719 resultados para PMa-SRM
L’utilisation de méthodes d’investigation cérébrale avancées a permis de mettre en évidence la présence d’altérations à court et à long terme à la suite d’une commotion cérébrale. Plus spécifiquement, des altérations affectant l’intégrité de la matière blanche et le métabolisme cellulaire ont récemment été révélées par l’utilisation de l’imagerie du tenseur de diffusion (DTI) et la spectroscopie par résonance magnétique (SRM), respectivement. Ces atteintes cérébrales ont été observées chez des athlètes masculins quelques jours après la blessure à la tête et demeuraient détectables lorsque les athlètes étaient à nouveau évalués six mois post-commotion. En revanche, aucune étude n’a évalué les effets neurométaboliques et microstructuraux dans la phase aigüe et chronique d’une commotion cérébrale chez les athlètes féminines, malgré le fait qu’elles présentent une susceptibilité accrue de subir ce type de blessure, ainsi qu’un nombre plus élevé de symptômes post-commotionnels et un temps de réhabilitation plus long. Ainsi, les études composant le présent ouvrage visent globalement à établir le profil d’atteintes microstructurales et neurométaboliques chez des athlètes féminines par l’utilisation du DTI et de la SRM. La première étude visait à évaluer les changements neurométaboliques au sein du corps calleux chez des joueurs et joueuses de hockey au cours d’une saison universitaire. Les athlètes ayant subi une commotion cérébrale pendant la saison ont été évalués 72 heures, 2 semaines et 2 mois après la blessure à la tête en plus des évaluations pré et post-saison. Les résultats démontrent une absence de différences entre les athlètes ayant subi une commotion cérébrale et les athlètes qui n’en ont pas subie. De plus, aucune différence entre les données pré et post-saison a été observée chez les athlètes masculins alors qu’une diminution du taux de N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) n’a été mise en évidence chez les athlètes féminines, suggérant ainsi un impact des coups d’intensité sous-clinique à la tête. La deuxième étude, qui utilisait le DTI et la SRM, a révélé des atteintes chez des athlètes féminines commotionnées asymptomatiques en moyenne 18 mois post-commotion. Plus spécifiquement, la SRM a révélé une diminution du taux de myo-inositol (mI) au sein de l’hippocampe et du cortex moteur primaire (M1) alors que le DTI a mis en évidence une augmentation de la diffusivité moyenne (DM) dans plusieurs faisceaux de matière blanche. De iii plus, une approche par région d’intérêt a mis en évidence une diminution de la fraction d’anisotropie (FA) dans la partie du corps calleux projetant vers l’aire motrice primaire. Le troisième article évaluait des athlètes ayant subi une commotion cérébrale dans les jours suivant la blessure à la tête (7-10 jours) ainsi que six mois post-commotion avec la SRM. Dans la phase aigüe, des altérations neuropsychologiques combinées à un nombre significativement plus élevé de symptômes post-commotionnels et dépressifs ont été trouvés chez les athlètes féminines commotionnées, qui se résorbaient en phase chronique. En revanche, aucune différence sur le plan neurométabolique n’a été mise en évidence entre les deux groupes dans la phase aigüe. Dans la phase chronique, les athlètes commotionnées démontraient des altérations neurométaboliques au sein du cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral (CPDL) et M1, marquées par une augmentation du taux de glutamate/glutamine (Glx). De plus, une diminution du taux de NAA entre les deux temps de mesure était présente chez les athlètes contrôles. Finalement, le quatrième article documentait les atteintes microstructurales au sein de la voie corticospinale et du corps calleux six mois suivant une commotion cérébrale. Les analyses n’ont démontré aucune différence au sein de la voie corticospinale alors que des différences ont été relevées par segmentation du corps calleux selon les projections des fibres calleuses. En effet, les athlètes commotionnées présentaient une diminution de la DM et de la diffusivité radiale (DR) au sein de la région projetant vers le cortex préfrontal, un volume moindre des fibres de matière blanche dans la région projetant vers l’aire prémotrice et l’aire motrice supplémentaire, ainsi qu’une diminution de la diffusivité axiale (DA) dans la région projetant vers l’aire pariétale et temporale. En somme, les études incluses dans le présent ouvrage ont permis d’approfondir les connaissances sur les effets métaboliques et microstructuraux des commotions cérébrales et démontrent des effets délétères persistants chez des athlètes féminines. Ces données vont de pair avec la littérature scientifique qui suggère que les commotions cérébrales n’entraînent pas seulement des symptômes temporaires.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Dissertação de Mestrado, Oncobiologia, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
