884 resultados para Solution of mathematical problems


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A case report of a patient who presents as chief complaint presence of stained restorations in the anterior teeth. After analysis and discussion of the clinical therapeutic approaches to be adopted, it was observed the presence of type class IV restorations on teeth 11 and 21, due to an oblique coronal fracture in the past. But the patient was not satisfied with the aesthetic result, then where was planned the realization of the removal of the restorations, for subsequently be used direct restorative materials for the correction of form, function and esthetics. The final result showed that the restorations were able to return the form, function and aesthetic dental, thereby evidencing the proven development of restorative dentistry in the solution of aesthetic problems.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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La llegada del Corpus aristotelicum al mundo occidental suscitó numerosas reacciones, tantas como eran las sensibilidades receptoras. San Buenaventura no es ajeno al pensamiento del Estagirita, y junto a las fuentes patrísticas y bíblicas, los argumentos filosóficos formarán parte en la solución de los problemas. Y si todo el edificio filosófico se vio tocado por la filosofía griega de Aristóteles, y en todo se necesitaba una respuesta, más aún aconteció con el mundo de lo sensible, sobre todo, en los pensadores de la llamada Escuela franciscana, que de una u otra manera manejaron este tema con delicada pericia, toda vez, que el espíritu franciscano reverenciaba la «Hermana naturaleza» y lo sensible como manifestación del Amor de Dios. En especial, nos fijamos en san Buenaventura, y en su esfuerzo por realizar una respuesta original desde las fuentes escolásticas al pensamiento nuevo de la filosofía de la naturaleza aristotélica en el espíritu de Asís. Creemos que es posible realizar una lectura de la epistemología y antropología de la captación de lo sensible en san Buenaventura desde una metafísica-estética de la naturaleza, como alternativa a la filosofía de la naturaleza de corte aristotélico.


