901 resultados para Managerial Accountability
The University of South Carolina Upstate reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes an executive summary, a description of the leadership system, customer focus and satisfaction and other performance criteria, mission, and program descriptions and budgets.
Each year the South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly and the Budget and Control Board. Included is an executive summary, organizational profile, and discussion of the elements of the Malcolm Baldrige Award criteria.
This annual accountability report of the Workers' Compensation Commission includes the background of the Commission, the organizational structure, major achievements, a summary of revenues and expenditures and strategic planning.
Each year the Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly and the governor.
Winthrop University annually presents an accountability report to the governor and General Assembly with descriptions and budget of each program, objectives, and performance measures.
The South Carolina Retirement System Investment Commission reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes an executive summary, a description of the leadership system, customer focus and satisfaction and other performance criteria, mission, and program descriptions and budgets.
Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada al interior de dos contextos. Por un lado, el teórico, en el marco de uno de los discursos más relevantes en los campos de la estrategia organizacional, de la managerial and organizational cognition (MOC) y, en general, de los estudios organizacionales (organization studies): la construcción de sentido (sensemaking). Por el otro, el empírico, en una de las grandes compañías multinacionales del sector automotriz con presencia global. Esta corporación enfrenta una permanente tensión entre lo que dicta la casa matriz, en relación con el cumplimiento de metas y estándares específicos, considerando el mundo entero, y los retos que, teniendo en cuenta lo regional y lo local, experimentan los altos directivos encargados de hacer prosperar la empresa en estos lugares. La aproximación implementada fue cualitativa. Esto en atención a la naturaleza de la problemática abordada y la tradición del campo. Los resultados permiten ampliar el actual nivel de comprensión acerca de los procesos de sensemaking de los altos directivos al enfrentar un entorno estratégico turbulento.
In the last few years, a steadily increasing number of Latin American countries have been adopting policy assessment instruments and new governance structures for them, as part of their policymaking process. Even though the literature argues that these instruments serve, among other things, as tools for accountability, for this to be so, it is necessary to take into account the legal system, decision-making process, and regulatory relationships that exist in the adopting countries. This Thesis researches the policy assessment arrangements adopted and implemented in the Latin American region to understand why are these countries adopting and implementing tools for policy evaluation? Can this contribute towards regulatory accountability, and if so, in which conditions? The Thesis first analyzes the rationales that these countries might have to adopt these regulatory policy arrangements. It then studies the various tools used for policy assessment, paying attention to the scope of the assessments, the times and the stages on which regulations are assessed, referred to as the Policy Evaluation Cycle (PEC), as well as to the governance of these processes. The Thesis develops a framework where each of these components are organized and classified based on which goals or rationales they serve. This can assist countries on deciding how to implement their policy evaluation arrangements, to serve their own goals. Since all of the studied countries have presidential systems, this Thesis studies how regulations are made in this system, and the multiple needed delegations for policymaking, which results in various regulatory relationships. Thus, the desired accountability of policymakers towards their different forums makes relevant the adoption this agenda for regulatory accountability reasons. Bringing to together the literatures on public law, accountability and policy evaluation, this Thesis builds a framework for assessing the contribution towards accountability that each stage of the PEC might have in a specific regulatory relationship. The framework shows to which degree the stages, and the cycle as a whole, contribute towards accountability in specific relationships of a presidential constitutional system. The results evidence that even when a policy assessment structure might contribute towards accountability, this contribution is not absolute as it only operates in specific regulatory relationships, and even more, only in some stages of the PEC contributing at different degrees. This framework can be used by governments or regulatory agencies as an instrument to assess the contribution to accountability of their existing or potential regulatory policy structures in order to improve it.
Studies show that higher level diplomas make access to well-paid jobs easier and are an important source of prestige and social honor in Brazil. However, a broad literature today indicates a reduction of the importance of the diploma in hiring processes and argues that having a diploma becomes less and less sufficient for getting a job. This article examines the processes of selection of recently graduated engineers by eight large companies in the region of Campinas. Based on interviews with the main actors of the selection processes and on observation of the initial steps of a selection carried out by a consultancy company hired by one of the companies, the study shows that the weight of a diploma from a prestigious university is still the most important variable for the hiring decision, as it defines not only whether it will be possible to get the job or not, but also the access to vacancies that lead to better paid and more prestigious managerial positions. Finally, it discusses theoretical implications as well as what these results suggest in terms of public policies.
