727 resultados para Student newspapers and periodicals


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Este estudo tem como propostas pensar os processos formativos que acontecem nos movimentos estudantis e como as experiências vivenciadas neste espaçotempo influenciaram e influenciam práticas educacionais que busquem ser mais democráticas. Assim, neste texto, dedicar-me-ei a refletir um pouco mais sobre a noção de democracia que venho assumindo nesta pesquisa e meus caminhos formativos como pesquisadora e professora. Dialogo com Oliveira (2009) e Santos (2007) para pensar a democracia, partindo da noção de que uma sociedade seria realmente democrática quando as relações tecidas entre os diferentes conhecimentos, culturas e valores se darem de maneira horizontal, nas quais não sejam estabelecidas formas de inferiorização e marginalização entre as diferentes perspectivas de estar no mundo. Este trabalho parte da ideia de que as experiências vividas por ex-militantes/praticantes dos movimentos estudantis ajudam na promoção de subjetividades mais democráticas eo fortalecimento desta premissa se dá através das narrativas de professores/professoras que tiveram experiências nos espaçostempos dos movimentos estudantis. Assim, procuro tecer uma narrativa através do compartilhamento de diferentes experiências docentes, não como objetivo de qualificar ou quantificar o grau de democracia desenvolvida nessas práticas, mas sim, de apresentar que são múltiplas as práticas que partilham da noção de solidariedade entre os conhecimentos, valores e sentimentos, ocorrendo elas dentrofora do ambiente escolar.


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O presente trabalho procura analisar os discursos de Francisco de Salles Torres Homem, produzidos na imprensa entre 1840 e 1849, momento em que fez parte da facção política liberal. No Período Regencial iniciou a sua atuação no jornalismo, e nos primeiros anos do Segundo Reinado, já aparecia como um importante redator de jornais, panfletário e político. Durante a Revolução Liberal de 1842, participou ativamente do conflito, e no período da Revolução Praieira em 1848, e escreveu o seu mais inflamado e comentado panfleto O Libelo do Povo, onde fez duras críticas ao governo, recebendo grande repercussão na imprensa da época. Esta foi considerada pelos seus biógrafos como a sua fase mais revolucionária, seus discursos foram produzidos em momentos específicos de grande debate de ideias, e expressavam as concepções políticas e ideológicas dos liberais. Naquela época, Salles Torres Homem utilizou à palavra impressa, para defender os interesses dos liberais ao poder.


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A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo a análise dos adjetivos em funcionamento no gênero crítica de cinema. Por meio dos pressupostos teóricos da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional, argumentamos que a gramática deve ser estudada em conjunto com textos. Argumentamos ainda que os adjetivos têm importante papel na expressão de significados interpessoais, especialmente na expressão de avaliações, dados os contextos de situação em que estão inseridas as críticas de cinema. A partir de uma revisão crítica do conceito de adjetivo presente nas gramáticas tradicionais e nos trabalhos de orientação semântico-discursiva, e apoiando-nos em classificação de Moura Neves (2011), identificamos uma ocorrência diferenciada de tipos de adjetivos (qualificadores e classificadores) em movimentos retóricos distintos da crítica de cinema e argumentamos pelo seu papel na construção de posicionamentos em interações comunicativas. Nosso corpus é composto por críticas de cinema publicadas em dois veículos distintos - jornal de grande circulação e revista eletrônica especializada. Sendo assim, além de um estudo dos adjetivos no discurso, elaboramos um material de referência do gênero crítica de cinema a partir das noções de a) variáveis do contexto de situação (campo, relações e modo); b) estrutura potencial de gênero (Hasan, 1989), relevantes para a linha teórica que escolhemos


