729 resultados para e-exams


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Both preparing for and sitting exams can be extremely stressful for children and young people. Whilst the research within the area of exam anxiety acknowledges the detrimental impact that it can have on individuals, much of the research has been completed with university students. Limited research has been carried out with children and young people. In addition to this, there is also little research that has been completed in order to understand which interventions are helpful in reducing exam anxiety in young people. The systematic literature review highlighted that much of the research employed quantitative techniques. This means young people’s views and experiences of exam anxiety has largely been unexplored. The EPS service in which the TEP currently works is a partially traded service. Some of the schools that had bought a service level agreement requested support for certain pupils that were experiencing exam anxiety. The EPS service therefore delivered an intervention called ‘beating exam anxiety together’ (further details of this intervention can be found within chapter 1). Seven semi-structured interviews were carried out with GCSE students who took part in the ‘beating exam anxiety together’ intervention. The purpose of the interviews was to understand more about young people’s views on exam anxiety, and also their experiences of the intervention in which they took part. The research highlighted the possible detrimental impact of exam anxiety on young people in terms of their mental health, and also how able they feel to prepare for their exams. The results of the research interestingly showed that young people experience high levels of pressure from school teachers and also their parents. Furthermore, students reported that they didn't know how to revise. The results revealed that young people feel that the way in which exams are spoken about in schools is largely negative. As a result of this, the researcher suggested that it may be helpful to shift the narrative around the way in which exams are currently spoken about. In addition to this, the results indicate that the intervention was largely helpful in improving young people’s well being and their ability to be able to manage exam anxiety.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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In Brazil, the selection of school principals is set in a decentralized manner by each state and city, such that processes may vary with time for a specific locality. In the state of Bahia, school principals were appointed by a higher political hierarchy until 2008, when schools under state administration started selecting principals by elections. The main goal of this work is to evaluate whether changing this specific rule affected students proficiency levels. This is achieved by using a panel data and difference-in-differences approachs that compares state schools (treatment group) to city schools (control group) that did not face a selection rule change and thus kept having their principals politically appointed. The databases used are Prova Brasil 2007, 2009 and 2011, the first one prior and the other two former to the policy change. Our results suggest that students attending schools with principals that are selected and elected have slightly lower mean proficiency levels both in mathematics and in portuguese exams than those attending schools with appointed principals. This result, according to the literature, could be related to perverse effects of selecting school administrators by vote, such as corporatism, clientelism and politicization of the school environment


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ntestinal aspergillosis is an infection with a very high death rate especially in leukemic patients. Here we describe a case of a 46 years old woman with acute myeloid leukemia (LAM M5) who developed intestinal primary aspergillosis. This patient was diagnosed with LAM M5 through bone marrow aspiration and bone biopsy in March 2004. Symptoms of the disease were slight persistent fever, weight loss, asthenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia,and leukocytosis with high number of blasts in peripheral blood. After induction chemotherapy with ICE (Ifosfamide, Carboplatin, Etoposide), she developed neutropenia and high fever without apparent infective foci. She was treated with empiric antibiotic therapy, nevertheless she developed an intense diarrhea and ileo-cecal distention. Diagnostic exams didn’t show signs of a focal lesion. Despite the change in antibiotic treatment and the transfusions of granulocytes and blood cells, the patient developed extremely critical conditions with persistence of neutropenia and abdominal distention. A surgical treatment was decided at the time. We treated the patient with a two steps surgical procedure. The first step was a right abdominal ileostomy followed by improvement of general conditions and then the second step a right colectomy. The histological morphology confirmed necrotizing colitis with Aspergillus ife. At that time , treatment with voriconazole was started. The general conditions of the patient improved rapidly and we were able to treat the patient with other medical anti-leukemic therapies. The patient is now cured and in healthy state. We obtained a good clinical result as only in other few cases described in literature.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico


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This is a comprehensive study of the many facets of an entirely online organic chemistry course. Online homework with structure-drawing capabilities was found to be more effective than written homework. Online lecture was found to be just as effective as in-person lecture, and students prefer an online lecture format with shorter Webcasts. Online office hours were found to be effective, and discussion sessions can be placed online as well. A model was created that explains 36.1% of student performance based on GPA, ACT Math score, grade in previous chemistry course, and attendance at various forms of discussion. Online exams have been created which test problem-solving skills and is instantly gradable. In these exams, students can submit answers until time runs out for different numbers of points. These facets were combined effectively to create an entirely online organic chemistry course which students prefer over the in-person alternative. Lastly, there is a vision for where online organic chemistry is going and what can be done to improve education for all.


