917 resultados para corporations amendment


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The present work aimed to characterize an aluminum industry by-product in natura (L.A. nat) and after phosphate and thermal pretreatments; evaluate the adsorption/desorption capacity of Cd and Pb by this L.A. nat form and after the aforementioned pretreatments, comparing them with an in natura iron mining by-product (L.F. nat). The L.A. nat presented a high pH as well as a high Na concentration and also an oxide-rich mineralogy. Pretreatment of the by-product had no significant effect upon Cd and Pd adsorption/desorption. The L.A. nat performed better than the L.F. nat as an Cd and Pb adsorbent.


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Maamme teollistuminen sai alkunsa 1850-luvulla. Tämän jälkeen maassamme käynnistettiin ensimmäisiä ammatillisia kouluja. Niiden perustehtävä oli palvella senaikaista teollisuutta. Sotavuosien jälkeen teollistuminen suuntautui sotakorvauksien maksamiseen. Tämän myötä maahamme kasvoi vahva teollistunut yhteiskunta. 1960- ja 1970-luvun Suomessa koettiin epävarmuutta osaavasta ammattikunnasta. Näihin aikoihin hallituksemme ryhtyi kiinnittämään erityistä huomiota työvoimapolitiikkaan. Tämän tutkimuksen yhtenä tavoitteena on tarkastella keinoja, joilla hallituksemme on ohjaillut ammatillista koulutusta tarjoavia oppilaitoksia lähemmäksi elinkeinoelämän tarpeita. Toisena merkittävänä tutkimuksen kohteena on ollut hallituksen lain muutos (40/2005 työelämän kehittämis- ja palvelutehtävä) ja sen vaikutukset Hyvinkään–Riihimäen talousalueeseen. Tutkimuksen tuloksia arvioitaessa huomataan, että Opetushallituksen laatimien lakien ja asetuksien muutoksilla on ollut vaikutusta koulutuksien toteutumiseen sekä työvoimaviranomaisten väliseen yhteistyöhön. Matti Vanhasen hallituksen esittämän lain muutoksen (40/2005) myötä Hyvinkään–Riihimäen talousalueen verkostoituminen muiden elinkeinoelämän edustajien ja oppilaitosten kanssa on onnistunut erittäin hyvin. Sen tuloksista voidaan mainita talousalueelle syntynyt aikuisopisto.


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Coal, oil, natural gas, and shale gas are biomass that is formed millions of years ago. These are non-renewable and depleting, even considering the recent discovery of new sources of oil in the presalt and new technologies for the exploitation of shale deposits. Currently, these raw materials are used as a source of energy production and are also important for the production of fine chemicals. Since these materials are finite and their (oil) price is increasing, it is clear that there will be a progressive increase in the chemical industry to use renewable raw materials as a source of energy, an inevitable necessity for humanity. The major challenge for the society in the twenty first century is to unite governments, universities, research centers, and corporations to jointly act in all areas of science with one goal of finding a solution to global problems, such as conversion of biomass into compounds for the fine chemical industry.Non-renewable raw materials are used in the preparation of fuels, chemical intermediates, and derivatives for the fine chemical industry. However, their stock in nature has a finite duration, and their price is high and will likely increase with their depletion. In this scenario, the alternative is to use renewable biomass as a replacement for petrochemicals in the production of fine chemicals. As the production of biomass-based carbohydrates is the most abundant in nature, it is judicious to develop technologies for the generation of chain products (fuels, chemical intermediates, and derivatives for the fine chemicals industry) using this raw material. This paper presents some aspects and opportunities in the area of carbohydrate chemistry toward the generation of compounds for the fine chemical industry.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutustua ohutlevyjen nykyaikaisiin koneellisiin leikkausmenetelmiin ja tutkia niiden soveltuvuutta yrityksen tarpeisiin. Kohdeyrityksessä investoinnin tarve jakautui tuottavuusinvestoinnin, korvausinvestoinnin ja strategisen investoinnin kesken. Tavoitteena oli luoda investointipolku, jonka avulla poissuljettiin menetelmät, jotka eivät soveltuneet yrityksen tuotantoon. Työn kirjallisuusosuudessa tarkastellaan teoriatietoja, jotka liittyvät yleisesti nykyaikaisiin ohutlevyjen leikkausmenetelmiin sekä investointiprojektin suunnitteluun ja toteutuksen teoriaan. Lisäksi käsitellään investointeihin liittyviä kannattavuus- ja kustannuslaskennan perusperiaatteita. Työn empiirisessä osassa selvitettiin yrityksen ohutlevyosien valmistuksen periaatteita nykytila-analyysin avulla. Tämän perusteella määritettiin nykyaikaisista markkinoilla olevista menetelmistä yritykselle soveltuvin. Tutkimuksen perusteella laserleikkaus oli menetelmistä soveltuvin. Perusinvestoinniltaan laser oli vaihtoehtoisista menetelmistä kallein, mutta se soveltui käytettävyyden, tehokkuuden, joustavuuden ja muiden ominaisuuksiensa perusteella parhaiten tuotannon tarpeisiin. Työn merkittävimmät tulokset osoittivat, että investoinnin kannattavuus riippui koneelle saatavasta käyttösuhteesta. Uusien koneiden tehokkuus lyhentäisi tuotannon läpimenoaikoja, mutta ilman riittävää kapasiteetin käyttöastetta kappaleiden omakustannusarvo nousisi. Lopputulokset ja suositukset on esitetty työn lopussa.