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A educação a distância (EAD) é uma importante estratégia na realização de atividades de educação permanente em saúde. Contudo, as raízes pedagógicas de muitas destas práticas convergem para a reapresentação de uma educação tradicional e transmissora, sobretudo pela inexistência de momentos de interação social que possibilitem a troca e o compartilhamento de saberes. Neste sentido, os fóruns on line são considerados um importante recurso para promover um cenário interativo e estimular processos de construção compartilhada do conhecimento (CCC). Nesta pesquisa, defende-se a tese de que dentro da lógica dos processos de educação permanente em saúde, o fórum representa uma ferramenta interativa e possibilita a construção de saberes compartilhados. Assim, o objetivo geral é analisar os fóruns interativos como espaço de processos de ensino-aprendizagem entre enfermeiros da Estratégia de Saúde da Família em um curso de especialização em saúde da família a distância. Além disso, são objetivos específicos desta pesquisa: compreender a política e os projetos de educação permanente em saúde no Brasil; observar as interações sugestivas de processos de construção compartilhada do conhecimento entre alunos e tutores; analisar a percepção dos discentes do curso sobre o fórum interativo e as possíveis repercussões deste em sua prática profissional. A metodologia escolhidabaseia-se no estudo de caso. Na coleta de dados, foram utilizados questionários on line e análise dos fóruns temáticos das disciplinas do curso, segundo análise de suas redes sociais. Tal análise desdobrou-se na construção de três categorias: as relações comunicacionais e os processos interativos como essencialidades da CCC; a formação de grupos as redes sociais na EAD; o tutor como mediador do espaço virtual. Observou-se, neste estudo, que a construção das redes sociais dentro de uma turma de EAD obedece à mesma lógica daquelas construídas presencialmente, ou seja, é baseada na identificação com o grupo e na aceitação de ideias expostas por um determinado coletivo. Os tutores possuem papel essencial na formação das redes sociais e, também, no surgimento das relações dialógicas. As relações de cooperação dentro dos fóruns interativos indicam a existência de processos de CCC; contudo, assim como nas relações presenciais, é impossível dimensionar a influência e as consequências sociais destas construções na vida dos sujeitos. Conclui-se que o fórum possibilita a existência de relações comunicacionais, porém os desdobramentos interativos, bem como os processos de CCC, dependem, não só do instrumento utilizado, mas de outros fatores, como o estímulo do professor-tutor, a participação dos alunos e a criação de redes sociais cooperativas.


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A presente pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo os conceitos referentes à palavra prática, valorizados no campo da formação de professores, presentes em algumas obras acadêmicas da década de 80, que tiveram forte influência sobre a formação do sujeito pesquisador enquanto aluno do curso Normal e de Pedagogia; e nos resultados atuais de estudos e pesquisas relacionadas ao ensinar e ao aprender, presentes nos anais de 2010 do Encontro Nacional de Didática e Prática de Ensino (ENDIPE). Tem como objetivo investigar as aplicações conceituais referente à palavra prática no campo da formação de professores a luz dos princípios filosóficos de Theodor Adorno, que utiliza como instrumentos de análise a Autorreflexão e a Dialética não objetivada na contradição, categorias de cunho metodológico desta dissertação, a partir das seguintes questões: Quais são as aplicações conceituais referentes à palavra prática valorizadas no campo da formação de professores?; Estas aplicações conceituais se caracterizam, segundo ADORNO, como práticas autorrefletidas? Contudo, esta é uma pesquisa exploratória de cunho conceitual realizada a partir de produções acadêmicas (livros e resultados de pesquisas) nos dois períodos acima citados, com base nos princípios filosóficos da dialética em ADORNO, destacando a essência conceitual referente a prática e suas aplicações valorizadas no campo da formação de professores.


