951 resultados para implicit categorization


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Purpose This study focused on craft from a standpoint of phenomenological philosophy and craft was interpreted through Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of the body. The main focus was the physical phase of the craft process, wherein a product is made from material. The aim was to interpret corporality in craft. There is no former research focusing on lived body in craft science. Physical, bodily making is inalienable in craft, but it is not articulated. Recent discussion has focused on craft as ”whole”, which emphasizes designing part in the process, and craft becomes conceptualized with the theories of art and design. The axiomatic yet silenced basis of craft, corporality, deserves to become examined as well. That is why this study answers the questions: how craft manifests in the light of phenomenology of the body and what is corporality in craft? Methods In this study I cultivated a phenomenological attitude and turned my exploring eye on craft ”in itself”. In addition I restrained myself from mere making and placed myself looking at the occurrence of craft to describe it verbally. I read up Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of the body on his principal work (2002) and former interpretations of it. Interpreting and understanding textual data were based on Gadamer’s hermeneutics, and the four-pronged composition of the study followed Koski’s (1995) version of the Gadamerian process of textual interpretation. Conclusions In the construction of bodily phenomenology craft was to be contemplated as a mutual relationship between the maker and the world materializing in bodily making. At the moment of making a human being becomes one with his craft, and the connection between the maker, material and the equipment appears as communication. Operational dimension was distinctive in the intentionality of craft, which operates in many ways, also in craft products. The synesthesia and synergy of craft were emphasized and craft as bodily practice came to life through them. The moment of making appeared as situation generating time and space, where throwing oneself into making may give the maker an experience of upraise beyond the dualism of mind and body. The conception of the implicit nature of craft knowledge was strengthened. In the light of interpretation it was possible to conceptualize craft as a performance and making ”in itself” as a work of art. In that case craft appeared as bodily expression, which as an experience approaches art without being it after all. The concept of aesthetic was settled into making as well. Bodily and phenomenological viewpoint on craft gave material to critically contemplate the concept of “whole craft” (kokonainen käsityö) and provided different kind of understanding of craft as making.


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Background The purpose of this presentation is to outline the relevance of the categorization of the load regime data to assess the functional output and usage of the prosthesis of lower limb amputees. The objectives are • To highlight the need for categorisation of activities of daily living • To present a categorization of load regime applied on residuum, • To present some descriptors of the four types of activity that could be detected, • To provide an example the results for a case. Methods The load applied on the osseointegrated fixation of one transfemoral amputee was recorded using a portable kinetic system for 5 hours. The load applied on the residuum was divided in four types of activities corresponding to inactivity, stationary loading, localized locomotion and directional locomotion as detailed in previously publications. Results The periods of directional locomotion, localized locomotion, and stationary loading occurred 44%, 34%, and 22% of recording time and each accounted for 51%, 38%, and 12% of the duration of the periods of activity, respectively. The absolute maximum force during directional locomotion, localized locomotion, and stationary loading was 19%, 15%, and 8% of the body weight on the anteroposterior axis, 20%, 19%, and 12% on the mediolateral axis, and 121%, 106%, and 99% on the long axis. A total of 2,783 gait cycles were recorded. Discussion Approximately 10% more gait cycles and 50% more of the total impulse than conventional analyses were identified. The proposed categorization and apparatus have the potential to complement conventional instruments, particularly for difficult cases.


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The unsteady laminar compressible three-dimensional stagnation-point boundary-layer flow with variable properties has been studied when the velocity of the incident stream, mass transfer and wall temperature vary arbitrarily with time. The second-order unsteady boundary-layer equations for all the effects have been derived by using the method of matched asymptotic expansions. Both nodal and saddle point flows as well as cold and hot wall cases have been considered. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. Computations have been carried out for an accelerating stream, a decelerating stream and a fluctuating stream. The results indicate that the unsteady free stream velocity distributions, the nature of the stagnation point, the mass transfer, the wall temperature and the variation of the density-viscosity product across the boundary significantly affect the skin friction and heat transfer. The variation of the wall temperature with time strongly affects the heat transfer whereas its effect is comparatively less on skin friction. Suction increases the skin friction and heat transfer but injection does the opposite. The skin friction in the x direction due to the combined effects of first- and second-order boundary layers is less than the skin-friction in the x direction due to the first-order boundary layers for all the parameters. The overall skin friction in the z direction and heat transfer are more or less than the first-order boundary layers depending upon the values of the various parameters.


