871 resultados para Sodium ions
We describe here a procedure to bridge the gap in the field of calixarene physicochemistry between solid-state atomic-resolution structural information and the liquid-state low-resolution thermodynamics and spectroscopic data. We use MD simulations to study the kinetics and energetics involved in the complexation of lower rim calix[4]arene derivatives (L), containing bidentate ester (1) and ketone (2) pendant groups, with acetonitrile molecule (MeCN) and Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions (M2+) in acetonitrile solution. On one hand, we found that the prior inclusion of MeCN into the calix to form a L(MeCN) adduct has only a weak effect in preorganizing the hydrophilic cavity toward metal ion binding. On the other hand, the strong ion-hydrophilic cavity interaction produces a wide open calix which enhances the binding of one MeCN molecule (allosteric effect) to stabilize the whole (M2+)1(MeCN) bifunctional complex. We reach two major conclusions: (i) the MD results for the (M2+)1(MeCN) binding are in close agreement with the ""endo"", fully encapsulated, metal complex found by X-ray diffraction and in vacuo MD calculations, and (ii) the MD structure for the more flexible 2 ligand, however, differs from the also endo solid-state molecule. In fact, it shows strong solvation effects at the calixarene lower bore by competing MeCN molecules that share the metal coordination sphere with the four C=O oxygens of an ""exo"" (M2+)2(MeCN) complex.
Universal properties of the Coulomb interaction energy apply to all many-electron systems. Bounds on the exchange-correlation energy, in particular, are important for the construction of improved density functionals. Here we investigate one such universal property-the Lieb-Oxford lower bound-for ionic and molecular systems. In recent work [J Chem Phys 127, 054106 (2007)], we observed that for atoms and electron liquids this bound may be substantially tightened. Calculations for a few ions and molecules suggested the same tendency, but were not conclusive due to the small number of systems considered. Here we extend that analysis to many different families of ions and molecules, and find that for these, too, the bound can be empirically tightened by a similar margin as for atoms and electron liquids. Tightening the Lieb-Oxford bound will have consequences for the performance of various approximate exchange-correlation functionals. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals Inc.
Lithium nitrate has been used to prevent and to mediate the expansion caused by alkali-silica reaction (ASR). However, there is limited information on how it affects the existing reaction products caused by ASR. The aim of the present work is to determine the modifications caused by the LiNO3 treatment on the structure of the gel produced by ASR. ASR gel samples obtained from a concrete dam were exposed to an aqueous solution of lithium nitrate and sodium hydroxide with molar LiNO3/NaOH = 0.74, and the resulting products were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance of Si-29, Na-23, and Li-7. The treatment of the gel samples produces significant structural modifications in ASR products. A new amorphous silicate compound incorporating Li+ ions is formed, with an average silicate network that can be described as linear in contrast with the layered structure of the original gel. This elimination of the layered structure after the Li-based treatments may be related to the reduction of the tendency of the gel to expand. Also, several crystalline compounds containing potassium indicate the release of this species from the original ASR gel.
Tropomyosin (Tm) is a dimeric coiled-coil protein that polymerizes through head-to-tail interactions. These polymers bind along actin filaments and play an important role in the regulation of muscle contraction. Analysis of its primary structure shows that Tm is rich in acidic residues, which are clustered along the molecule and may from sites for divalent cation binding. In a previous study, we showed that the Mg(2+)-induced increase in stability of the C-terminal half of Tin is sensitive to imitations near the C-terminus. In the present report, we study the interaction between Mg(2+) and full-length Tin and smaller fragments corresponding to the last 65 and 26 Tin residues. Although the smaller Tin peptide (Tm(259-284(W269))) is flexible and to large extent unstructured, the larger Tm(220-284(W269)) fragments forms a coiled coil in solution whose stability increases significantly in the presence of Mg(2+). NMR analysis shows thin Mg(2+) induces chemical shift perturbations in both Tm(220-284(W269)) and Tm(259-284(W269)) in the vicinity of His276, in which are located several negatively charged residues. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 583-590, 2009.
