die Arbeit im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit hat ergeben, dass das LIF-FAGE-Instrument leicht auf OH reagiert, das beim monomolekularen Zerfall stabilisierter Criegee-Intermediate (SCI) im Niederdruckbereich des Instruments gebildet wird. Criegee-Intermediate oder Carbonyloxide entstehen bei der Ozonolyse ungesättigter flüchtiger Kohlenwasserstoffverbindungen (VOC, engl.: volatile organic compounds) und können daher in der Umgebungsluft vorkommen. Anhand von Tests mit verschiedenen Verweilzeiten der SCI im Niederdruckbereich des Instruments in Verbindung mit einem detaillierten Modell mit der neuesten SCI-Chemie wurde die monomolekulare Zerfallsgeschwindigkeit von 20 10 s-1 für den syn-Acetaldehyd-Oxykonformer bestimmt. Der in Feldkampagnen gemessene OHbg-Wert wurde dahingehend untersucht, ob SCI die Quelle des beobachteten Hintergrund-OH im Feld sein könnten. Das Budget für die SCI-Konzentration, das für die Kampagnen HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 und HOPE 2012 berechnet wurde, ergab eine SCI-Konzentration zwischen ca. 103 und 106 Molekülen pro cm3. In der Kampagne HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 ergab die Schwefelsäurekonzentration, dass die OH-Oxidation von SO2 allein die gemessene H2SO4-Konzentration nicht erklären konnte. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Hintergrund-OH mit dieser ungeklärten Produktionsrate von H2SO4 korreliert und somit die Oxidation von SO2 durch SCI als mögliche Erklärung in Frage kommt. Ferner korreliert das Hintergrund-OH in der Kampagne HOPE 2012 mit dem Produkt aus Ozon und VOC und konnte mit SO2 als SCI Fänger entfernt werden. Qualitativ zeigen wir somit, dass das in der Umgebungsluft gemessene Hintergrund-OH wahrscheinlich durch den monomolekularen Zerfall von SCI verursacht wird, doch sind weitere Studien notwendig, um die quantitativen Beziehung für diese Spezies und dem Hintergrund-OH in unserem Instrument zu bestimmen.
In questo lavoro si vuole mostrare come sia possibile realizzare un circuito per energy harvesting totalmente autonomo, quindi senza l’ausilio di batterie, per sorgenti ultra-low voltage, in particolare per sorgenti termoelettriche sottoposte a piccoli gradienti di temperatura ed in grado di erogare tensioni di qualche decina di millivolt. Si esporrà come il circuito sia capace di avviarsi, autosostenersi ed alimentare un piccolo carico. Si è scelta una architettura basata su componenti discreti suddivisa in due macro blocchi: un circuito di startup implementato attraverso un’architettura a trasformatore piezoelettrico e un boost converter pilotato in catena aperta da un oscillatore ultra-low power.
Il progetto vuole realizzare un sistema ultra low power, in grado di monitorare variabili fisiche quali temperatura e conducibilità dell'acqua nelle profondità marine in autonomia, per una durata complessiva di due anni. Il salvataggio dei dati raccolti nel periodo di utilizzo avrà come fine ultimo lo studio dei cambiamenti climatici relativi all'ambiente marino. Volendo collocare il sistema di monitoraggio sul dorso di pesci o in profondità oceaniche non facilmente accessibili è necessario garantire dimensioni ridotte e un funzionamento autonomo duraturo al termine del quale sarà possibile scaricare i dati raccolti. Nel tentativo di rispettare la specifica relativa al ciclo di lavoro autonomo del sistema è stato importante adottare una politica rigorosa riguardante i consumi estremamente ridotti, senza però venir meno alle ulteriori specifiche di progetto, riportate in dettaglio nei paragrafi successivi. Dalla progettazione circuitale alla realizzazione del firmware, passando per una minuziosa scelta della componentistica a minor consumo, ho avuto la possibilità di dar vita all'intero progetto in autonomia, confrontandomi con tutti gli aspetti e le problematiche che la realizzazione di un simile progetto porta con se.
