932 resultados para good auditing practice


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Desenvolvimento Curricular).


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Currently in Portugal academic excellence in higher education is given recognition through merit prizes. Because honours students can be seen as having the potential to achieve imporant levels of professional expertise, especially if they have some personal skills, it is important to know not only the marks of the students but also the personal characteristics that contribute to academic success and which may also be important for career success. Some theoretical models of giftedness and excellence agree with this idea and this work considers the latest contribution of Renzulli (2005) where it is pointed out that excellent achievements result from the combination of motivational, intellectual and creative factors as well as from co-cognitive factors which are most associated with personality functioning in a particular context. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze how honours students differ from their classmates in various psychological dimensions: Cognition-creativity, Motivation and Learning Strategies, Persistence, Social Interaction, Drive for Excellence and Cultural Interest. These dimensions were measured by the Inventory of Psychological Characteristics Associated with Academic Performance (ICPADA), which was constructed taking into consideration the previous study of Scaeger et al. (2012). The sample included 914 Portuguese higher educatoin students from a first cycle degree in the Bologna process. Participants were selected from three different fields of study: Social and Human Sciences; Science and Technology; Arts and Humanities. The data collected through the administration of the ICPADA was presented, and the results revealed a higher self-perception by honours students in all areas analyzed, with the exception of the dimension of social interaction. In addition an interaction effect was revealed for persistence, social interaction, and cultural interest. The field of study and whether the participants were honours students or not were also taken into account. Some implications for future studies are presented here along with possible interventions for honours students.


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Introduction: Informal caregivers provide a significant part of the total care needed by dependent older people poststroke. Although informal care is often the preferred option of those who provide and those who receive informal care, informal caregivers often report lack of preparation to take care of older dependent people. This article outlines the development and psychometric testing of informal caregivers’ skills when providing care to older people after a stroke – ECPICID-AVC. Design: Prospective psychometric instrument validation study. Methods: Eleven experts participated in a focus group in order to delineate, develop and validate the instrument. Data were gathered among adult informal caregivers (n = 186) living in the community in Northern Portugal from August 2013 to January 2014. Results: The 32-item scale describes several aspects of informal caregiver’s skills. The scale has eight factors: skill to feed/hydrate by nasogastric feeding, skill to assist the person in personal hygiene, skill to assist the person for transferring, skill to assist the person for positioning, skill to provide technical aids, skill to assist the person to use the toilet, skill to feed/hydrate and skill to provide technical aids for dressing/undressing. Analysis demonstrated adequate internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.83) and good temporal stability 0.988 (0.984–0.991). Conclusion: The psychometric properties of the measurement tool showed acceptable results allowing its implementation in clinical practice by the nursing community staff for evaluating practical skills in informal caregivers when providing care to older stroke survivors living at home.


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Objective: The aim of this study is to improve the understanding of self-changes after an intervention for depression focused on implicative dilemmas, a type of cognitive conflict related to identity. As recent research has highlighted the relevance of identity-related dilemmas in clients with depression, we sought to assess the way in which clients resolve such inner conflicts after a tailored dilemma-focused intervention and how this is reflected in the clients’ self-narratives. Method: We used three instruments to observe differences between good (n = 5) and poor (n = 5) outcome cases: (i) the Repertory Grid Technique to track the resolution of dilemmas, (ii) the Change Interview to compile clients’ accounts of changes at posttreatment, and (iii) the Innovative Moments Coding System to examine the emergence of clients’ novelties at the Change Interview. Results: Groups did not differ in terms of the number and relevance of client-identified significantly helpful events. However, between-group differences were found for the resolution of dilemmas and for the proportion of high-level innovative moment (IM) types. Furthermore, a greater self-narrative reconstruction was associated with higher levels of symptom improvement. Conclusions: Good outcome cases seem to be associated with the resolution of conflicts and high-level IMs.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Eletrónica Médica)


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (Especialidade em Desenvolvimento Curricular)


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Tese de Doutoramento (Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica)


