951 resultados para Work culture


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This study demonstrates and applies a social network methodology for studying the dynamics of hierarchies in organizations. Social network (blockmodel) analysis of verbal networks in four hospitals contrasted hierarchical and structurally equivalent partitions of the sociomatrices of frequent ties and perceptions of organizational culture. It was found that the verbal networks in these organizations follow a center periphery pattern rather than a hierarchical logic and that perceptions of culture vary more by verbal network than by formal hierarchy. The perceptions of culture of central groups in one organization are much like those of peripheral groups in another. In all four hospitals, structurally equivalent social networks are more important in predicting subcultures than are hierarchical groupings and hierarchy has a limited impact on the development of verbal networks. These findings suggest the value of an amoeba rather than a pyramid metaphor in interpreting the cultures and relational structures of organizations.


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RESUMO: Resumo Interrogamos com este trabalho a injunção contemporânea que nos obriga a todos a ser felizes como uma nova modalidade do Supereu freudiano ou, segundo os termos de Lacan, um novo imperativo de gozo. Eis por que um e outro, Freud e Lacan, continuam actuais no século XXI. ABSTRACT: We question with this work the contemporary injunction that compels us to be happy as a new freudian «super-ego» modality or, with the terms of Lacan, a new «imperative of jouissance». This is why Freud and Lacan are still referential authors in the twenty-firstcentury.


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RESUMO: Na organização do tecido empresarial a sociedade contemporânea alcança o seu sucesso mediante a Coesão do Grupo. A Coesão de Grupo é hoje decisiva para qualquer organização. Um grupo começa quando as pessoas se juntam pelo desejo de pertencer a esse mesmo grupo, para ajudar e contribuir para o bem-estar dessa própria equipa. A Coesão no seio do Grupo é fundamental para se alcançarem resultados positivos. Para Weinberg e Gould (2001) “a Coesão relacionada à tarefa reflecte o grau em que os membros de um grupo trabalham juntos para alcançar objectivos comuns”. A Coesão interna aumenta se a equipa trabalha em busca dos mesmos objectivos com uma entrega total e absoluta em todo o trabalho que realizam. Quanto maior a cordialidade e a confiança transmitida e criada no meio do grupo, consequentemente maior será a Coesão e a produtividade da equipa. Com a Coesão de Grupo existe uma relação de interdependência, em termos de trabalho, nos elementos do grupo. O modelo de Coesão de Grupo acentua as semelhanças entre cada elemento e oferece também a oportunidade de participarem em todas as decisões. A Coesão de Grupo permite ainda que os membros permaneçam juntos, que os membros confiem e sejam leais uns aos outros e que também se sintam seguros. Torna-se determinante frisar que a Coesão permite que os membros se tornem influenciados pelo grupo em si, o que aumenta significativamente a satisfação dos seus membros e, à medida que o trabalho se desenvolve, que a interacção entre os membros do grupo se intensifique. Só assim se consegue provocar, manter e consolidar a Coesão dentro da organização. ABSTRACT: In the organization of business, the contemporary society achieves its success through group cohesion. The Group Cohesion is very important today, for any organization. A group begins when people come together by the desire to belong, to help and contribute to the welfare of own team. The Cohesion within a team is central to achieving positive results. To Weinberg and Gould (2001) “related to task Cohesion reflects the degree to which the group members work together to achieve common goals”. The Cohesion within the Group increases if the team works toward the same objectives, with a total and absolute in all the work they do. The greater the friendship and trust created and transmitted through the group, consequent greater Cohesion and team productivity. With the Group Cohesion there is a relationship of interdependence, in terms of labor among group members. With the group cohesion there is something similar between the group members and also the opportunity to participate in all decisions. The Cohesion of the Group allows members to stay together, that the members trust and be loyal to each other and also feel safe. I can only stress that Cohesion allows members to become influenced by the group itself, which increases the signification and satisfaction of its members, as the work develops, and that the interaction between group members to intensify. Only thus could lead to, maintain and strengthen the Cohesion within the organization.