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Este trabalho de tese tem como temática a formação docente situada no contexto da cibercultura. Parte do pressuposto de que professores formadores e em formação precisam dialogar com saberes/fazeres que potencializem suas aprendizagens em um novo espaço/tempo da sala de aula e que a pesquisa no ensino superior se tece no exercício da reflexão sobre/na prática em um processo plural de auto-hetero-ecoformação. Tem como objetivo construir atos de currículo, utilizando as potencialidades dos ambientes virtuais, das redes sociais e da internet para ressignificar o aprender/ensinar situado nas vivências dos praticantes culturais dentro/fora da universidade. Como problemáticas central e secundária da pesquisa-formação na cibercultura, temos, respectivamente: como a criação de atos de currículo com o uso das tecnologias digitais em espaços multirreferencias de aprendizagem podem potencializar as práticas formativas docente e discente no Curso de Pedagogia da UERN no contexto da cibercultura? Quais dispositivos engendram práticas formativas autorais, no presencial e no online, com o uso das tecnologias digitais em rede? Como construir uma relação pedagógica de interação colaborativa, docente e discente, mediada pelo uso das tecnologias digitais? A criação de atos de currículo utilizando as tecnologias digitais contribui com novos letramentos digitais dos praticantes na cibercultura? Tomamos como inspirações teórico-metodológicas a pesquisa-formação (SANTOS; MACEDO; NÓVOA) multirreferencial (ARDOINO, BARBOSA, MACEDO) com os cotidianos (CERTEAU, ALVES, FERRAÇO, OLIVEIRA), situada no contexto da cibercultura (SANTOS, SILVA, LEMOS, SANTAELLA, LEVY), entrelaçadas aos sentidos dos autores da pesquisa deste trabalho de tese. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no cenário formativo do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte UERN nas disciplinas de Didática e Estágio Supervisionado I. Como resultado, apresentamos que as ambiências formativas criadas nos atos de currículo no ensino presencial e online, apontam perspectivas que vão ao encontro de uma formação docente e discente do ciberautorcidadão, uma postura em processo, em devir, que se constrói na relação cidade/ciberespaço, em espaços/tempos de aprendizagens plurais, referenciadas nas experiências tecidas nesses contextos.


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In the period of college, an individual matures rapidly in all aspects. College engineering students are the important parts of undergraduates. The state of an individual’s mental health may affect and even decide his future life and work. The level of the student’s self-concept and the kind of coping styles the students adopt are directly related to their mental health. So, it is significant to study the psychological stress, coping and self-concept of college engineering students for the mental health education and research of college engineering students. Based on overviews of former research, with the China College Student Psychological Stress Scale, the Coping Styles Scale and the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale, 559 college engineering students were investigated to explore the characteristics of and the relationship between the psychological stress, coping styles and self-concept of college engineering students. The results showed: 1. The stresses of learning, living and daily hassles were the main psychological stresses of college engineering students. There were significant differences in psychological stress between students from the countryside and those from urban areas, between needy students and non-needy students, between single-parent students and non-single-parent students, among students from different grades, with different academic achievements and of different postgraduate targets, between student party members and non-party members, between student cadres and non-cadres. However, there were no significant differences between male and female, between those from single-child families and from multiple-child families. 2. The coping styles of solving problem, seeking help and rationalization were the main coping styles of college engineering students. There were significant differences in the coping styles between needy students and non-needy students, among students from different grades, with different academic achievements and of different postgraduate targets, between student party members and non-party members, between student cadres and non-cadres. However, there were no significant differences between students from the countryside and from urban areas, between male and female, between single-parent students and non-single-parent students, between those from single-child families and from multiple-child families. 3. The self-concept of college engineering students was positive in general. There were significant differences in self-concept between students from the countryside and those from urban areas, between male and female, between needy students and non-needy students, between single-parent students and non-single-parent students, among students from different grades, with different academic achievements and of different postgraduate targets, between student party members and non-party members, between student cadres and non-cadres. However, there were no significant differences between those from single-child families and from multiple-child families. 4. The psychological stress had significantly negative correlation to the immature coping styles, and had partial correlation to the mature coping styles. Coping style has significant predictability on psychological stress. 5. The positive factors of the self-concept had significantly negative correlation to psychological stress, but self-criticism had positive correlation to psychological stress. There are significant differences between high self-concept students and low self-concept students for psychological stress. Self-concept has significant predictability on psychological stress. 6. The positive factors of the self-concept had significantly negative correlation to the coping styles of self-blame, illusion, avoidance, and rationalization, but had significantly positive correlation to the coping style of solving problem and seeking help. Self-criticism had significantly negative correlation to the coping styles of self-blame, illusion, avoidance, and rationalization. There are significant differences between high self-concept students and low self-concept students for coping styles. Self-concept has significant predictability on coping styles. 7. The self-concept of college engineering students had an effect on psychological stress by coping styles. However, the effect by the immature coping styles was higher than that to the mental health directly, and the effect by the mature and mixed coping styles was slighter than that to the mental health directly. According to the results, improving the college engineering students’ self-concept level and establishing right self-concept, developing the middle school student’ active coping styles and overcoming the negative coping styles are essential and important to the college engineering students’ mental health and provide useful clues for the psychological education of the college engineering students.