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Suomalaisten teollisuusyritysten toimintaympäristö on viimeisen kolmen vuosikymmenen aikana muuttunut merkittävästi. Globalisaatio ja sen mukanaan tuomat muut toimintaympäristön muutokset ovat muuttaneet suurten teollisuusyritysten kilpailuympäristöä ja strategioita. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on kuvata suurten suomalaisten teollisuusyritysten strategioiden muutosta vuosina 1980–2009. Tutkielma on kirjallisuuskatsaus ja sen lähteet koostuvat akateemisista artikkeleista, strategiakirjallisuudesta sekä suomalaisen elinkeinoelämän teettämästä tutkimuksesta. Tutkielma kolme pääosiota ovat katsaus strategiakirjallisuuteen, kuvaus suomalaisten teollisuusyrityksen toimintaympäristön ja johtamisen muutoksista sekä kuvaus suomalaisten suurten teollisuusyritysten strategioiden muutoksesta. Tutkielman lopputuloksena voidaan todeta, että suomalaisten suurten teollisuusyritysten strategiat ovat kansainvälistyneet ja fokusoituneet merkittävästi tarkastelujaksolla. Lisäksi yritysten strateginen ajattelu ja strateginen johtaminen ovat globaalien liiketoimintayritysten mukaista.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli kehittää Pilomac – konsernin päähankkijayrityksien tuotteiden valmistettavuutta yhteistyössä yrityksien suunnitteluosastojen ja teräsrakenteita valmistavien toimittajayrityksien kanssa. Päähankkija-yritysten, Junttan Oy:n ja Logset Oy:n, osavalmistusten ulkoistamisen myötä toimittajasuhteet ovat vähitellen muuttumassa verkostomaiseen toimintatapaan. Täten on tärkeää muuttaa ja kehittää tuotteiden valmistettavuuden mahdollistavat toimintamallit vastaamaan uutta toimintatapaa. Keskeinen perusmenetelmä valmistettavuuden huomioimisessa on suunnittelun ja valmistuksen välisen tuotekehitysyhteistyön syventäminen rinnakkaissuunnitteluksi, (CE). Verkostokumppaneiden välinen yhteistyö perustuu avoimuuteen, luottamukseen ja molempia osapuolia hyödyttävään jatkuvaan kehitystyöhön. Verkostomainen toimintatapa mahdollistaa luontevasti tuotteen suunnittelu- ja kehitysvastuiden jaottelun yritysten ydinosaamisen mukaan. Onnistuneen työnjaon myötä resurssit lisääntyvät ja valmistusteknologiat, suunnittelu ja laatu kehittyvät ja monipuolistuvat. Työn aihetta tutkittiin soveltavassa osassa benchmarkingin, nykytilakuvauksien sekä toimittajaverkoston analysoinnin avulla. Toimittajaverkoston analysointi tehtiin laajan verkostokumppanikyselyn avulla, josta selvisi Junttan Oy:n toimittajaverkoston resurssit ja kyvykkyys. Kyselyssä selvitettiin myös nykyisten toimittajien näkemyksiä valmistettavuuden kehittämisestä, kumppaneille asetettavista yhteistyövaatimuksista sekä näiden toimintamallien vaikutuksista tuotteiden kilpailukyvyn parantumiseen. Työn tuloksena selvisivät osa-alueet, joita Junttan Oy:n kannattaa hyödyntää tulevaisuudessa enemmän sekä toimintamallit, jotka mahdollistavat tuotteiden valmistettavuuden jatkuvan kehittämisen.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää sopimuksen muuttamiseen liittyviä kysymyksiä liiketoimintasuhteessa. Lähtökohtana kysymyksenasettelulle on kansallinen lainsäädäntö, sopimusoikeudelliset periaatteet sekä oikeuskirjallisuus. Sopimuksen muuttamisen liikesuhteissa mahdollistaa Suomen lainsäädännössä OikTL 36 §, jonka johdosta kohtuutonta sopimusta on mahdollista sovitella. Sovittelun mahdollisuus heikentää kuitenkin sopimuksen sitovuutta, sillä lähtökohtaisesti sopimus sitoo sovituilla ehdoilla. Sopimuksen muutostarpeen yhteydessä sopimuksen tulkinta ja osapuolten tarkoitus nousevat avainasemaan tarkasteltaessa edellytyksiä kohtuuttomuuteen vetoamiseen ja sovitteluun. Lain ohella merkityksellisessä asemassa ovat siten sopimukseen otetut ehdot ja sopimusrakenteet.