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RESUMO: O sucesso das respostas aos novos desafios, exigências e expectativas que, nos dias de hoje, recaem sobre a escola, parece depender da concepção das estratégias organizacionais que globalmente a escola define, tendo em conta as características do contexto e das populações que serve. Depende por isso do modo como os actores chave se organizam e trabalham. Os modos de entender o trabalho docente em equipa prenunciam formas de entender a acção educativa e de conduzir a aprendizagem dos alunos. Tomando como ponto de partida as nossas experiências profissionais, este trabalho constitui uma reflexão sobre as possibilidades de desenvolvimento da Educação Física, baseada na escola e sustentada na organização do trabalho dos seus professores. Elaborando uma síntese dos principais problemas do seu desenvolvimento discutem-se as possibilidades e as vantagens da organização do trabalho dos professores em equipas, num contexto organizacional marcado por avanços e retrocessos nos processos de descentralização e atribuição de autonomia às escolas. Enquadra-se a organização do trabalho docente no âmbito das culturas de escola. Revisita-se o conceito de trabalho em equipa, distinguindo-o da simples participação nas estruturas da escola, realçando a sua importância na construção e gestão de conhecimento profissional através do estabelecimento de parcerias sinérgicas, onde o desempenho de papéis de liderança tem uma enorme importância. ABSTRACT: Successful responses to the new challenges, demands and expectations that currently are ascribed to schools seem to depend on the design of organizational strategies that broadly define the school, taking into account the characteristics of its context and the population it serves. Therefore, their success depends on how the key players are organized and work. The ways of perceiving the teaching team work forecast the ways of understanding the educational activity and how to lead learning. Starting from our own professional experience, this study is a reflection on the school based development of physical education, sustained by the organization of their teachers’ work. On organizing a summary of the major problems found in the development of this subject, we discuss the feasibilities and the gains got from the organization of teachers' teamwork, in an organizational context marked by promises and setbacks in the processes of decentralization and schools autonomy. The organization of teaching is to be seen as part of the school culture. We review the concept of teamwork as distinct from mere participation in the structures of the school, and its importance in the construction and management of professional knowledge will be highlighted by the establishment of synergistic partnerships, in which the performance of leadership roles is of the greatest importance. RÉSUMÉ: Le succès des réponses aux nouveaux défis, les exigences et les attentes que dans ces jours, s’accomplissent sur l'école, semble dépendre de la conception des stratégies d'organisation qui définit de façon générale l'école, en tenant compte des caractéristiques du contexte et des populations qu'elle dessert. Tout cela dépend donc de la façon dont les acteurs principaux sont organisés et travaillent. Les façons de comprendre l'équipe pédagogique démontrent des formes de comprendre l'activité éducative et de conduire à l'apprentissage des élèves. En prenant comme point de départ nos expériences professionnelles, ce travail est une réflexion sur le potentiel de développement de l'Éducation Physique, dépendante de l'école et soutenue dans l'organisation du travail de leurs enseignants. En préparant une synthèse des principaux problèmes de leur développement, on discute les possibilités et les avantages de l'organisation du travail des enseignants dans les équipes, dans un contexte organisationnel marqué par des avancées et des reculs dans le processus de décentralisation et l'accomplissement de l'autonomie aux écoles. On encadre l'organisation du travail des enseignants dans le champ des cultures de l’école. On revoit le concept du travail en équipe, en le distinguant de la simple participation dans les structures de l'école, en soulignant son importance dans la construction et gestion des connaissances professionnelles à travers l'établissement de partenariats synergiques, où les rôles de leadership joue un rôle d'une grande importance.


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RESUMO: É longínqua e indiscutível a ligação que se estabelece entre Portugal e os Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa. No entanto, a manutenção dos laços de entreajuda e cooperação, embora desejada e expressamente manifestada por ambas as partes, nem sempre se consubstancia em acções concretas. É neste contexto que se insere o presente trabalho, tendo como objectivo investigar de que modo se materializa a Política de Cooperação entre Portugal e os Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa, ao nível do Ensino Superior. Avaliamos concretamente a actuação das Instituições de Ensino Superior Politécnico, junto dos alunos oriundos daqueles países, no domínio da Acção Social e de que modo pode existir uma acção diferenciadora entre Instituições, capaz de captar alunos e de os acolher em melhores condições. Perante as carências e fragilidades encontradas naquela população, concluímos que existe um vasto campo de actuação onde as Instituições de Ensino Superior podem realizar os propósitos enunciados nos Acordos de Cooperação, estabelecidos com aqueles Países. Actuando em prol destes alunos efectivam assim as resoluções enunciadas para a Política de Cooperação Portuguesa em matéria de educação e divulgação da língua e cultura portuguesas, contribuindo ainda, para o desenvolvimento daqueles países. ABSTRACT: It is far and indisputable the link established between Portugal and the African Countries of Portuguese Official Language (PALOP). However, the maintenance of ties of mutual aid and cooperation, though desired and explicitly expressed by both sides, has not always been embodied in concrete actions. It is this context that frames the present work, aiming to investigate how the policy of cooperation between Portugal and the African Countries of Portuguese Official Language is materialized at the Higher Education level. We specifically evaluate the performance of Polytechnic Higher Education Institutions with the students from those countries in the field of social aid and how a differentiator action between institutions can be in place, capable of capturing students and welcoming them in a better way. In face of the needs and weaknesses found in that population, we conclude that there is a vast field of activity where HEI can realize the goals set out in the Cooperation Agreements established with those countries. Acting on behalf of these students they put to practice the resolutions set out for the Portuguese Cooperation Policy in education and dissemination of the Portuguese language and culture, thus contributing to the development of those countries.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para Obtenção de Grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialização em Supervisão da Educação


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An education promoting scientific literacy (SL) that prepares the citizens to a responsible citizenship has persisted as an argument across discussions on curricula design. The ubiquity of science and technology on contemporary societies and the ideological requirement of informed democratic participation led to the identification of relevant categories that drive curriculum reforms towards a humanistic approach of school science. The category ‘Science as culture’ acquires in the current work a major importance: it enlightens the meaning of scientific literacy. Looking closely to the French term, culture scientifique et tecnologique, turns science simultaneously into a cultural object and product that can be both received and worked at different levels and within several approaches by the individuals and the communities. On the other hand, nonformal and informal education spaces gain greater importance. Together with the formal school environment these spaces allow for an enrichment and diversification of learning experiences. Examples of nonformal spaces where animators can develop their work may be science museums or botanical gardens; television and internet can be regarded as informal education spaces. Due to the above mentioned impossibility of setting apart the individual or community-based experiences from Science and Technology (S&T), the work in nonformal and informal spaces sets an additional challenge to the preparation of socio-cultural animators. Socio-scientific issues take, at times, heavily relevance within the communities. Pollution, high tension lines, spreading of diseases, food contamination or natural resources conservation are among the socio-scientific issues that often call upon arguments and emotions. In the context of qualifying programmes on socio-cultural animation (social education and community development) within European Higher Education Area (EHEA) the present study describes the Portuguese framework. The comparison of programmes within Portugal aims to contribute to the discussion on the curriculum design for a socio-cultural animator degree (1st cycle of Bologna process). In particular, this study intends to assess how the formation given complies with enabling animators to work, within multiple scenarios, with communities in situations of socio-scientific relevance. A set of themes, issues and both current and potential fields of action, not described or insufficiently described in literature, is identified and analysed in the perspective of a qualified intervention of animators. One of these examples is thoroughly discussed. Finally, suggestions are made about curriculum reforms in order, if possible, to strongly link the desired qualified intervention with a qualifying formation.


