939 resultados para incidents


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In worldwide aviation operations, bird collisions with aircraft and ingestions into engine inlets present safety hazards and financial loss through equipment damage, loss of service and disruption to operations. The problem is encountered by all types of aircraft, both military and commercial. Modern aircraft engines have achieved a high level of reliability while manufacturers and users continually strive to further improve the safety record. A major safety concern today includes common-cause events which involve significant power loss on more than one engine. These are externally-inflicted occurrences, with the most frequent being encounters with flocks of birds. Most frequently these encounters occur during flight operations in the area on or near airports, near the ground instead of at cruise altitude conditions. This paper focuses on the increasing threat to aircraft and engines posed by the recorded growth in geese populations in North America. Service data show that goose strikes are increasing, especially in North America, consistent with the growing resident geese populations estimated by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Airport managers, along with the governmental authorities, need to develop a strategy to address this large flocking bird issue. This paper also presents statistics on the overall status of the bird threat for birds of all sizes in North America relative to other geographic regions. Overall, the data shows that Canada and the USA have had marked improvements in controlling the threat from damaging birds - except for the increase in geese strikes. To reduce bird ingestion hazards, more aggressive corrective measures are needed in international air transport to reduce the chances of serious incidents or accidents from bird ingestion encounters. Air transport authorities must continue to take preventative and avoidance actions to counter the threat of birdstrikes to aircraft. The primary objective of this paper is to increase awareness of, and focus attention on, the safety hazards presented by large flocking birds such as geese. In the worst case, multiple engine power loss due to large bird ingestion could result in an off-airport forced landing accident. Hopefully, such awareness will prompt governmental regulatory agencies to address the hazards associated with growing populations of geese in North America.


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The Canadian Wildlife Service has had twenty-five years experience with the problem caused by bird contacts with aircraft. I experienced my first bird strike, while flying as an observer on a waterfowl survey in August, 1940. Officers of the Service investigated bird problems at airports at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, and Cartierville, Quebec, in the late 1940's. Those incidents involving gulls and low speed piston-engined aircraft caused minor damage to the aircraft but considerable disturbance to the operators. As aircraft speeds increased and airports became more numerous and busier the problem increased in extent and complexity. By 1960 it was apparent that the problem would grow worse and that work should be directed toward reducing the number of incidents. In 1960 an electra aircraft crashed at Boston, Massachusetts, killing 61 passengers. Starlings were involved in the engine malfunction which preceded the crash. In November, 1962 a viscount aircraft was damaged by collision with two swans between Baltimore and Washington and crashed with a loss of 17 lives. Those incidents focused attention on the bird hazard problem in the United States.


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Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS


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The development of the percutaneous muscle biopsy technique is recognized as one of the most important scientific contributions in advancing our understanding of skeletal muscle physiology. However, a concern that this procedure may be associated with adverse events still exists. We reported the incidence of adverse outcomes associated with percutaneous muscle biopsy in healthy and diseased subjects. Medical records of 274 volunteers (496 muscle biopsies) were reviewed. This included 168 healthy subjects (330 muscle biopsies) as well as 106 chronically ill patients (166 muscle biopsies). This latter group encompassed patients with type II diabetes (n=28), osteoarthritis (n=39), inclusion body myositis (n=4), polymyositis (n=4), and chronic heart failure (n=31). The most common occurrences were pain (1.27%), erythema (1.27%), and ecchymosis (1.27%). Panic episode, bleeding, and edema were also reported (0.21%, 0.42%, and 0.84%, respectively), while infection, hematoma, inflammation, denervation, numbness, atrophy, and abnormal scarring were not verified. The percent of incidents did not differ between healthy and ill individuals. In conclusion, the incidence of complications associated with percutaneous muscle biopsy is scarce and of minor clinical relevance. Additionally, the rate of adverse events is comparable between healthy and chronically ill subjects.


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Foi realizada uma pesquisa com mulheres de 15 a 49 anos moradoras de uma área de vulnerabilidade social da capital brasileira para conhecer os discursos femininos sobre suas vivências de violências praticadas por parceiros íntimos. Foi utilizada uma abordagem qualitativa e técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Durante entrevistas realizadas em seus domicílios no período de fevereiro a julho de 2007, 195 mulheres narraram, episódios de violências sofridas ao longo da vida. As entrevistas geraram 32 Discursos do Sujeito Coletivo que foram construídos a partir de 395 expressões-chaves agrupadas em sete blocos temáticos: i) Engenharia das VPI (N = 114; 58,5%); ii) Histórias de estupro de vulneráveis (N = 77; 39,5%); iii) Violências silenciosas ou silenciadas (N = 43; 22%); iv) Anos potenciais de vida sofrida (N = 43; 22%); v) Um novo tempo, apesar dos pesares (N = 39; 20%); vi) E por falar em violências (N = 35; 18%); vii) A violência é uma linguagem (N = 34; 17,4%). Três discursos do bloco de maior prevalência, intitulado "A engenharia das VPI", são apresentados integralmente neste trabalho. As narrativas das violências reveladas mostram a intensidade da vulnerabilidade e das agressões sofridas pelas mulheres e a existência de múltiplas dinâmicas violentas nos relacionamentos íntimo-afetivos.