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Management of plant-parasitic nematodes with the use of nematicides has not been recommended for small farmers that grow yam in the Northeastern region of Brazil, due to its high cost and residue toxicity. The use of plants with antagonistic effect to nematodes and green manure which improves soil chemical, physical and biological characteristics can be a viable and low cost alternative to control parasitic nematodes. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of crotalaria (Crotalaria juncea) and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) plants on the control of yam nematodes. Three experiments were carried out. The first was conducted under in vitro conditions to evaluate the nematostatic and nematicide effect of extracts from fresh and dry matter of the above ground parts of crotalaria, pigeon pea, and the combination of both. The second experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions to evaluate the effect of soil amendment with crotalaria, pigeon pea, and the combination of both in the infectivity of Scutellonema bradys, using tomato plants as the host plant. The third experiment was conducted under field conditions to evaluate the effect of crotalaria, pigeon pea, and the combination of both, cultivated between yam planting rows and incorporated to soil surface, on yam nematodes. The aqueous extract obtained form fresh matter of crotalaria had a nematicide effect of 100% for S. bradys. Extracts from dry matter of both crotalaria and pigeon pea did not have any nematicide effect, but had a nematostatic effect. Incorporation of crotalaria to soil inhibited infectivity of S. bradys in tomato seedlings. These results showed that planting crotalaria alone or in combination with pigeon pea, between the yam planting rows, is an efficient method for controlling S. bradys and Rotylenchulus reniformis associated with yams. Crotalaria can be used for controlling these plant-parasitic nematodes in soil.


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This Master´s thesis explores how the a global industrial corporation’s after sales service department should arrange its installed base management practices in order to maintain and utilize the installed base information effectively. Case company has product-related records, such as product’s lifecycle information, service history information and information about product’s performance. Information is collected and organized often case by case, therefore the systematic and effective use of installed base information is difficult also the overview of installed base is missing. The goal of the thesis study was to find out how the case company can improve the installed base maintenance and management practices and improve the installed base information availability and reliability. Installed base information management practices were first examined through the literature. The empirical research was conducted by the interviews and questionnaire survey, targeted to the case company’s service department. The research purpose was to find out the challenges related to case company´s service department’s information management practices. The study also identified the installed base information needs and improvement potential in the availability of information. Based on the empirical research findings, recommendations for improve installed base management practices and information availability were created. Grounding of the recommendations, the case company is suggested the following proposals for action: Service report development, improving the change management process, ensuring the quality of the product documentation in early stages of product life cycle and decision to improve installed base management practices.


