728 resultados para Phantom Omni


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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In radiotherapy planning, computed tomography (CT) images are used to quantify the electron density of tissues and provide spatial anatomical information. Treatment planning systems use these data to calculate the expected spatial distribution of absorbed dose in a patient. CT imaging is complicated by the presence of metal implants which cause increased image noise, produce artifacts throughout the image and can exceed the available range of CT number values within the implant, perturbing electron density estimates in the image. Furthermore, current dose calculation algorithms do not accurately model radiation transport at metal-tissue interfaces. Combined, these issues adversely affect the accuracy of dose calculations in the vicinity of metal implants. As the number of patients with orthopedic and dental implants grows, so does the need to deliver safe and effective radiotherapy treatments in the presence of implants. The Medical Physics group at the Cancer Centre of Southeastern Ontario and Queen's University has developed a Cobalt-60 CT system that is relatively insensitive to metal artifacts due to the high energy, nearly monoenergetic Cobalt-60 photon beam. Kilovoltage CT (kVCT) images, including images corrected using a commercial metal artifact reduction tool, were compared to Cobalt-60 CT images throughout the treatment planning process, from initial imaging through to dose calculation. An effective metal artifact reduction algorithm was also implemented for the Cobalt-60 CT system. Electron density maps derived from the same kVCT and Cobalt-60 CT images indicated the impact of image artifacts on estimates of photon attenuation for treatment planning applications. Measurements showed that truncation of CT number data in kVCT images produced significant mischaracterization of the electron density of metals. Dose measurements downstream of metal inserts in a water phantom were compared to dose data calculated using CT images from kVCT and Cobalt-60 systems with and without artifact correction. The superior accuracy of electron density data derived from Cobalt-60 images compared to kVCT images produced calculated dose with far better agreement with measured results. These results indicated that dose calculation errors from metal image artifacts are primarily due to misrepresentation of electron density within metals rather than artifacts surrounding the implants.


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The inherent analogue nature of medical ultrasound signals in conjunction with the abundant merits provided by digital image acquisition, together with the increasing use of relatively simple front-end circuitries, have created considerable demand for single-bit  beamformers in digital ultrasound imaging systems. Furthermore, the increasing need to design lightweight ultrasound systems with low power consumption and low noise, provide ample justification for development and innovation in the use of single-bit  beamformers in ultrasound imaging systems. The overall aim of this research program is to investigate, establish, develop and confirm through a combination of theoretical analysis and detailed simulations, that utilize raw phantom data sets, suitable techniques for the design of simple-to-implement hardware efficient  digital ultrasound beamformers to address the requirements for 3D scanners with large channel counts, as well as portable and lightweight ultrasound scanners for point-of-care applications and intravascular imaging systems. In addition, the stability boundaries of higher-order High-Pass (HP) and Band-Pass (BP) Σ−Δ modulators for single- and dual- sinusoidal inputs are determined using quasi-linear modeling together with the describing-function method, to more accurately model the  modulator quantizer. The theoretical results are shown to be in good agreement with the simulation results for a variety of input amplitudes, bandwidths, and modulator orders. The proposed mathematical models of the quantizer will immensely help speed up the design of higher order HP and BP Σ−Δ modulators to be applicable for digital ultrasound beamformers. Finally, a user friendly design and performance evaluation tool for LP, BP and HP  modulators is developed. This toolbox, which uses various design methodologies and covers an assortment of  modulators topologies, is intended to accelerate the design process and evaluation of  modulators. This design tool is further developed to enable the design, analysis and evaluation of  beamformer structures including the noise analyses of the final B-scan images. Thus, this tool will allow researchers and practitioners to design and verify different reconstruction filters and analyze the results directly on the B-scan ultrasound images thereby saving considerable time and effort.


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La historia de la moneda en la Castilla medieval ha estado siempre mediatizada por la convivencia no siempre armónica entre dos sistemas monetarios muy diferentes. Uno basado en la plata, de origen europeo, otro centrado en el oro, de raíces árabes. La necesidad de conectar y de establecer unas equivalencias entre ellos se convirtió pronto en una necesidad, máxime cuando las monedas de oro incrementaron sus variantes. En esta compleja situación aparecen mencales y maravedís citados conjuntamente en muchos fueros: Zorita, Uclés, Cuenca,... sin que su naturaleza quede del todo clara. Este artículo compara estas referencias y analiza las equivalencias que los unen. Como colofón al trabajo podemos afirmar que los maravedís citados en cada texto corresponden a monedas áureas de distinto peso y valor mientras el mencal es identificado con un ponderal de oro que los relaciona.


