869 resultados para Operações de Combate em Ambiente Urbano
Os seres humanos ao se reproduzirem como espécie e ao produzirem seus bens materiais produzem o espaço geográfico. Historicamente, o espaço vem sendo produzido em função do processo produtivo geral da sociedade. Partindo dessa abordagem, o trabalho em foco destina-se a fazer a análise da produção do traçado urbano de um simples povoado do litoral norte-rio-grandense, denominado Cajueiro, no qual observa-se uma total despreocupação com a composição urbanística da área, pelo fato da sua construção seguir os caminhos naturais vivenciados pelos seus moradores, mediante o atendimento das suas necessidades de sobrevivência ao longo dos anos. Para melhor entender historicamente a produção desse espaço litorâneo, optou-se por caminhar pelas suas ruas, becos e veredas, buscando através de entrevistas dirigidas e "bate papos espontâneos", explicações para a sua atual configuração urbana. Atualmente, esse parcelamento desordenado do solo, constitui-se num emaranhado tanto de ruas, como de casas que avançam sobre o leito das vias, provocando, assim, uma composição desordenada do espaço de circulação, fato esse que se constitui num problema de fluidez de veículos e pessoas que percorrem esses caminhos estreitos e tortuosos, os quais, muito se assemelham a um verdadeiro labirinto urbano, pelo fato de ruas apresentarem linhas sinuosas entrelaçadas e intricadas.
The Escritório Saturnino de Brito (Saturnino de Brito Office), created in 1920 under the sanitaristic guidance of the engineer Saturnino de Brito, has a vast record of works throughout the whole national territory, even after the death of its founder, in 1929 at which point his son, and also engineer, Saturnino de Brito Filho, assumed the head of the company , with a compromise to continue his father s work and assure his administrative, technical and urbanistic principles up until the early 1980s, when that institution came to an end. The scarcity of theorical studies about this Office, alongside the importance of the contributions it made in countless cities, oriented the focus of this study on its performance in Natal, where it remained from 1935 to 1969, designing, executing and managing sanitationist works and the services associated with them and going through several political, economical, social, cultural and urbanistic contexts periodicized in this work into three moments. Thus, it is intended to analyze how the Saturnino de Brito Office behaved and adapted itself to the conjunctural changes that unfolded into each of these moments, and more specifically, to observe the forms of intervention adopted the principles, the instruments and the scope aiming to verify the transition of the sanitaristic set of urbanistic ideas into the urban planning as a development strategy on a local level
O mundo atual passa por uma crise ambiental sem precedentes na história, o que resulta em conseqüências ambientais perceptíveis e preocupantes. Governos e organizações internacionais têm dado maior relevância à variável ambiental como um dos principais eixos de definição das políticas de crescimento/desenvolvimento econômico, como o intuito de adequar as demandas sociais aos limites naturais. Como consequências dessa forma perdulária de produção e consumo da sociedade global temos a contaminação ambiental ampliada e diversificada. O presente artigo discute a acumulação capitalista no setor dos resíduos sólidos, partindo da hipótese da impossibilidade de se diminuir a geração ampliada dos resíduos, sendo necessário que se crie estratégias de gestão e tratamento para os resíduos baseados na atividade da reciclagem dos materiais. A parte final expõe os paradigmas da questão dos resíduos sólidos na sociedade global.
In this work, a platform to the conditioning, digitizing, visualization and recording of the EMG signals was developed. After the acquisition, the analysis can be done by signal processing techniques. The platform consists of two modules witch acquire electromyography (EMG) signals by surface electrodes, limit the interest frequency band, filter the power grid interference and digitalize the signals by the analogue-to- digital converter of the modules microcontroller. Thereby, the data are sent to the computer by the USB interface by the HID specification, displayed in real-time in graphical form and stored in files. As processing resources was implemented the operations of signal absolute value, the determination of effective value (RMS), Fourier analysis, digital filter (IIR) and the adaptive filter. Platform initial tests were performed with signal of lower and upper limbs with the aim to compare the EMG signal laterality. The open platform is intended to educational activities and academic research, allowing the addition of other processing methods that the researcher want to evaluate or other required analysis.
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have an extremely important social role, they are responsible for the place where they work and to form citizens who contribute to a fair and cooperative society. Universities can engage with sustainable development in planning, management, education, research, operations, community services, procurement of materials, transportation and infrastructure; this research seeks to analyze the sustainability practices in service operations in the Higher Education Institutions of the Federal Network of Professional, Scientific and Technological Education in Brazil through the development and application of a model called the Sustainability Assessment for Higher Technological Education (SAHTE). To achieve the proposed goal, a systematic survey of the scientific literature on sustainability assessment models in higher education institutions was conducted, making it possible to identify the characteristics and features of existing models. The model was applied through multiple case studies. The proposal compares the sustainability performance of service operations among individual institutions using a common methodology. It presents five areas to be evaluated in the HEI: Governance and Policies, People, Food, Water and Energy, and Waste and Environment, with a total of 134 questions. The need for greater support from the senior management of institutions to formulate and implement policies on sustainable development was identified when the lack of policies on sustainability in service operations was found; initiatives tend to be isolated. The participation of students and teachers in studies on the daily operations of the campus can be expanded and more widespread. The model seeks to evaluate sustainable practices in the service operations of the Brazilian Federal Network of Professional, Scientific and Technological Education; studies related to the evaluation of teaching sustainability are absent and the applicability of the model in private institutions and other countries is needed. The results obtained with the application of the SAHTE model are useful for the preparation and development of policies on sustainable development, especially in the service operations of the surveyed HEI. The results can sensitize staff and students, who can reflect on their roles in the HEI, as well as the community and suppliers.