Several studies have shown the antidiabetic properties of sodium tungstate. In this study, we evaluated some biochemical parameters of the parotid salivary gland of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats treated with sodium tungstate solution (2 mg/ml). The studied groups were: untreated control (UC), treated control (TC), untreated diabetic (UD), and treated diabetic (TD). After 2 and 6 weeks of treatment, parotid gland was removed and total protein and sialic acid (free and total) concentration and amylase and peroxidase activities were determined. Data were compared by variance analysis and Tukey test (p < 0.05). The sodium tungstate treatment modestly decreased the glycemia of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. At week 2 of the study, parotid gland of diabetic rats presented a reduction of total protein concentration (55%) and an increase of amylase (120%) and peroxidase (160%) activities, free (150%) and total (170%) sialic acid concentration. No alteration in the evaluated parameters at week 6 of the study was observed. Sodium tungstate presented no significant effect in parotid gland. Our results suggest that diabetes causes initial modification in biochemical composition of parotid. However, this gland showed a recovery capacity after 6 week of the experimental time. Sodium tungstate has no effect in peripheral tissues, such as salivary glands.
Preparation of C-terminal modified peptides through alcoholysis and thiolysis mediated by metal ions
Ruthenium hydroxide supported on silica-coated magnetic nanoparticles was shown to be an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for the liquid-phase oxidation of a wide range of alcohols using molecular oxygen as a sole oxidant in the absence of co-catalysts or additives. The material was prepared through the loading of the amino modified support with ruthenium(III) ions from an aqueous solution of ruthenium(III) chloride followed by treatment with sodium hydroxide to form ruthenium hydroxide species. Characterizations suggest that ruthenium hydroxide is highly dispersed on the support surface, with no ruthenium containing crystalline phases being detected. Various carbonylic monoterpenoids important for fragrance and pharmaceutical industries can be obtained in good to excellent yields starting from biomass-based monoterpenic alcohols, such as isobomeol, perillyl alcohol, carveol, and citronellol. The catalyst undergoes no metal leaching and can be easily recovered by the application of an external magnet and re-used. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A novel Schiff base-copper(II) complex [Cu(2)L(2)(N(3))(2)](ClO(4))(2) 1, where L = (4-imidazolyl)ethylene-2-amino-1-ethylpyridine (apyhist), containing azide-bridges between adjacent copper ions in a dinuclear arrangement was isolated and characterized both in the solid state and in solution by X-ray crystallography and different spectroscopic techniques. Azide binding constants were estimated from titrations of the precursor [CuL(H(2)O)(2)](2+) solutions with sodium azide, giving rise to the azido-bridged species, [Cu(2)L(2)(N(3))(2)](2+). Raman spectra showed asymmetric stretching band at 2060 cm(-1), indicating the presence of azido ligands with a symmetric mu(1,) (1) binding geometry. EPA spectra, in frozen methanol/water solutions at 77 K, exhibited characteristic features of copper centers in tetragonal pyramidal coordination geometry, exhibiting magnetic interactions between them. Further, in solid state, two different values for magnetic coupling in this species were obtained, J/k = -(5.14 +/- 0.02) cm(-1) attributed to the mu(1, 1) azide-bridge mode, and J`z`/k = -(2.94 +/- 0.11) cm(-1) for the interaction between dinuclear moieties via water/perchorate bridges. Finally, an attempt was made to correlate structure and magnetic data for this dinuclear asymmetric end-on azido bridged-copper(II) 1 complex with those of another correlated dinuclear system, complex [Cu(2)L(2)Cl(2)](ClO(4))(2) 2, containing the same tridentate diimine ligand, but with chloro-bridged groups between the copper centres.