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Advances in the understanding of ecological factors determining predatorprey interactions have provided a strong theoretical background on diet preferences of predators. We examined patterns of jaguar predation on caiman in southern Pantanal, Brazil. We investigated factors affecting predation rates and vulnerability of caiman to predation by jaguars. We recorded 114 caiman mortality incidents. Predation accounted for 62.3% (n = 71) of all caiman found dead, while other causes of mortality (nonpredation) accounted for 37.7% (n = 43). We found that jaguars prey on a broad size range of caiman body and caiman predation was influenced by distance to forests. During dry seasons, 70% (n = 49) of deaths were due to predation, while 30% (n = 21) were due to nonpredation causes. However, we found no significant relationship between annual and monthly killings of caiman and rainfall totals by year and month (r = 0.130, r = -0.316). The annual flooding regime may be a more important factor influencing prey selection by jaguars. Although neotropical crocodilians are relatively well studied, their interactions with jaguars have been mostly ignored and should be prioritized in future studies.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar entre os motociclistas envolvidos em ocorrências de trânsito fatores associados ao risco de lesões. No ano de 2004, foram identificados, em Maringá-PR, um total de 2.362 motociclistas envolvidos em ocorrências de trânsito com registro nos boletins da Polícia Militar. Para identificar os fatores associados à presença de lesão, foi utilizada a análise multivariada. Uma probabilidade, significantemente mais elevada de motociclistas se ferirem, foi observada entre aqueles envolvidos em colisão (Odds Ratio = 11,19) e quedas (Odds Ratio = 3,81); para o sexo feminino, a razão de chance estimada foi em torno de 4, e aqueles que estiveram envolvidos em ocorrências com até dois veículos, mostraram 2,63 vezes mais chances de apresentar lesões que os demais. Mulheres, envolvidas em ocorrências com motocicleta do tipo quedas e colisões com até dois veículos destacaram-se como grupo de risco para apresentar lesões.


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A segurança do paciente representa um desafio para a excelência da qualidade no setor saúde. Este estudo objetivou: verificar a adequação entre a alocação da equipe de enfermagem e as horas de cuidado requeridas pelos pacientes, bem como identificar a relação entre essa alocação com eventos adversos/incidentes (EA/I). Trata-se de pesquisa observacional, descritiva e prospectiva, desenvolvida nas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Clínicas do 4º andar e 6º andar de um Hospital Universitário, do município de São Paulo, Brasil, no período de 01/11/07 a 10/12/07, com 46 pacientes. Nas UTIs 4º andar e 6º andar, respectivamente, 43,3% e 10,3% das alocações foram inadequadas (p = 0,000). Houve diferença na frequência de EA/I nas alocações adequadas e inadequadas da equipe de enfermagem da UTI 4º andar e UTI 6º andar, p = 0,0004 e p = 0,000, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que, quanto maior a diferença entre as horas disponíveis e requeridas de cuidado nas alocações de enfermagem, menor a frequência de EA/I.


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Es wurde eine retrograde Analyse von Patientenakten der Schmerzambulanzder Klinik für Anästhesiologie der Universitätsklinik Mainz durchgeführt, indie alle Patienten mit bestimmten Einschlußkriterien derBehandlungsjahrgänge1996 und 1997 aufgenommen wurden.Dies waren die vier Diagnosegruppen multilokuläre Schmerzen,Rückenschmerzen, Phantomschmerz und Morbus Sudeck (SRD). Das Ziel dervorliegenden Arbeit war die Frage nach der Häufigkeit von Psychotherapie alsergänzende Therapieempfehlung seitens der Schmerzambulanz herauszuarbeiten.Psychotherapie (ambulant, stationär, Bestandteil vonRehabilitationsaufenthalten) in vielgestaltiger Weise wurde häufigerempfohlen, 1. je länger die Schmerzerkrankung bestand,2. je jünger die Patienten waren,3. je länger sie arbeitsunfähig waren,4. wenn belastende biographische Ereignisse festgestellt werden konnten5. je höher das Chronifizierungsstadium nach Gerbershagen war. Im Einzelnenspielten die zeitlichen Aspekte der Erkrankung, Lokalisationseinflüsse sowieAspekte vorheriger Behandlungen und schmerzbedingter Krankenhausaufenthalteeine besondere Rolle.6. wenn Patienten nicht berentet waren.


