946 resultados para Greece. Stratos


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Since the Old Order of the Time was subverted in Greece by establishing a New Order of the Space, the conjugation of Mathematics with temporality has been extremely problematic. Those have escaped from the temporary obligation both as delimiting their objects as assigning them their truth or falsehood. Nevertheless, the History of Mathematics seems to indicate that where truths of this science try to lead an independent existence apart from their creators, that is to say, in the context of their justification, time exerts its retaliations upon this escape.


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On 21 January 2011, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights delivered its judgment in the case of MSS v. Belgium and Greece. This judgment puts into question the practices followed by many national authorities in the implementation of the Dublin system. Particularly noteworthy are the effects on the "safety presumption" that Member States accord to each other in the field of asylum. The authors explore the implications of the MSS decision, first, in regard of the evidentiary requirements imposed on asylum seekers to rebut the safety presumption. They come to the conclusion that through the decision, a real paradigm-shift has taken place - from the theoretical to the actual supremacy of the non-refoulement principle in Dublin matters. This is also true in light of the increased requirements imposed by the Court as regards the scope and depth of judicial review on transfer decisions. Moreover, the MSS judgment could give new impetus to the stalled reform process concerning the Dublin Regulation. Indeed, the Court's decision seems to enshrine in positive ECHR law the most progressive elements of the Commission's proposal, including procedural guarantees and, de facto, the mechanism for the temporary suspension of transfers to member states not offering adequate protection.


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INTRODUCTION: The cell surface endopeptidase CD10 (neutral endopeptidase) and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) have been independently associated with prostate cancer (PC) progression. We investigated the correlations between these two factors and their prognostic relevance in terms of biochemical (prostate-specific antigen, PSA) relapse after radical prostatectomy (RP) for localized PC. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The immunohistochemical expression of CD10 and NF-κB in samples from 70 patients who underwent RP for localized PC was correlated with the preoperative PSA level, Gleason score, pathological stage and time to PSA failure. RESULTS: CD10 expression was inversely associated with NF-κB expression (p < 0.001), stage (p = 0.03) and grade (p = 0.003), whereas NF-κB was directly related with stage (p = 0.006) and grade (p = 0.002). The median time to PSA failure was 56 months. CD10 and NF-κB were directly (p < 0.001) and inversely (p < 0.001) correlated with biochemical recurrence-free survival, respectively. CD10 expression (p = 0.022) and stage (p = 0.018) were independently associated with time to biochemical recurrence. CONCLUSION: Low CD10 expression is an adverse prognostic factor for biochemical relapse after RP in localized PC, which is also associated with high NF-κB expression. Decreased CD10 expression which would lead to increased neuropeptide signaling and NF-κB activity may be present in a subset of early PCs.


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Le prêt à intérêt était pratiqué par tous les peuples de l'Antiquité préchrétienne, à l'exception du peuple d'Israël. L'auteur examine d'abord l'interdiction du prêt à intérêt dans l'Ancien Testament. Il expose ensuite la pratique du prêt à intérêt en Grèce, avant de détailler les critiques d'Aristote. Enfin, l'auteur retrace l'évolution du prêt (mutuum) et de la réglementation de l'intérêt à Rome, des origines à Constantin. Il met l'accent sur trois grandes controverses parmi les romanistes modernes (XVIe - XXIe s.) : sur le nexum, sur la centesima et, surtout, sur le mystérieux fenus unciarium, le taux d'intérêt fixé par les Douze Tables, pour lequel l'éventail des interprétations va de 1 à 100 % par an ! L'auteur recense les opinions de plus de 400 juristes et historiens, discute les plus importantes et propose sa conclusion. The loan at interest was used by all the peoples of pre-Christian Antiquity, excepting the people of Israel. The author first focuses on the prohibition of lending at interest in the Old Testament. He then explores the use of loans at interest in Greece before examining Aristotle's criticism. Eventually, the author follows the evolution of loan (mutuum) and interest regulation in Rome, from the origins to Constantine. Three great controversies among modern Roman law scholars (16th - 21th) are considered: nexum, centesima and above all, the mysterious fenus unciarium, the interest rate defined by the Twelve Tables, for which the range of interpretations varies between 1 and 100% per year! The author gives an inventory of more than 400 opinions expressed by jurists and historians, discusses the most important ones and suggests a solution.


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The aim of this article is to show the Western centuries-old misogynist tradition from its origins in Greece by analysing a text by the allegorical interpreter of the Bible Philo of Alexandria, his De opifico mundi, which on many occasions is read by him from a Platonic point of view. The accurate analysis of the chapters devoted to the creation of the woman by God proves to what extent it is not possible to understand this text if one does not take into account a Greek philosophical tradition which was already centuries-old.