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La informática teórica es una disciplina básica ya que la mayoría de los avances en informática se sustentan en un sólido resultado de esa materia. En los últimos a~nos debido tanto al incremento de la potencia de los ordenadores, como a la cercanía del límite físico en la miniaturización de los componentes electrónicos, resurge el interés por modelos formales de computación alternativos a la arquitectura clásica de von Neumann. Muchos de estos modelos se inspiran en la forma en la que la naturaleza resuelve eficientemente problemas muy complejos. La mayoría son computacionalmente completos e intrínsecamente paralelos. Por este motivo se les está llegando a considerar como nuevos paradigmas de computación (computación natural). Se dispone, por tanto, de un abanico de arquitecturas abstractas tan potentes como los computadores convencionales y, a veces, más eficientes: alguna de ellas mejora el rendimiento, al menos temporal, de problemas NPcompletos proporcionando costes no exponenciales. La representación formal de las redes de procesadores evolutivos requiere de construcciones, tanto independientes, como dependientes del contexto, dicho de otro modo, en general una representación formal completa de un NEP implica restricciones, tanto sintácticas, como semánticas, es decir, que muchas representaciones aparentemente (sintácticamente) correctas de casos particulares de estos dispositivos no tendrían sentido porque podrían no cumplir otras restricciones semánticas. La aplicación de evolución gramatical semántica a los NEPs pasa por la elección de un subconjunto de ellos entre los que buscar los que solucionen un problema concreto. En este trabajo se ha realizado un estudio sobre un modelo inspirado en la biología celular denominado redes de procesadores evolutivos [55, 53], esto es, redes cuyos nodos son procesadores muy simples capaces de realizar únicamente un tipo de mutación puntual (inserción, borrado o sustitución de un símbolo). Estos nodos están asociados con un filtro que está definido por alguna condición de contexto aleatorio o de pertenencia. Las redes están formadas a lo sumo de seis nodos y, teniendo los filtros definidos por una pertenencia a lenguajes regulares, son capaces de generar todos los lenguajes enumerables recursivos independientemente del grafo subyacente. Este resultado no es sorprendente ya que semejantes resultados han sido documentados en la literatura. Si se consideran redes con nodos y filtros definidos por contextos aleatorios {que parecen estar más cerca a las implementaciones biológicas{ entonces se pueden generar lenguajes más complejos como los lenguajes no independientes del contexto. Sin embargo, estos mecanismos tan simples son capaces de resolver problemas complejos en tiempo polinomial. Se ha presentado una solución lineal para un problema NP-completo, el problema de los 3-colores. Como primer aporte significativo se ha propuesto una nueva dinámica de las redes de procesadores evolutivos con un comportamiento no determinista y masivamente paralelo [55], y por tanto todo el trabajo de investigación en el área de la redes de procesadores se puede trasladar a las redes masivamente paralelas. Por ejemplo, las redes masivamente paralelas se pueden modificar de acuerdo a determinadas reglas para mover los filtros hacia las conexiones. Cada conexión se ve como un canal bidireccional de manera que los filtros de entrada y salida coinciden. A pesar de esto, estas redes son computacionalmente completas. Se pueden también implementar otro tipo de reglas para extender este modelo computacional. Se reemplazan las mutaciones puntuales asociadas a cada nodo por la operación de splicing. Este nuevo tipo de procesador se denomina procesador splicing. Este modelo computacional de Red de procesadores con splicing ANSP es semejante en cierto modo a los sistemas distribuidos en tubos de ensayo basados en splicing. Además, se ha definido un nuevo modelo [56] {Redes de procesadores evolutivos con filtros en las conexiones{ , en el cual los procesadores tan solo tienen reglas y los filtros se han trasladado a las conexiones. Dicho modelo es equivalente, bajo determinadas circunstancias, a las redes de procesadores evolutivos clásicas. Sin dichas restricciones el modelo propuesto es un superconjunto de los NEPs clásicos. La principal ventaja de mover los filtros a las conexiones radica en la simplicidad de la modelización. Otras aportaciones de este trabajo ha sido el dise~no de un simulador en Java [54, 52] para las redes de procesadores evolutivos propuestas en esta Tesis. Sobre el término "procesador evolutivo" empleado en esta Tesis, el proceso computacional descrito aquí no es exactamente un proceso evolutivo en el sentido Darwiniano. Pero las operaciones de reescritura que se han considerado pueden interpretarse como mutaciones y los procesos de filtrado se podrían ver como procesos de selección. Además, este trabajo no abarca la posible implementación biológica de estas redes, a pesar de ser de gran importancia. A lo largo de esta tesis se ha tomado como definición de la medida de complejidad para los ANSP, una que denotaremos como tama~no (considerando tama~no como el número de nodos del grafo subyacente). Se ha mostrado que cualquier lenguaje enumerable recursivo L puede ser aceptado por un ANSP en el cual el número de procesadores está linealmente acotado por la cardinalidad del alfabeto de la cinta de una máquina de Turing que reconoce dicho lenguaje L. Siguiendo el concepto de ANSP universales introducido por Manea [65], se ha demostrado que un ANSP con una estructura de grafo fija puede aceptar cualquier lenguaje enumerable recursivo. Un ANSP se puede considerar como un ente capaz de resolver problemas, además de tener otra propiedad relevante desde el punto de vista práctico: Se puede definir un ANSP universal como una subred, donde solo una cantidad limitada de parámetros es dependiente del lenguaje. La anterior característica se puede interpretar como un método para resolver cualquier problema NP en tiempo polinomial empleando un ANSP de tama~no constante, concretamente treinta y uno. Esto significa que la solución de cualquier problema NP es uniforme en el sentido de que la red, exceptuando la subred universal, se puede ver como un programa; adaptándolo a la instancia del problema a resolver, se escogerín los filtros y las reglas que no pertenecen a la subred universal. Un problema interesante desde nuestro punto de vista es el que hace referencia a como elegir el tama~no optimo de esta red.---ABSTRACT---This thesis deals with the recent research works in the area of Natural Computing {bio-inspired models{, more precisely Networks of Evolutionary Processors first developed by Victor Mitrana and they are based on P Systems whose father is Georghe Paun. In these models, they are a set of processors connected in an underlying undirected graph, such processors have an object multiset (strings) and a set of rules, named evolution rules, that transform objects inside processors[55, 53],. These objects can be sent/received using graph connections provided they accomplish constraints defined at input and output filters processors have. This symbolic model, non deterministic one (processors are not synchronized) and massive parallel one[55] (all rules can be applied in one computational step) has some important properties regarding solution of NP-problems in lineal time and of course, lineal resources. There are a great number of variants such as hybrid networks, splicing processors, etc. that provide the model a computational power equivalent to Turing machines. The origin of networks of evolutionary processors (NEP for short) is a basic architecture for parallel and distributed symbolic processing, related to the Connection Machine as well as the Logic Flow paradigm, which consists of several processors, each of them being placed in a node of a virtual complete graph, which are able to handle data associated with the respective node. All the nodes send simultaneously their data and the receiving nodes handle also simultaneously all the arriving messages, according to some strategies. In a series of papers one considers that each node may be viewed as a cell having genetic information encoded in DNA sequences which may evolve by local evolutionary events, that is point mutations. Each node is specialized just for one of these evolutionary operations. Furthermore, the data in each node is organized in the form of multisets of words (each word appears in an arbitrarily large number of copies), and all the copies are processed in parallel such that all the possible events that can take place do actually take place. Obviously, the computational process just described is not exactly an evolutionary process in the Darwinian sense. But the rewriting operations we have considered might be interpreted as mutations and the filtering process might be viewed as a selection process. Recombination is missing but it was asserted that evolutionary and functional relationships between genes can be captured by taking only local mutations into consideration. It is clear that filters associated with each node allow a strong control of the computation. Indeed, every node has an input and output filter; two nodes can exchange data if it passes the output filter of the sender and the input filter of the receiver. Moreover, if some data is sent out by some node and not able to enter any node, then it is lost. In this paper we simplify the ANSP model considered in by moving the filters from the nodes to the edges. Each edge is viewed as a two-way channel such that the input and output filters coincide. Clearly, the possibility of controlling the computation in such networks seems to be diminished. For instance, there is no possibility to loose data during the communication steps. In spite of this and of the fact that splicing is not a powerful operation (remember that splicing systems generates only regular languages) we prove here that these devices are computationally complete. As a consequence, we propose characterizations of two complexity classes, namely NP and PSPACE, in terms of accepting networks of restricted splicing processors with filtered connections. We proposed a uniform linear time solution to SAT based on ANSPFCs with linearly bounded resources. This solution should be understood correctly: we do not solve SAT in linear time and space. Since any word and auxiliary word appears in an arbitrarily large number of copies, one can generate in linear time, by parallelism and communication, an exponential number of words each of them having an exponential number of copies. However, this does not seem to be a major drawback since by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) one can generate an exponential number of identical DNA molecules in a linear number of reactions. It is worth mentioning that the ANSPFC constructed above remains unchanged for any instance with the same number of variables. Therefore, the solution is uniform in the sense that the network, excepting the input and output nodes, may be viewed as a program according to the number of variables, we choose the filters, the splicing words and the rules, then we assign all possible values to the variables, and compute the formula.We proved that ANSP are computationally complete. Do the ANSPFC remain still computationally complete? If this is not the case, what other problems can be eficiently solved by these ANSPFCs? Moreover, the complexity class NP is exactly the class of all languages decided by ANSP in polynomial time. Can NP be characterized in a similar way with ANSPFCs?


