995 resultados para planta-hospedeira


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Cecropia glaziovii is a tree with used in Brazilian popular medicine. Methods allowing the clonal propagation of this species are of great interest for superior genotype multiplication and perpetuation. For this reason, we examined the effect of different culture media and different types of explants on adventitious shoot regeneration from callus and buds of C. glaziovii. Leaves, petioles and stipules obtained from aseptically grown seedlings or from pre-sterilized plants were used to initiate cultures. Adventitious shoot regeneration was achieved when apical and axillary buds were inoculated on gelled Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine alone (BAP) (1.0, 5.0 or 10.0 mg L-1) or combined with -naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) (1.0 or 2.0 mg L-1), after 40 days of culture. Best callus production was obtained after 30 days of petioles' culture on gelled MS medium with 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) (5.0 mg L-1) combined with BAP (1.0 mg L-1). Successful shoot regeneration from callus was achieved when MS medium supplemented with zeatin (ZEA) (0.1 mg L-1) alone or combined with 2,4-D (1.0 or 5.0 mg L-1) was inoculated with friable callus obtained from petioles. All shoots were rooted by inoculation on MS medium supplemented with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) (1.0 mg L-1). Rooted plants transferred to potting soil were successfully established. All in vitro regenerated plantlets showed to be normal, without morphological variations, being also identical to the source plant. Our study has shown that C. glaziovii can be propagated by tissue culture methods, allowing large scale multiplication of superior plants for pharmacological purposes.


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Objetivou-se avaliar a produção de massa seca das folhas, a relação folha/colmo e alguns índices de crescimento do capim-xaraés submetido a doses de nitrogênio (N) e potássio (K). O experimento foi conduzido em casa-de-vegetação no período de novembro/2004 a fevereiro/2005. Adotou-se esquema fatorial 4 ´ 3, perfazendo 12 combinações, as quais foram distribuídas em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, perfazendo um total 48 unidades experimentais. Foram utilizadas quatro doses de N (0, 75, 150 e 225 mg dm-3) e três doses de K (0, 50 e 100 mg dm-3). Verificou-se efeito das doses de N na produção de massa seca das folhas e na produção de massa seca total, em todos os cortes, com maior produção nas doses mais elevadas de N, ao passo que o K influenciou essas variáveis apenas no segundo corte. A relação folha/colmo, a RAF, a AFE e a RPF somente foram significativas no terceiro corte da planta. Os efeitos das doses de foram decrescentes sobre essas variáveis, enquanto as doses de K agiram de modo antagônico às doses de N sobre a RAF e AFE.


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A escória siderúrgica é uma alternativa para a correção da acidez dos solos e é constituída de silicato de cálcio. Neste estudo, avaliaram-se os efeitos residuais da aplicação de silicato de cálcio nos atributos químicos do solo e da planta em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico típico com capim-Marandu (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu), sob intensidades de pastejo em lotação rotacionada. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com intensidades de pastejo avaliadas pelas ofertas diárias de forragem de 50, 100, 150 e 200 kg t-1 de MS por PV nas parcelas experimentais, enquanto a aplicação superficial de silicato de cálcio combinado com calcário dolomítico, respectivamente, nas doses 0 + 0; 2 + 0; 4 + 0; 6 + 0; 2 + 4; 4 + 2 e 0 + 6 t ha- 1 nas subparcelas com quatro repetições, duas épocas (verão e inverno) e avaliação em três profundidades do solo (0-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm). Os atributos químicos do solo pH em CaCl2, Ca, Mg, K, H + Al e V, avaliados 720 dias após a aplicação, apresentaram resultados favoráveis do poder residual do silicato de Ca e do calcário. A oferta de forragem 200 kg t-1 e o tratamento somente com calcário dolomítico (0 + 6 t ha-1) elevaram o valor de pH em CaCl2 e o V, principalmente na camada de 0-10 cm. Os teores de Si no solo foram influenciados pelas doses aplicadas de silicato de Ca, apesar de não terem causado alterações significativas nos teores foliares de Si. A composição químico-bromatológica foi afetada somente pelas ofertas e épocas. As ofertas, épocas e a interação época x oferta resultaram em efeitos na produção de matéria seca no pré-pastejo, com maiores produções para a oferta 200 kg t-1 e menores para a de 50 kg t-1 nas duas épocas. O resíduo (pós-pastejo) foi influenciado pelas ofertas e épocas. As ofertas 50 e 100 kg t-1 e o tratamento com 2 t ha-1 de silicato de Ca promoveram as maiores taxas de acúmulo de matéria seca.