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The correspondence in the Spanish-English translation is analyzed of three different fields of technical metaphors based upon blindness, fatigue, and the spiritual world. Some terms have been left aside that under the appearance of metaphors were mere samples of no-deviated language or cases of homonymy. The study reveals a higher presence of the metaphor in the Spanish language in the three fields of study, although the English language also shows a high index of metaphors. In between metaphors and non-metaphors, we find a lack of metaphorical equilibrium between Spanish and English in certain cases, which is a sign of the different perception of the reality. Finally, the conclusions shed light on the meaning of these words: blind, annoyance, fatigue, antifading, core, angels, espectrum, phantom, ghost, magic, postmortem, dead, etc.


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The aim of this work was to track and verify the delivery of respiratory-gated irradiations, performed with three versions of TrueBeam linac, using a novel phantom arrangement that combined the OCTAVIUS® SRS 1000 array with a moving platform. The platform was programmed to generate sinusoidal motion of the array. This motion was tracked using the real-time position management (RPM) system and four amplitude gating options were employed to interrupt MV beam delivery when the platform was not located within set limits. Time-resolved spatial information extracted from analysis of x-ray fluences measured by the array was compared to the programmed motion of the platform and to the trace recorded by the RPM system during the delivery of the x-ray field. Temporal data recorded by the phantom and the RPM system were validated against trajectory log files, recorded by the linac during the irradiation, as well as oscilloscope waveforms recorded from the linac target signal. Gamma analysis was employed to compare time-integrated 2D x-ray dose fluences with theoretical fluences derived from the probability density function for each of the gating settings applied, where gamma criteria of 2%/2 mm, 1%/1 mm and 0.5%/0.5 mm were used to evaluate the limitations of the RPM system. Excellent agreement was observed in the analysis of spatial information extracted from the SRS 1000 array measurements. Comparisons of the average platform position with the expected position indicated absolute deviations of  <0.5 mm for all four gating settings. Differences were observed when comparing time-resolved beam-on data stored in the RPM files and trajectory logs to the true target signal waveforms. Trajectory log files underestimated the cycle time between consecutive beam-on windows by 10.0  ±  0.8 ms. All measured fluences achieved 100% pass-rates using gamma criteria of 2%/2 mm and 50% of the fluences achieved pass-rates  >90% when criteria of 0.5%/0.5 mm were used. Results using this novel phantom arrangement indicate that the RPM system is capable of accurately gating x-ray exposure during the delivery of a fixed-field treatment beam.


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Cette thèse a pour sujet le développement d’un détecteur à fibre scintillante plastique pour la dosimétrie des faisceaux de photons de basses énergies. L’objectif principal du projet consiste à concevoir et caractériser cet instrument en vue de mesurer la dose de radiation reçue au cours des examens d’imagerie diagnostique et interventionnelle. La première section est consacrée à la conception de six différents systèmes et à l’évaluation de leur performance lorsqu’ils sont exposés à des rayonnements de hautes et basses énergies. Tous les systèmes évalués présentaient un écart type relatif (RSD) de moins de 5 % lorsqu’ils étaient exposés à des débits de dose de plus de 3 mGy/s. Cette approche systématique a permis de déterminer que le tube photomultiplicateur répondait le mieux aux conditions d’exposition propres à la radiologie. Ce dernier présentait une RSD de moins de 1 % lorsque le débit de dose était inférieur à 0.10 mGy/s. L’étude des résultats permis également de suggérer quelques recommandations dans le choix d’un système en fonction de l’application recherchée. La seconde partie concerne l’application de ce détecteur à la radiologie interventionnelle en procédant à des mesures de dose à la surface d’un fantôme anthropomorphique. Ainsi, plusieurs situations cliniques ont été reproduites afin d’observer la précision et la fiabilité du détecteur. Ce dernier conserva une RSD inférieure à 2 % lorsque le débit de dose était supérieur à 3 mGy/min et d’environ 10 % au débit le plus faible (0.25 mGy/min). Les mesures sur fantôme montrèrent une différence de moins de 4 % entre les mesures du détecteur et celles d’une chambre d’ionisation lors du déplacement de la table ou du bras de l’appareil de fluoroscopie. Par ailleurs, cette différence est demeurée sous les 2 % lors des mesures de débit de dose en profondeur. Le dernier sujet de cette thèse porta sur les fondements physiques de la scintillation dans les scintillateurs plastiques. Les différents facteurs influençant l’émission lumineuse ont été analysés afin d’identifier leur contribution respective. Ainsi, la réponse du détecteur augmente de près d’un facteur 4 entre un faisceau de 20 kVp et 250 kVp. De ce signal, la contribution de la fluorescence produite dans la fibre claire était inférieure à 0.5 % lorsque les fibres étaient exposées sur 10 cm par des faisceaux de 20 à 250 kVp. Le phénomène d’extinction de la fluorescence par ionisation a également été étudié. Ainsi, l’atténuation du signal variait en fonction de l’énergie du faisceau et atteignit environ 20 % pour un faisceau de 20 kVp. En conclusion, cette étude suggère que les détecteurs à fibres scintillantes peuvent mesurer avec précision la dose de radiation reçue en imagerie diagnostique et interventionnelle, mais une calibration rigoureuse s’avère essentielle.


