942 resultados para Transformations, Infinitesimal
Resumen: El presente artículo se propone demostrar que la integración internacional de la economía argentina, junto con el crecimiento de la competencia entre sus distintas regiones, está generando un cambio profundo dentro del sistema productivo y reorganizando el sistema regional y urbano argentino. Para ello, luego de revisar algunos aspectos generales respecto a la influencia de la globalización como impulsora de transformaciones productivas, el autor se aboca a analizar en profundidad los aspectos positivos y negativos de las transformaciones que está viviendo la Argentina.
By means of Tersoff and Morse potentials, a three-dimensional molecular dynamics simulation is performed to study atomic force microscopy cutting on silicon monocrystal surface. The interatomic forces between the workpiece and the pin tool and the atoms of workpiece themselves are calculated. A screw dislocation is introduced into workpiece Si. It is found that motion of dislocations does not occur during the atomic force microscopy cutting processing. Simulation results show that the shear stress acting on dislocation is far below the yield strength of Si.
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and first-principles calculations are carried out to analyze the stability of both newly discovered and previously known phases of ZnO under loading of various triaxialities. The analysis focuses on a graphite-like phase (FIX) and a body-centered-tetragonal phase (BCT-4) that were observed recently in [0 1 (1) over bar 0]- and [0 0 0 1]-oriented nanowires respectively under uniaxial tensile loading as well as the natural state of wurtzite (WZ) and the rocksalt (RS) phase which exists under hydrostatic pressure loading. Equilibrium critical stresses for the transformations are obtained. The WZ -> HX transformation is found to be energetically favorable above a critical tensile stress of 10 GPa in [0 1 (1) over tilde 0] nanowires. The BCT-4 phase can be stabilized at tensile stresses above 7 GPa in [0 0 0 1] nanowires. The RS phase is stable at hydrostatic pressures above 8.2 GPa. The identification and characterization of these phase transformations reveal a more extensive polymorphism of ZnO than previously known. A crystalline structure-load triaxiality map is developed to summarize the new understanding. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Resumen: En esta presentación, escrita para el Congreso del centenario de la Facultad de Teología, el autor, a partir de recuerdos personales, se refiere al contexto histórico de grandes transformaciones en que tiene lugar el Concilio Vaticano II, y el triunfo de la renovación inspirada en las fuentes y reflejada en los documentos conciliares. La recepción de estos resultados en el posconcilio fue difícil: en Latinoamérica, por las discusiones en torno a la teología de la liberación, y en Europa por el enfrentamiento con diferentes expresiones de la modernidad, el marxismo y el individualismo liberal. Desde los años ’80 se acentúan los debates sobre la interpretación del Concilio, con fuertes tendencias dirigidas a neutralizar su implementación. El Papa Francisco afronta hoy este desafío proponiendo un camino de radicalidad evangélica, centrada en la misericordia y la opción preferencial por los pobres
The nonlinear amplitude equation, which was derived by Jian Yongjun employing expansion of two-time scales in inviscid fluids in a vertically oscillating circular cylindrical vessel, is modified by introducing a damping term due to the viscous dissipation of this system. Instability of the surface wave is analysed and properties of the solutions of the modified equation are determined together with phase-plane trajectories. A necessary condition of forming a stable surface wave is obtained and unstable regions are illustrated. Research results show that the stable pattern of surface wave will not lose its stability to an infinitesimal disturbance.
Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII : Actas de las X Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2011, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario del Cancionero General de Hernando del Castillo.
Resumen: La pulcra edición de la Segunda parte de comedias de Pedro Calderón de la Barca por Santiago Fernández Mosquera (Biblioteca Castro, 2007) y la reciente tesis de Fernando Rodríguez-Gallego (2009) sobre las dos versiones de El astrólogo fingido (Zaragoza, 1632 y Madrid, 1637) obligan hoy a una revisión de uno de los casos, tan frecuentes en la producción del dramaturgo madrileño, de reescritura —con miras esta vez a la publicación impresa— de una de sus obras. El examen se centrará, más allá de consideraciones formales y estéticas, en la valoración del alcance ético de las profundas transformaciones sufridas por el personaje del primer protagonista, el falso astrólogo, don Diego de Luna, así como en el análisis de las dos versiones del desenlace.
Experimental stress-strain data of OFHC copper first under torsion to 13% and then under torsion-tension to about 10% are used to study the characteristics of three elastic-plastic constitutive models: Chaboche's super-positional nonlinear model, Dafalias and Popov's two surface model and Watanabe and Atluri's version of the endochronic model. The three models, originally oriented for infinitesimal deformation, have been extended for finite deformation. The results show (a) the Mises-type yield surface used in the three models brings about significant departure of the predictions from the experimental data; (b) Chaboche's and Dafalias' models are easier than Watanabe and Atluri's model in determining the material parameters in them, and (c) Chaboche's and Watanabe & Atluri's models produce almost the same prediction to the data, while Dafalias' model cannot accurately predict the plastic deformations when a loading path changes in its direction. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
We study phonon properties of one-dimensional nanocrystalline solids that are associated with a model nanostructured sequence. A real-space renormalization-group approach, connected with a series of renormalization-group transformations, is developed to calculate numerically the local phonon Green's function at an arbitrary site, and then the phonon density of states of these kinds of nanocrystalline chains. Some interesting phonon properties of nanocrystalline chains are obtained that are in qualitative agreement with the experimental results for the optical-absorption spectra of nanostructured solids.
The controlled equations defined in a physical plane are changed into those in a computational plane with coordinate transformations suitable for different Mach number M(infinity). The computational area is limited in the body surface and in the vicinities of detached shock wave and sonic line. Thus the area can be greatly cut down when the shock wave moves away from the body surface as M(infinity) --> 1. Highly accurate, total variation diminishing (TVD) finite-difference schemes are used to calculate the low supersonic flowfield around a sphere. The stand-off distance, location of sonic line, etc. are well comparable with experimental data. The long pending problem concerning a flow passing a sphere at 1.3 greater-than-or-equal-to M(infinity) > 1 has been settled, and some new results on M(infinity) = 1.05 have been presented.
Contributed to: Virtual Retrospect 2007 (Pessac, France, Nov 14-16, 2007)
Getúlio Vargas governou o Brasil por duas vezes: de 1930 a 1945, e de 1951 a 1954, ano de sua morte. Norteada por uma concepção centralizadora, a Era Vargas caracterizou-se pelo desenvolvimento econômico, o nacionalismo, o controle sobre os trabalhadores e sobre os sindicatos, o planejamento estatal, a legislação social, os investimentos públicos e, sobretudo, pelo papel atribuído ao Estado como agente econômico. Do ponto de vista político, foi marcada pela precariedade das liberdades públicas, pela fraqueza da participação, por entraves à organização e à institucionalização política. Apropriando-se, à sua maneira, de intervenções políticas que se operavam no plano internacional, a Era Vargas imprimiu ao Brasil conotações autoritárias, populistas e populares, e produziu um modelo econômico e institucional cuja durabilidade foi surpreendente. Neste trabalho procuramos tratar a trajetória da relação entre a ação política e o pensamento intelectual, utilizando-se do elemento histórico para alertar sobre a fraqueza da hipótese que supõe uma bipolarização entre o intelectual isolado e aquele integrado ao contexto político. Destacamos que a “simbiose necessária” entre políticos e intelectuais é resultado da demanda de certo momento histórico no qual os últimos assumem seu papel político e se transformam nos “intérpretes dos anseios da sociedade”.
283 p. : graf., map.
Traducido por Iñaki Villoslada Fernández
[ES]Este artículo pretende analizar la situación de la actividad siderometalúrgica guipuzcoana durante el siglo XVII y testar la verdadera repercusión de la crisis del siglo XVII en dicho sector. Para ello se ha utilizado un amplio elenco documental procedente tanto de archivos locales como regionales y nacionales, que responde a una amplia variedad tipológica.