Among the important changes in the production processes, it is necessary to guarantee the sustainability of the human enterprises, what makes us to foresee changes in the managerial administration to adapt to a new model, with the insert of the concepts of Clean Production, Cleaner, Lean and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). The main focus of this work was to elaborate a methodology that made it possible to guarantee the reliability in the waterworks of the sugarcane harvester, identifying and analyzing the manners of flaws, in order to result in the improvement of the environmental and socioeconomic quality in the atmosphere of an industry of sugarcane through the significant decrease of hydraulic oil spill. Through the existent report in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), used in a Sugarcane Industry Plant, it was possible to accompany of the operational acting of the sugarcane harvester used during 03 crops, regarding the manners of flaws in the waterworks of the same ones, and, in one of the crops it was elaborated the total control of the waterworks of 5 harvesters. Based on the obtained data and the developed methodology it was possible to develop a software that specifies the electric outlet of decisions.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a evolução dos investimentos sociais praticados pelo setor industrial farmacêutico brasileiro. A importância do estudo das políticas sociais criadas por esse importante segmento produtivo deve-se à sua forte influência nas mais variadas definições sobre políticas de saúde, entre elas o conflituoso campo de disputa entre a defesa das patentes por parte das empresas e as tentativas de licenciamento compulsório de medicamentos, por parte do governo. Tomamos como fonte de pesquisa os indicadores sociais de 62 indústrias farmacêuticas, relativos ao ano de 2006, publicados pela Federação Brasileira da Indústria Farmacêutica (Febrafarma), em maio de 2007, sob o título Painel Social, apresentados de três formas: dados gerais sobre o número de programas, valores investidos e o número de pessoas beneficiadas; dados gerais classificados segundo um modelo pré-definido e composto de categorias fixas (saúde, educação, comunidade, valorização da vida, cultura, meio ambiente, voluntariado e outros); e dados individualizados por empresa, com a indicação das ementas de cada programa criado. Buscamos com a reflexão sobre esses indicadores averiguar se eles possibilitam realizar um acompanhamento longitudinal das diretrizes e das proposições relacionadas às ações socialmente responsáveis praticadas pelas indústrias farmacêuticas.
O recente documento do Ministério do Planejamento sobre Fundações Públicas (2005) e a crise da área hospitalar colocaram novamente na agenda do SUS a questão dos modelos de gestão pública. O objetivo deste artigo é situar no contexto das reformas de estado pensadas na década de 90 para o Brasil, as propostas de mudança dos modelos de gestão da administração pública, com foco no processo de implementação do SUS. Essa abordagem trata em primeiro lugar da personalidade jurídica das organizações de saúde na esfera estatal, conceituando o público a partir de seus objetivos; em segundo, discute o contexto as reformas de estado e as mudanças propostas para a administração pública. Os autores entendem que critérios e parâmetros para avaliação institucional devem contemplar quatro aspectos: subordinação à política de saúde; legalidade; eficiência gerencial e capacidade de controle. A partir do quadro de referencia geral elaborou-se uma análise comparativa em relação à proposta das fundações públicas de direito privado. Na análise comparativa das características desse tipo de entidade proposta para gestão hospitalar, observam-se semelhanças com a proposta de Organizações Sociais. Fundação Estatal e Contrato de Gestão podem ser vistos como modelos que possibilitam modernizar o Estado, além de re-introduzirem o tema da reforma hospitalar na agenda governamental brasileira
Thousands of Free and Open Source Software Projects (FSP) were, and continually are, created on the Internet. This scenario increases the number of opportunities to collaborate to the same extent that it promotes competition for users and contributors, who can guide projects to superior levels, unachievable by founders alone. Thus, given that the main goal of FSP founders is to improve their projects by means of collaboration, the importance to understand and manage the capacity of attracting users and contributors to the project is established. To support researchers and founders in this challenge, the concept of attractiveness is introduced in this paper, which develops a theoretical-managerial toolkit about the causes, indicators and consequences of attractiveness, enabling its strategic management.
Precision agriculture (PA) technologies are being applied to crops in Brazil, which are important to ensure Brazil`s position in agricultural production. However, there are no studies available at present to indicate the extent to which PA technologies are being used in the country. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to investigate how the sugar-ethanol industry in So Paulo state, which produces 60% of the domestic sugarcane, is adopting and using these techniques. For this purpose, primary data were used, which were obtained from a questionnaire sent to all companies operating in the sugar-ethanol industry in the region. The aim was to determine to what extent these companies are adopting and using PA technologies, and also to promote a more in-depth discussion of the topic within the sugar-ethanol industry. Information was obtained on the features of the companies, on sources of information that they use for adopting these technologies, on their impacts on these companies and on obstacles hindering their adoption. The main conclusions of this research suggest that companies that adopt and use PA practices reap benefits, such as managerial improvements, higher yields, lower costs, minimization of environmental impacts and improvements in sugarcane quality.