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Physiological and biochemical aspects of assai palm during seed germination and early seedling growth were investigated. Seeds collected from plants growing in flooded and upland forests were used to determine the influence of normoxic (aerobic) and anoxic (anaerobic) conditions in germination and the initial and average time of development in the roots and shoots. After 75 days, seedlings germinated under normoxia were transferred to trays and submitted to flooding. Seed reserves (lipids, proteins, soluble sugars and starch) were monitored for quiescent and germinated seeds maintained under normoxic and anoxic conditions, as well as after 5, 10 and 20 days of seedling growth. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity was quantified in roots and leaves of seedlings without or with flooding (partial and total). Seeds were not able to germinate under anoxia. Different strategies of storage mobilization of lipids, proteins, soluble sugars and starch were observed in seeds of each environment. ADH activity was induced by anoxia, with the highest level observed in the leaves. This study showed that, under normoxic conditions, the best developmental performance of assai palm seeds, from flooded or upland forest areas, during germination was associated with primary metabolites mobilization and seedling flooding tolerance with increased ADH activity. We conclude that the assai palm is well adapted to the anoxic conditions provoked by flooding.


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The aim of this work was to determine PAs levels in pith tissues and callus cultures from haploid and diploid tobacco plants, explanted from the apical and basal regions of the stem. These explants were cultured in an RM-64 medium supplied with IAA and kinetin, under light or in the dark, during successive subcultures. PAs levels followed a basipetal decrease in diploid and an increase in haploid, pith tissues. A similar pattern of total PAs (free + conjugated) was observed for the callus of diploid and haploid plants maintained in the light, and for the haploid callus in the dark, whereas the diploid callus in the dark showed a constant increase in total PAs levels until the end of culture. The PA increase in the diploid callus in the dark was related to free Put levels increase. The ploidy status of the plants could express different PA gradients together with the plant pith and in vitro callus cultures.


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In specialized literature, reports on anatomy of miners in host plants are few in number. These agents trigger excavations, or paths, by consumption of plant inner tissues by larvae of several insects. The aim of this work was to investigate leaf miner occurrence in Commelina diffusa (a cosmopolitan plant) and Floscopa glabrata (an amphibious plant) using anatomical techniques. The place where the plants were collected is subjected to seasonal floods, consequently both the species were exposed to the same weather conditions and seasonal floods. This study showed that members of Agromyzidae and Chironomidae families, which are Diptera endophytophagous larvae types, were responsible for the tunnels. Moreover, in Commelina diffusa Agromyzidae larvae were found, while in Floscopa glabrata three Chironomidae cephalic exuviae were found. The miners, as can be seen from anatomical studies, used only mesophyll parenchyma tissues for feeding, causing the formation of linear mines. In addition, in both the species, the epidermis and the medium-sized vascular units were kept intact, showing no structural modification, such as neoformation of tissues.


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Folhas de Myrcia multiflora (Lam.) DC. são usadas na medicina popular como hipoglicemiantes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar morfológica e anatomicamente as folhas desta planta, de modo que os dados obtidos possam ser utilizados como referência em exames de controle de qualidade de amostras de fármacos, com vistas a verificar a autenticidade. Folhas inteiras foram diafanizadas e coradas para o estudo da nervação. Secções transversais do pecíolo e transversais e paradérmicas da lâmina foliar foram analisadas em microscópio óptico (MO) e a superfície do limbo foi observada, também, em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Foram aplicados testes histoquímicos em material fresco, para identificação e localização de glicídios, amido, taninos, lignina, cristais e sílica. Morfologicamente, a folha é simples, oval-elíptica, com margem inteira, base aguda, ápice acuminado e textura cartácea. A venação é do tipo camptódromo-broquidódromo. Anatomicamente, a folha é hipostomática, com mesofilo compacto e dorsiventral, com três estratos de parênquima paliçádico. A epiderme é uniestratificada, silicificada em algumas regiões e as células exibem paredes anticlinais retas. Em posição subepidérmica ocorrem numerosas cavidades secretoras de óleos essenciais. Os feixes vasculares são colaterais e acompanhados por séries cristalíferas. Os dados obtidos são comparados com os de outras espécies de Myrtaceae e conclui-se que as características morfológicas e anatômicas de M. multiflora contribuem para a diagnose.