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INTRODUCTION: Clozapine is the antipsychotic of choice in the treatment of refractory schizophrenia. However, its side effects, such as eosinophilia, may preclude its use. METHODS: Case report and literature review. RESULTS: Young woman, 19 years old, diagnosed with hebefrenic schizophrenia, admitted at Unicamp's psychiatry ward after psychotic symptoms relapse. Clozapine was started after unsuccessful attempts with risperidon and olanzapine. By the fourth week of clozapine use, eosinophils began to increase. Drug titration was stopped, but eosinophils counts continued to rise up, reaching the mark of 5200/mm³. Due to severity of psychotic symptoms and to the good response obtained with clozapine, we decided to investigate organs involvement before withdrawing the medication. As the patient had no organs involvement, clozapine was maintained and one month after eosinophils peak, it was already normalized. CONCLUSION: Eosinophilia should not necessarily lead to clozapine's withdrawal. Patients who present eosinophilia must be at rigorous observation for organs involvement, and if there is no such involvement, clozapine might be maintained, considering the possible benign and transitory nature of the eosinophils count elevation.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil


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Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for suspected choledocholithiasis: From guidelines to clinical practice.


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The Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) is a widely used instrument to assess information processing speed, attention, visual scanning, and tracking. Considering that repeated evaluations are a common need in neuropsychological assessment routines, we explored test–retest reliability and practice effects of two alternate SDMT forms with a short inter-assessment interval. A total of 123 university students completed the written SDMT version in two different time points separated by a 150-min interval. Half of the participants accomplished the same form in both occasions, while the other half filled different forms. Overall, reasonable test–retest reliabilities were found (r = .70), and the subjects that completed the same form revealed significant practice effects (p < .001, dz = 1.61), which were almost non-existent in those filling different forms. These forms were found to be moderately reliable and to elicit a similar performance across participants, suggesting their utility in repeated cognitive assessments when brief inter-assessment intervals are required.


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Doctoral Thesis in Juridical Sciences (Specialty in Public Legal Sciences)


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O presente trabalho de investigação avalia a situação atual relativa à adoção do disposto na IAS 38 e suas consequências no reconhecimento, mensuração e divulgação obrigatória, e à divulgação voluntária, interna e externa, dos intangíveis nas empresas brasileiras cotadas na BM&FBOVESPA. Adotando a perspectiva positivista e uma abordagem quantitativa, foi utilizado o inquérito por questionário como método de recolha de dados. O questionário foi elaborado de raiz, suportado pelo arcabouço teórico. Os resultados são interpretados à luz dos argumentos da teoria dos stakeholders e da teoria institucional, que revelaram um bom potencial explicativo para o fenômeno em análise. Com a adoção das IAS/IFRS para elaboração dos balanços consolidados de empresas cotadas e não cotadas, o Brasil passa a utilizar a IAS 38, para o registro das operações envolvendo os ativos intangíveis, obrigatoriamente no exercício de 2010. A adoção deste normativo se deu essencialmente por pressões legais. No entanto, as empresas que adotaram a IAS 38 de forma voluntária validaram as razões apresentadas na literatura. Constatou-se que existe concordância quanto à nova forma de contabilização dos intangíveis prevista, sendo o grau de satisfação relativamente ao tratamento contábil dos ativos intangíveis de acordo com o novo modelo contábil adotado no Brasil (IAS 38 e CPC 04) elevado. Como principais dificuldades no reconhecimento contábil dos ativos intangíveis segundo o normativo em vigor, foram confirmados os problemas evidenciados na literatura, tais como incerteza quanto aos benefícios econômicos futuros e falta de medida com confiabilidade suficiente para o registro das transações. As empresas brasileiras acreditam ser importante que haja uma expansão da divulgação sobre intangíveis, no entanto a divulgação interna e externa está ainda em fase embrionária, não sendo uma prática generalizada. Contudo, os objetivos apresentados na literatura para a divulgação interna e externa de informações sobre intangíveis encontram suporte empírico no estudo desenvolvido. No que diz respeito aos stakeholders, conclui-se que as empresas brasileiras têm grande preocupação em atendê-los quando se trata de divulgação voluntária sobre intangíveis, entendendo que todos eles poderão beneficiar com estas informações.


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Relatório de atividade profissional de mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário