970 resultados para Political Pedagogical Project


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requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Artes Performativas /Teatro-Música.


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MOOC (as an acronym for Massive Open Online Courses) are a quite new model for the delivery of online learning to students. As “Massive” and “Online”, these courses are proposed to be accessible to many more learners than would be possible through conventional teaching. As “Open” they are (frequently) free of charge and participation is not limited by the geographical situation of the learners, creating new learning opportunities in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). In this paper we describe a recently started project “Matemática 100 STRESS” (Math Without STRESS) integrated in the e-IPP project | e-Learning Unit of Porto’s Polytechnic Institute (IPP) which has created its own MOOC platform and launched its first course – Probabilities and Combinatorics – in early June/2014. In this MOOC development were involved several lecturers from four of the seven IPP schools.


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The conquest of the West by the stagecoaches and then by railway, Ford and the automobile civilization, the Moon landing by Apollo 11, Microsoft, Apple, CNN, Google and Facebook have appeared to us as celebratory examples of the willingness and ability of the US to overcome the distance and the absence through so-called modern progress of transportation and communication. Undoubtedly, the imaginary and the instrumental power associated to transports and communication of the last century and a half are identified with the mental images that the world has of the US. A world that has eagerly imported and copy their technology and technological culture. Beyond the illusions, this attempting, which has always been praised to transcende space and eclipse the time to get to places and peole increasingly distant and fast, has always a dark side: the political control of population, commercial advertising, the spread of the rumors, noise and gossip. However, since at least the nineteenth century, the political project incorporated in modern transportation and communication technologies was not shared by some of the most remarkable thinkers in the US not only in that century, but also in the 20th century. This paper begins by rescue Ralph W. Emerson and Henry D. Thoreau legacy regarding to communication. Emerson conceived communication as a give-and-take with no coordination between the two, and does not involve contact with the other. Thoreau, in turn, argued that modern trasnportation and communications inventions are but pretty toys which distract attention from serious things, nothing more than 'improved means to an end that is not perfected.' Secondly, we show that this skeptical view of the techological improvement of transport and communication was proceed in an original way with James W. Carey, a media studies thinker who became known for his criticism of the transmission view of communication.


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Introduction: Healthcare improvements have allowed prevention but have also increased life expectancy, resulting in more people being at risk. Our aim was to analyse the separate effects of age, period and cohort on incidence rates by sex in Portugal, 2000–2008. Methods: From the National Hospital Discharge Register, we selected admissions (aged ≥49 years) with hip fractures (ICD9-CM, codes 820.x) caused by low/moderate trauma (falls from standing height or less), readmissions and bone cancer cases. We calculated person-years at risk using population data from Statistics Portugal. To identify period and cohort effects for all ages, we used an age–period–cohort model (1-year intervals) followed by generalised additive models with a negative binomial distribution of the observed incidence rates of hip fractures. Results: There were 77,083 hospital admissions (77.4 % women). Incidence rates increased exponentially with age for both sexes (age effect). Incidence rates fell after 2004 for women and were random for men (period effect). There was a general cohort effect similar in both sexes; risk of hip fracture altered from an increasing trend for those born before 1930 to a decreasing trend following that year. Risk alterations (not statistically significant) coincident with major political and economic change in the history of Portugal were observed around birth cohorts 1920 (stable–increasing), 1940 (decreasing–increasing) and 1950 (increasing–decreasing only among women). Conclusions: Hip fracture risk was higher for those born during major economically/politically unstable periods. Although bone quality reflects lifetime exposure, conditions at birth may determine future risk for hip fractures.