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Nell’alveo delle indagini sulla storia del commercio librario nell’Italia del Settecento, attente a individuare i legami fra circolazione del libro, diffusione delle idee illuministe e riforme politiche nella seconda metà del secolo, la ricerca ha l’obiettivo di offrire un quadro articolato della fisionomia di un mercante del libro attivo nel periodo più intenso del riformismo estense nel ducato di Modena: Moïsè Beniamino Foà (1730-1821). Il primo capitolo della tesi riguarda le cariche ufficiali che questi ricoprì al servizio delle istituzioni culturali promosse da Francesco III d’Este, le vicende che lo implicarono nelle maglie della censura e il suo impegno civile e politico a favore dei processi di emancipazione degli ebrei in età giacobina e napoleonica. Il secondo tenta di interpretare la genesi della sua fortuna economica attraverso l’esame del testamento e dell’inventario dell’asse ereditario: nel panorama di precarietà dei mestieri del libro dal secolo dei lumi ai primi decenni della Restaurazione, pare arduo individuare un libraio comparabile a Foà per solidità e capacità di investimento. All’analisi della clientela del mercante è dedicato il terzo capitolo, che si sviluppa seguendo il filo dei rapporti diplomatici intessuti da Francesco III con le corti italiane nell’orbita dell’influenza politica e culturale asburgica. Si descrivono, quindi, i viaggi europei e la rete dei contatti commerciali che garantirono la ricchezza dell’offerta rispecchiata dai numerosi cataloghi librari pubblicati nel corso di oltre un cinquantennio. Di questi si offre una descrizione bibliografica e quantitativa con un affondo sulla diffusione del libro scientifico. Con la fisionomia del mercante viaggiatore, Foà coniugava quella dell’erudito bibliofilo: la ricerca si conclude con la presentazione della sua biblioteca e dei suoi rapporti con i filologi dell’epoca.


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Plasmonic nanoparticles are great candidates for sensing applications with optical read-out. Plasmon sensing is based on the interaction of the nanoparticle with electromagnetic waves where the particle scatters light at its resonance wavelength. This wavelength depends on several intrinsic factors like material, shape and size of the nanoparticle as well as extrinsic factors like the refractive index of the surrounding medium. The latter allows the nanoparticle to be used as a sensor; changes in the proximate environment can be directly monitored by the wavelength of the emitted light. Due to their minuscule size and high sensitivity this allows individual nanoparticles to report on changes in particle coverage.rnrnTo use this single particle plasmon sensor for future sensing applications it has to meet the demand for detection of incidents on the single molecule level, such as single molecule sensing or even the detection of conformational changes of a single molecule. Therefore, time resolution and sensitivity have to be enhanced as today’s measurement methods for signal read-out are too slow and not sensitive enough to resolve these processes. This thesis presents a new experimental setup, the 'Plasmon Fluctuation Setup', that leads to tremendous improvements in time resolution and sensitivity. This is achieved by implementation of a stronger light source and a more sensitive detector. The new setup has a time resolution in the microsecond regime, an advancement of 4-6 orders of magnitude to previous setups. Its resonance wavelength stability of 0.03 nm, measured with an exposure time of 10 ms, is an improvement of a factor of 20 even though the exposure time is 3000 times shorter than in previous reports. Thus, previously unresolvable wavelength changes of the plasmon sensor induced by minor local environmental alteration can be monitored with extremely high temporal resolution.rnrnUsing the 'Plasmon Fluctuation Setup', I can resolve adsorption events of single unlabeled proteins on an individual nanorod. Additionally, I monitored the dynamic evolution of a single protein binding event on a millisecond time scale. This feasibility is of high interest as the role of certain domains in the protein can be probed by a study of modified analytes without the need for labels possibly introducing conformational or characteristic changes to the target. The technique also resolves equilibrium fluctuations in the coverage, opening a window into observing Brownian dynamics of unlabeled macromolecules. rnrnA further topic addressed in this thesis is the usability of the nanoruler, two nanospheres connected with a spacer molecule, as a stiffness sensor for the interparticle linker under strong illumination. Here, I discover a light induced collapse of the nanoruler. Furthermore, I exploit the sensing volume of a fixed nanorod to study unlabeled analytes diffusing around the nanorod at concentrations that are too high for fluorescence correlation spectroscopy but realistic for biological systems. Additionally, local pH sensing with nanoparticles is achieved.