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En el contexto de las técnicas de validación de programas, de las estructuras de axiomatización de la programación planteadas por Hoare y del desarrollo de la Lógica de la Programación que Dijkstra realiza con el operador wp, hemos dotado a los elementos esenciales que intervienen en dicho desarrollo de una estructura que permite su estudio en el ámbito de las categorias. En este trabajo se demuestra que el conjunto de precondiciones de un fragmento de programa anotado tiene estructura de N-categoría y que sucede lo mismo con el conjunto de postcondiciones. Más aún, se ha puesto de manifiesto (y probado) que el operador wp actúa como un funtor entre estos pares de N-categorías. Además, los conjuntos de guardas surgen de un modo natural en la lógica de la programación, han sido tratados desde el punto de vista de la semántica denotacional (Wlrth para el PASCAL y Scott y otros, después, en un enfoque más general) y presentados por Manes y Arbib en su semántica parcialmente aditiva. Pues bien, en este trabajo se demuestra que los conjuntos de guardas tienen también estructura de N-categoría y gue cualguier N-categoría dotada de una suma definida adecuadamente tiene estructura de conjunto de guardas, de tal modo, además, gue el preorden inducido por la suma en el conjunto de guardas coincide con la flecha de la N-categoría. Esta suma es, en concreto, la disyunción exclusiva, lo que adicionalmente supone una sorprendentemente sencilla definición alternativa a la suma de las categorías parcialmente aditivas definida por Manes y Arbib. Con todo esto, se aportan herramientas conceptuales para entender mejor y resolver más eficientemente los problemas que tiene planteados la lógica de la programación, pues se dispone de un punto de vista distinto y nuevo y de toda una familia de instrumentos adicionales.---ABSTRACT---In the context of program validation techniques, Hoare's systems for programming and Dijkstra's development of the logic of programming, based on the operator wp, we have endowed the essential features of this development with a structure that permits to study them in the frame of category theory. In this thesis we show that the set of preconditions of an annotated program segment is an N-category, and the same happens for the set of postconditions. Even more, it is shown that the operator wp acts as a functor between those pairs of Ncategories. Furthermore, guard sets come out in a natural way in the logic of programming, they have been considered from a denotational semantics point of view (Wirth for Pascal and afterwards Scott and al. in a more general setting) and they have been embodied by Manes and Arbib in their partially additive semantics. Then, it is shown in this thesis that the above mentioned guard sets also have the structure of an N-category and that any N-category with an appropiately defined sum has the structure of a guard set in such a way that, besides, the preorder defined in the guard set by the sum operation coincides with the arrows of the N-category. This sum is just the exclusive or of Boolean Logic and this fact adds a surprisingly simple alternative definition for the sum operation in Manes and Arbib partially additive categories. The present work, in summary, makes a contribution of conceptual tools for a better understanding and a more efficient solution of the problems posed to the logic of programming and it does so by providing a new different point of view and a whole family of additional techniques.


