884 resultados para Evaluation research (Social action programs)


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O ambiente institucional do financiamento do ensino fundamental no Brasil sofreu diversas modificações nas últimas décadas, principalmente nos anos 1990. Com o objetivo de aliar a priorização do ensino fundamental à descentralização das políticas públicas de educação para o nível municipal, o governo federal promoveu uma reforma profunda nas normas legais para a execução dessas políticas, inclusive através de emendas constitucionais, que passaram a constituir importantes regras para o financiamento do ensino. Uma das principais alterações foi a criação do Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento do Ensino Fundamental e de Valorização do Magistério – Fundef, destinado ao financiamento do ensino fundamental no Brasil. Apesar das reformas ocorridas, a situação do ensino fundamental no Brasil é ainda bastante precária. Esta não condiz com as necessidades de sua população, e nem com as possibilidades econômicas do Estado brasileiro. Do ponto de vista analítico, com base no referencial teórico da Nova Economia Institucional, a criação da vinculação de verbas para a política educacional é considerada a principal regra de financiamento do ensino fundamental e serviu à redução de vários custos de transação. Esses custos estão relacionados à descontinuidade de ações e ao comportamento oportunista dos atores envolvidos no cenário das políticas públicas. Dentre esses atores estão os representantes do poder público, executivo e legislativo, a burocracia estatal e a sociedade civil. Esta tese busca avaliar se o conjunto de estratégias de financiamento do ensino criado a partir das vinculações orçamentárias de receitas, em especial para o ensino fundamental, é condição suficiente para a obtenção de eficiência na condução das políticas de educação, ou se há outros elementos, ligados ou não a essa estratégia, que contribuem para a manutenção de ineficiências. O enfoque teórico utilizado na tese é o da Nova Economia Institucional, baseado, principalmente, nos trabalhos de North (1988 e 1990), Williamson (1985) e Miller (1992). Esse referencial teórico fundamenta-se no papel central das instituições na avaliação de problemas sócio-econômicos. Dessa maneira, a primeira parte da tese é dedicada à descrição dos elementos centrais dessa teoria, como, por exemplo, os conceitos de regras formais e informais, custos de transação e estruturas de governança. Com base nessa estruturação inicial é construído o modelo teórico utilizado na tese que pode ser entendido como uma adaptação da abordagem da Nova Economia Institucional para organizações do setor público. Esse modelo leva em consideração elementos e características importantes das instituições, atores e estruturas de governança, fundamentais na análise das organizações públicas. A partir desse modelo teórico é realizada uma análise pormenorizada do arranjo institucional desenvolvido para o financiamento do ensino fundamental nos municípios brasileiros, abrangendo o ambiente institucional, isto é, as regras do jogo, assim como o comportamento dos agentes frente a essas regras. Como forma de testar empiricamente os pressupostos teóricos utilizados na tese, é também realizado um estudo de caso para o Município de São Paulo. Esta tese busca contribuir com as discussões acerca das mudanças necessárias na construção das políticas de educação no Brasil, chamando atenção para a importância da adequação institucional entre as regras formais estabelecidas para as políticas e as características, valores e capacitação dos atores envolvidos na implantação dessas regras. A própria teoria institucional antecipa que a não consideração desses fatores implica a possibilidade de ocorrência de custos de transação associados aos custos de controle dos gestores públicos e ao comportamento oportunista dos agentes no cenário das políticas públicas. Com isso, mesmo existindo recursos vinculados não estará garantida uma condução eficiente das políticas públicas de ensino.


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Este trabalho estuda uma rede de sociabilidade homoerótica na cidade do Rio de Janeiro na década de 1960 através da análise dos relatos contidos no jornal doméstico – produzido por um dos grupos e que circulava entre os participantes da rede – O Snob. A rede era composta por vários grupos de convivência que se vinham formando desde a década de 1950, e a maioria dos participantes elaborava suas identidades pessoais compartilhando com a sociedade maior a crença de que pertenceriam ao “terceiro sexo”, “sofrendo” inversão sexual. Assim se desenvolveu uma forma de sociabilidade peculiar, caracterizada por encontros festivos em domicílios como estratégia de sobrevivência, visto que as expectativas sociossexuais dos grupos eram envoltas em hostilidade da sociedade maior. Desta maneira esse estudo aponta processos de sociabilização empreendidos pela rede, moldados na invisibilidade, configurando-se, ainda que de maneira não articulada (ou involuntária), em experiência de conquistas dos direitos civis e sociais ao promover ações práticas que possibilitavam encontros de seus membros e que podem ser traduzidas como o direito de ir e vir, o direito de livre expressão, ainda que num espaço segregado (ou segredado?), direitos básicos, que, no entanto, não eram garantidos aos participantes da rede. Evidencia, nessa trajetória, os processos de ressignificação identitária que os grupos vivenciaram ao longo do período estudado.