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Sustainability is the aim of forest management and forest regulation in many countries. Accordingly, forest management has been steered towards more environmentally friendly methods and new regulatory instruments have been introduced. At the same time, wood trade and forest industry have become a global business. Even if the importance of national forest legislation has not decreased, it has been widely acknowledged that national regulation of forest management is no longer sufficient. The movement of goods does not acknowledge boundaries, even though most negative environmental and social consequences stay in the country of origin of wood and other raw materials. As a partial solution to this dilemma, different kinds of regulations have been developed. Various forest certification schemes and wood trade regulation in the EU (995/2010) are examples of efforts to prevent illegal logging and unsustainable forestry. The Finland-based forest industry is to a varying extent dependent on wood trade from Russia. Especially in the 1990‟s, ethical questions concerning import of wood from Russian old growth forests near the Finnish border were widely discussed. Consequently, forest industry enterprises have developed systems to trace the origin of wood and to buy certified wood from Russia. The aim of the research has been to evaluate Finnish and Russian forest regulations in order to investigate what kind of forest management these regulations enhance, and to what extent ecologically sustainable forest management has been integrated into different forms of regulation. I have examined Finnish and Russian forest regulation in four separate articles based on the topics of the Russian Forest Code, forest certification and other voluntary forest protection measures in Russia, Finnish forest certification and Finnish forest legislation. One objective has been to analyse the roles voluntary forest certification plays in promoting sustainable forest management in different countries. In my research, I have mainly concentrated on ecological sustainability and protection of biodiversity, although other aspects of sustainable forest management have been touched upon in different articles. In the following I shall conclude the findings of my research. When the current Russian Forest Code (2006) was being adopted, the main emphasis was not on ecological issues, but on reorganizing forest governance. The role of ecological requirements was even slightly diminished during the legislative reform. There are, nevertheless, still stipulations aiming at ecological sustainability, such as the division of forests into different forest management categories and various protection zones. In 2000, FSC forest certification arrived in Russia, at present covering already 28 million hectares of forests. The PEFC scheme is now in use as well, but to a much lesser extent. If properly implemented, Russian forest certification schemes clearly improve the level of ecological and social sustainability of forestry in Russia. Certification criteria, however, are partly in conflict with the Russian forest legislation and certified enterprises have been forced to pay fines or to negotiate with forest authorities. This clearly indicates that even if Russian forest legislation has otherwise been liberalized to a certain extent, some significant paternalism still exists. Voluntary, hands-on biodiversity protection measures are not valued, and they are not part of the official protection policies as in many other countries. However, there have been some regional solutions to this dilemma. In the Republic of Karelia forest authorities have approved a set of forest biodiversity protection rules created by a local NGO and a forest industry enterprise. By following these local rules, an enterprise can avoid fines for protection measures. The current Finnish Forest Act was adopted in 1996. It brought forest legislation into a new era as some ecological aspects were integrated into forest legislation. The various soft-law forest management recommendations further increased the level of biodiversity protection. My evaluation of the overall legitimacy of the Finnish forest legislation and forest management paradigm revealed, however, several problematic issues. As part of this study I analysed the history of the current forest management paradigm. This analysis revealed the path dependency which still hinders the protection of biodiversity and clearly decreases the general legitimacy of forest management. Due to several historical reasons only even-structured forest management based on clear cuts has for decades been officially approved in Finland. Due to increasing demands of forest owners the legislation is finally being revised. Yet, the official approval of uneven-structured forest management would not be enough to fully improve ecological, social and cultural legitimacy. The latest ecological theories and knowledge of endangered species should be taken into account in the on-going reform of forest legislation as well as the modernisation. Forest legislation is one of the very few spheres of Finnish environmental legislation where openness and participation are still considered a threat. The first Finnish forest certification scheme, PEFC, was established in 2000. It now covers more than 20 million hectares, about 95% of the forests in Finland. PEFC Finland does not require a higher level of biodiversity protection than the recommendations by Tapio (the Development Centre for Forestry), but certification has unified forest management practices and requires more protection measures than mere forest legislation. The study suggests that in Finland PEFC has not functioned as an instrument which would substantially improve the level of forest management. Rather it has supported the status quo of the forest sector. While the ecological and social responsibility of Finland-based forest corporations was one impetus for this research, I want to conclude that there are problems related to forest legislation and non-state regulation in both Finland and Russia. If an enterprise buying wood from Russia buys only certified wood, and carefully avoids wood coming from high conservation value forests that are either ecologically or socially valuable, it can be claimed to be as sustainably produced as in Finland. However, there must be continuous scrutiny of the circumstances. In Russia, the level of the compliance of certification criteria varies considerably, and there are vast unprotected invaluable forest areas. The utilisation of these areas should not be based on short-sighted decisions or lack of consensus among stakeholders.


