869 resultados para BBA, International business


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En el presente trabajo se realiza una investigación acerca de la tecnología de liofilización, que comprende un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo. Esto con la finalidad de conocer la posibilidad de exportar frutas liofilizadas a países pertenecientes de la Unión Europea y la EFTA. La investigación inicia con la recolección de información como la historia de la tecnología de liofilización, su proceso, ventajas y desventajas de aplicación, equipos y funciones necesarias para su realización y se ejemplifican dos empresas colombianas que en la actualidad utilizan esta tecnología. Adicionalmente, se evidencia la diferencia que existe entre este proceso y la deshidratación con calor. Posteriormente, se realiza una matriz de selección de países en la que se tienen en cuenta variables políticas, económicas, culturales y legales de los 32 países pertenecientes a la Unión Europea y la EFTA. Con base en esto se eligieron los dos países cuyo resultado presentaba mayor favorabilidad para la actividad a realizar, estos fueron Suiza y Suecia, para los cuales se hizo un estudio de mercado, teniendo en cuenta seis etapas: contactos, potencial de ventas del mercado, análisis competitivo, condiciones de entrada al país, condiciones financieras y de entrada al mercado y selección del país objetivo. Finalmente se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones que la información recolectada permitió obtener.


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La economía mundial cambia a un ritmo vertiginoso y exponencial gracias a la rápida transformación de la tecnología. Diferentes dinámicas como el crecimiento en cobertura del internet; la creciente facilidad de obtención de una tarjeta de crédito; la popularización del uso de smartphones; y el crecimiento en uso del comercio electrónico; han dado cabida a la aparición de nuevos tipos de negocio, como el de servicios electrónicos y aplicaciones, que hace algunas décadas atrás eran inviables. Teniendo en cuenta estos cambios, el presente documento plantea tres diferentes modelos de aplicación para smartphones, se hace un análisis detallado de la viabilidad para cada uno para identificar así el que cuenta con mayores probabilidades de éxito. Finalmente se profundiza en este con un análisis financiero y de mercadotecnia para así hacer las respectivas correcciones al modelo inicial y obtener como resultado la versión más viable del modelo seleccionado.


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Es necesario que los gerentes sean líderes y establezcan relaciones sólidas con los empleados, para luego establecer las mismas con socios potenciales. Para lograr este objetivo, Con el fin de cumplir este objetivo, el uso de estrategias y técnicas de negociación es crucial, así como la importancia de la conciencia cultural y de la diversidad. La globalización no sólo ha movido a los mercados sino también a las personas, la inmigración es un fenómeno fuerte hoy en día y varios países, como Canadá, han sido inclusivos y han apoyado a estos nuevos ciudadanos. Las empresas de Canadá, sin importar la industria, han asumido el reto de integrar una fuerza laboral diversa con el propósito de adquirir nuevos conocimientos y crecer a nivel nacional, pero sobre todo en el ámbito internacional. Igualmente, es esencial tener en cuenta las ventajas y limitaciones del multiculturalismo dentro de la empresa y específicamente en las negociaciones interculturales.


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La innovación social es un tipo de innovación que promueve la búsqueda de soluciones enfocadas a los problemas que se presentan en la sociedad. Estas soluciones generan además un valor agregado que ayudan al crecimiento del país. En Colombia este tipo de iniciativas han empezado a tener una gran importancia y han empezado a promover condiciones de vida más favorables y justas que buscan generar un beneficio a la sociedad y contribuir al desarrollo del país. A partir de la historia de la innovación social, ejemplos y grandes literatos en la administración y la sociología, comprenderemos la importancia de la innovación en nuestro país.