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A correct understanding about how computers run code is mandatory in order to effectively learn to program. Lectures have historically been used in programming courses to teach how computers execute code, and students are assessed through traditional evaluation methods, such as exams. Constructivism learning theory objects to students’ passiveness during lessons, and traditional quantitative methods for evaluating a complex cognitive process such as understanding. Constructivism proposes complimentary techniques, such as conceptual contraposition and colloquies. We enriched lectures of a “Programming II” (CS2) course combining conceptual contraposition with program memory tracing, then we evaluated students’ understanding of programming concepts through colloquies. Results revealed that these techniques applied to the lecture are insufficient to help students develop satisfactory mental models of the C++ notional machine, and colloquies behaved as the most comprehensive traditional evaluations conducted in the course.


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The concept of equal opportunity for all students is deeply embedded in the Serbian constitution and in education laws. On that level, there is no doubt that everyone is ensured an opportunity to receive quality education. Many measures in education policy have been created specifically to achieve this objective and make the system fair and inclusive. The Coleman Report was linked to a wave of optimism that certain educational measures would help in achieving these noble goals. This aim is a high priority in education in a democratic country, and due to its importance needs to be re-examined. Thus, the present research examines the equity of students in the Serbian education system, detecting areas on all educational levels that could be (or already are) systemic sources of inequity (e.g., criteria for preschool institution enrolment, the system of student awards, rationalisation of the school network, the concept of entrance exams to secondary school or university, etc.). A number of measures have already been taken in the system specifically to deal with inequity (e.g., the Preschool Preparatory Programme, dropout measures, inclusion, scholarships, etc.). The effects of these measures in particular are analysed in the present work. In addition to an analysis of the systemic sources of inequity in the Serbian education system, the article also makes recommendations for their overcoming. (DIPF/Orig.)


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The increasing internationalisation of higher education means that many students in the UK are not native English speakers, possibly putting them at a disadvantage in an examination environment. However, exams continue to be used even though although they are often deprecated as an assessment instrument in postgraduate courses. This article explores the implications from these observations for module leaders and for higher education institutions. Three themes emerge: the impact of internationalisation, the use of exams at postgraduate level and the language and cultural issues faced by international students. A review of university policy and quality documents revealed a general commitment to internationalisation but some gaps in policy support, for students with English as a second or foreign language. A survey of students in two computing programmes evaluated these themes. The results did not show up any major issues, though there were a number of suggestions to improve the exam process to address feelings of bias to UK or native-English-speaking students. The research therefore established that the university’s internationalisation and diversity strategy is broadly reflected in students’ experiences, with the possible exception of students who were recruited with insufficient English to be able to engage successfully with the material. The contrast in responses when analysed by home country or English proficiency suggest that Learning, Teaching and Assessment (LTA) practice in this context should be clear whether and when language or culture are the main barrier to students. Pragmatic recommendations are made for improvement in examination practice, and to assessment processes generally in this context. Areas for further work are identified.


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O relatório de estágio curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária, aqui apresentado, encontra-se dividido em quatro partes distintas. A primeira corresponde à descrição do local de estágio, a segunda engloba a descrição das atividades desenvolvidas com a compilação da respetiva casuística e a terceira consiste numa revisão de literatura sobre as principais áreas laboratoriais acompanhadas: Bioquímica, Hematologia e Urianálise. Na quarta e última parte é abordado um caso clínico de Leishmaniose Canina, acompanhado durante o período de estágio. Este foi realizado no Laboratório Inno, Serviços Especializados em Veterinária, Lda., localizado em Braga, Portugal e abrangeu a área de Diagnóstico Laboratorial Veterinário. A escolha do tema prendeu-se com o grande interesse pela área da Patologia Clínica, associado à sua enorme importância em Medicina Veterinária. No decorrer do estágio, foram solicitadas 29967 análises: 19437 bioquímicas, 2964 hematológicas e 1031 urianálises. Neste relatório pretende-se destacar a importância destas áreas na formulação do diagnóstico médico-veterinário; Laboratory diagnosis in dogs and cats Abstract: This report of my curricular training integrated in the Veterinary Medicine Master Degree of Évora University is divided in three distinctive sections. The first one covers the description of the place where I develop my work - INNO, a specialized Veterinary Laboratory focused mainly on small animal diagnosis, placed in Braga, Portugal; the second one comprise the casuistic and the third is a systematic review of the main laboratory areas of actuation – Biochemistry, Hematology and Urinalysis. The fourth section describes one case of Canine Leishmaniosis accompanied during the period of training. In this period the lab received 29967 analysis, including the following specific exams by areas: biochemistry (n=19437), hematology (n=2964) and urinalysis (n=1031). The purpose of this report is enunciate and evolve about the main and crucial areas of medical diagnostic in small animal practice.