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ABSTRACT The macaw palm [Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lood. ex Mart] has been domesticated to subsidize biodiesel production programs in Brazil. However, little is known about the seedling production of this species. This study aimed to evaluate substrate mixtures, limestone and phosphorus rates for substrate amendment and topdressing frequency in macaw palm seedlings. Three trials were conducted in a greenhouse up to six months of nursery cultivation. Trial 1: determination of percent mineral and organic fractions of seven substrate mixtures. Trial 2: evaluation of four limerates for soil amendment versus four phosphorus rates. Trial 3: evaluation of N, K and Mg topdressing frequency. Significant differences were found in the three trials for most of the variables (plant height, leaf number, shoot dry mass, root dry mass, vigor and bulb diameter). The main results obtained were as follow: Trial1 - the best seedling growth was observed in substrates with at least 25% organic matter. Trial2 -lime rates ranging from 0.50 to 1.25 kg associated with 3 to 4 kg of single superphosphate per m3 of substrate provided the best seedling growth. Trial 3 - topdressing fertilization provided better development of seedlings regardless of frequency.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of subsoiling, gypsum and organic matter associated with the cultivation of cotton, sunflower and cowpea in crop rotation, seeking the reclamation and use of a saline-sodic soil. The treatments were arranged in a randomized block design in split plots with four replications, during two crop cycles (2009/2010 and 2010/2011). The plots were formed by the treatments: T1. Subsoiling (S); T2. S + 20 Mg ha-1 of gypsum; T3. S + 40 Mg ha-1 of organic matter; T4. S + 10 Mg ha-1 of gypsum + 20 Mg ha-1 of organic matter; T5. S + 20 Mg ha-1 of gypsum + 40 Mg ha-1 of organic matter and the sub-plots consisted of the cotton-cowpea (C/CP) and sunflower-cowpea (S/CP) crop rotation. The use of gypsum and organic matter contributed to decrease the soil salinity and sodicity. Cotton was not affected by the treatments, while the sunflower crop was favored by the application of amendments only in the second production cycle. Higher yields of cowpea in T5 treatment, during the 2009/2010 cycle, are indicative that higher doses of gypsum and organic matter applied in this treatment accelerate the reclamation process. For other treatments with amendment application there was a beneficial effect for this crop only in the second cycle, when the values of productivity were similar to T5.


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For number of reasons social responsibility in corporations has become a more essential part of business operations than before. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is dealt with different means and aspects but the overall effects it has on organisations performance, communication and underline actions is indisputable. The thesis describes corporate social responsibility and the main objective was to observe how corporate social responsibility has developed in our case company with answering to main research question how CSR reporting has evolved in UPM-Kymmene Oyj? In addition following questions were also addressed: Is there a monetary value of CSR? What does proficient CSR report consist of? What does corporate social responsibility consist of? Qualitative research method, content analysis to be precise, was chosen and excessive literature study performed to find the theoretical back ground to perform the empirical part of the study. Data for the empirical part was collected from UPM-Kymmene Oyj financial data and annual reports. The study shows that UPM-Kymmene Oyj engagement to CSR and reporting of CSR matter have improved due time but still few managerial implications could be found. UPM-Kymmene Oyj economic key figures are only building shareholder value and stakeholders are identified in very general level. Also CSR data is scattered all over the annual report which causes problems to readers. The scientific importance of this thesis arises from the profound way CSR has been addressed in a holistic manner. Thus it is giving a good basis to understand the underlying reasons of CSR from society towards the organisation and vice versa.


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Työssä luodaan katsaus tuulivoiman käyttöön historiassa sekä tuulivoiman hyödyntämiseen sähköntuotantoon nykyaikaisessa yhteiskunnassa. Lisäksi esitellään modernin kolmilapaisen tuuliturbiinin tekniikkaa. Työssä tarkastellaan kolmen suuren tuulivoimaloita valmistavien yrityksien patentointiaktiivisutta aikavälillä 2000–2010 ja patenttien lukumäärässä, maantieteellisessä vaihtelussa, tyypissä ja luokissa esiintyviä trendejä. Näiden pohjalta luodaan kokonaiskuva tuulivoiman teollisuuden kehityksestä 2000-luvun alussa ja odotetuista tulevaisuuden näkymistä. Vuosituhannen vaihteen jälkeen patentointiaktiivisuus on kasvanut tuulivoimateknologiayrityksillä. Etenkin vuonna 2007 havaitaan piikki patenttien lukumäärässä. Patentointitoiminta on keskittynyt Eurooppaan, Pohjois-Amerikkaan sekä Kiinaan. Tuulivoimateknologian voidaan olettaa kehittyvän sekä koossa että kustannustehokkuudessa.


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Steward-ajattelu suomalaisissa mikroyrityksissä: osakeyhtiön ja avoimen yhtiön vertailu