
Autoria(s): 王庆峰





In the period of college, an individual matures rapidly in all aspects. College engineering students are the important parts of undergraduates. The state of an individual’s mental health may affect and even decide his future life and work. The level of the student’s self-concept and the kind of coping styles the students adopt are directly related to their mental health. So, it is significant to study the psychological stress, coping and self-concept of college engineering students for the mental health education and research of college engineering students. Based on overviews of former research, with the China College Student Psychological Stress Scale, the Coping Styles Scale and the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale, 559 college engineering students were investigated to explore the characteristics of and the relationship between the psychological stress, coping styles and self-concept of college engineering students. The results showed: 1. The stresses of learning, living and daily hassles were the main psychological stresses of college engineering students. There were significant differences in psychological stress between students from the countryside and those from urban areas, between needy students and non-needy students, between single-parent students and non-single-parent students, among students from different grades, with different academic achievements and of different postgraduate targets, between student party members and non-party members, between student cadres and non-cadres. However, there were no significant differences between male and female, between those from single-child families and from multiple-child families. 2. The coping styles of solving problem, seeking help and rationalization were the main coping styles of college engineering students. There were significant differences in the coping styles between needy students and non-needy students, among students from different grades, with different academic achievements and of different postgraduate targets, between student party members and non-party members, between student cadres and non-cadres. However, there were no significant differences between students from the countryside and from urban areas, between male and female, between single-parent students and non-single-parent students, between those from single-child families and from multiple-child families. 3. The self-concept of college engineering students was positive in general. There were significant differences in self-concept between students from the countryside and those from urban areas, between male and female, between needy students and non-needy students, between single-parent students and non-single-parent students, among students from different grades, with different academic achievements and of different postgraduate targets, between student party members and non-party members, between student cadres and non-cadres. However, there were no significant differences between those from single-child families and from multiple-child families. 4. The psychological stress had significantly negative correlation to the immature coping styles, and had partial correlation to the mature coping styles. Coping style has significant predictability on psychological stress. 5. The positive factors of the self-concept had significantly negative correlation to psychological stress, but self-criticism had positive correlation to psychological stress. There are significant differences between high self-concept students and low self-concept students for psychological stress. Self-concept has significant predictability on psychological stress. 6. The positive factors of the self-concept had significantly negative correlation to the coping styles of self-blame, illusion, avoidance, and rationalization, but had significantly positive correlation to the coping style of solving problem and seeking help. Self-criticism had significantly negative correlation to the coping styles of self-blame, illusion, avoidance, and rationalization. There are significant differences between high self-concept students and low self-concept students for coping styles. Self-concept has significant predictability on coping styles. 7. The self-concept of college engineering students had an effect on psychological stress by coping styles. However, the effect by the immature coping styles was higher than that to the mental health directly, and the effect by the mature and mixed coping styles was slighter than that to the mental health directly. According to the results, improving the college engineering students’ self-concept level and establishing right self-concept, developing the middle school student’ active coping styles and overcoming the negative coping styles are essential and important to the college engineering students’ mental health and provide useful clues for the psychological education of the college engineering students.

大学时期是个体身心发展迅速成熟的时期,工科大学生是大学生群体中重要的组成部分。工科大学生的心理健康状况往往影响甚至决定着他们未来的工作和生活。个体的自我概念水平如何、采取什么应对方式都直接与个体的心理应激水平有关。所以,研究工科大学生心理应激、应对和自我概念的因素特点和相互关系,对于工科大学生的心理健康教育和研究具有重要意义。 本研究在文献研究的基础上,采用中国大学生心理应激量表、应对方式问卷以及田纳西自我概念量表对559名工科大学生进行了调查,探讨工科大学生心理应激、应对方式和自我概念的因素特点和相互关系,主要研究结果如下: 1.主要心理应激是学习、生活和日常生活琐事,心理应激在生源地、经济状况、是否单亲、年级、学习成绩、毕业目标、是否学生党员、是否学生干部上存在着显著性差异,但在不同性别和是否独生子女上不存在显著性差异。 2.主要应对方式是解决问题、求助和合理化,应对方式在经济状况、年级、学习成绩、毕业目标、是否学生党员、是否学生干部上存在着显著性差异,但在生源地、不同性别、是否单亲和是否独生子女上不存在显著性差异。 3.自我概念在总体上是比较积极的,在生源地、不同性别、是否单亲、经济状况、年级、学习成绩、毕业目标、是否学生党员、是否学生干部上存在着显著性差异,但在是否独生子女上不存在显著性差异。 4.各种心理应激与不成熟的应对方式呈现出显著正相关,与成熟的应对方式呈一定的相关;应付方式对各种心理应激有直接的预测作用。 5.各种心理应激与自我概念的各正向因子呈现出显著负相关,与负向因子自我批评呈正相关;高、低自我概念组在各种心理应激上差异显著;自我概念各因子对各种心理应激有直接的预测作用。 6.自我概念的各正向因子与自责、幻想、退避和合理化的应对方式呈现出显著负相关,与解决问题和求助的应对方式呈显著正相关;负向因子自我批评则与自责、幻想、退避和合理化的应对方式呈显著正相关;高、低自我概念组在各种应对方式上差异显著;自我概念各因子对各种应对方式有直接的预测作用。 7.自我概念通过各种应对方式对心理应激有间接影响作用,其中,自我概念对心理应激的直接作用,小于自我概念通过不成熟型的应对方式对心理应激影响的间接作用,但大于自我概念通过成熟型的和混合型的应对方式对心理应激影响的间接作用。 根据上述的研究结果,提高工科大学生自我概念水平,建立正确的自我观念,以及培养积极应对方式和克服消极应对方式,对工科大学生心理健康非常重要,为工科大学生的心理健康教育研究提供了线索。








Palavras-Chave #工科大学生 #心理应激 #应对方式 #自我概念 #心理健康