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Brazil’s experience shows that the economic and political history of a country is a critical determinant of which labor laws influence wages and employment, and which are not binding. Long periods of high inflation, illiteracy of the workforce, and biases in the design and enforcement of labor legislation bred by the country’s socioeconomic history are all important in determining the reach of labor laws. Defying conventional wisdom, these factors are shown to affect labor market outcomes even in the sector of employment regarded as unregulated. Following accepted practice in Brazil, we distinguish regulated from unregulated employment by determining whether or not the contract has been ratified by the Ministry of Labor, viz., groups of workers with and without signed work booklet. We then examine the degree of adherence to labor laws in the formal and informal sectors, and finds “pressure points” – viz., evidence of the law on minimum wage, work-hours, and payment timing being binding on outcomes – in both the formal and informal sectors of the Brazilian labor market. The findings of the paper imply that in terms of the design of legislation, informality in Brazil is mainly a fiscal, and not a legal phenomenon. But the manner in which these laws have been enforced is also critical determinant of informality in Brazil: poor record-keeping has strengthened the incentives to stay informal that are already built into the design of the main social security programs, and ambiguities in the design of labor legislation combined with slanted enforcement by labor courts have led to workers effectively being accorded the same labor rights whether or not they have ratified contracts. The incentives to stay informal are naturally higher for workers who are assured of protection under labor legislation regardless of the nature of their contract, which only alters their financial relationship with the government. The paper concludes that informality in Brazil will remain high as long as labor laws remain ambiguous and enforced with a clear pro-labor bias, and social security programs lack tight benefitcontribution linkages and strong enforcement mechanisms.


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O estudo tem como objetivo elaborar um instrumento de avaliação da efetividade do FUNDEC - Fundo de Desenvolvimento Comunitário, programa instituído pelo Banco do Brasil S. A. em 1981, hoje sob a condução da Fundação Banco do Brasil. Trata-se de pesquisa metodológica, uma vez que pretende construir um instrumento de captação da realidade. A estratégia da pesquisa consistiu, basicamente, na elaboração de quesitos que possibilitassem comprovar ou não o desenvolvimento das comunidades onde o FUNDEC atua. O estudo considerou como mais importantes os atributos relacionados à melhoria das condições de vida das populações atendidas pelo Programa, dando maior ênfase aos aspectos referentes ao aperfeiçoamento da prática participante. As dimensões, os indicadores e as variáveis de avaliação foram determinados a partir de pesquisa exploratória junto a comunidades atendidas pelo Programa. O instrumento de pesquisa elaborado foi aplicado na comunidade de Boaventura, localizada no município de Itaperuna, estado do Rio de Janeiro.


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o presente trabalho mostra as abordagens metodológicas em políticas públicas, fundamentado no entendimento das quatro etapas da política, tais como a construção da agenda, fonnulação, implementação e avaliação. Destaca que a fundamentação teórica referente ao ensino profissionalizante no país, baseia-se na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional- Lei nO 9.346/96, no decreto nO 2208/97 e no Parecer nO 17/97. Contextualiza a cidade de Juiz de Fora no aspecto sócio-econômico e em relação à evolução da economia industrial. Também apresenta e caracteriza às instituições de ensino profissionalizante na cidade, tais como o Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI), Colégio Técnico Universitário (CTU) e a Sociedade Educadora Moraes Júnior (pIO XII). Por fim, mostra como esses estabelecimentos de ensino profissionalizante estão se atualizando para atender a nova fase de industrialização de Juiz de ForalMG face a vinda da Mercedes-Benz (indústria automotiva alemã).