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Purpose: To evaluate if physical measures of noise predict image quality at high and low noise levels. Method: Twenty-four images were acquired on a DR system using a Pehamed DIGRAD phantom at three kVp settings (60, 70 and 81) across a range of mAs values. The image acquisition setup consisted of 14 cm of PMMA slabs with the phantom placed in the middle at 120 cm SID. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and Contrast-tonoise ratio (CNR) were calculated for each of the images using ImageJ software and 14 observers performed image scoring. Images were scored according to the observer`s evaluation of objects visualized within the phantom. Results: The R2 values of the non-linear relationship between objective visibility score and CNR (60kVp R2 = 0.902; 70Kvp R2 = 0.913; 80kVp R2 = 0.757) demonstrate a better fit for all 3 kVp settings than the linear R2 values. As CNR increases for all kVp settings the Object Visibility also increases. The largest increase for SNR at low exposure values (up to 2 mGy) is observed at 60kVp, when compared with 70 or 81kVp.CNR response to exposure is similar. Pearson r was calculated to assess the correlation between Score, OV, SNR and CNR. None of the correlations reached a level of statistical significance (p>0.01). Conclusion: For object visibility and SNR, tube potential variations may play a role in object visibility. Higher energy X-ray beam settings give lower SNR but higher object visibility. Object visibility and CNR at all three tube potentials are similar, resulting in a strong positive relationship between CNR and object visibility score. At low doses the impact of radiographic noise does not have a strong influence on object visibility scores because in noisy images objects could still be identified.


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There are few professions in which visual acuity is as important as it is to radiologists. The diagnostic decision making process is composed of a number of events (detection or observation, interpretation and reporting), where the detection phase is subject to a number of physical and psychological phenomena that are critical to the process. Visual acuity is one phenomenon that has often been overlooked, and there is very little research assessing the impact of reduced visual acuity on diagnostic performance. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of reduced visual acuity on an observer’s ability to detect simulated nodules in an anthropomorphic chest phantom.


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Purpose - In this study we aim to validate a method to assess the impact of reduced visual function and observer performance concurrently with a nodule detection task. Materials and methods - Three consultant radiologists completed a nodule detection task under three conditions: without visual defocus (0.00 Dioptres; D), and with two different magnitudes of visual defocus (−1.00 D and −2.00 D). Defocus was applied with lenses and visual function was assessed prior to each image evaluation. Observers evaluated the same cases on each occasion; this comprised of 50 abnormal cases containing 1–4 simulated nodules (5, 8, 10 and 12 mm spherical diameter, 100 HU) placed within a phantom, and 25 normal cases (images containing no nodules). Data was collected under the free-response paradigm and analysed using Rjafroc. A difference in nodule detection performance would be considered significant at p < 0.05. Results - All observers had acceptable visual function prior to beginning the nodule detection task. Visual acuity was reduced to an unacceptable level for two observers when defocussed to −1.00 D and for one observer when defocussed to −2.00 D. Stereoacuity was unacceptable for one observer when defocussed to −2.00 D. Despite unsatisfactory visual function in the presence of defocus we were unable to find a statistically significant difference in nodule detection performance (F(2,4) = 3.55, p = 0.130). Conclusion - A method to assess visual function and observer performance is proposed. In this pilot evaluation we were unable to detect any difference in nodule detection performance when using lenses to reduce visual function.


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Introduction: The Calypso 4D Localization System gives the possibility to track the tumour during treatment, with no additional ionising radiation delivered. To monitor the patient continuously an array is positioned above the patient during the treatment. We intend to study, for various gantry angles, the attenuation effect of the array for 6- and 10 MV and flattening filter free (FFF) 6- and FFF 10 MV photon beams. Materials and methods: Measurements were performed using an ion chamber placed in a slab phantom positioned at the linac isocenter for 6 MV, 10 MV, FFF 6 MV and FFF 10 MV photon beams. Measurements were performed with and without array above the phantom for 0°, 10°, 20°, 40° and 50° beam angle for a True Beam STx linac, for 5×5 and 10×10 and 15×15 cm2 field size beams to evaluate the attenuation of the array. A VMAT treatment plan was measured using an ArcCheck with and without the array in the beam path. Results and discussion: Attenuation measured values were up to 3%. Attenuation values were between 1 and 2% with the exception of the 30°–50° gantry angles which were up to 3.3%. The ratio values calculated in the ArcCheck for relative dose and absolute dose 10 were both 1·00. Conclusion: Attenuation of the treatment beam by the Calypso array is within acceptable limits.