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Ferruginous "campos rupestres" are a particular type of vegetation growing on iron-rich primary soils. We investigated the influence of soil properties on plant species abundance at two sites of ferruginous "campos rupestres" and one site of quartzitic "campo rupestre", all of them in "Quadrilátero Ferrífero", in Minas Gerais State, southeastern Brazil. In each site, 30 quadrats were sampled to assess plant species composition and abundance, and soil samples were taken to perform chemical and physical analyses. The analyzed soils are strongly acidic and presented low fertility and high levels of metallic cations; a principal component analysis of soil data showed a clear segregation among sites due mainly to fertility and heavy metals content, especially Cu, Zn, and Pb. The canonical correspondence analysis indicated a strong correlation between plant species abundance and soil properties, also segregating the sites.


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Croton celtidifolius Baill is a tree found in the Atlantic Forest South of Brazil, mainly in Santa Catarina. The bark and leaf infusions of this medicinal plant have been popularly used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. The anti-aggregant activity of C. celtidifolius crude extract (CE) and the column chromatography (CC) isolated compounds flavonoids, catechin and gallocatechin were evaluated in human blood platelets. The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) was incubated with different concentrations of flavonóides (50 - 200 µg/mL) to be tested before platelet aggregation was induced by the agonists adenosine 5'diphosphate (ADP) and collagen. At 200 µg/mL the CE, catechin and gallocatechin markedly inhibited platelet aggregation with the aggregant agents. Using ATP production as an index of platelet secretory capacity, we observed a decreased production of ATP in platelets treated with flavonoids when stimulated by collagen. On the other hand, the flavonoids did not promote inhibitory effect on prothrombin time (PT), thromboplastin time (APTT) and thrombin time (TT). In conclusion, these observations suggest that C. celtidifolius is likely to exert an inhibitory action on platelets in vitro by suppressing secretion and platelet aggregation.


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A avaliação do coeficiente de variação (CV) como medida da precisão dos experimentos tem sido feita com diversas culturas, espécies animais e forrageiras por meio de trabalhos sugerindo faixas de classificação dos valores, considerando-se a média, o desvio padrão e a distribuição dos valores de CV das diversas variáveis respostas envolvidas nos experimentos. Neste trabalho, objetivouse estudar a distribuição dos valores de CV de experimentos com a cultura do feijão, propondo faixas que orientem os pesquisadores na avaliação de seus estudos com cada variável. Os dados utilizados foram obtidos de revisão em revistas que publicam artigos científicos com a cultura do feijão. Foram consideradas as variáveis: rendimento, número de vagens por planta, número de grãos por vagem, peso de 100 grãos, estande final, altura de plantas e índice de colheita. Foram obtidas faixas de valores de CV para cada variável tomando como base a distribuição normal, utilizando-se também a distribuição dos quantis amostrais e a mediana e o pseudo-sigma, classificando-os como baixo, médio, alto e muito alto. Os cálculos estatísticos para verificação da normalidade dos dados foram implementados por meio de uma função no software estatístico livre R. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que faixas de valores de CV diferiram entre as diversas variáveis apresentando ampla variação justificando a necessidade de utilizar faixa de avaliação específica para cada variável.


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Stevia rebaudiana, a South American plant normally used as a natural herbal sweetener, has been suggested as exerting beneficial effects on human health, including as an antihypertensive and antihyperglycemic. The present experiment was undertaken to evaluate the renal excretion of steviol, the aglycone of several natural products extracted from the leaves of S. rebaudiana, and to clarify the actual participation of this compound on the renal excretion of glucose in rats, which has been previously suggested as the preferential action of steviol on the Na+-glucose renal tubular transport system. Steviol was obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of stevioside with pectinase. Thirty normal male Wistar rats weighing 345 g were used. After a control period, steviol was infused iv at three doses (0.5, 1.0 and 3.0 mg.kg-1/h), according to classical clearance techniques. During all the experiments no significant changes in inulin clearance (Cin) and p-aminohipuric acid clearance (C PAH) were observed. Administration of steviol resulted in a statistically significant increase in the fractional sodium excretion (FeNa+), fractional potassium excretion (FeK+), urinary flow as percent of glomerular filtration rate (V/GFR) and glucose clearance (C G) when compared to controls, but these effects were absent with the dose of 0.5 mg.kg-1/h. The steviol clearance (C S) was higher than the Cin and lower than the C PAH at all the doses employed in this study. The data suggest that steviol is secreted by renal tubular epithelium, causing diuresis, natriuresis, kaliuresis and a fall in renal tubular reabsorption of glucose.