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ABSTRACT: Horse kicks are rare incidents-especially, if they end in fatality. In this case, a 13-year-old girl collapsed 3 minutes after sustaining a kick to the chest from a pony. Resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful. Postmortem computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were performed before autopsy.Imaging revealed a 3-cm long laceration of the left ventricle and a large pericardial effusion. Using segmentation techniques, the amount of blood inside the pericardium was determined. These findings correlated well with the autopsy findings. Pericardial tamponade was determined at autopsy to be the cause of death.Postmortem imaging may prove useful for the diagnosis of these types of injury, but further studies are needed to document accuracy.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Critical incident reporting alone does not necessarily improve patient safety or even patient outcomes. Substantial improvement has been made by focusing on the further two steps of critical incident monitoring, that is, the analysis of critical incidents and implementation of system changes. The system approach to patient safety had an impact on the view about the patient's role in safety. This review aims to analyse recent advances in the technique of reporting, the analysis of reported incidents, and the implementation of actual system improvements. It also explores how families should be approached about safety issues. RECENT FINDINGS: It is essential to make as many critical incidents as possible known to the intensive care team. Several factors have been shown to increase the reporting rate: anonymity, regular feedback about the errors reported, and the existence of a safety climate. Risk scoring of critical incident reports and root cause analysis may help in the analysis of incidents. Research suggests that patients can be successfully involved in safety. SUMMARY: A persisting high number of reported incidents is anticipated and regarded as continuing good safety culture. However, only the implementation of system changes, based on incident reports, and also involving the expertise of patients and their families, has the potential to improve patient outcome. Hard outcome criteria, such as standardized mortality ratio, have not yet been shown to improve as a result of critical incident monitoring.


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Background Switzerland is confronted with the problem of interpersonal violence. Violence is in the increase and the potential for aggression seems to be rising. Observations by hospitals discern an appalling increase of the severity of the injuries. The aim of this study is to collect accurate information about the social environment, the motivation and possible reasons for violence. We also intend to investigate whether sociocultural, or ethnic differences among male victims exist. Materials and methods For the first time in Switzerland, this survey employed a validated questionnaire from the division of violence prevention, Atlanta, Georgia. The first part of the questionnaire addressed social and demographic factors which could influence the risk of violence: age, gender, duration of stay in Switzerland, nationality and educational level. Beside these social structural factors, the questionnaire included questions on experience of violent offences in the past, information about the most recent violent offence and intra and interpersonal facts. The questionnaire itself consists of 27 questions, translated into German and French. In a pilot study, the questionnaire was checked with adolescents for feasibility and comprehensibility. Results 69 male VIVs were interviewed at two hospitals in the Canton of Bern. Most of the adolescents emphasised that weapons were not used during their confrontations. It is astonishing that all of the young men considered themselves to be victims. Most of the brawls were incited after an exchange of verbal abuse and provocations with unfamiliar individuals. The rivals could neither be classified with the help of ethnic categories nor identifiable groups of the youth scenes. The incidents took place in scenes, where violence was more likely to happen. Interestingly and contrary to a general perception the offenders are well integrated into sport and leisure clubs. A further surprising result of our research is that the attitude towards religion differs between young men with experience of violence and non-violent men. Discussion Youth violence is a health issue, which concerns us globally. The human and economic toll of violence on victims and offenders, their families, and on society in general is high. The economic costs associated with violence-related illness and disability is estimated to be millions of Swiss francs each year. Physicians and psychologists are compelled to identify the factors, which cause young people to be violent, to find out which interventions prove to be successful, and to design effective prevention programs. The identification of effective programs depends on the availability of reliable and valid measures to assess changes in violence-related attitudes. In our efforts to create healthier communities, we need to investigate; document and do research on the causes and circumstances of youth violence.


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The purpose of this research was to assess preservice teachers self-efficacy at different stages of their educational career in an attempt to determine the extent to which self-efficacy beliefs may change over time. In addition, the critical incidents, which may contribute to changes in self-efficacy, were also investigated. The instrument used in the study was the Teaching Science as Inquiry (TSI) Instrument. The TSI Instrument was administered to 38 preservice elementary teachers to measure the self-efficacy beliefs of the teacher participants in regard to the teaching of science as inquiry. Based on the results and the associated data analysis, mean and median values demonstrate positive change for self-efficacy and outcome expectancy throughout the data collection period.