This study focuses on a specific engine, i.e., a dual-spool, separate-flow turbofan engine with an Interstage Turbine Burner (ITB). This conventional turbofan engine has been modified to include a secondary isobaric burner, i.e., ITB, in a transition duct between the high-pressure turbine and the low-pressure turbine. The preliminary design phase for this modified engine starts with the aerothermodynamics cycle analysis is consisting of parametric (i.e., on-design) and performance (i.e., off-design) cycle analyses. In parametric analysis, the modified engine performance parameters are evaluated and compared with baseline engine in terms of design limitation (maximum turbine inlet temperature), flight conditions (such as flight Mach condition, ambient temperature and pressure), and design choices (such as compressor pressure ratio, fan pressure ratio, fan bypass ratio etc.). A turbine cooling model is also included to account for the effect of cooling air on engine performance. The results from the on-design analysis confirmed the advantage of using ITB, i.e., higher specific thrust with small increases in thrust specific fuel consumption, less cooling air, and less NOx production, provided that the main burner exit temperature and ITB exit temperature are properly specified. It is also important to identify the critical ITB temperature, beyond which the ITB is turned off and has no advantage at all. With the encouraging results from parametric cycle analysis, a detailed performance cycle analysis of the identical engine is also conducted for steady-stateengine performance prediction. The results from off-design cycle analysis show that the ITB engine at full throttle setting has enhanced performance over baseline engine. Furthermore, ITB engine operating at partial throttle settings will exhibit higher thrust at lower specific fuel consumption and improved thermal efficiency over the baseline engine. A mission analysis is also presented to predict the fuel consumptions in certain mission phases. Excel macrocode, Visual Basic for Application, and Excel neuron cells are combined to facilitate Excel software to perform these cycle analyses. These user-friendly programs compute and plot the data sequentially without forcing users to open other types of post-processing programs.
Supercritical carbon dioxide is used to exfoliate graphite, producing a small, several-layer graphitic flake. The supercritical conditions of 2000, 2500, and 3000 psi and temperatures of 40°, 50°, and 60°C, have been used to study the effect of critical density on the sizes and zeta potentials of the treated flakes. Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (PCS), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area measurement, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), and atomic force microscopy (AFM) are used to observe the features of the flakes. N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP), dimethylformamide (DMF), and isopropanol are used as co-solvents to enhance the supercritical carbon dioxide treatment. As a result, the PCS results show that the flakes obtained from high critical density treatment (low temperature and high pressure) are more stable due to more negative charges of zeta potential, but have smaller sizes than those from low critical density (high temperature and low pressure). However, when an additional 1-hour sonication is applied, the size of the flakes from low critical density treatment becomes smaller than those from high critical density treatment. This is probably due to more CO2 molecules stacked between the layers of the graphitic flakes. The zeta potentials of the sonicated samples were slightly more negative than nonsonicated samples. NMP and DMF co-solvents maintain stability and prevented reaggregation of the flakes better than isopropanol. The flakes tend to be larger and more stable as the treatment time increases since larger flat area of graphite is exfoliated. In these experiments, the temperature has more impact on the flakes than pressure. The BET surface area resultsshow that CO2 penetrates the graphite layers more than N2. Moreover, the negative surface area of the treated graphite indicates that the CO2 molecules may be adsorbed between the graphite layers during supercritical treatment. The FE-SEM and AFM images show that the flakes have various shapes and sizes. The effects of surfactants can be observed on the FE-SEM images of the samples in one percent by weight solution of SDBS in water since the sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS) residue covers all of the remaining flakes. The AFM images show that the vertical thickness of the graphitic flakes can ranges from several nanometers (less than ten layers thick), to more than a hundred nanometers. In conclusion, supercritical carbon dioxide treatment is a promising step compared to mechanical and chemical exfoliation techniques in the large scale production of thin graphitic flake, breaking down the graphite flakes into flakes only a fewer graphene layers thick.
A diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) with a catalyzed diesel particulate filter (CPF) is an effective exhaust aftertreatment device that reduces particulate emissions from diesel engines, and properly designed DOC-CPF systems provide passive regeneration of the filter by the oxidation of PM via thermal and NO2/temperature-assisted means under various vehicle duty cycles. However, controlling the backpressure on engines caused by the addition of the CPF to the exhaust system requires a good understanding of the filtration and oxidation processes taking place inside the filter as the deposition and oxidation of solid particulate matter (PM) change as functions of loading time. In order to understand the solid PM loading characteristics in the CPF, an experimental and modeling study was conducted using emissions data measured from the exhaust of a John Deere 6.8 liter, turbocharged and after-cooled engine with a low-pressure loop EGR system and a DOC-CPF system (or a CCRT® - Catalyzed Continuously Regenerating Trap®, as named by Johnson Matthey) in the exhaust system. A series of experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of the DOC-only, CPF-only and DOC-CPF configurations at two engine speeds (2200 and 1650 rpm) and various loads on the engine ranging from 5 to 100% of maximum torque at both speeds. Pressure drop across the DOC and CPF, mass deposited in the CPF at the end of loading, upstream and downstream gaseous and particulate emissions, and particle size distributions were measured at different times during the experiments to characterize the pressure drop and filtration efficiency of the DOCCPF system as functions of loading time. Pressure drop characteristics measured experimentally across the DOC-CPF system showed a distinct deep-bed filtration region characterized by a non-linear pressure drop rise, followed by a transition region, and then by a cake-filtration region with steadily increasing pressure drop with loading time at engine load cases with CPF inlet temperatures less than 325 °C. At the engine load cases with CPF inlet temperatures greater than 360 °C, the deep-bed filtration region had a steep rise in pressure drop followed by a decrease in pressure drop (due to wall PM oxidation) in the cake filtration region. Filtration efficiencies observed during PM cake filtration were greater than 90% in all engine load cases. Two computer models, i.e., the MTU 1-D DOC model and the MTU 1-D 2-layer CPF model were developed and/or improved from existing models as part of this research and calibrated using the data obtained from these experiments. The 1-D DOC model employs a three-way catalytic reaction scheme for CO, HC and NO oxidation, and is used to predict CO, HC, NO and NO2 concentrations downstream of the DOC. Calibration results from the 1-D DOC model to experimental data at 2200 and 1650 rpm are presented. The 1-D 2-layer CPF model uses a ‘2-filters in series approach’ for filtration, PM deposition and oxidation in the PM cake and substrate wall via thermal (O2) and NO2/temperature-assisted mechanisms, and production of NO2 as the exhaust gas mixture passes through the CPF catalyst washcoat. Calibration results from the 1-D 2-layer CPF model to experimental data at 2200 rpm are presented. Comparisons of filtration and oxidation behavior of the CPF at sample load-cases in both configurations are also presented. The input parameters and selected results are also compared with a similar research work with an earlier version of the CCRT®, to compare and explain differences in the fundamental behavior of the CCRT® used in these two research studies. An analysis of the results from the calibrated CPF model suggests that pressure drop across the CPF depends mainly on PM loading and oxidation in the substrate wall, and also that the substrate wall initiates PM filtration and helps in forming a PM cake layer on the wall. After formation of the PM cake layer of about 1-2 µm on the wall, the PM cake becomes the primary filter and performs 98-99% of PM filtration. In all load cases, most of PM mass deposited was in the PM cake layer, and PM oxidation in the PM cake layer accounted for 95-99% of total PM mass oxidized during loading. Overall PM oxidation efficiency of the DOC-CPF device increased with increasing CPF inlet temperatures and NO2 flow rates, and was higher in the CCRT® configuration compared to the CPF-only configuration due to higher CPF inlet NO2 concentrations. Filtration efficiencies greater than 90% were observed within 90-100 minutes of loading time (starting with a clean filter) in all load cases, due to the fact that the PM cake on the substrate wall forms a very efficient filter. A good strategy for maintaining high filtration efficiency and low pressure drop of the device while performing active regeneration would be to clean the PM cake filter partially (i.e., by retaining a cake layer of 1-2 µm thickness on the substrate wall) and to completely oxidize the PM deposited in the substrate wall. The data presented support this strategy.