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Este trabalho tem como objectivo apresentar as ferramentas do Lean Thinking e realizar um estudo de caso numa organização em que este sistema é utilizado. Numa primeira fase do trabalho será feito uma análise bibliográfica sobre o ―Lean Thinking”, que consiste num sistema de negócios, uma forma de especificar valor e delinear a melhor sequência de acções que criam valor. Em seguida, será realizado um estudo de caso numa Empresa – Divisão de Motores – no ramo da aeronáutica com uma longa e conceituada tradição com o objectivo de reduzir o TAT (turnaround time – tempo de resposta), ou seja, o tempo desde a entrada de um motor na divisão até à entrega ao cliente. Primeiramente, analisando as falhas existentes em todo o processo do motor, isto é, a análise de tempos de reparação de peças à desmontagem do motor que têm que estar disponíveis à montagem do mesmo, peças que são requisitadas a outros departamentos da Empresa e as mesmas não estão disponíveis quando são precisas passando pelo layout da divisão. Por fim, fazer uma análise dos resultados até então alcançados na divisão de Motores e aplicar as ferramentas do ―Lean Thinking‖ com o objectivo da implementação. É importante referir que a implementação bem-sucedida requer, em primeiro lugar e acima de tudo, um firme compromisso da administração com uma completa adesão à cultura da procura e eliminação de desperdício. Para concluir o trabalho, destaca-se a importância deste sistema e quais são as melhorias que se podem conseguir com a sua implantação.


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Portugal is a culture grounded in strong traditions and family. Yet, social changes like women returning to the workforce and a decreas ed national birth rate are impacting the traditional family structure and care giving environments of children. Female employment has been increasing steadily in P ortugal over the last three decades (Galego & Pereira, 2006) and the total fert ility rate decreasing from 4.1 to 2.8 (INE, 2006). Furthermore, extended family me mbers, like grandparents, no longer reside close by to their children and grandc hildren as in the past, because of a changing labor market. Many of the younger gen eration are leaving their rural communities to flock to urban areas because o f job opportunities, leaving behind older relatives who would have otherwise par ticipated in the daily care of children. Given these social and economic changes, children are spending more time in out-of-home care with non-familial caregive rs. Yet, government regulations and guidelines in early care and educat ion (ECCE) and early intervention (EI) are only just emerging; it contin ues to be a work in progress.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the hypothesis that work burden, the simultaneous engagement in paid work and unpaid family housework, is a potential risk factor for psychiatric symptoms among women. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out with 460 women randomly selected from a poor area of the city of Salvador, Brazil. Women between 18 to 70 years old, who reported having a paid occupation or were involved in unpaid domestic activities for their families, were eligible. Work burden-related variables were defined as: a) double work shift, i.e., simultaneous engagement in a paid job plus unpaid housework; and b) daily working time. Psychiatric symptoms were collected through a validated questionnaire, the QMPA. RESULTS: Positive, statistically significant associations between high (>7 symptoms) QMPA scores and either double work shift (prevalence ratio -- PR=2.04, 95% confidence interval -- CI: 1.16, 2.29) or more than 10 hours of daily work time (PR=2.29, 95% CI: 1.96, 3.43) were found after adjustment for age, marital status and number of pre-school children. CONCLUSIONS: Major correlates of high QMPA scores are work burden variables. Being married or having pre-school children are also associated with high QMPA scores only when associated with work burden.


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This article analyses the painted panels of the moliceiro boat, a traditional working boat of the Ria de Aveiro region of Portugal. The article examines how the painted panels have been invented and reinvented over time. The boat and its panels are contextualized both within the changing socio-economic conditions of the Ria de Aveiro region, and the changing socio-political conditions of Portugal throughout the 20th century and until the present day. The article historically analyses the social significance of ‘moliceiro culture’, examining in particular the power relations it expresses and its ambiguous past and present relationships with the political and the economic powers of the Portuguese state. The article unpacks some of the complexity of the relations that have pertained between public and private, local and national, folk culture and ‘art’, and popular and institutional in the Ria de Aveiro region in particular, and Portugal more generally.


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Indian Journal of Gender Studies October 2012 vol. 19 no. 3 437-467


