953 resultados para Montelius, Clara,


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Neste artigo procuramos reflectir sobre a dimensão dos elementos para- -linguísticos e extra-linguísticos na actividade conversacional e no papel que detêm na gestão deste espaço interlocutivo.


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The globalization is a process of economical, social, cultural and political integration motivated by the needs generated by a consumption-orientated society and a set of factors that have led to its development, such as reducing transport costs, the technological advancement and the development of communication networks. However, the phenomenon of globalization has been accompanied by increasing levels of insecurity as a result of various types of threats and transnational crimes that the International Community seeks to control and minimize. Throughout this work, we examined how the globalization process has been developing and how nations are able to maintain security levels consistent with their economical status and social development, without disturbing the normal course of organizations’ economical activity and the well-being of people. From the investigation developed we concluded that, besides the confirmation that economic integration and the opening of markets have influence on internal consumption, market globalization and migrations have been causing modifications in the consumption habits. We also concluded that the security measures implemented by States or by the International Community affect international trade, but do not imply disproportionate costs or significant delays in transactions. Likewise, we concluded that the control measures implemented in international trade are sufficient to ensure the safety of the people and nations, enabling us to confirm two of the three conjectures raised in this study.


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Este artigo aborda a questão do papel da Música no currículo do Ensino Básico em conjugação com o despacho do Ministério da Educação quanto à implementação das Actividades de Enriquecimento Curricular. Assume uma posição divergente, na medida em que contesta a forma como a decisão ministerial ignora o facto de a música, enquanto disciplina do currículo, manter um estatuto de clara precariedade. Preconiza uma educação musical de qualidade e intrinsecamente democrática enquadrando, neste âmbito, a formação de professores de Educação Musical levada a cabo pelas Escolas Superiores de Educação nas duas últimas décadas. Finalmente, procura estabelecer um ponto de confluência operacional entre o professor generalista e o professor especialista de música.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização, sob orientação de Maria Clara Dias Pinto Ribeiro


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização. Orientada pela Professora Doutora Maria Clara Dias Pinto Ribeiro


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica - Ramo de Bioprocessos


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química


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This paper reports on the analysis of tidal breathing patterns measured during noninvasive forced oscillation lung function tests in six individual groups. The three adult groups were healthy, with prediagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and with prediagnosed kyphoscoliosis, respectively. The three children groups were healthy, with prediagnosed asthma, and with prediagnosed cystic fibrosis, respectively. The analysis is applied to the pressure–volume curves and the pseudophaseplane loop by means of the box-counting method, which gives a measure of the area within each loop. The objective was to verify if there exists a link between the area of the loops, power-law patterns, and alterations in the respiratory structure with disease. We obtained statistically significant variations between the data sets corresponding to the six groups of patients, showing also the existence of power-law patterns. Our findings support the idea that the respiratory system changes with disease in terms of airway geometry and tissue parameters, leading, in turn, to variations in the fractal dimension of the respiratory tree and its dynamics.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.


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This paper presents the measurement, frequency-response modeling and identification, and the corresponding impulse time response of the human respiratory impedance and admittance. The investigated adult patient groups were healthy, diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and kyphoscoliosis, respectively. The investigated children patient groups were healthy, diagnosed with asthma and cystic fibrosis, respectively. Fractional order (FO) models are identified on the measured impedance to quantify the respiratory mechanical properties. Two methods are presented for obtaining and simulating the time-domain impulse response from FO models of the respiratory admittance: (i) the classical pole-zero interpolation proposed by Oustaloup in the early 90s, and (ii) the inverse discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). The results of the identified FO models for the respiratory admittance are presented by means of their average values for each group of patients. Consequently, the impulse time response calculated from the frequency response of the averaged FO models is given by means of the two methods mentioned above. Our results indicate that both methods provide similar impulse response data. However, we suggest that the inverse DFT is a more suitable alternative to the high order transfer functions obtained using the classical Oustaloup filter. Additionally, a power law model is fitted on the impulse response data, emphasizing the intrinsic fractal dynamics of the respiratory system.