Purpose: To evaluate the comparative efficiency of graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) and hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HGAAS) for trace analysis of arsenic (As) in natural herbal products (NHPs). Method: Arsenic analysis in natural herbal products and standard reference material was conducted using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), namely, hydride generation AAS (HGAAS) and graphite furnace (GFAAS). The samples were digested with HNO3–H2O2 in a ratio of 4:1 using microwaveassisted acid digestion. The methods were validated with the aid of the standard reference material 1515 Apple Leaves (SRM) from NIST Results: Mean recovery of three different samples of NHPs, using HGAAS and GFAAS, ranged from 89.3 - 91.4 %, and 91.7 - 93.0 %, respectively. The difference between the two methods was insignificant. A (P= 0.5), B (P=0.4) and C (P=0.88) Relative standard deviation (RSD) RSD, i.e., precision was 2.5 - 6.5 % and 2.3 - 6.7 % using HGAAS and GFAAS techniques, respectively. Recovery of arsenic in SRM was 98 and 102 % by GFAAS and HGAAS, respectively. Conclusion: GFAAS demonstrates acceptable levels of precision and accuracy. Both techniques possess comparable accuracy and repeatability. Thus, the two methods are recommended as an alternative approach for trace analysis of arsenic in natural herbal products.
An automated on-line SPE-LC-MS/MS method was developed for the quantitation of multiple classes of antibiotics in environmental waters. High sensitivity in the low ng/L range was accomplished by using large volume injections with 10-mL of sample. Positive confirmation of analytes was achieved using two selected reaction monitoring (SRM) transitions per antibiotic and quantitation was performed using an internal standard approach. Samples were extracted using online solid phase extraction, then using column switching technique; extracted samples were immediately passed through liquid chromatography and analyzed by tandem mass spectrometry. The total run time per each sample was 20 min. The statistically calculated method detection limits for various environmental samples were between 1.2 and 63 ng/L. Furthermore, the method was validated in terms of precision, accuracy and linearity. The developed analytical methodology was used to measure the occurrence of antibiotics in reclaimed waters (n=56), surface waters (n=53), ground waters (n=8) and drinking waters (n=54) collected from different parts of South Florida. In reclaimed waters, the most frequently detected antibiotics were nalidixic acid, erythromycin, clarithromycin, azithromycin trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole and ofloxacin (19.3-604.9 ng/L). Detection of antibiotics in reclaimed waters indicates that they can’t be completely removed by conventional wastewater treatment process. Furthermore, the average mass loads of antibiotics released into the local environment through reclaimed water were estimated as 0.248 Kg/day. Among the surface waters samples, Miami River (reaching up to 580 ng/L) and Black Creek canal (up to 124 ng/L) showed highest concentrations of antibiotics. No traces of antibiotics were found in ground waters. On the other hand, erythromycin (monitored as anhydro erythromycin) was detected in 82% of the drinking water samples (n.d-66 ng/L). The developed approach is suitable for both research and monitoring applications. Major metabolites of antibiotics in reclaimed wates were identified and quantified using high resolution benchtop Q-Exactive orbitrap mass spectrometer. A phase I metabolite of erythromycin was tentatively identified in full scan based on accurate mass measurement. Using extracted ion chromatogram (XIC), high resolution data-dependent MS/MS spectra and metabolic profiling software the metabolite was identified as desmethyl anhydro erythromycin with molecular formula C36H63NO12 and m/z 702.4423. The molar concentration of the metabolite to erythromycin was in the order of 13 %. To my knowledge, this is the first known report on this metabolite in reclaimed water. Another compound acetyl-sulfamethoxazole, a phase II metabolite of sulfamethoxazole was also identified in reclaimed water and mole fraction of the metabolite represent 36 %, of the cumulative sulfamethoxazole concentration. The results were illustrating the importance to include metabolites also in the routine analysis to obtain a mass balance for better understanding of the occurrence, fate and distribution of antibiotics in the environment. Finally, all the antibiotics detected in reclaimed and surface waters were investigated to assess the potential risk to the aquatic organisms. The surface water antibiotic concentrations that represented the real time exposure conditions revealed that the macrolide antibiotics, erythromycin, clarithromycin and tylosin along with quinolone antibiotic, ciprofloxacin were suspected to induce high toxicity to aquatic biota. Preliminary results showing that, among the antibiotic groups tested, macrolides posed the highest ecological threat, and therefore, they may need to be further evaluated with, long-term exposure studies considering bioaccumulation factors and more number of species selected. Overall, the occurrence of antibiotics in aquatic environment is posing an ecological health concern.