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Introdução – Ao aumento exponencial de informação, sobretudo a científica, não corresponde obrigatoriamente a melhoria de qualidade na pesquisa e no uso da mesma. O conceito de literacia da informação ganha pertinência e destaque, na medida em que abarca competências que permitem reconhecer quando é necessária a informação e de atuar de forma eficiente e efetiva na sua obtenção e utilização. A biblioteca académica assume, neste contexto, o papel de parceiro privilegiado, preparando o momento em que o estudante se sente capaz de produzir e registar novo conhecimento através da escrita. Objectivo – A Biblioteca da ESTeSL reestruturou as sessões desenvolvidas desde o ano lectivo 2002/2003 e deu início a um projecto mais formal denominado «Saber usar a informação de forma eficiente e eficaz». Objectivos: a) promover a melhoria da qualidade dos trabalhos académicos e científicos; b) contribuir para a diminuição do risco de plágio; c) aumentar a confiança dos estudantes nas suas capacidades de utilização dos recursos de informação; d) incentivar uma participação mais ativa em sala de aulas; e) colaborar para a integração dos conteúdos pedagógicos e das várias fontes de informação. Método – Dinamizaram-se várias sessões de formação de curta duração, versando diferentes temas associados à literacia de informação, designadamente: 1) Pesquisa de informação com sessões dedicadas à MEDLINE, RCAAP, SciELO, B-ON e Scopus; 2) Factor de impacto das revistas científicas: Journal Citation Reports e SciMAGO; 3) Como fazer um resumo científico?; 4) Como estruturar o trabalho científico?; 5) Como fazer uma apresentação oral?; 6) Como evitar o plágio?; 7) Referenciação bibliográfica usando a norma de Vancouver; 8) Utilização de gestores de referências bibliográficas: ZOTERO (primeira abordagem para os estudantes de 1º ano de licenciatura) e a gestão de referências e rede académica de informação com o MENDELEY (direcionado para estudantes finalistas, mestrandos, docentes e investigadores). O projecto foi apresentado à comunidade académica no site da ESTeSL; cada sessão foi divulgada individualmente no site e por email. Em 2015, a divulgação investiu na nova página da Biblioteca (https://estesl.biblio.ipl.pt/), que alojava informações e recursos abordados nas formações. As inscrições eram feitas por email, sem custos associados ou limite mínimo ou máximo de sessões para participar. Resultados – Em 2014 registaram-se 87 inscrições. Constatou-se a presença de, pelo menos, um participante em cada sessão de formação. Em 2015, o total de inscrições foi de 190. Foram reagendadas novas sessões a pedido dos estudantes cujos horários não eram compatíveis com os inicialmente agendados. Foram então organizados dois dias de formação seguida (cerca de 4h em cada dia) com conteúdos selecionados pelos estudantes. Registou-se, nestas sessões, a presença contante de cerca de 30 estudantes em sala. No total, as sessões da literacia da informação contaram com estudantes de licenciatura de todos os anos, estudantes de mestrado, docentes e investigadores (internos e externos à ESTeSL). Conclusões – Constata-se a necessidade de introdução de novos conteúdos no projeto de literacia da informação. O tempo, os conteúdos e o interesse demonstrado por aqueles que dele usufruíram evidenciam que este é um projeto que está a ganhar o seu espaço na comunidade da ESTeSL e que a literacia da informação contribui de forma efetiva para a construção e para a produção de conhecimento no meio académico.


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Comunicação apresentada na 17.ª conferência anual da NISPACee, realizada de 14 a 16 de Maio de 2009.


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Comunicação apresentada na 4th Annual ICPA - International Conference on Public Administration "Building bridges to the future: leadership and collaboration in public administration", na Universidade de Minnesota nos Estados Unidos, de 24 a 26 de setembro de 2008


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Recensão crítica do livro "La confrontación política" de José María Maravall


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Measuring the quality of a b-learning environment is critical to determine the success of a b-learning course. Several initiatives have been recently conducted on benchmarking and quality in e-learning. Despite these efforts in defining and examining quality issues concerning online courses, a defining instrument to evaluate quality is one of the key challenges for blended learning, since it incorporates both traditional and online instruction methods. For this paper, six frameworks for quality assessment of technological enhanced learning were examined and compared regarding similarities and differences. These frameworks aim at the same global objective: the quality of e-learning environment/products. They present different perspectives but also many common issues. Some of them are more specific and related to the course and other are more global and related to institutional aspects. In this work we collected and arrange all the quality criteria identified in order to get a more complete framework and determine if it fits our b-learning environment. We also included elements related to our own b-learning research and experience, acquired during more than 10 years of experience. As a result we have create a new quality reference with a set of dimensions and criteria that should be taken into account when you are analyzing, designing, developing, implementing and evaluating a b-learning environment. Besides these perspectives on what to do when you are developing a b-learning environment we have also included pedagogical issues in order to give directions on how to do it to reach the success of the learning. The information, concepts and procedures here presented give support to teachers and instructors, which intend to validate the quality of their blended learning courses.


