Contabilidade e relato dos intangíveis: Análise das empresas cotadas na BM&FBOVESPA

Autoria(s): Brandt, Valnir Alberto

Rodrigues, Lúcia Lima

Oliveira, Lídia




O presente trabalho de investigação avalia a situação atual relativa à adoção do disposto na IAS 38 e suas consequências no reconhecimento, mensuração e divulgação obrigatória, e à divulgação voluntária, interna e externa, dos intangíveis nas empresas brasileiras cotadas na BM&FBOVESPA. Adotando a perspectiva positivista e uma abordagem quantitativa, foi utilizado o inquérito por questionário como método de recolha de dados. O questionário foi elaborado de raiz, suportado pelo arcabouço teórico. Os resultados são interpretados à luz dos argumentos da teoria dos stakeholders e da teoria institucional, que revelaram um bom potencial explicativo para o fenômeno em análise. Com a adoção das IAS/IFRS para elaboração dos balanços consolidados de empresas cotadas e não cotadas, o Brasil passa a utilizar a IAS 38, para o registro das operações envolvendo os ativos intangíveis, obrigatoriamente no exercício de 2010. A adoção deste normativo se deu essencialmente por pressões legais. No entanto, as empresas que adotaram a IAS 38 de forma voluntária validaram as razões apresentadas na literatura. Constatou-se que existe concordância quanto à nova forma de contabilização dos intangíveis prevista, sendo o grau de satisfação relativamente ao tratamento contábil dos ativos intangíveis de acordo com o novo modelo contábil adotado no Brasil (IAS 38 e CPC 04) elevado. Como principais dificuldades no reconhecimento contábil dos ativos intangíveis segundo o normativo em vigor, foram confirmados os problemas evidenciados na literatura, tais como incerteza quanto aos benefícios econômicos futuros e falta de medida com confiabilidade suficiente para o registro das transações. As empresas brasileiras acreditam ser importante que haja uma expansão da divulgação sobre intangíveis, no entanto a divulgação interna e externa está ainda em fase embrionária, não sendo uma prática generalizada. Contudo, os objetivos apresentados na literatura para a divulgação interna e externa de informações sobre intangíveis encontram suporte empírico no estudo desenvolvido. No que diz respeito aos stakeholders, conclui-se que as empresas brasileiras têm grande preocupação em atendê-los quando se trata de divulgação voluntária sobre intangíveis, entendendo que todos eles poderão beneficiar com estas informações.

This research evaluates the current state concerning the adoption of IAS 38 and its consequences on the recognition, measurement and mandatory disclosure, and concerning the voluntary disclosure, internal and external, of intangibles by Brazilian listed companies on the BM&FBOVESPA. Adopting the positivist perspective and a quantitative approach, it used the questionnaire survey as data collection method. The questionnaire was supported by the theoretical framework. The results are interpreted in the light of the arguments of the theory of stakeholders and institutional theory, which showed a good explanatory potential for the phenomenon analysed. With the adoption of IAS/IFRS for consolidated accounts of both listed and unlisted companies, Brazil applies IAS 38, in what concerns to intangible assets, mandatorily since 2010. The adoption of IAS 38 was forced by legal pressures. However, companies that have adopted IAS 38 voluntarily confirmed the reasons presented by literature. Companies are in accordance with the new way of accounting for intangibles, and the degree of satisfaction with the accounting treatment of intangible assets, in accordance with the new accounting model adopted in Brazil (IAS 38 and CPC 04), is high. The problems highlighted in the literature related to intangible assets recognition were confirmed, such as the uncertainty about future benefits and the problem of formulating reliable measures for intangible assets. Brazilian companies believe that the expansion of disclosure on intangibles is important, however the internal and external reporting is still in its infancy and it is not a widespread practice. However, the goals presented in the literature for internal and external reporting of intangibles found empirical support in this study. With regard to stakeholders, it is concluded that Brazilian companies have a great concern to meet their needs and they consider that all of them can benefit from voluntary disclosure of intangibles.

This research evaluates the current state concerning the adoption of IAS 38 and its consequences on the recognition, measurement and mandatory disclosure, and concerning the voluntary disclosure, internal and external, of intangibles by Brazilian listed companies on the BM&FBOVESPA. Adopting the positivist perspective and a quantitative approach, it used the questionnaire survey as data collection method. The questionnaire was supported by the theoretical framework. The results are interpreted in the light of the arguments of the theory of stakeholders and institutional theory, which showed a good explanatory potential for the phenomenon analysed. With the adoption of IAS/IFRS for consolidated accounts of both listed and unlisted companies, Brazil applies IAS 38, in what concerns to intangible assets, mandatorily since 2010. The adoption of IAS 38 was forced by legal pressures. However, companies that have adopted IAS 38 voluntarily confirmed the reasons presented by literature. Companies are in accordance with the new way of accounting for intangibles, and the degree of satisfaction with the accounting treatment of intangible assets, in accordance with the new accounting model adopted in Brazil (IAS 38 and CPC 04), is high. The problems highlighted in the literature related to intangible assets recognition were confirmed, such as the uncertainty about future benefits and the problem of formulating reliable measures for intangible assets. Brazilian companies believe that the expansion of disclosure on intangibles is important, however the internal and external reporting is still in its infancy and it is not a widespread practice. However, the goals presented in the literature for internal and external reporting of intangibles found empirical support in this study. With regard to stakeholders, it is concluded that Brazilian companies have a great concern to meet their needs and they consider that all of them can benefit from voluntary disclosure of intangibles.







Palavras-Chave #Intangíveis #IAS 38 #Divulgação Obrigatória #Brasil #BM&FBOVESPA #Intangibles #voluntary reporting #Brazil
