969 resultados para Tumores do estroma gastrointestinal


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As neoplasias malignas do pâncreas englobam vários tipos histologicos com características ima giológicas e comportamentos que permitem distingui-los entre si numa boa percentagem de situações. Contudo, nem sempre a sua diferenciação se toma possível sem o recurso às técnicas anátomo-patoló gicas, constituindo um grande desafio à imagiologia o diagnóstico diferencial com lesões benignas, com referencia particular às massas inflamatórias. O adenocarcinoma constitui cerca de 95% das neo plasias pancreáticas e é uma das grandes causas de morte por cancro nos países desenvolvidos. As técnicas de imagem aplicadas no diagnóstico e no estadiamento dos principais tumores do pâncreas são muito diversificadas, englobando meios inócuos, como a ecografia, métodos invasivos utilizando técnicas angiográficas ou recurso aos meios endoscópicos para acesso endocavitário. A utilidade de cada uma destas variedades técnicas depende essencialmente do tipo de tumor a estudar, tomando-se fundamental o correcto e o completo conhecimento das possibilidades e limitações de cada uma, com vista à aplicação racional dos meios na imagiologia do pâncreas.


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Background and aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of endoscopic band ligation (EBL) in carefully selected patients who would benefit from this method of resection. Methods: Patients with early upper gastrointestinal and small (< 15 mm) lesions treated with EBL (Duette® Multi-Band Mucosectomy) were prospectively recruited and retrospectively analyzed between 2010 and 2015. All cases were discussed in a multidisciplinary cancer committee and it was concluded that, owing to patient conditions, surgery was not possible and that not conducting histology would not change the clinical management. A first endoscopic control with biopsies was planned at 4-8 weeks. If there was no persistence of the lesion, new controls were programmed at 6 and 12 months. Results: The group (n = 12) included 5 esophagus lesions (adenosquamous carcinoma, n = 1; carcinoma squamous, n = 2; adenocarcinoma, n = 2); 4 gastric lesions (high grade dysplasia, n = 1; adenocarcinoma, n = 2; neuroendocrine tumor [NET], n = 1), and 3 duodenal lesions (NETs) (n = 3). The mean tumor diameter was 9.6 ± 2.8 mm (range 4-15). Only one minor adverse event was described. At first follow-up (4-8 weeks), there was 91.6% and 75% of endoscopic and histological remission, respectively. At 6-month follow-up there was 70% of both endoscopic remission and negative biopsies. And at 12 months, there was 100% and 75% of endoscopic and histological remission, respectively. Persisting lesions were T1 cancers. The median follow-up was 30.6 months. Conclusion: EBL without resection is an easy and safe technique that should be considered in patients with multiple morbidities and small superficial UGI lesions.


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Los tumores malignos de la vaina nerviosa periférica (TMVNP), también llamados neurofribrosarcomas o schwannomas malignos, representan el 10% de todos los sarcomas de tejidos blandos. El tumor usualmente se encuentra en las extremidades inferiores, y solo del 10 al 20% de las lesiones ocurren en la región de cabeza y cuello, convirtiéndolas en una entidad rara. Los neurofibromas son tumores de la vaina nerviosa que aparecen comúnmente en la neurofibromatosis 1 o enfermedad de Von Recklinghausen. Se ha reportado que los individuos con antecedentes familiares de neurofibromatosis 1 tienen un riesgo incrementado de desarrollar TMVNP en el transcurso de sus vidas, sin embargo, esta asociación no se ha confirmado en TMVNP a nivel de los nervios craneales. En este artículo los autores analizaron la literatura actual con respecto a los TMVNP del nervio trigémino, así como la inclusión de un caso inusual que involucra las 3 ramas de dicho nervio.