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The Online Mathematics Education Project (MatActiva) is an exciting new initiative which aims to support and enhance mathematics education. The project is led by the Institute of Accounting and Administration of Porto (ISCAP), part of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP). It provides innovative resources and carefully constructed materials around themes such as Elementary Mathematics, Calculus, Algebra, Statistics and Financial Mathematics to help support and inspire students and teachers of mathematics. The goal is to increase mathematical understanding, confidence and enjoyment, enrich the mathematical experience of each person, and promote creative and imaginative approaches to mathematics. Furthermore the project can be used to deliver engaging and effective mathematics instruction through the flipped classroom model. This paper also presents the findings of a large survey, whose propose was to study the student’s reaction to the project.


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Who directs local politics? Which social and professional groups directed city and village councils in Portugal? What was their evolution and behaviour for the second half of the twentieth century, during the final years of the Estado Novo and the political transition provided by the Revolution of April 25th, 1974?


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Trabalho de natureza profissional para a atribuição do Título de Especialista do Instituto Politécnico do Porto, na área de Design, defendido a 23-03-2015.


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A Era Tecnológica em que nos vemos inseridos, cujos avanços acontecem a uma velocidade vertiginosa exige, por parte das Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) uma atitude proactiva no sentido de utilização dos muitos recursos disponíveis. Por outro lado, os elementos próprios da sociedade da informação – flexibilidade, formação ao longo da vida, acessibilidade à informação, mobilidade, entre muito outros – atuam como fortes impulsionadores externos para que as IES procurem e analisem novas modalidades formativas. Perante a mobilidade crescente, que se tem revelado massiva, a aprendizagem tende a ser cada vez mais individualizada, visual e prática. A conjugação de várias formas/tipologias de transmissão de conhecimento, de métodos didáticos e mesmo de ambientes e situações de aprendizagem induzem uma melhor adaptação do estudante, que poderá procurar aqueles que melhor vão ao encontro das suas expetativas, isto é, favorecem um processo de ensino-aprendizagem eficiente na perspetiva da forma de aprender de cada um. A definição de políticas estratégicas relacionadas com novas modalidades de ensino/formação tem sido uma preocupação constante na nossa instituição, nomeadamente no domínio do ensino à distância, seja ele e-Learning, b-Learning ou, mais recentemente, “open-Learning”, onde se inserem os MOOC – Massive Open Online Courses (não esquecendo a vertente m-Learning), de acordo com as várias tendências europeias (OECD, 2007) (Comissão Europeia, 2014) e com os objetivos da “Europa 2020”. Neste sentido surge o Projeto Matemática 100 STRESS, integrado no projeto e-IPP | Unidade de e-Learning do Politécnico do Porto que criou a sua plataforma MOOC, abrindo em junho de 2014 o seu primeiro curso – Probabilidades e Combinatória. Pretendemos dar a conhecer este Projeto, e em particular este curso, que envolveu vários docentes de diferentes unidades orgânicas do IPP.


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MOOC (as an acronym for Massive Open Online Courses) are a quite new model for the delivery of online learning to students. As “Massive” and “Online”, these courses are proposed to be accessible to many more learners than would be possible through conventional teaching. As “Open” they are (frequently) free of charge and participation is not limited by the geographical situation of the learners, creating new learning opportunities in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). In this paper we describe a recently started project “Matemática 100 STRESS” (Math Without STRESS) integrated in the e-IPP project | e-Learning Unit of Porto’s Polytechnic Institute (IPP) which has created its own MOOC platform and launched its first course – Probabilities and Combinatorics – in early June/2014. In this MOOC development were involved several lecturers from four of the seven IPP schools.


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The study focuses on the public participation during the decision-making process of the High Speed Rail Project (popularly known as TGV) in Portugal. The study analyzes the media references on the topic and its actors in a quantitative and qualitative way from September 2008 to November 2009 anchored in the 2009 Legislatives and Local elections. The work concludes that despite the political polarization around the High Speed Rail Project, contributing to bring it to public debate, it didn’t allow for an improvement in qualitative information that could allow the emergence of an active and informed citizen participation in the debate.