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É inegável a importância do desenvolvimento de tecnologias de uso racional da madeira e de solução de problemas de transportes em nossas cidades, principalmente por causa do processo crescente de urbanização do mundo. Existe também, a necessidade estética de se unir à alta tecnologia, o belo. As passarelas estaiadas com tabuleiro de madeira laminada protendida, em módulos curvos, atendem a todas estas exigências. A construção de um protótipo permitiu que a realização de ensaios estáticos e dinâmicos, cujos resultados evidenciaram a viabilidade técnica e econômica de passarelas estaiadas usando madeira de reflorestamento, de tabuleiros compostos apenas por placas de madeira laminada protendida e da construção de placas curvas de madeira laminada protendida. Também foi possível comprovar que as vibrações induzidas por pedestres são a condição mais crítica de projeto. A investigação da perda de curvatura do tabuleiro demonstrou o sucesso do projeto, embora mais estudos ao longo do tempo sejam necessários. Baseando-se nos resultados experimentais, realizou-se a calibração do modelo numérico, que permitiu realizar simulações para determinar quais variáveis definem a resposta da passarela construída. Sugestões de procedimentos de elaboração e construção de passarelas, assim como de criação de norma brasileira específica para pontes e passarelas de madeira, são apresentadas.


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Neste trabalho propomos o uso de um método Bayesiano para estimar o parâmetro de memória de um processo estocástico com memória longa quando sua função de verossimilhança é intratável ou não está disponível. Esta abordagem fornece uma aproximação para a distribuição a posteriori sobre a memória e outros parâmetros e é baseada numa aplicação simples do método conhecido como computação Bayesiana aproximada (ABC). Alguns estimadores populares para o parâmetro de memória serão revisados e comparados com esta abordagem. O emprego de nossa proposta viabiliza a solução de problemas complexos sob o ponto de vista Bayesiano e, embora aproximativa, possui um desempenho muito satisfatório quando comparada com métodos clássicos.


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Minimization of a sum-of-squares or cross-entropy error function leads to network outputs which approximate the conditional averages of the target data, conditioned on the input vector. For classifications problems, with a suitably chosen target coding scheme, these averages represent the posterior probabilities of class membership, and so can be regarded as optimal. For problems involving the prediction of continuous variables, however, the conditional averages provide only a very limited description of the properties of the target variables. This is particularly true for problems in which the mapping to be learned is multi-valued, as often arises in the solution of inverse problems, since the average of several correct target values is not necessarily itself a correct value. In order to obtain a complete description of the data, for the purposes of predicting the outputs corresponding to new input vectors, we must model the conditional probability distribution of the target data, again conditioned on the input vector. In this paper we introduce a new class of network models obtained by combining a conventional neural network with a mixture density model. The complete system is called a Mixture Density Network, and can in principle represent arbitrary conditional probability distributions in the same way that a conventional neural network can represent arbitrary functions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Mixture Density Networks using both a toy problem and a problem involving robot inverse kinematics.