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The objective of this study was to extract and concentrate calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystals from plant leaves that form the above mentioned crystals. The chemical and physical studies of CaOx from plant to be performed depend on an adequate amount of the crystals. The plant used in this study was croton (Codiaeum variegatum). The leaves were ground in a heavy duty blender and sieved through a 0.20 mm sieve. The suspension obtained was suspended in distilled water. The crystals were concentrated at the bottom of a test tube. The supernatant must be washed until it is free of plant pigments and other organic substances. Biogenic CaOx crystals have well-defined and sharp peaks, indicating very high crystallinity. Moreover, the CaOx crystals were not damaged during the extraction procedure, as can be seen on the scanning electron microscope images. The porposed method can be considered efficient to extract and concentrate biogenic calcium oxalate.


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This work describes the infrared spectroscopy characterization and the charge compensation dynamics in supramolecular film FeTPPZFeCN derived from tetra-2-pyridyl-1,4-pyrazine (TPPZ) with hexacyanoferrate, as well as the hybrid film formed by FeTPPZFeCN and polypyrrole (PPy). For supramolecular film, it was found that anion flux is greater in a K+ containing solution than in Li+ solution, which seems to be due to the larger crystalline ionic radius of K+. The electroneutralization process is discussed in terms of electrostatic interactions between cations and metallic centers in the hosting matrix. The nature of the charge compensation process differs from others modified electrodes based on Prussian blue films, where only cations such as K+ participate in the electroneutralization process. In the case of FeTPPZFeCN/PPy hybrid film, the magnitude of the anions’s flux is also dependent on the identity of the anion of the supporting electrolyte.


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This paper presents the results of the planform stability classification for the headland-bay beaches of the State of Santa Catarina and of the Northern Coast of São Paulo, based on the application of the Parabolic Bay-Shape Equation (PBSE) to aerial images of the beaches, using the software MEPBAY®. For this purpose, georeferenced mosaics of the QuickBird2® satellite imagery (for the State of Santa Catarina) and vertical aerial photographs (for the northern coast of São Paulo State) were used. Headland-bay beach planform stability can be classified as: (1) in static equilibrium, (2) in dynamic equilibrium, (3) unstable or (4) in a state of natural beach reshaping. Static equilibrium beaches are the most frequent along the coast of the State of Santa Catarina and the Northern Shore of São Paulo, notably along the most rugged sectors of the coast and those with experiencing lower fluvial discharge. By comparison, dynamic equilibrium beaches occur primarily on the less rugged sectors of the coast and along regions with higher fluvial discharge. Beaches in a state of natural beach reshaping have only been found in SC, associated with stabilized estuarine inlets or port breakwaters. However, it is not possible to classify any of these beaches as unstable because only one set of images was used. No clear relation was observed between a beach's planform stability and other classification factors, such as morphodynamics or orientation.


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The weevil subfamily Scolytinae includes beetles which may feed on the bark, trunk or roots of both live and dead trees and are sometimes considered forest and silvicultural pests. Less frequently, some species feed on seeds and may be cause economic losses when associated to plant cultivars. Spermophthorus apuleiae Costa-Lima is a Neotropical Scolytinae formerly recorded to be "associated" with seeds of Caesalpinia ferrea var. leiostachya Benth, a Brazilian tree popularly known in Portuguese as "pau-ferro". Hitherto, it was not clear whether these beetles actually feed on the seeds of that plant. In order to investigate the ability of S. apuleiae to feed on seeds of "pau-ferro", observations were done and colonies of these beetles were established. Both in the field and in captivity the beetles were not observed feeding on the seeds. Even when beetles were exposed to seeds as the only source of food they were incapable of boring or eating the seeds and died. Our data therefore suggest that S. apuleiae is a frugivorous species which peculiarly does not eat seeds of "pau-ferro".