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Actualmente, las barreras comerciales a nivel internacional resultan cada vez menos tangibles entre los diferentes mercados, haciendo que las oportunidades de comercialización de bienes y servicios entre países sea cada vez mayor. Sin embargo, es muy común todavía encontrarse con historias de fracaso en los esfuerzos de diferentes empresarios medianos y pequeños que en su momento decidieron emprender el camino de la internacionalización de sus compañías y que por diferentes factores, bien sea desconocimiento de leyes comerciales internacionales, desinformación primordial del mercado objetivo o simplemente por situaciones ajenas a ellos sufrieron esta adversidad y dejaron de lado su impulso e interés por internacionalizarse. Por tal razón, hemos enfocado nuestros esfuerzos en tratar de identificar las diferentes potencialidades y oportunidades que el empresario colombiano puede llegar a tener en cuatro estados de Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, Nueva York, Nueva Jersey, Nuevo Hampshire y Nebraska específicamente. La metodología a desarrollar a lo largo de esta investigación principalmente recoge información cualitativa y cuantitativa que nos permitirá desglosar diversos aspectos con mayor profundidad, para que el empresario interesado tenga un panorama más claro de lo que puede llegar a encontrarse en los estados mencionados anteriormente.


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This research addresses the use of ex ante contracts to arbitrate tort claims in domestic settings using law and economics research methodologies. Potential economic benefits from using arbitration, particularly between informed and knowledgeable parties and in international business transactions, are not guaranteed in domestic disputes. Arbitration can potentially be used to manipulate the adjudication process. This research has several findings. There is a lack of information available concerning the use of arbitration to adjudicate tort claims. Proxy measurements concerning the demand for third party adjudication and other legal indicators are a poor substitute for the information hidden behind the veil of arbitration. There is the potential for the strategic use of ex ante contracts to arbitrate tort claims by repeat player tortfeasors to domestic tort claims, both individually and in concert with other repeat player firms. These strategic efforts aim to: manipulate enforcement errors for tort claims, avoid procedural rules which have the effect of lowering enforcement errors, enable a unique type of domestic forum arbitrage, shirk from taking due care, capture the economic benefit of using arbitration, manipulate the stock of precedents and production of public goods from courts, collude in these underlying efforts, restrain competition, indirectly fix prices, and other aims which increase the repeat player tortfeasor’s or their industries economic gains related to their underlying contracts and tort disputes. This research also demonstrates how this subject is appropriate for further academic research and why states should be cautious of giving carte blanche to arbitrate all domestic tort claims.


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ABSTRACTIn developing countries, initiatives have often been undertaken in order to fight social and environmental problems. Since the 1990s, an increase can be seen in corporate social responsibility actions, as well as increasingly strong activities by civil society organizations. Tweenty years ago, companies and civil society organizations stood wide apart from each other, with often conflicting agendas and resistance to mutual collaboration. This reality has changed significantly. Besides the phenomenon of cross-sector partnerships, we can also observe the expansion of a particular organization type, i.e., the social business, which combines two objectives that were previously seen as incompatible: financial sustainability and the generation of social value. This article aims to discuss the factors that influence the results of a social business operating in three countries: Botswana, Brazil and Jordan. The results allow understanding the challenges involved in constructing social businesses in developing countries as well as a better understanding of the very nature of those businesses, considering the social realities where they operate.


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Changes in today’s society led to the evolution of professional migrations and individual searches for more suitable professional opportunities and careers outside one’s countries. International Placement is nowadays one of the world’s biggest trends in higher education for the future ahead and an appealing demand of the Millennium generations. The following work project aims to study the German business market identifying the most attractive German companies and respective graduate programs for a Nova School of Business and Economics graduate student. The study’s conclusion relies on concrete strategic suggestions regarding the implementation of the results and practical use of the outcome provided.