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Este trabajo nace de una idea conjunta del desarrollo de un software capaz de trabajar con una máquina de rayos X para la toma de mamografías, y ser una herramienta para los radiólogos a la hora de analizar las imágenes y localizar zonas que pudieran ser sensibles de tener algún tipo de tumoración. No se trata de un software que pretenda suplantar la función de un radiólogo; es importante tener claro que el experto en radiología es el único capaz de analizar, comparar y tomar decisiones reales, y este software pretende simplificar esa tarea al máximo. Este programa utiliza como recursos para su funcionamiento una base de datos de mamografías procesadas anteriormente, a partir de las cuales entrena a la red neuronal para que sea capaz de clasificar mamografías nuevas y mostrar las posibles zonas críticas. Esta base de datos debe indicar a la red qué mamografías presentan algún tumor y dónde, para que la red aprenda a diferenciar entre zonas críticas y zonas no críticas. Esta idea deriva en la realización de dos trabajos que se especializan en los dos ámbitos del proyecto, en primer lugar el procesamiento y el análisis de esas mamografías obtenidas de la máquina de rayos X, que da lugar al presente trabajo; y en segundo lugar, deriva en un trabajo paralelo que explica la obtención, el análisis y la clasificación de los datos que se desprenden de este proyecto utilizando redes neuronales, titulado “Detección y clasificación de tumores en mamografías a través de redes neuronales”; realizado por Rodrigo Culotta López


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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Las células gigante tipo osteoclásticas (CGTO) del páncreas son una entidad poco frecuente descrito originalmente por Rosaien 1968, caracterizado por osteoclastos, que son células gigantes mononucleares idénticas a las células del estroma observadas en tumores óseos. Desde entonces, hay pocos informes de los tumores que contienen células gigantes en otras localizaciones anatómicas. Las CGTO se pueden distinguir de las células gigantes tipo pleomórficas (CGTP), debido a la falta de un marcado pleomorfismo nuclear asociado. A menudo, un carcinoma de páncreas histológicamente reconocibles acompaña CGTO, dando lugar a un mal resultado. Formas puras de CGTO presentan un mejor pronóstico porque se necesita mucho tiempo para desarrollar metástasis, pero esta forma es muy raros, con pocos casos reportados en la literatura Inglésa. La mayoría de veces se discute el diagnóstico de benignidad de estos tumores basados en la evaluación de inmunohistoquímica. El presente caso se trata de una paciente de sexo femenino de 56 años de edad con cuadro caracterizado por dolor tipo cólico que mejora con antiespasmódicos, de varios meses de evolución, con periodos de remisión y exacerbación. A examen físico presenta: en piel y mucosas ligero tinte subictérico, a nivel abdominal: abdomen doloroso de forma difusa sin viseromegalias o masas palpables


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias na Especialidade de Ciências Biológicas e Biomédicas


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The use of silvopastoral systems (SPS) can be a good alternative to reduce the environmental impacts of livestock breeding in Brazil. Despite the advantages offered by public policies, many producers hesitate to use this system. One of the reasons is the lack of information on health and productivity of cattle raised under these conditions. The experiment reported here was designed to compare the behavior of infection by gastrointestinal nematodes and weight gain of beef cattle raised in a SPS and a conventional pasture system. We monitored the number of eggs per gram of feces, the prevalent nematode genus, data on climate, forage availability, weight gain and packed cell volume (PCV) of the animals bred in the two systems. The infection by nematodes was significantly higher in the cattle raised in the SPS (p\0.05). The coprocultures revealed the presence of nematodes of the genera Haemonchus, Cooperia, Oesophagostomum and Trichostrongylus, in both systems, but the mean infestation rates of Haemonchus and Cooperia were higher in the SPS (p\0.05). The average of PCV values did not differ between the cattle in the two systems. The individual weight gain and stocking rate in the period did not vary between the systems (p[0.05). Despite the higher prevalence of nematodes in the SPS, no negative impact was detected on the animals? weight gain and health. The results of this experiment indicate that under the conditions studied, there is no need to alter the parasite management to assure good productive performance of cattle


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RESUMO Os tumores do espaço parafaríngeo são raros e correspondem a menos de 1% de todas as neoplasias da cabeça e pescoço. Os tumores, benignos ou malignos, podem ter origem em qualquer uma das estruturas contidas no espaço parafaríngeo e geralmente apresentam-se como uma tumefação indolor no pescoço ou orofaringe, geralmente o diagnóstico definitivo é anatomo-patológico; contudo é importante reconhecer a possibilidade de ocorrência de lesões vasculares que obrigam à realização de estudos imagiologicos desta região antes de se proceder a biópsia ou excisão da lesão. Os autores relatam um caso de uma doente com uma volumosa tumefacção parafaringea esquerda com 3 meses de evolução, indolor e causadora de disfagia. O estudo imagiológico demonstrou um aneurisma da artéria carótida interna que foi tratado através de procedimentos endovasculares com oclusão do aneurisma.