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This paper presents the application of multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis to data emerging from noninvasive lung function tests, namely the input respiratory impedance. The aim is to obtain a geometrical mapping of the diseases in a 3D space representation, allowing analysis of (dis)similarities between subjects within the same pathology groups, as well as between the various groups. The adult patient groups investigated were healthy, diagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and diagnosed kyphoscoliosis, respectively. The children patient groups were healthy, asthma and cystic fibrosis. The results suggest that MDS can be successfully employed for mapping purposes of restrictive (kyphoscoliosis) and obstructive (COPD) pathologies. Hence, MDS tools can be further examined to define clear limits between pools of patients for clinical classification, and used as a training aid for medical traineeship.


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The self similar branching arrangement of the airways makes the respiratory system an ideal candidate for the application of fractional calculus theory. The fractal geometry is typically characterized by a recurrent structure. This study investigates the identification of a model for the respiratory tree by means of its electrical equivalent based on intrinsic morphology. Measurements were obtained from seven volunteers, in terms of their respiratory impedance by means of its complex representation for frequencies below 5 Hz. A parametric modeling is then applied to the complex valued data points. Since at low-frequency range the inertance is negligible, each airway branch is modeled by using gamma cell resistance and capacitance, the latter having a fractional-order constant phase element (CPE), which is identified from measurements. In addition, the complex impedance is also approximated by means of a model consisting of a lumped series resistance and a lumped fractional-order capacitance. The results reveal that both models characterize the data well, whereas the averaged CPE values are supraunitary and subunitary for the ladder network and the lumped model, respectively.


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fac-[MBr(CO)(3)(pypzH)] (M = Mn, Re; pypzH = (3-(2-pyridyl) pyrazole) complexes are prepared from fac[ MBr(CO)(3)(NCMe)(2)] and pypzH. The result of their deprotonation depends on the metallic substrate: the rhenium complex affords cleanly the bimetallic compound [fac-{Re(CO)(3)(mu(2)-pypz)}] 2 (mu(2)-pypz = mu(2)-3-(2pyridyl-. 1N) pyrazolate-2. 1N), which was crystallographically characterized, whereas a similar manganese complex was not detected. When two equivalents of pyridylpyrazolate are used, polymetallic species [fac-M(CO) 3(mu(2)-pypz)(mu(3)-pypz) M'] (mu(3)-pypz = mu(3)-3-(2-pyridyl-kappa N-1) pyrazolate-1 kappa 2N, N: 2. 1N:; M = Mn, M' = Li, Na, K; M = Re, M' = Na) are obtained. The crystal structures of the manganese carbonylate complexes were determined. The lithium complex is a monomer containing one manganese and one lithium atom, whereas the sodium and potassium complexes are dimers and reveal an unprecedented coordination mode for the bridging 3-(2-pyridyl) pyrazolate ligand, where the nitrogen of the pyridyl fragment and the nitrogen-1 of pyrazolate are chelated to manganese atoms, and each nitrogen-2 of pyrazolate is coordinated to two alkaline atoms. The polymetallic carbonylate complexes are unstable in solution and evolve spontaneously to [fac-{Re(CO) 3(mu(2)-pypz)}](2) or to the trimetallic paramagnetic species [MnII(mu(2)-pypz) 2{fac-{MnI(CO) 3(mu(2)-pypz)}(2)}]. The related complex cis-[MnCl2(pypzH)(2)] was also synthesized and structurally characterized. The electrochemical behavior of the new homo-and heteropolymetallic 3-(2-pyridyl) pyrazolate complexes has been studied and details of their redox properties are reported.


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Fractional order modeling of biological systems has received significant interest in the research community. Since the fractal geometry is characterized by a recurrent structure, the self-similar branching arrangement of the airways makes the respiratory system an ideal candidate for the application of fractional calculus theory. To demonstrate the link between the recurrence of the respiratory tree and the appearance of a fractional-order model, we develop an anatomically consistent representation of the respiratory system. This model is capable of simulating the mechanical properties of the lungs and we compare the model output with in vivo measurements of the respiratory input impedance collected in 20 healthy subjects. This paper provides further proof of the underlying fractal geometry of the human lungs, and the consequent appearance of constant-phase behavior in the total respiratory impedance.


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Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol.34, n.2,pp. 253 — 269