Electrical synapses are composed of gap junctions, made from paired hemi-channels that allow for the transfer of current from one neuron to another. Gap junctions mediate electrical transmission in neurons, where they synchronize spiking and promote rapid transmission, thereby influencing the coordination, pattern, and frequency of firing. In the marine snail, Aplysia calfornica, two clusters of neuroendocrine bag cell neurons use electrical synapses to synchronize a 30-min burst of action potentials, known as the afterdischarge, which releases egg-laying hormone and induces reproduction. In culture, paired bag cell neurons present a junctional conductance that is non-rectifying and largely voltage-independent. During the afterdischarge, PKC is activated, which is known to increase voltage-gated Ca2+ current; yet, little is understood as to how this pathway impacts electrical transmission. The transfer of presynaptic spike-like waveforms (generated in voltage-clamp) to the postsynaptic cell (measured in current-clamp) was monitored with or without PKC activation. It was found that pretreatment with the PKC activator, phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), enhanced junctional conductance between bag cell neurons. Furthermore, in control, presynaptic action potential waveforms mainly evoked postsynaptic electrotonic potentials at both -60 and -40 mV. However, with PKC activation the presynaptic stimulus consistently elicited postsynaptic action potentials from resting potentials of -40 mV, and would occasionally result in firing from repetitive input at -60 mV. Moreover, to assess whether this enhanced electrical transmission genuinely reflects a greater junctional conductance or a change in postsynaptic responsiveness, a fast-phase junctional-like current was applied to single bag cell neurons. Neurons in PMA always fired action potentials in response to current injection as opposed to control, which were less likely to spike. This outcome did not change when the junctional-like current was artificially enhanced in control conditions. Also, in response to fast- and slow-phase electrotonic potential (ETP) waveforms, Ca2+ current was markedly larger in single PMA-treated neurons. These findings suggest that PKC activation may contribute to afterdischarge fidelity by recruiting postsynaptic Ca2+ current to promote synchronous network firing. Finally, Aplysia gap junction genes (innexins) were transfected into mouse N2A cells and characterized. This revealed a biophysical and pharmacological profile similar to native gap junctions.
En vista de las inequidades entre mujeres y hombres como las implicaciones que éstas posan sobre la seguridad alimentaria y el desarrollo agro-rural, la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) ha incursionado en procesos de comunicación para el desarrollo con un proyecto que innovador, integra un enfoque de género.