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Um dos maiores desafios atuais do Brasil em relação ao seu sistema educacional é a melhora da qualidade da educação oferecida pela rede pública de ensino. Motivado por isso, o Instituto Unibanco criou o Projeto Jovem de Futuro. O projeto oferece às escolas públicas estaduais de ensino médio apoio técnico e financeiro para a implantação de um plano de melhoria de qualidade na dinâmica de funcionamento escolar, com o objetivo de aumentar o rendimento dos alunos e diminuir os índices de evasão escolar. Este trabalho faz uma avaliação do primeiro ano do projeto nos estado de Minas Gerais e Rio Grande do Sul. Os conceitos de avaliação estatística de programas sociais são utilizados na estimação do efeito médio do projeto sobre as notas dos alunos, dos efeitos heterogêneos e do efeito na dispersão das notas dos alunos. Os resultados encontrados indicam que o Projeto Jovem de Futuro teve grande impacto sobre a nota média dos alunos e contribuiu para a redução da desigualdade nas notas dos alunos das escolas participantes. A fim de entender o que gerou o aumento da proficiência dos alunos participantes do programa, também são feitas algumas estimações com o objetivo de captar qual o tipo de investimento que, em média, contribuiu mais para o desenvolvimento dos alunos. Neste aspecto não foi possível chegar a um resultado conclusivo.


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A consolidação do regime democrático exige a efetiva vigência de direitos na sociedade. No Brasil, esse processo, iniciado com a promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988, alcançou a organização do Poder Judiciário pela Reforma da Justiça ocorrida por meio da Emenda Constitucional no 45, de 8 de dezembro de 2004. No entanto, cabe questionar se essa reforma tem provocado o surgimento de uma cultura democrática, no âmbito das políticas judiciais. Observarei esse problema a partir de um recorte específico: a incorporação da perspectiva de gênero no novo desenho institucional da administração judiciária brasileira. Ao analisar os Atos Legislativos e a “Ação Estratégica do Poder Judiciário” produzidos pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça – CNJ, órgão responsável pelo desenvolvimento de política judicial no Brasil, pretendo demonstrar que a perspectiva de gênero não foi incorporada, quer por insuficiência de matriz administrativa de efeito vinculante, quer por ausência de programas de ação institucional, voltados para o acesso à justiça e para os direitos das mulheres. Nesse sentido, a conclusão do trabalho sugere a persistência de obstáculos ao processo de transição democrática no que se refere às políticas de igualdade de gênero.


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O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar imagens do feminino veiculadas pela mensagem publicitária. Para tanto, levantaram-se questões referentes à discussão da caracterização social do feminino, passando-se ao exame da ação social do sistema publicitário. As formulações teóricas de noções relacionadas com a conceituação de individualismo, centrais no trabalho, além de integrarem-se, às discussões sobre a caracterização social do feminino e às análises sociais do sistema publicitário, também constituíram eixo de reflexão para a análise das publicidades que formaram o corpus da pesquisa. O recorte do objeto de estudo situou-se a nível da mensagem publicitária divulgada em revistas femininas, e o exercício de análise realizou-se no sentido de detectar virtuais imagens do feminino existentes nessa mensagem.


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This paper aims to make a theoretical reflection on the theoretical compatibility between the program State Employer of Last Resort (ELR) and the Democratic experimentalism (ED). The ED arises in political thought as an alternative to neo-liberal and social democratic programs in order to rescue the discussion about the institutional organization of society and the market economy. About the involuntary unemployment, it proposes tax changes incidents on payroll and proposes work fronts to the most vulnerable or poorly trained. The hypothesis of this paper is that this approach is compatible with the ELR program, the post- Keynesian line. The ELR is presented as transgression of the mainstream of economic thought by proposing that the State acts as guarantor of employment, working as a stabilizing anchor for the economy. On the edge, the ELR proposes eliminate completely involuntary unemployment. The implementation of the ELR, however, requires the construction of institutions that aim to remake the market economy, as well as deepen and energize politics and democracy, goals that are part of the ED program. Thus, the ED would, in theory, an environment conducive to innovative policies guarantors of training and occupation of the individual, essential for their emancipation institutional environment. In Brazil, which has serious infrastructure problems and qualification of manpower, such a program has enormous potential benefit. However when transposed to the Northeast of Brazil through the Plan for the region based on the principles of the ED and the hypothetical coupling to the ELR could not confirm or reject the hypothesis sub-compatibility of these two theoretical frameworks. The findings point to a partial convergence between these two programs