No presente relatório são caracterizadas e descritas as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio curricular na vertente da importância do maneio, ambiente e animal no controlo das mastites. Contempla ainda uma revisão bibliográfica e estudo de caso sobre a problemática das mastites na exploração. No estudo de caso procurou avaliar-se a influência do maneio, ambiente e animal no controlo das mastites e o impacto que estas representam na quantidade e na qualidade do leite. Foi ainda realizado estudo em 30 bovinos, identificados como animais problema, com recolha de amostras de leite para análise de antibiograma com deteção de agente. Foi implementado um plano de prevenção e controlo de mastites que consistiu na implementação de medidas de higiene e maneio dos animais, implementação de operações de rotinas de ordenha, implementação de medidas preventivas com recurso a vacinação e estabelecimentos de protocolos de tratamentos para os animais com patologias associadas às mastites. Os resultados obtidos foram muito positivos, diminuindo de forma drástica a incidência de mastites de 20% para 5% anual e consequentemente, uma melhoria considerável da quantidade de leite (22 para 33 L/vaca/dia) e na qualidade do leite (CCS <300 000 cel/mL) produzido; Abstract: Mastitis: Importance of management, environment and animal. Plan for the prevention, control and impact on the quantity and quality of milk This report characterize and describe the activities carried out during the traineeship in the aspect of the importance of management, environment and animal in the control of mastitis. There is also a literature and a case study on the problem of mastitis on the farm review. In the case study we sought to evaluate the influence of management, environment and animal in the control of mastitis and the impact that they represent in the quantity and quality of milk. A study was also carried out in 30 cattle, identified as problem animals, with milk samples for antibiotic susceptibility analysis with agent detection. It was implemented a mastitis prevention and control plan with the implementation of hygiene measures and husbandry of animals, implementation of milking routine operations, and implementing preventive measures using vaccination and treatment protocols establishment for animal diseases associated with mastitis. The results were very positive, decreasing dramatically the incidence of 20% mastitis to 5% per year and hence a considerable improvement of the quantity (22 to 33 L/cow/day) and quality ( SCC <300,000 cells/mL) of milk produced.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, Pós-Graduação em Tecnologia Ambiental e Recursos Hídricos, 2015.
Some protected special spaces on behalf of fundamental rights to the environment and the housing at the city of Natal are fragile by facing actions and attempts to suppress and changing (or omission in the implementation) of standards in furtherance of those rights at the local level, which seems to reflect a situation that goes beyond the context of the city. Based on integrated approach of the housing rights and the environment and its protection of special spaces on the field of fundamental rights, the thesis seeks to understand the weaknesses that affect the legal state duty under the realization/implementation of fundamental rights to the environment and housing in cities, focusing on the issues of flexibility of the founding legislation of special spaces to the detriment of the attributes they protected and the lack of implementation of the legal system that allows their effectiveness. So, it looks initially to understand the environment and housing rights and their special protected areas in the brazilian legal system, looking forward the evolution of its legal protection, as well as the weaknesses that emerge in the field of their effectiveness. Analyzing the trajectory of the environment and housing rights and their special protected areas in Natal, considering its standards, attributes, protection indicators, weaknesses and negative evidence within its legal protections and their enforcement by state entity, this thesis proposes to verify the existence of forms to confronting the weaknesses founded in the maintenance of legal protection and its implementation. At this point it discusses the legal basis and safeguard instruments of protection, especially within the juridical field, as part of a (re)discussion about issues of legislative and administrative discretion in the face of objective legal state duty to realization/implementation of fundamental rights in the urban space. With all these issues together the thesis does not ignore the scenario where the dividing line between public and private (economic) are becoming ever more tenuous in the field of state action and where the city stands as a special commodity to the reproduction of real estate, according to the interests of capitalist logic
This research studies the relation between city and nature in the urbanity s plans from Natal RN, Brazil, during the 20th century. Investigates and analyses the main documents that bring environmental s ideas inside from the urbanity s plans of Natal; gives the historical and economical situation from the city in each period studied; features the urbanity s plans, using categories of analyses to comprehension of this instruments. Try to contribute in the bigger process of historical rescue of Natal, and stimulates new studies. It was used documental s research, and bibliographic material. It was identified four (04) kinds of plans: the ones that focus in health and aesthetic (1901, 1929, 1935) technology and science (1968), zoning and control (1974, 1984) and environment. The hints founded shows that environmental ideas were put inside of the plans by government demands, especially in 1994 s plan, almost always without popular contribution and without this population get understands its meanings and implications