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Incidental findings on low-dose CT images obtained during hybrid imaging are an increasing phenomenon as CT technology advances. Understanding the diagnostic value of incidental findings along with the technical limitations is important when reporting image results and recommending follow-up, which may result in an additional radiation dose from further diagnostic imaging and an increase in patient anxiety. This study assessed lesions incidentally detected on CT images acquired for attenuation correction on two SPECT/CT systems. Methods: An anthropomorphic chest phantom containing simulated lesions of varying size and density was imaged on an Infinia Hawkeye 4 and a Symbia T6 using the low-dose CT settings applied for attenuation correction acquisitions in myocardial perfusion imaging. Twenty-two interpreters assessed 46 images from each SPECT/CT system (15 normal images and 31 abnormal images; 41 lesions). Data were evaluated using a jackknife alternative free-response receiver-operating-characteristic analysis (JAFROC). Results: JAFROC analysis showed a significant difference (P < 0.0001) in lesion detection, with the figures of merit being 0.599 (95% confidence interval, 0.568, 0.631) and 0.810 (95% confidence interval, 0.781, 0.839) for the Infinia Hawkeye 4 and Symbia T6, respectively. Lesion detection on the Infinia Hawkeye 4 was generally limited to larger, higher-density lesions. The Symbia T6 allowed improved detection rates for midsized lesions and some lower-density lesions. However, interpreters struggled to detect small (5 mm) lesions on both image sets, irrespective of density. Conclusion: Lesion detection is more reliable on low-dose CT images from the Symbia T6 than from the Infinia Hawkeye 4. This phantom-based study gives an indication of potential lesion detection in the clinical context as shown by two commonly used SPECT/CT systems, which may assist the clinician in determining whether further diagnostic imaging is justified.


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Background: The aim of this study was the evaluation of a fast Gradient Spin Echo Technique (GraSE) for cardiac T2-mapping, combining a robust estimation of T2 relaxation times with short acquisition times. The sequence was compared against two previously introduced T2-mapping techniques in a phantom and in vivo. Methods: Phantom experiments were performed at 1.5 T using a commercially available cylindrical gel phantom. Three different T2-mapping techniques were compared: a Multi Echo Spin Echo (MESE; serving as a reference), a T2-prepared balanced Steady State Free Precession (T2prep) and a Gradient Spin Echo sequence. For the subsequent in vivo study, 12 healthy volunteers were examined on a clinical 1.5 T scanner. The three T2-mapping sequences were performed at three short-axis slices. Global myocardial T2 relaxation times were calculated and statistical analysis was performed. For assessment of pixel-by-pixel homogeneity, the number of segments showing an inhomogeneous T2 value distribution, as defined by a pixel SD exceeding 20 % of the corresponding observed T2 time, was counted. Results: Phantom experiments showed a greater difference of measured T2 values between T2prep and MESE than between GraSE and MESE, especially for species with low T1 values. Both, GraSE and T2prep resulted in an overestimation of T2 times compared to MESE. In vivo, significant differences between mean T2 times were observed. In general, T2prep resulted in lowest (52.4 +/- 2.8 ms) and GraSE in highest T2 estimates (59.3 +/- 4.0 ms). Analysis of pixel-by-pixel homogeneity revealed the least number of segments with inhomogeneous T2 distribution for GraSE-derived T2 maps. Conclusions: The GraSE sequence is a fast and robust sequence, combining advantages of both MESE and T2prep techniques, which promises to enable improved clinical applicability of T2-mapping in the future. Our study revealed significant differences of derived mean T2 values when applying different sequence designs. Therefore, a systematic comparison of different cardiac T2-mapping sequences and the establishment of dedicated reference values should be the goal of future studies.


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This text is taken from the postgraduate thesis, which one of the authors (A.B.) developed for the degree of Medical Physicist in the School on Medical Physics of the University of Florence. The text explores the feasibility of quantitative Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy as a tool for daily clinical routine use. The results and analysis comes from two types of hyper spectral images: the first set are hyper spectral images coming from a standard phantom (reference images); and hyper spectral images obtained from a group of patients who have undergone MRI examinations at the Santa Maria Nuova Hospital. This interdisciplinary work stems from the IFAC-CNR know how in terms of data analysis and nanomedicine, and the clinical expertise of Radiologists and Medical Physicists. The results reported here, which were the subject of the thesis, are original, unpublished, and represent independent work.