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Urquhart, C., Spink, S., Thomas, R., Yeoman, A., Durbin, J., Turner, J., Fenton, R. & Armstrong, C. (2004). JUSTEIS: JISC Usage Surveys: Trends in Electronic Information Services Final report 2003/2004 Cycle Five. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: JISC


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Murphy, L. and Thomas, L. 2008. Dangers of a fixed mindset: implications of self-theories research for computer science education. In Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference on innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (Madrid, Spain, June 30 - July 02, 2008). ITiCSE '08. ACM, New York, NY, 271-275.


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PURPOSE: The readiness assurance process (RAP) of team-based learning (TBL) is an important element that ensures that students come prepared to learn. However, the RAP can use a significant amount of class time which could otherwise be used for application exercises. The authors administered the TBL-associated RAP in class or individual readiness assurance tests (iRATs) at home to compare medical student performance and learning preference for physiology content. METHODS: Using cross-over study design, the first year medical student TBL teams were divided into two groups. One group was administered iRATs and group readiness assurance tests (gRATs) consisting of physiology questions during scheduled class time. The other group was administered the same iRAT questions at home, and did not complete a gRAT. To compare effectiveness of the two administration methods, both groups completed the same 12-question physiology assessment during dedicated class time. Four weeks later, the entire process was repeated, with each group administered the RAP using the opposite method. RESULTS: The performance on the physiology assessment after at-home administration of the iRAT was equivalent to performance after traditional in-class administration of the RAP. In addition, a majority of students preferred the at-home method of administration and reported that the at-home method was more effective in helping them learn course content. CONCLUSION: The at-home administration of the iRAT proved effective. The at-home administration method is a promising alternative to conventional iRATs and gRATs with the goal of preserving valuable in-class time for TBL application exercises.


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Research indicates that school leaders are crucial to improving instruction and raising student achievement (Council of Chief State School Officers, 2008). As such, educational reforms such as the No Child Left Behind Act (2001) and Race to the Top (2009) have sparked an accountability movement where principals are being held accountable for students' academic achievement and educational outcomes. The shift towards greater accountability has placed new attention on the ways principals are trained. Researchers have noted that organized professional development programs have not adequately prepared school principals to meet the priority demands of the 21st century (Hale & Moorman, 2003; Murphy, 1994). Murphy (1994) stated, "Traditional preparation programs - usually pre-service programs based in colleges or universities, that awarded certification and advanced degrees - rarely concentrated on the leadership challenges that principals actually face in real schools" (p. 4). As a result, many school districts are seeking ways to develop leadership development training programs that will prepare principals for their job responsibilities as a school leader. In spite of the additional training principals receive, researchers suggests that there is an obvious gap between the readiness of administrators to be instructional leaders and the demands for accountability that school administrators face (Hale & Moorman, 2003). This quantitative study examined elementary school principals' perceptions of their leadership development training program. Guided by four research questions, the study examined principals' perceptions of their overall training and how well their training prepared them to deal with school and classroom practices that contribute to student achievement; to work with teachers and others to design and implement a system for continuous student achievement; and to provide necessary support to carry out sound school, curriculum, and instructional practices. Data for this study was collected by way of survey responses from a total of 46 elementary school principals. The results from the study revealed that more than half (58.7%) of participants perceived their training as excellent. While principals' perceived that their training adequately prepared them to work collaboratively in teams, set clear visions and goals, and to use data to improve students achievement, many respondents reported a lack of training in being informed and focused on student achievement. Principals also suggested that they were not effectively trained in finding effective ways to obtain support from central office or community members.