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Forensic speaker comparison exams have complex characteristics, demanding a long time for manual analysis. A method for automatic recognition of vowels, providing feature extraction for acoustic analysis is proposed, aiming to contribute as a support tool in these exams. The proposal is based in formant measurements by LPC (Linear Predictive Coding), selectively by fundamental frequency detection, zero crossing rate, bandwidth and continuity, with the clustering being done by the k-means method. Experiments using samples from three different databases have shown promising results, in which the regions corresponding to five of the Brasilian Portuguese vowels were successfully located, providing visualization of a speaker’s vocal tract behavior, as well as the detection of segments corresponding to target vowels.


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Georgia, a former Soviet Union state, has undergone a lot of political, social, economic and of course educational changes. This article shows how Georgia’s higher education system has developed after the collapse of the Soviet Union. As an independent country, Georgia has started developing a free nation with a new type of the education system. The government of Georgia chose the European system of higher education and their major aim was to become a part of the Bologna process. Reforms made in Georgian higher education system have been essential for the country and indeed a lot has changed since the starting period. Georgia managed to hold unified national entry exams and has implemented the ECTS system; there are modern curricula that meet the requirements of European standards. etc. But still, even though a lot is being done, a lack of funding, outdated teaching methods and old facilities in some universities are still unresolved problems.


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Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki UAM


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Introdução: Neste estudo será apresentado experimento sobre um programa de atividades físicas para diminuir os efeitos metabólicos da lipodistrofia, causada pela prescrição dos anti-retrovirais, medicamentos utilizados por portadores pelo vírus HIV\AIDIS. Objetivo: Investigar os benefícios dos exercícios físicos para indivíduos portadores do HIV\AIDS e combatendo doenças causadas pela lipodistrofia proveniente da terapia com anti-retrovirais. Metodologia: Foram 40 sujeitos divididos em grupo de exercício e grupo de controle. Os sujeitos participaram de palestra, exames e testes, tendo o grupo de exercício participado num programa de exército com duração de 24 semanas. As variáveis estudadas foram composição corporal, parâmetros bioquímicos e hemodinâmicos, e aptidão física e o questionário CEAT-VIH, versão em português do Brasil. Resultados: O programa de exercício apresentado foi positivo na composição corporal, parâmetros bioquímicos e hemodinâmicos e no questionário, CEAT-VIH, versão em português do Brasil. Na aptidão física o programa de exercício não obteve a resposta que esperávamos. Conclusão: O programa de exercício aplicado permitiu obter uma redução na massa corporal, IMC, glicose e colesterol, e melhoria ao nível da flexibilidade. Permitiu igualmente aumentar o cumprimento do seguimento da farmacologia prescrita pelos médicos; The Relevance of Physical Exercises for Individuals 30 to 50 years of Both Sexes Bearers of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV \ AIDS) with Lipodystrophy Caused by the use of Anti-Retroviral. Summary: Introduction: In this study will be presented experiment on a physical activity program to decrease the metabolic effects of lipodystrophy, caused by the prescription of anti-retroviral drugs used by patients with HIV \ AIDIS. Objective: To investigate the benefits of exercise for people living with HIV subjects \ AIDS and combating diseases caused by lipodystrophy from therapy with antiretrovirals. Methods: 40 subjects were divided into exercise group and control group. The subjects participated in lecture, exams and tests, and the exercise group participated in an army program of 24 weeks duration. The variables studied were body composition, biochemical and hemodynamic parameters, and physical fitness and the CEAT-HIV questionnaire, version in Portuguese of Brazil. Results: The submitted exercise program was positive in body composition, biochemical and hemodynamic parameters and questionnaire, CEAT-HIV, version in Portuguese of Brazil. Physical fitness exercise program did not get the answer we expected. Conclusion: The applied exercise program yielded a reduction in body weight, body mass index, glucose and cholesterol, and improved level of flexibility. It has also increase compliance of following the prescribed pharmacology by doctors.