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Several antineoplasic drugs have been demonstrated to be carcinogenic or to have mutagenic and teratogenic effects. The greatest protection is achieved with the implementation of administrative and engineering controls and safety procedures. Objective: to evaluate the improvements on pharmacy technicians' work practices, after the implementation of operational procedures related to individual protection, biologic safety cabinet disinfection and cytotoxic drug preparation. Method: case-study in a hospital pharmacy undergoing a certification process. Six pharmacy technicians were observed during their daily activities. Characterization of the work practices was made using a checklist based on ISOPP and PIC guidelines. The variables studied concerning cleaning/disinfection procedures, personal protective equipment and procedures for preparing cytotoxic drugs. The same work practices were evaluated after four months of operational procedures implementation. Concordance between work practices and guidelines was considered to be a quality indicator (guidelines concordance practices number/total number of practices x 100). Results: improvements were observed after operational procedures implementation. An improvement of 6,25% in personal protective equipment practice was achieved by changing second pair of gloves every thirty minutes. The major progress, 10%, was obtained in disinfection procedure, where 80% of tasks are now realized according to guidelines.By now, we hot an improvement of only 1% at drug preparation procedure by placing one cytotoxic drug at a time inside the biological safety cabinet. Then, 85% of practices are according to guidelines. Conclusion: before operational procedures implementation 80,3% of practices were according to the guidelines, while now is 84,4%. This indicates that is necessary to review the procedures frequently in the benefit to reduce the risks associated with handling cytotoxic drugs and maintenance of drug specifications.


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O presente Relatório de Estágio teve como objectivo analisar e discutir as competências adquiridas e desenvolvidas, durante o estágio, no controlo da qualidade microbiológica na indústria farmacêutica O estágio, foi realizado no Laboratório de Microbiologia dos Laboratórios Atral, Grupo AtralCipan, localizado na Vala do Carregado, Castanheira do Ribatejo. Este teve a duração de aproximadamente dez meses e meio, com data de início a 21 de Setembro de 2011 e final de 10 de Agosto de 2012. Numa fase inicial, foram adquiridas as aptidões necessárias para a aplicação das metodologias realizadas no laboratório de microbiologia com o estudo das normas, procedimento e legislação aplicada, com foco na importância das farmacopeias na indústria farmacêutica e formação para a realização de ensaios em Áreas de Processamento Asséptico, conhecendo e compreendendo os procedimentos a ter nestas. Uma das principais metodologias realizadas, e desenvolvida neste relatório, compreendeu a análise de produtos farmacêuticos estéreis, com a aplicação de Testes de Esterilidade, pelo método de STERITEST e método Directo, com resultados que demonstraram a importância destas técnicas, da avaliação do ambiente em que são realizadas e do operador que as executa. Os Testes de Promoção de Crescimento, foram também explorados neste trabalho, realizados não só para avaliação dos meios de cultura, onde foi possível analisar os requisitos e resultados obtidos, como também para validação de metodologias, nomeadamente, na validação de meios e fluidos de marcas diferentes para utilização no método STERITEST e na validação do método de filtração de membrana para Enumeração Microbiana de um produto não estéril. Estas validações possibilitaram a redução de custos e melhoria das condições da análise e metodologias aplicadas. Com a realização do estágio foi possível adquirir aptidões práticas, que aliadas ao conhecimento teórico obtido no mestrado, proporcionaram um crescimento a nível pessoal, científico e profissional.


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The aim of this work was to devise a one-step purification procedure for monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) of IgG class by immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC). Therefore, several stationary phases were prepared containing immobilized metal chelates in order to study the chromatographic behaviour of MAbs against wild-type amidase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Such MAbs adsorbed to Cu(II), Ni(II), Zn(II) and Co(II)-IDA agarose columns. The increase in ligand concentration and the use of longer spacer arms and higher pH values resulted in higher adsorption of MAbs into immobilized metal chelates. The dynamic binding capacity and the maximum binding capacity were 1.33 +/- 0.015 and 3.214 +/- 0.021 mg IgG/mL of sedimented commercial matrix, respectively. A K(D) of 4.53 x 10(-7) M was obtained from batch isotherm measurements. The combination of tailor-made stationary phases of IMAC and the correct selection of adsorption conditions permitted a one-step purification procedure to be devised for MAbs of IgG class. Culture supernatants containing MAbs were purified by IMAC on commercial-Zn(II) and EPI-30-IDA-Zn(II) Sepharose 6B columns and by affinity chromatography on Protein A-Sepharose CL-4B. This MAb preparation revealed on SDS-PAGE two protein bands with M(r) of 50 and 22 kDa corresponding to the heavy and light chains, respectively. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.