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Background: Interprofessional education (IPE) introduced at the beginning of pre-registration training for healthcare professionals attempts to prevent the formation of negative interprofessional attitudes which may hamper future interprofessional collaboration. However, the potential for IPE depends, to some extent, on the readiness of healthcare students to learn together. Objectives: To measure changes in readiness for interprofessional learning, professional identification, and amount of contact between students of different professional groups; and to examine the influence of professional group, student characteristics and an IPE course on these scores over time. Design: Annual longitudinal panel questionnaire survey at four time-points of pre-registration students (n = 1683) drawn from eight healthcare groups from three higher education institutions (HEIs) in the UK. Results: The strength of professional identity in all professional groups was high on entry to university but it declined significantly over time for some disciplines. Similarly students’ readiness for interprofessional learning was high at entry but declined significantly over time for all groups, with the exception of nursing students. A small but significant positive relationship between professional identity and readiness for interprofessional learning was maintained over time. There was very minimal contact between students from different disciplines during their professional education programme. Students who reported gaining the least from an IPE course suffered the most dramatic drop in their readiness for interprofessional learning in the following and subsequent years; however, these students also had the lowest expectations of an IPE course on entry to their programme of study. Conclusion: The findings provide support for introducing IPE at the start of the healthcare students’ professional education to capitalise on students’ readiness for interprofessional learning and professional identities, which appear to be well formed from the start. However, this study suggests that students who enter with negative attitudes towards interprofessional learning may gain the least from IPE courses and that an unrewarding experience of such courses may further reinforce their negative attitudes.


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Can learning quality be maintained in the face of increasing class size by the use of Computer Supported Co-operative Learning (CSCL) technologies? In particular, can Computer-Mediated Communication promote critical thinking in addition to surface information transfer? We compared face-to-face seminars with asynchronous computer conferencing in the same Information Management class. From Garrison's theory of critical thinking and Henri's critical reasoning skills, we developed two ways of evaluating critical thinking: a student questionnaire and a content analysis technique. We found evidence for critical thinking in both situations, with some subtle differences in learning style. This paper provides an overview of this work.


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Before the mass migrations from Ireland in the nineteenth century, earlier waves of migration in the eighteenth century saw significant numbers of people leave Ireland, predominantly from Ulster, to settle in North America. This article, using as its principal data source the Belfast News Letter ( BNL), its letters, advertisements and reports, focuses firstly on reconstructing the late eighteenth-century migration process and voyage, highlighting the barriers represented by the Atlantic Ocean. In addition to the challenges of the sea, there were problems with the ships, the ever-present danger of disease and also threats from other vessels, from privateers to press gangs. The voyage was recognized as a ‘universal dread’, and the risks taken to ‘dare the boist’rous main’ were perhaps not minimized in the pages of the BNL, whose editorial stance was antipathetic to the migration for the potential harm it caused to Ulster by removing so many of its industrious young. The second part of this article goes on to consider the newspaper’s and others’ vested interests in the emigration process, demonstrates how these were manifested in the press and sets the coverage of this very significant early emigration flow within the context of contemporary religious and colonial discourses at a period of very lively transatlantic interactions.


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The present study aims to identify the framework of personal, organizational and technical variables that contribute to the viability and successful of innovative educational practices with video games within the school context to enhance the multiple intelligences. For this purpose, advantage was taken on the information previously collected through a questionnaire about the views, thoughts and experiences of a group of teachers of childhood and primary education (N=25) who voluntarily participated in a blended training activity from Center of Teachers (CEFIRE) of Valencia, around a community of practice aimed at promoting and advising projects for implementing educational video games in the classroom. The mixed methodology adopted has allowed the following: a) describe the relationship between their degree of development and daily use made of ICT in the classroom, their level of familiarity with video games,  their previous experience to integrate them for educational purposes..., and their participation in projects that focus on game-based learning; b) conduct content analysis of the opinions and thoughts expressed in a forum for teachers on innovation on and methodological strategies adopted reflected in a virtual board; and c) develop a SWOT analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats inherent in the implementation of experience with video games in the classroom. Among the conclusions, it is highlighted that, even though most did not have specific training or enough technological resources and the planning and implementation of innovation required them a great investment of time, their personal interest, the support given by members of the online community of practice, helped to encourage their activity, along with receptivity, positive attitude and high motivation of students with the experience. These aspects have been crucial to promote successful innovative practices with video games.