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Since the enactment of LDBEN 9.9394/96, Physical Education began to be understood as a curricular component in school. Thus, we see the need for systematization of content. We observed that the physical education classes at the public schools in Natal/RN from the game content, teachers did not use the existing proposals for systematization. And it was on this reality that the study occurred, aiming to present and discuss a proposal to systematization the game content in physical education classes in elementary and secondary education. Accordingly, we departed of following question: What possibilities of systematization of the game content in school physical education classes?. The methodology used was the action research, which allowed us to structure the intervention plan for the game content, directed to a reflective didactic process. The dialogue with action research provided an opportunity to understand of the proposal of systematization, the knowledge of game content, the planning and process of teaching and learning in physical education lessons developed. We use the proposed systematization the book Educação Física Escolar e Organização Curricular , to direct and organize the lesson plans. As research technique, we use the participant observation, filming, photographic records and field diary, guiding us in the debates and discussions about the field of research. The applications of the lesson plans were carried out in three schools, all located in Natal / RN: Escola Municipal Professora Ivonete Maciel, Escola Municipal Professor Ulisses de Góis e Professor Escola Estadual Josino Macedo. The members of this study were students PIBID-EF-UFRN, teachers, supervisors and school. They made the bridge between research and action, theoretical foundation and pedagogical practice, university and school. The results were advanced for beyond the propositions submitted by the above-mentioned book. For the Elementary School 1, the proposed systematization broadened experiences and learning of knowledge of the game and of playful and body manifestations. Provided an opportunity to know and learn about game of make account, rules, popular games, cooperative games, among others. For Elementary Schools 2 and Middle education, systematized lessons allowed the practical, the incorporation of knowledge of the game and its features: such as rules, origin, meaning of the name, different denominations, among others. The students experienced and learned, popular games, pre-sport games, cooperative games, with recycled material, among others. The treatment from three dimensions of contents: procedural, conceptual and attitudinal, occurred parallel to approach the game content, and in conjunction with our interventions, not being done separately during practice, but an ongoing process during class. This new perspective of work the game, in a systematized way, with applying, description and discussion the activities, allowed elaborate a summary framework of thematizations for game content, by year of teaching


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The present work aimed the elaboration of an environmental study focused on the hotel sector in order to present an analysis of the environmental aspects of Ponta Negra Beach, in Natal, RN, Brazil and also the aspects of the small and medium hotels existing in this area. By means of this work, it is possible to elaborate a model of a simplified System of Environmental Management which can attend to the exigencies required by NBR ISO 14001: 2004, as well as to present economical viability and possibility to be implemented in a way that hotels may converge to the sustainable environmental development of the tourism in Ponta Negra Beach. The research methodology presents itself divided into three items: execution of the environmental characterization of Ponta Negra Beach, by way of technical visits and interpretation of satellite images and cartograms of the main environmental characteristics of the region; execution of the work already made concerning the development, application and interpretation of the evaluation of the environmental aspects of each hotel, considering the hotels and the period of data collection, these used in evaluation, research instrument and a description of the procedure utilized for the analysis of the collected data and the utilized methodology for the elaboration of a model of a simplified System of Environmental Management. In a general way, it has been concluded that the practices executed by hotels in Ponta Negra Beach are impact-like and harmful to the environment. The simple implementation of analysis procedures and control of the environmental aspects could suggestively contribute to the reduction of environmental impacts promoted by the hotel section at this beach and in the nearby areas. It had been noticed that the study contributed to the sensitization of managers concerning the environmental problems since, in many other times, the detected problem was, in fact, the non-acquaintance about the environmental aspects and impacts from those hotels administrators, because of the lack of surveys and studies about the theme. It had also been noticed the arousing of a possible environmental attitude from some managers