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Dietary fiber was classified according to its solubility in an attempt to relate physiological effects to chemical types of fiber. Soluble fibers (B-glucans, gums, wheat dextrin, psyllium, pectin, inulin) were considered to have benefits on serum lipids, while insoluble fibers (cellulose, lignin, pectins, hemicelluloses) were linked with laxation benefits. More important characteristics of fiber in terms of physiological benefits are viscosity and fermentability. Viscous fibers (pectins, B-glucans, gums, psyllium) are those that have gel-forming properties in the intestinal tract, and fermentable fibers (wheat dextrin, pectins, B-glucans, gum, inulin) are those that can be metabolized by colonic bacteria. Objective: To summarize the beneficial effects of dietary fiber, as nutraceuticals, in order to maintain a healthy gastrointestinal system. Methods: Our study is a systematic review. Electronic databases, including PubMed, Medline, with supplement of relevant websites, were searched. We included randomized and non-randomized clinical trials, epidemiological studies (cohort and case-control). We excluded case series, case reports, in vitro and animal studies. Results: The WHO, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Heart Foundation and the Romanian Dietary Guidelines recommends that adults should aim to consume approximately 25–30 g fiber daily. Dietary fiber is found in the indigestible parts of cereals, fruits and vegetables. There are countries where people don’t eat enough food fibers, these people need to take some kind of fiber supplement. Evidence has been found that dietary fiber from whole foods or supplements may (1) reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by improving serum lipids and reducing serum total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations, (2) decreases the glycaemic index of foods, which leads to an improvement in glycemic response, positive impact on diabetes, (3) protect against development of obesity by increasing satiety hormone leptin concentrations, (4) reduced risk of developing colorectal cancer by normalizes bowel movements, improve the integrity of the epithelial layer of the intestines, increase the resistance against pathogenic colonization, have favorable effects on the gut microbiome, wich is the second genomes of the microorganisms, (5) have a positive impact on the endocrine system by gastrointestinal polypeptide hormonal regulation of digestion, (6) have prebiotic effect by short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) production; butyrate acid is the preferred energy source for colonic epithelial cells, promotes normal cell differentiation and proliferation, and also help regulate sodium and water absorption, and can enhance absorption of calcium and other minerals. Although all prebiotics are fiber, not all fiber is prebiotic. This generally refers to the ability of a fiber to increase the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which are beneficial to human health, and (7) play a role in improving immune function via production of SCFAs by increases T helper cells, macrophages, neutrophils, and increased cytotoxic activity of natural killer cells. Conclusion: Fiber consumption is associated with high nutritional value and antioxidant status of the diet, enhancing the effects on human health. Fibers with prebiotic properties can also be recommended as part of fiber intake. Due to the variability of fiber’s effects in the body, it is important to consume fiber from a variety of sources. Increasing fiber consumption for health promotion and disease prevention is a critical public health goal.


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Introducción: En la población pediátrica los tumores cerebrales son la segunda causa de cáncer, la dificultad en su identificación produce tardanza en su diagnóstico y pocos estudios de caracterización han sido realizados en Colombia. Se realizó un estudio para identificar las características en el curso de la enfermedad. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal con pacientes pediátricos con tumores cerebrales primarios en la clínica infantil Colsubsidio entre 2007-2014. Se revisaron sistemáticamente las historias clínicas de niños con este diagnóstico en patología y posteriormente se desarrolló un análisis univariado de estos. Resultados: 56 niños fueron incluidos, encontrando que el número de consultas previas al diagnóstico fueron más de 4 con un promedio de tiempo entre la evolución de los síntomas y el diagnóstico de 161,1 días. Para la clasificación de la OMS los más frecuentes fueron los embrionarios y astrocíticos, entre estos el meduloblastoma es el más común por histología (14,29%), 50% de los pacientes presentaron remisión y 29,41% fallecieron. Discusión: Los tumores cerebrales primarios son una patología frecuente y con alta morbimortalidad. Este estudio mostró datos epidemiológicos y clínicos similares a la literatura respecto al sexo, edad, tipo de tumor y amplios rangos de tiempo en la evolución de síntomas lo que muestra la naturaleza variable de la enfermedad; se evidencia el diagnóstico tardío en pacientes reconsultantes por el mismo síntoma lo que es frecuente en estos pacientes al igual que en otros estudios nacionales.