With the development of micro systems, there is an increasing demand for integrable porous materials. In addition to those conventional applications, such as filtration, wicking, and insulating, many new micro devices, including micro reactors, sensors, actuators, and optical components, can benefit from porous materials. Conventional porous materials, such as ceramics and polymers, however, cannot meet the challenges posed by micro systems, due to their incompatibility with standard micro-fabrication processes. In an effort to produce porous materials that can be used in micro systems, porous silicon (PS) generated by anodization of single crystalline silicon has been investigated. In this work, the PS formation process has been extensively studied and characterized as a function of substrate type, crystal orientation, doping concentration, current density and surfactant concentration and type. Anodization conditions have been optimized for producing very thick porous silicon layers with uniform pore size, and for obtaining ideal pore morphologies. Three different types of porous silicon materials: meso porous silicon, macro porous silicon with straight pores, and macro porous silicon with tortuous pores, have been successfully produced. Regular pore arrays with controllable pore size in the range of 2µm to 6µm have been demonstrated as well. Localized PS formation has been achieved by using oxide/nitride/polysilicon stack as masking materials, which can withstand anodization in hydrofluoric acid up to twenty hours. A special etching cell with electrolytic liquid backside contact along with two process flows has been developed to enable the fabrication of thick macro porous silicon membranes with though wafer pores. For device assembly, Si-Au and In-Au bonding technologies have been developed. Very low bonding temperature (~200 degrees C) and thick/soft bonding layers (~6µm) have been achieved by In-Au bondi ng technology, which is able to compensate the potentially rough surface on the porous silicon sample without introducing significant thermal stress. The application of the porous silicon material in micro systems has been demonstrated in a micro gas chromatograph system by two indispensable components: an integrated vapor source and an inlet filter, wherein porous silicon performs the basic functions of porous media: wicking and filtration. By utilizing a macro porous silicon wick, the calibration vapor source was able to produce a uniform and repeatable vapor generation for n-decane with less than a 0.1% variation in 9 hours, and less than a 0.5% variation in rate over 7 days. With engineered porous silicon membranes the inlet filter was able to show a depth filtration with nearly 100% collection efficiency for particles larger than 0.3µm in diameter, a low pressure-drop of 523Pa at 20sccm flow rate, and a filter capacity of 500µg/cm2.
As awareness of potential human and environmental impacts from toxins has increased, so has the development of innovative sensors. Bacteriorhodopsin (bR) is a light activated proton pump contained in the purple membrane (PM) of the bacteria Halobacterium salinarum. Bacteriorhodopsin is a robust protein which can function in both wet and dry states and can withstand extreme environmental conditions. A single electron transistor(SET) is a nano-scale device that exploits the quantum mechanical properties of electrons to switch on and off. SETs have tremendous potential in practical applications due to their size, ultra low power requirements, and electrometer-like sensitivity. The main goal of this research was to create a bionanohybrid device by integrating bR with a SET device. This was achieved by a multidisciplinary approach. The SET devices were created by a combination of sputtering, photolithography, and focused ion beam machining. The bionanomaterial bacteriorhodopsin was created through oxidative fermentation and a series of transmembrane purification processes. The bR was then integrated with the SET by electrophoretic deposition, creating a bionanohybrid device. The bionanohybrid device was then characterized using a semiconductor parametric analyzer. Characterization demonstrated that the bR modulated the operational characteristics of the SET when bR was activated with light within its absorbance spectrum. To effectively integrate bacteriorhodopsin with microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), it is critical to know the electrical properties of the material and to understand how it will affect the functionality of the device. Tests were performed on dried films of bR to determine if there is a relationship between inductance, capacitance, and resistance (LCR) measurements and orientation, light-on/off, frequency, and time. The results indicated that the LCR measurements of the bR depended on the thickness and area of the film, but not on the orientation, as with other biological materials such as muscle. However, there was a transient LCR response for both oriented and unoriented bR which depended on light intensity. From the impedance measurements an empirical model was suggested for the bionanohybrid device. The empirical model is based on the dominant electrical characteristics of the bR which were the parallel capacitance and resistance. The empirical model suggests that it is possible to integrate bR with a SET without influencing its functional characteristics.