Actualmente la relación que existe entre la logística humanitaria y la seguridad agroalimentaria es muy estrecha, estos dos conceptos constituyen un elemento sumamente importante en situaciones que se presentan hoy en día a nivel mundial, como por ejemplo en los diferentes tipos de desastres naturales como terremotos, tsunamis, sequías, hambrunas, entre otros, o simplemente, en zonas de alta pobreza. La logística humanitaria es hoy en día un concepto novedoso que nace de la necesidad de poder suministrar los recursos adecuados en zonas que han sido afectadas por desastres naturales, o situaciones de orden público, como por ejemplo los conflictos armados. Estos recursos deben asegurarle a la población afectada que puedan mantener a lo largo de un tiempo sus necesidades básicas, y así mismo, que estos recursos aseguren a la población afectada que puedan tener una vida digna y segura, lo que conlleva entre otras cosas, tener una seguridad agroalimentaria. A medida que se presentan diferentes escenarios de desastres naturales, la ayuda humanitaria a nivel mundial es necesaria, y el tiempo de respuesta juega un papel sumamente importante. En consecuencia, esta investigación presenta un enfoque que involucra los conceptos de logística humanitaria y de seguridad agroalimentaria, con el fin de contextualizar su evolución y los estudios que se llevan a cabo hoy en día.
We prove a Theorem on homotheties between two given tangent sphere bundles SrM of a Riemannian manifold (M,g) of dim ≥ 3, assuming different variable radius functions r and weighted Sasaki metrics induced by the conformal class of g. New examples are shown of manifolds with constant positive or with constant negative scalar curvature which are not Einstein. Recalling results on the associated almost complex structure I^G and symplectic structure ω^G on the manifold TM , generalizing the well-known structure of Sasaki by admitting weights and connections with torsion, we compute the Chern and the Stiefel-Whitney characteristic classes of the manifolds TM and SrM.
A cultura do girassol vem se destacando no Brasil e um dos principais motivos para este crescimento é seu uso como matéria-prima no Programa Nacional de Produção e uso do Biodiesel. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho produtivo de 12 genótipos de girassol (HLS 01; HLE 11; HELIO 358; EMBRAPA 122; BRSGIRA 01; BRSGIRA 09; SRM 822; TRITON MAX; ZENIT; AGROBEL 960; MG 52 e M 734) na região de Jaguariúna-SP. Os materiais foram avaliados através das seguintes características agronômicas: produtividade (kg.ha-1), produção por capítulo (g), diâmetro do capítulo (m), altura da planta (m) e altura do capítulo (m). Os genótipos apresentaram altos rendimentos (média de 2869 kg ha-1), sem diferirem estatisticamente entre si; o que nos leva a concluir que na região de Jaguariúna - SP há grande potencial de cultivo do girassol, sendo inclusive, uma possível opção para o plantio em sucessão à cana de açúcar.
A cultura do girassol vem se destacando no Brasil e um dos principais motivos para este crescimento é seu uso como matéria-prima no Programa Nacional de Produção e uso do Biodiesel. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho produtivo de 12 genótipos de girassol (HLS 01; HLE 11; HELIO 358; EMBRAPA 122; BRSGIRA 01; BRSGIRA 09; SRM 822; TRITON MAX; ZENIT; AGROBEL 960; MG 52 e M 734) na região de Jaguariúna-SP. Os materiais foram avaliados através das seguintes características agronômicas: produtividade (kg.ha-1), produção por capítulo (g), diâmetro do capítulo (m), altura da planta (m) e altura do capítulo (m). Os genótipos apresentaram altos rendimentos (média de 2869 kg ha-1), sem diferirem estatisticamente entre si; o que nos leva a concluir que na região de Jaguariúna - SP há grande potencial de cultivo do girassol, sendo inclusive, uma possível opção para o plantio em sucessão à cana de açúcar.