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The subject of Classic Gravitation is part of the actual curriculum for High School in Brazil, and it is taught in the first year of that education level. This master thesis presents a research regarding the subject Classic Gravitation in High School. This research was based in two complementary guidelines of research and action. The first guideline was the analysis of 21 didactic books of physics which are the more frequently used in High School, in the city of Natal/RN. The second guideline, worked after being verified the most common deficiencies presents in the didactic books, was the elaboration, followed by a practical application, of a course suggesting how to approach that subject in the classroom. The Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (National Curricular Parameters for High School PCNEM) defend that Classic Gravitation is very important in the student s formation and that its study helps the comprehension of many nature s phenomena. Because of this vision of that subject by the PCNEM, the 21 analyzed books were separated in two groups: the first one, containing 10 books, was edited before the spreading of PCNEM, and the second, with 11 books, after that spreading. Whatever the group to which the didactic books belonged, the great majority of them let that subject in a second plan; two of them even suggesting, in the teacher s orientations, that the subject Gravitation can be suppressed in case of insufficient time . These analyses points that the PCNEM had produced no changes in the conception of the authors that wrote books regarding that subject. To analyze the didactic books, we elaborated a script which was used as an analysis tool, in which we put in evidence the relative importance of the historic and philosophic contextualization of the subject, the quotidian experience of the students and the interdisciplinary approach, among other aspects. It became evident that the didactic books give very little emphasis to historic aspects of the knowledge construction, to the relations with the day-by-day questions and to the interdisciplinary character of the subject Gravitation. It calls attention the non concordance among the authors opinions regarding the necessary previous knowledge or prerequisites the students should fulfill in order to begin to study Gravitation. The course we elaborated was given to a group of teachers as well as to students. In those courses we treated theoretical and practical aspects and emphasized historical questions and the ones which are related to people s daily life. The course for teachers was realized as an extra-mural activity of the UFRN and was given by the author of this thesis at the Escola Estadual Francisco Ivo Cavalcanti (a state public school in Natal/RN). There were 23 teachers present, from several public schools and several fields of knowledge. The thesis supervisor and the master degree s colleagues of the author acted as collaborators , reporting the participants opinions and speeches. The course to the students, on the other hand, had the participation of 300 regular students who belonged to 6 different 1st year classes of the High School Escola Marista de Natal (RN), in which the author acts as a physics teacher. The student s course was realized as part of the regular curriculum activities, in which three classes stood under the responsibility of the author and other three classes in charge of another Marista s teacher, who participated as a collaborator . The teacher s course as well as the students one were given in two stages, with five hours each. The first stage was divided in two moments, the first one focused on the survey of the spontaneous conceptions about gravitation, in which we worked basically with experiments of free throwing and pendulum, and the second one focused in theoretical presentations and quarrels about universe s models. In the second stage of the course we improved the study of Kepler s laws and the Newton s Universal Gravitation law, and we used as motivating tools some practices involving the construction of the solar system in scale. As instruments for evaluating both courses we used questionnaires and reported the speeches with participants opinions, beyond usual written evaluations in the course for the students. The teachers who participated in the course showed very good wills in realizing interdisciplinary practices; nevertheless, according their own speeches, they frequently came across the difficulty of how to do . From the experience we had in both courses, we conclude that the approach we propose hear to the teaching of the subject Classic Gravitation , supported on the tripod theory, practice and historical and philosophical aspects, is viable and effective. One hopes that this research may contribute in the formation of a opinion, among the teachers, concerning how to approach the subject of Classic Gravitation, and may offer suggestions in order those who want to apply that approach may develop classroom practices aiming to improve the teaching of that subject, which has a singular importance in the formation of High School students


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This paper proposes discusses the theme of the youth and of the violation of rights in the context of the Young Agent Program developed in the local authority of Arez/RN, sugar cane region of the Brazilian northeast. We take like empirical reference, the young people in the age group from 15 to 17 years old that were participating of the activities of the Program, in the period of April to July of 2008. Objectives of this study were constituted, economical-partner apprehended the conditions and cultural of the young participants of the Young Agent Program, in the context of violations of rights; as well as the analysis of the limits and means, of the bases theoretician-politician, methodological and of the activities developed in the Program. In the persecution of the objectives we use like methodological instrumental the observation, activities in group with the focal group technique and the application of semi-structured interviews. As result, we notice that the violation of rights of the young persons inserted in the Young Agent Program of Arez sets itself up as reflex of the multiple determinations of the social question, inherent in the capitalist society, specified in the context of the poverty and of the social unequality that they acquire visibility in the hunger, in the unemployment / menial job, in the precarious dwelling, in the low schooling, for lack of leisure, in the violence between others. The approximations systematized in this healthy work relevant for the Unveiling of the reality of the Brazilian youth, specifically of Arez young people, in such a way that they come to subsidize future inquiries, are eaten by me also it promotes the discussion around the way like the Social Politics Programs they are implemented and driven in the capitalist society, in its neoliberal format, where the focusing and the selectivity is put on top to the detriment of the universal access of the democratic rights. So, the great challenge that is put for the XXI century is to cause to the voices from these which they do and this which build this country, in the continuous and tireless search of the rights realization in the struggle against the barbarism installed in the capitalist societycapitalista