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The better understanding of mechanisms at the basis of host-pathogen interaction can represent a valid tool to increase productivity and contain economic losses in animal production through the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis. With this project, three preliminary in vitro studies were conducted with the aim of investigating how bioactive compounds could influence mechanisms of host-pathogen interaction in poultry and swine. Different panels of nature identical compounds, medium chain fatty acids, and plant extracts were employed against strains of Salmonella Typhimurium, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae, and Salmonella Enteritidis, respectively. When bacterial field strains were tested, the comparison between natural compounds and antibiotics was examined, with the aim of evaluating the role of the substances in the antibiotic-resistance context. Results demonstrate that bioactive compounds have positive effects on the host, the pathogen, or both in different experimental conditions. Additionally, when compared to antibiotics, bioactive compounds have proven to be valid alternatives to address the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance.


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Fabry disease (FD), X-linked metabolic disorder caused by a deficiency in α-galactosidase A activity, leads to the accumulation of glycosphingolipids, mainly Gb3 and lyso-Gb3, in several organs. Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms are among the earliest and most common, strongly impacting patients’ quality of life. However, the origin of these symptoms and the exact mechanisms of pathogenesis are still poorly understood, thus the pressing need to improve their knowledge. Here we aimed to evaluate whether a FD murine model (α-galactosidase A Knock-Out) captures the functional GI issues experienced by patients. In particular, the potential mechanisms involved in the development and maintenance of GI symptoms were explored by looking at the microbiota-gut-brain axis involvement. Moreover, we sought to examine the effects of lyso-Gb3 on colonic contractility and the intestinal epithelium and the enteric nervous system, which together play important roles in regulating intestinal ion transport and fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. Fabry mice revealed visceral hypersensitivity and a diarrhea-like phenotype accompanied by anxious-like behavior and reduced locomotor activity. They reported also an imbalance of SCFAs and an early compositional and functional dysbiosis of the gut microbiota, which partly persisted with advancing age. Moreover, overexpression of TRPV1 was found in affected mice, and partial alteration of TRPV4 and TRPA1 as well, identifying them as possible therapeutic targets. The Ussing chamber results after treatment with lyso-Gb3 showed an increase in Isc (likely mediated by HCO3- ions movement) which affects neuron-mediated secretion, especially capsaicin- and partly veratridine-mediated. This first characterization of gut-brain axis dysfunction in FD mouse provides functional validation of the model, suggesting new targets and possible therapeutic approaches. Furthermore, lyso-Gb3 is confirmed to be not only a marker for the diagnosis and follow-up of FD but also a possible player in the alteration of the FD colonic ion transport process.


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Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are mesenchymal neoplasms frequently caused by a gain of function mutation in KIT or PDGFRα, two tyrosine kinase receptors (TKR). For this reason, they are successfully treated with imatinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI). However, the therapy is typically long-term ineffective due to imatinib resistance, which represents the main issue in the clinic of GISTs. Although numerous efforts have been made in the last two decades to develop novel therapies for imatinib-resistant GISTs, the approvals of multi-target TKIs have only improved the clinical outcomes modestly. Emblematic is the recent failure of ripretinib in the phase III INTRIGUE trial, decisively marking the end of the paradigm only based on the central role of KIT secondary mutations in imatinib resistance, and the consequent seeking of multi-target TKIs as the solution. Consistent with this clinical result, preclinical studies have revealed numerous mechanisms of resistance that are not targetable with multi-target TKIs, indicating that imatinib resistance is more multifaceted than initially hypothesized and explaining the modest efficacy of these latter. In this scenario, the absence of drugs capable of long-term counteracting the rise of imatinib-resistant subclones unavoidably leads to progressive disease and metastasis. In particular, the onset of metastases remarkably impacts the median overall survival and determines the most GIST-related deaths. Therefore, new therapy proposals are needed. Here, we present two project lines investigating novel strategies to counteract imatinib-resistant GISTs.