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El objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar sobre la lectura de M. Foucault del Erótico de Plutarco en su Histoire de la sexualité, poniendo especial énfasis en el hecho de que, en contra de lo que afirma el pensador francés, el centro del debate no es, en opinión del autor, el tema del verdadero placer, el obtenido por el erastés de su erómenos o el obtenido por el marido de su mujer, sino la necesidad de atribuir también eros y amistad (éros kaì philia) al amor matrimonial.


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L'objectiu d'aquest article és fer una reflexió crítica de la lectura de M. Fouccault de l'Eròtic de Plutarc en la seva Histoire de la sexualité, posant especial èmfasi en el fet que, en contra del que afirma el pensador francès, el centre del debat no és, en opinió de l'autor, el tema del veritable plaer, l'obtingut per l'erastés del seu erómenos o l'obtingut pel marit de la muller, sinó la necessitat d'atribuir també éros i amistat (éros kaì philia) a l'amor matrimonial.


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This aim of this article is to reflect on Michel Foucault's reading of Plutarch's Eroticus in his Histoire de la sexualité, putting emphasis on the fact that, against what it is affirmed by the French thinker, the real debate is not, in the author's opinion, about true pleasure, that obtained by the erastés from his erómenos or that obtained by husbands from their wives, but the need to assign also love and friendship (éros kaì philia) to the conjugal love.


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L'objectiu d¿aquest article és mostrar com, malgrat la idealització evident de Grècia i l'amor platònic en diferents autors de l'Anglaterra Victoriano-Eduardina, ambdós tenen els seus límits. Per explicar-ho, doncs, l'autor presenta una anàlisi minuciosa del text anglès i, alhora, fa constants referències al textos grecs implícits, com ara el Simposi i el Fedre de Plató i tal vegada fins i tot l'Eròtic de Plutarc en cerca d'una tradició clàssica que és cabdal per entendre l'Anglaterra de principis del segle XX.


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El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar cómo, pese a la evidente idealización de Grecia y el amor platónico en la Inglaterra Victoriano-Eduardina, ambos tienen sus límites. Para explicarlo, pues, el autor presenta un análisis minucioso del texto inglés y, a la vez, se refiere constantemente a los textos griegos implícitos como el Simposio y el Fedro de Platón y tal vez incluso el Erótico de Plutarco en busca de una tradición clásica que es capital para entender la Inglaterra de principios del siglo XX


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Aquest és un article de síntesi que analitza sobretot l'anomenat Grand Tour i la cerca de l'ideal hel·lenic per part de tot un llarg seguit de personatges. Ells i els seus llibres i textos, anomenats aquí i dels quals se'n recullen nombrosos passatges, han estat veritablement significatius en la història del redescobriment europeu de Grècia: George Wheler, Jacob Spon, marquès de Nointel, James Stuart, Nicholas Revett, Robert Wood, Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Antiquities of Athens, Antiquities of Ionia, Richard Chandler, Lord Elgin, Lord Byron, Konstantinos P. Kavafis, etc.


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Este es un artículo de síntesis que analiza sobre todo el llamado Grand Tour y la búsqueda del ideal helénico por parte de una larga serie de personajes. Ellos y sus libros y textos, ciados aquí y de los cuales se recogen numerosos pasajes, han sido verdaderamente significativos en la historia del redescubrimiento europeo de Grecia: George Wheler, Jacob Spon, marquès de Nointel, James Stuart, Nicholas Revett, Robert Wood, Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Antiquities of Athens, Antiquities of Ionia, Richard Chandler, Lord Elgin, Lord Byron, Konstantinos P. Kavafis, etc.


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It is certainly astonishing that an innovating study about the Greek pederasty in England like the one by John Addington Symonds does not quote Plutarch's Eroticus -in fact, it is only cited in some footnotes-, if one bears in mind that this dialogue is an accurate philosophical reflection on Greek eros, in which very often significant ethical themes are approached. The aim of this article is just to reveal the different reasons for such an omission.


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Resulta sorprendente que un estudio pionero en Inglaterra sobre la pederastia griega como el de John Addington Symonds no cite el Erótico de Plutarco, excepción hecha de en algunas notas a pie de página, siendo como es este dialogo una seria reflexión filosófica sobre el eros griego, en que a menudo se abordan cuestiones éticas. El objetivo de este artículo es revelar justamente las razones de índole diversa para una tal omisión.