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The surface tension gradient driven flow that occurs during laser melting has been studied. The vorticity-streamfunction form of the Navier-Stokes equations and the energy equation has been solved by the ‘Alternative Direction Implicit’ method. It has been shown that the inertia forces in the melt strongly influence the flow pattern in the melt. The convection in the melt modifies the isotherms in the melt at high surface tension Reynolds number and high Prandtl number. The buoyancy driven flow has been shown to be negligible compared to the surface tension gradient driven flow in laser melting.


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All the second-order boundary-layer effects have been studied for the steady laminar compressible 3-dimensional stagnation-point flows with variable properties and mass transfer for both saddle and nodal point regions. The governing equations have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. Results for the heat transfer and skin friction have been obtained for several values of the mass-transfer rate, wall temperature, and also for several values of parameters characterizing the nature of stagnation point and variable gas properties. The second-order effects on the heat transfer and skin friction at the wall are found to be significant and at large injection rates, they dominate over the results of the first-order boundary layer, but the effect of large suction is just the opposite. In general, the second-order effects are more pronounced in the saddle-point region than in the nodal-point region. The overall heat-transfer rate for the 3-dimensional flows is found to be more than that of the 2-dimensional flows.


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Older populations are more likely to have multiple co-morbid diseases that require multiple treatments, which make them a large consumer of medications. As a person grows older, their ability to tolerate medications becomes less due to age-related changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics often heading along a path that leads to frailty. Frail older persons often have multiple co-morbidities with signs of impairment in activities of daily living. Prescribing drugs for these vulnerable individuals is difficult and is a potentially unsafe activity. Inappropriate prescribing in older population can be detected using explicit (criterion-based) or implicit (judgment-based) criteria. Unfortunately, most current therapeutic guidelines are applicable only to healthy older adults and cannot be generalized to frail patients. These discrepancies should be addressed either by developing new criteria or by refining the existing tools for frail older people. The first and foremost step is to identify the frail patient in clinical practice by applying clinically validated tools. Once the frail patient has been identified, there is a need for specific measures or criteria to assess appropriateness of therapy that consider such factors as quality of life, functional status and remaining life expectancy and thus modified goals of care.


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The hydromagnetic spinup or spindown of an incompressible, rotating, electrically conducting fluid over an infinite insulated disk with an applied magnetic field is studied when the impulsive motion is imparted either to the fluid or to the disk. The nonlinear partial differential equations governing the flow are solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. It is found that the spinup (or spindown) time due to impulsive motion of the disk is much shorter than the spinup (or spindown) time due to the impulsive motion of the distant fluid. The spinup (or spindown) time for the hydromagnetic case is comparatively smaller than the corresponding nonmagnetic case. Spindown is not merely a mirror reflection of spinup. Physics of Fluids is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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A review of future management arrangements for the Queensland East Coast Trawl fishery was undertaken in 2010 to develop a management plan for the next 10 years. A key question raised at the start of the review process was: what should the management plan achieve? As with fisheries management in most countries, multiple management objectives were implicit in policy statements, but were poorly specified in some areas (particularly social objectives) and strongly identified in others (e.g., an objective of sustainability). As a start to the management review process, an analysis of what objectives the management system should aim to achieve was undertaken. A review of natural resource management objectives employed internationally was used to develop a candidate list, and the objectives most relevant to the fishery were short-listed by a scientific advisory group. Additional objectives specific to Queensland fisheries management, but not identified in the international review, were also identified and incorporated into the objective set. The relative importance of the different objectives to different stakeholder groups was assessed using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. As with other studies, the relative importance of the different objectives varied both within and between the different stakeholder groups, although general trends in preferences were observed.


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With a strong emphasis on the interconnection between theory and practice, and how past/present intersections inform the future, these thirty-one articles by artist/scholars and artist/teachers profile current dance research from thirteen countries. The papers coalesce around five sub-themes: o approaches to choreography and performance o shifting cultural dance identities o contemporary research perspectives o changing dance pedagogies o site & environmental dance In exploring the cognitive and the sensory, the rational and the instinctive, the explicit and the implicit, these writings create and celebrate common and differentiated dance understandings — at times directly and provocatively, and at times liminally and poetically.


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Unsteady nonsimilar laminar compressibletwo-dimensional and axisymmetric boundarylayer flows have been studied when external velocity varies arbitrarily with time and the flow is nonhomentropic. The governing nonlinear partial differential equations with three independent variables have been solved using an implicit finite difference scheme with quasilinearization technique from the origin to the point of zero skin-friction. The results have been obtained for (i) an accelerating stream and (ii) a fluctuating stream. The skin friction responds to the fluctuations in the free stream more compared to the heat transfer. It is observed that Mach number and hot wall cause the point of zero skin friction to occur earlier whereas cold wall delays it.


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This research is a step forward in discovering knowledge from databases of complex structure like tree or graph. Several data mining algorithms are developed based on a novel representation called Balanced Optimal Search for extracting implicit, unknown and potentially useful information like patterns, similarities and various relationships from tree data, which are also proved to be advantageous in analysing big data. This thesis focuses on analysing unordered tree data, which is robust to data inconsistency, irregularity and swift information changes, hence, in the era of big data it becomes a popular and widely used data model.


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In this study, the authors investigated leader generativity as a moderator of the relationships between leader age, leader-member exchange, and three criteria of leadership success (follower perceptions of leader effectiveness, follower satisfaction with leader, and follower extra effort). Data came from 128 university professors paired with one research assistant each. Results showed positive relationships between leader age and leader generativity, and negative relationships between leader age and follower perceptions of leader effectiveness and follower extra effort. Consistent with expectations based on leadership categorization theory, leader generativity moderated the relationships between leader age and all three criteria of leadership success, such that leaders high in generativity were better able to maintain high levels of leadership success at higher ages than leaders low in generativity. Finally, results of mediated moderation analyses showed that leader-member exchange quality mediated these moderating effects. The findings suggest that, in combination, leader age and the age-related construct of generativity importantly influence leadership processes and outcomes. © 2011 American Psychological Association.


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UNCITRAL’s operation as a subsidiary of the UN General Assembly, tasked to unify and harmonise international trade law is a necessary and indispensable element of the UN’s mandate to maintain international peace and security. Strong legal frameworks which are compatible with those of international trading partners often accompany accelerated growth in economic capacity and stability. Over time, access to markets and resultant growth in economic and human development creates a disincentive for instability as incomes and standards of living rise. Human and economic development, facilitated by a modernised and just legal framework that is available to the broadest range of recipients goes hand in hand with the maintenance of domestic and regional peace, particularly in regions such as the ASEAN , one of the fastest growing in the world covering approximately 30% of global population and with a number of strong global economic neighbours including Japan, Korea, China (to the north), Australia (to the south) and Singapore (to the west). In an increasingly interconnected world, the ability of government, enterprise and individuals to participate in the global supply chain offers opportunities for economic growth and development. Over its almost 50 years of operations, UNCITRAL has produced a range of important texts that are designed to underpin world trade. A key implicit assumption underpinning the development of UNCITRAL texts is that the texts, once adopted can and will be applied in adopting states.


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Based on socio-emotional selectivity and self-categorization theories, we developed and tested a model on how the interplay between employee age and opportunities for generativity and development predicts age bias and turnover intentions via intergenerational contact quality in the workplace. We hypothesized indirect effects of opportunities for generativity on outcomes through intergenerational contact quality among older workers only, whereas we expected that the indirect effects of opportunities for development are stronger for young compared with older workers. Data came from 321 employees in Belgium who responded to an online questionnaire. Results showed that age moderated the relationships of opportunities for generativity and development with intergenerational contact quality consistent with the expected patterns. Furthermore, age moderated the indirect effects of opportunities for generativity and development on age bias through intergenerational contact quality, but not on turnover intentions. Implications for future research and practical suggestions for managing intergenerational contact at work are discussed.


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Euler–Bernoulli beams are distributed parameter systems that are governed by a non-linear partial differential equation (PDE) of motion. This paper presents a vibration control approach for such beams that directly utilizes the non-linear PDE of motion, and hence, it is free from approximation errors (such as model reduction, linearization etc.). Two state feedback controllers are presented based on a newly developed optimal dynamic inversion technique which leads to closed-form solutions for the control variable. In one formulation a continuous controller structure is assumed in the spatial domain, whereas in the other approach it is assumed that the control force is applied through a finite number of discrete actuators located at predefined discrete locations in the spatial domain. An implicit finite difference technique with unconditional stability has been used to solve the PDE with control actions. Numerical simulation studies show that the beam vibration can effectively be decreased using either of the two formulations.