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An intelligent agent, operating in an external world which cannot be fully described in its internal world model, must be able to monitor the success of a previously generated plan and to respond to any errors which may have occurred. The process of error analysis requires the ability to reason in an expert fashion about time and about processes occurring in the world. Reasoning about time is needed to deal with causality. Reasoning about processes is needed since the direct effects of a plan action can be completely specified when the plan is generated, but the indirect effects cannot. For example, the action `open tap' leads with certainty to `tap open', whereas whether there will be a fluid flow and how long it might last is more difficult to predict. The majority of existing planning systems cannot handle these kinds of reasoning, thus limiting their usefulness. This thesis argues that both kinds of reasoning require a complex internal representation of the world. The use of Qualitative Process Theory and an interval-based representation of time are proposed as a representation scheme for such a world model. The planning system which was constructed has been tested on a set of realistic planning scenarios. It is shown that even simple planning problems, such as making a cup of coffee, require extensive reasoning if they are to be carried out successfully. The final Chapter concludes that the planning system described does allow the correct solution of planning problems involving complex side effects, which planners up to now have been unable to solve.


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Kliment Vasilev - The trigonometry formulas are given in the form of mathematical problems. Some of these problems are solved, and it is shown how the others can be solved with the help of adequate guidance that includes the previous problems. This method is suitable for revision in the secondary school, as well as for preparation for school-leaving exams and matriculation.


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We shall consider the weak formulation of a linear elliptic model problem with discontinuous Dirichlet boundary conditions. Since such problems are typically not well-defined in the standard H^1-H^1 setting, we will introduce a suitable saddle point formulation in terms of weighted Sobolev spaces. Furthermore, we will discuss the numerical solution of such problems. Specifically, we employ an hp-discontinuous Galerkin method and derive an L^2-norm a posteriori error estimate. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed error indicator in both the h- and hp-version setting. Indeed, in the latter case exponential convergence of the error is attained as the mesh is adaptively refined.


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Джурджица Такачи - В доклада се разглеждат дидактически подходи за решаване на задачи, упражнения и доказване на теореми с използване на динамичен софтуер, по-специално – с вече широко разпространената система GeoGebra. Въз основа на концепция-та на Пойа се анализира използването на GeoGebra като когнитивно средство за решаване на задачи и за обсъждане на техни възможни обобщения.


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The present study is intended to provide a new scientific approach to the solution of the worlds cost engineering problems encountered in the chemical industries in our nation. The problem is that of cost estimation of equipments especially of pressure vessels when setting up chemical industries .The present study attempts to develop a model for such cost estimation. This in turn is hoped would go a long way to solve this and related problems in forecasting the cost of setting up chemical plants.


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In this review I summarise some of the most significant advances of the last decade in the analysis and solution of boundary value problems for integrable partial differential equations in two independent variables. These equations arise widely in mathematical physics, and in order to model realistic applications, it is essential to consider bounded domain and inhomogeneous boundary conditions. I focus specifically on a general and widely applicable approach, usually referred to as the Unified Transform or Fokas Transform, that provides a substantial generalisation of the classical Inverse Scattering Transform. This approach preserves the conceptual efficiency and aesthetic appeal of the more classical transform approaches, but presents a distinctive and important difference. While the Inverse Scattering Transform follows the "separation of variables" philosophy, albeit in a nonlinear setting, the Unified Transform is a based on the idea of synthesis, rather than separation, of variables. I will outline the main ideas in the case of linear evolution equations, and then illustrate their generalisation to certain nonlinear cases of particular significance.


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Neural networks and wavelet transform have been recently seen as attractive tools for developing eficient solutions for many real world problems in function approximation. Function approximation is a very important task in environments where computation has to be based on extracting information from data samples in real world processes. So, mathematical model is a very important tool to guarantee the development of the neural network area. In this article we will introduce one series of mathematical demonstrations that guarantee the wavelets properties for the PPS functions. As application, we will show the use of PPS-wavelets in pattern recognition problems of handwritten digit through function approximation techniques.