Axial spondyloarthritis (AxSpA) is an inflammatory disease affecting the axial skeleton. The infiltrate of T-cells in the structural lesions has been found to contribute to bone remodeling, but consensus relating the functional contribution of different T-cell subsets to pathogenesis has not been reached yet. Aim of the project was to characterize circulating T-cells and their homing markers from axSpA patients in order to identify cellular populations that could migrate to inflamed tissues and be implicated in axSpA. We found an altered proportion of circulating naïve and memory T-cells in axSpA patients, and a skew in favor of CD8+ T-cells expressing the chemokine receptor CCR4. Since CCL17 and CCL22, the two ligands for CCR4, are found to be elevated in the sera of axSpA patients, we investigated in details the role of CD8+CCR4+ T cells in axSpA. Our data showed that circulating CD8+CCR4+ T-cells display an effector memory phenotype and express homing markers for tissues that are target of the disease. Noteworthy, CD8+CCR4+ T cells from axSpA patients were activated, expressed markers of proliferation and acquired a cytotoxic phenotype, as demonstrated by the increased production of granzyme and perforin. CD8+CCR4+ T cells from axSpA patients upregulate the transcription of genes involved in bone mineralization and downregulate genes involved in osteoclast differentiation, indicating their possible involvement in bone remodeling. Furthermore, CD8+CCR4+ T cells stimulated with PMA and ionomycin were able to produce and release TNF and IL-8, two cytokines involved in osteoclastogenesis, indicating that CD8+CCR4+ T-cells after stimulation would be able to promote osteoclasts differentiation and neutrophils recruitment. Taken together our data suggest that CD8+CCR4+ T cells might exert a pathogenic role in axSpA, by releasing mediators of tissue damage, bone remodeling and recruitment of other pro inflammatory cells.
Antigen design is generally driven by the need to obtain enhanced stability,efficiency and safety in vaccines.Unfortunately,the antigen modification is rarely proceeded in parallel with analytical tools development characterization.The analytical tools set up is required during steps of vaccine manufacturing pipeline,for vaccine production modifications,improvements or regulatory requirements.Despite the relevance of bioconjugate vaccines,robust and consistent analytical tools to evaluate the extent of carrier glycosylation are missing.Bioconjugation is a glycoengineering technology aimed to produce N-glycoprotein in vivo in E.coli cells,based on the PglB-dependent system by C. jejuni,applied for production of several glycoconjugate vaccines.This applicability is due to glycocompetent E. coli ability to produce site-selective glycosylated protein used,after few purification steps, as vaccines able to elicit both humoral and cell-mediate immune-response.Here, S.aureus Hla bioconjugated with CP5 was used to perform rational analytical-driven design of the glycosylation sites for the glycosylation extent quantification by Mass Spectrometry.The aim of the study was to develop a MS-based approach to quantify the glycosylation extent for in-process monitoring of bioconjugate production and for final product characterization.The three designed consensus sequences differ for a single amino-acid residue and fulfill the prerequisites for engineered bioconjugate more appropriate from an analytical perspective.We aimed to achieve an optimal MS detectability of the peptide carrying the consensus sequences,complying with the well-characterized requirements for N-glycosylation by PglB.Hla carrier isoforms,bearing these consensus sequences allowed a recovery of about 20 ng/μg of periplasmic protein glycosylated at 40%.The SRM-MS here developed was successfully applied to evaluate the differential site occupancy when carrier protein present two glycosites.The glycosylation extent in each glycosite was determined and the difference in the isoforms were influenced either by the overall source of protein produced and by the position of glycosite insertion.The analytical driven design of the bioconjugated antigen and the development of accurate,precise and robust analytical method allowed to finely characterize the vaccine.
In this thesis we developed three copper-containing systems. Copper shows intriguing abilities in photocatalysis, however, one of the major limitations of many copper complexes is that photochemical properties might be quenched in solution caused by π-interactions between solvent and solute, due to Jahn-Teller distortion in the excited state. As such, we herein seek to synthesise copper heteroleptic complexes that will subsequently be nanoprecipitated with a polymer. This will allow the polymer to encase the complex and prevent the solvent-induced quenching. Subsequently, the preparation of blends of polymer with the aforementioned copper complexes, at different weight ratios is sought. The preparation of the blend is particularly interesting as the catalytic properties are anticipated to be inferior on account of the low surface area. However, owing to the polymer matrix better, mechanical properties are anticipated. The blends can combine the mechanical properties of the polymer and the luminescence of the complex, with the advantage that the polymer matrix can also prevent quenching from oxygen. As final task, we developed a copper-containing monomer. The synthesis of a monomer that contains copper and can be excited under ultraviolet (UV) light is particularly interesting.