Droughts surfaced in 1877 as a crucial problem for the birthing Brazilian nation. Engineers, who formed the country's technical and scientific elite, took it upon themselves to study, understand and fight the problem through planned actions of intervention on space. This work, based on proposals and discussions contained in engineering magazines and reports, aims to provide elements for the comprehension of how these systematized actions against droughts, in the Iate nineteenth and early twentieth century, contributed to spatial analysis and the formation of a (then-inexistent) regional and territorial planning discipline in Brazi!. Engineers, by taking up the position of masterminds in the country's modernization, guaranteed for themselves personal economic stability, social prestige and political power. By understanding nature, either as a resource to be exploited or an adversary to national progress, they contributed to the delimitation of the region now known as the Northeast. By seeking to understand the drought phenomenon, they created knowledge about the space they sought to intervene on; by constructing their projects amid political and economical difficulty, they changed the organizational structures of cities and country in the northeast. The proposals for açudes (Iarge water reservoirs) allowed the fixation of population and the resistance against droughts; the roads - railroads and automotive roadways - connected the sertão to the capitais and the coast, speeding up help to the affected populations during droughts and allowing the circulation of goods so as to strengthen the local economies in normal rimes. The adopted practices and techniques, adapted from foreign experience and developed through trial and improvement, were consolidated as an eminently spatial intervention course, even if a theoretical body of regional or territorial planning wasn't formed in Brazil. Regional Planning proper was first applied in the country in the Northeast itself, in the 1950s, based off an economical view of reality in order to achieve development. The engineer's work prior tothat date, however, cannot be dlsconsldered. It was proved that, despite facing financial and political hurdles, engineers had a profound commitment to the problem and intended to act systematically to transform the economical and social relations in the region, in order to be victorious in their struggle against droughts
Both the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century have been characterized as a period of major political, economic, social and cultural transformations. Two of the major consequences of the political-economical crisis of the end of last century are the restructuring of capitalist production, and the consolidation of neoliberalism as a worldwide phenomenon. This new world political-economical scenario has influenced, in a dialectic way, the contemporary urban development. In that sense, "new" spatial processes and new paradigms in both urban management and urban planning have gained shape. In this context of urban transformations, the central areas of western cities, also known as historic centers, are being increasingly (re)valued. Since the Second World War, the historic centers urban areas which have great infrastructure and symbolic relevance had been undergoing a process of evasion of population and activities, undeniably linked to the neglect of government authorities. However, in recent decades, the question of historic centers rehabilitation has acquired a growing interest, academically and in political agendas. The object of this dissertation is to focus on how the government of each Brazil and Portugal has dealt with the issue of historic center rehabilitation through programs of urban rehabilitation
O atual ambiente operacional, tem sentido profundas mudanças, fruto especialmente, da evolução tecnológica global, fazendo com que a tomada de decisão dependa ainda mais dos sistemas de informação. Para fazer face a esta realidade têm sido atualizadas e desenvolvidas conceções doutrinárias, onde se incluem as Operações de Informação, com o intuito de dar resposta aos desafios vindouros. Sendo o objeto de estudo deste trabalho as Operações de Informação, analisamos essa temática à luz da doutrina da Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte (OTAN) e do Exército Brasileiro, com vista a determinar contributos que possibilitem a sua conceção de emprego no Brasil a nível conjunto. Após tratada, sistematizada e analisada a informação recolhida, constatamos que a OTAN utiliza instrumentos de poder de maneira abrangente e tem conduzido as Operações de Informação para maximizar os efeitos produzidos no ambiente da informação, como uma função integradora de capacidades. O Exército Brasileiro possui doutrina consubstanciada de emprego tático das Operações de Informação. Assim sendo, esta investigação permitiu concluir que o estudo das Operações de Informação, através de contributos do Exército Brasileiro e da OTAN abre caminhos para o estabelecimento inicial de uma conceção doutrinária para o Brasil a nível conjunto. Abstract: The current operating environment, it makes sense profound changes, especially fruit, the global technological evolution, making decision making depends further information systems. To address this reality has been updated and developed doctrinal conceptions, which includes the Information Operations, in order to meet the challenges ahead. As the object of study of this work the Information Operations, we analyzed this issue in the light of the doctrine of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Brazilian Army, to determine contributions to enable your use of design in Brazil at the joint level. After treated, systemized and analyzed the information collected, we found that NATO uses power tools in a comprehensive manner and has led the Information Operations to maximize the effects in the information environment as an integrating function capabilities. The Brazilian Army has embodied the doctrine of tactical employment of Information Operations. Therefore, this investigation has concluded that the study of Information Operations through contributions of the Brazilian Army and NATO open paths for the initial establishment of a doctrinal design for Brazil at the joint level.
Tese de Doutoramento em Arquitetura, com a especialização em Teoria e Prática do Projecto, apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa, para obtenção do grau de Doutor.
39 p.