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An important policy issue in recent years concerns the number of people claimingdisability benefits for reasons of incapacity for work. We distinguish between workdisability , which may have its roots in economic and social circumstances, and healthdisability which arises from clear diagnosed medical conditions. Although there is a linkbetween work and health disability, economic conditions, and in particular the businesscycle and variations in the risk of unemployment over time and across localities, mayplay an important part in explaining both the stock of disability benefit claimants andinflows to and outflow from that stock. We employ a variety of cross?country andcountry?specific household panel data sets, as well as administrative data, to testwhether disability benefit claims rise when unemployment is higher, and also toinvestigate the impact of unemployment rates on flows on and off the benefit rolls. Wefind strong evidence that local variations in unemployment have an importantexplanatory role for disability benefit receipt, with higher total enrolments, loweroutflows from rolls and, often, higher inflows into disability rolls in regions and periodsof above?average unemployment. Although general subjective measures of selfreporteddisability and longstanding illness are also positively associated withunemployment rates, inclusion of self?reported health measures does not eliminate thestatistical relationship between unemployment rates and disability benefit receipt;indeed including general measures of health often strengthens that underlyingrelationship. Intriguingly, we also find some evidence from the United Kingdom and theUnited States that the prevalence of self?reported objective specific indicators ofdisability are often pro?cyclical that is, the incidence of specific forms of disability arepro?cyclical whereas claims for disability benefits given specific health conditions arecounter?cyclical. Overall, the analysis suggests that, for a range of countries and datasets, levels of claims for disability benefits are not simply related to changes in theincidence of health disability in the population and are strongly influenced by prevailingeconomic conditions. We discuss the policy implications of these various findings.


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We study the contribution of money to business cycle fluctuations in the US,the UK, Japan, and the Euro area using a small scale structural monetary business cycle model. Constrained likelihood-based estimates of the parameters areprovided and time instabilities analyzed. Real balances are statistically importantfor output and inflation fluctuations. Their contribution changes over time. Models giving money no role provide a distorted representation of the sources of cyclicalfluctuations, of the transmission of shocks and of the events of the last 40 years.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on muodostaa sähköinen liiketoimintamalli kansainvälisen ohjelmistoyrityksen tarpeisiin. Ohjelmiston uusi ominaisuus antaa kolmansille osapuolille mahdollisuuden määritellä itse rakennusmallintamisessa tarvittavia komponentteja, mikä luo mahdollisuuden uuteen liiketoimintaan. Liiketoimintamallien teoria ja asiantuntijoiden haastattelut tulevat osoittamaan, että paras ratkaisu tässä tapauksessa on portaali, joka rakentuu komponenttimarkkinoista, e-kaupasta ja virtuaaliyhteisöstä. Komponenttimarkkinat on jaettu vapaaseen vaihdantaan ja sertifioitujen kehittäjien kaupankäyntiin. Tämä tarjoaa mahdollisuuksia kehittäjille valita sitoutuneisuutensa taso, samoin kuin motivoi heitä osallistumaan. E-kauppa on suunniteltu sovelluksille ja monimutkaisemmille komponenteille. Virtuaaliyhteisön kautta käyttäjät voivat keskustella mielipiteistään ja saada tukea ohjelmiston käyttämiseen sekä komponenttien kehittämiseen.


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The aim of this study was to analyze and give proposals for the case-company how to optimize cash management in China. The purpose of the theoretical part was to enlighten the liquidity and cash management practices in an international environment and apply these into the different, regulated environment of China. In the theoretical part both domestic and international literature, articles and journals were used. The results of the empirical part are based on the in-formation from the case-company and its associates. Information was gathered mainly via internal questionnaire which was sent to the case com¬pany's subsidiaries involved with the study. Mainly company-internal factors were studied. The main result of the study implies that China is a challenging environment to optimize cash management, as the structures used elsewhere can not be applied to China as such. The study clarified the picture of the current cash management situation within the case company's China units. Can be seen, that by optimizing their cash management it is possible to especially increase control, and interest earnings and utilize internal liquidity more efficiently.


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Business model in the context of international entrepreneurship is a rather new topic in academic literature. The objective of this thesis is to examine value creation through business models in internationally entrepreneurial firms. The study examines value creation through the two partner interfaces and the customer interface of a company. Central for the study is the consideration of also the partners’ incentives. Business model construct is studied by defining the concept, examining its elements and the relationship with strategy – concluding with value creation through the concept. The international entrepreneurship chapter focuses on internationally entrepreneurial firms, inspecting the drivers behind international entrepreneurship and studying value network concept. Value creation functions as a driving theme in the theory discussion. The empirical research of the study focuses on eight Finnish internationally entrepreneurial software companies. The study is conducted as a qualitative cross-case analysis building on the single case company business model analyses. The findings suggest that the business models of software companies incorporate vast similarities. However, the degree of international experience has influence on the companies’ value creation and the way they organize their activities both in upstream and downstream of the value chain.