The diazocarbene radical, CNN, and the ions CNN(+) and CNN(-) were investigated at a high level of theory. Very accurate structural parameters for the states X(3)Sigma(-) and A(3)Pi of CNN, and X(2)Pi of both CNN(+) and CNN(-) were obtained with the UCCSD(T) method using correlated-consistent basis functions with extrapolations to the complete basis set limit, with valence only and also with all electrons correlated. Harmonic and anharmonic frequencies were obtained for all species and the Renner parameter and average frequencies evaluated for the Pi states. At the UCCSD(T)/CBS(T-5) level of theory, Delta(f)H(0 K) = 138.89 kcal/mol and Delta(f)H(298 K) = 139.65 kcal/mol were obtained for diazocarbene; for the ionization potential and the electron affinity of CNN, 10.969 eV (252.95 kcal/mol), and 1.743 eV (40.19 kcal/mol), respectively, are predicted. Geometry optimization was also carried out with the CASSCF/MRCI/CBS(T-5) approach for the states X(3)Sigma(-) A(3)Pi, and a(1)Delta of CNN, and with the CASSCF/MRSDCI/aug-cc-pVTZ approach for the states b(1)Sigma(+), c(1)Pi, d(1)Sigma(-), and B(3)Sigma(-), and excitation energies (T(e)) evaluated. Vertical energies were calculated for 15 electronic states, thus improving on the accuracy of the five transitions already described, and allowing for a reliable overview of a manifold of other states, which is expected to guide future spectroscopic experiments. This study corroborates the experimental assignment for the vertical transition X (3)Sigma(-) <- E (3)Pi.
Milk supplementation with milk proteins in four different levels was used to investigate the effect on acidification and textural properties of yogurt. Commercial skim milk powder was diluted in distilled water, and the supplements were added to give different enriched-milk bases; these were heat treated at 90 degrees C for 5 min. These mixtures were incubated with the bacterial cultures for fermentation in a water bath, at 42 degrees C, until pH 4.50 was reached. Chemical changes during fermentation were followed by measuring the pH. Protein concentration measurements, microbial counts of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, and textural properties (G`, G ``, yield stress and firmness) were determined after 24 h of storage at 4 degrees C. Yogurt made with milk supplemented with sodium caseinate resulted in significant properties changes, which were decrease in fermentation time, and increase in yield stress, storage modulus, and firmness, with increases in supplement level. Microstructure also differed from that of yogurt produced with milk supplemented with skim milk powder or sodium caseinate. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A new compact system encompassing in flow gas diffusion unit and a wall-jet amperometric FIA detector, coated with a supramolecular porphyrin film, was specially designed as an alternative to the time-consuming Monier-Williams method, allowing fast, reproducible and accurate analyses of free sulphite species in fruit juices. In fact, a linear response between 0.64 and 6.4 ppm of sodium sulphite. LOD = 0.043 ppm, relative standard deviation of +/- 1.5% (n = 10) and analytical frequency of 85 analyses/h were obtained utilising optimised conditions. That superior analytical performance allows the precise evaluation of the amount of free sulphite present in foods, providing an important comparison between the standard addition and the standard injection methods. Although the first one is most frequently used, it was strongly influenced by matrix effects because of the unexpected reactivity of sulphite ions with the juice matrixes, leading to its partial consumption soon after addition. In contrast, the last method was not susceptible to matrix effects yielding accurate results, being more reliable for analytical purposes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Spectroscopic investigation of the interactions between emeraldine base polyaniline and Eu(III) ions
The interactions of emeraldine base form of polyaniline (EB-PANI) and Eu(III) ions in 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP) solution and in films have been investigated by UV-vis-NIR, resonance Raman. luminescence and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies. These spectroscopic techniques allowed to characterize quinone and semiquinone segments in the polymeric chains. and the oxidation state of europium ions in Eu-PANI samples. For high values of Eu(III)/N molar ratio (24/1) the presence of a weak polaronic absorption band at 980 nm in UV-vis-NIR spectrum and the observation of bands at 1330 and 1378 (nu(center dot)(C-N+)) cm(-1) due to emeraldine salt in the Raman spectrum at 1064 nm indicate a low doping degree. Oxidation of EB-PANI to pernigraniline base (PB-PANI) occurs in diluted solutions. The experimental data showed that the solvent plays an important role on the nature of formed species. The narrow EPR signal at g = 2.006 (line width 8G) confirms the presence of PANI radical cations in Eu-PANI film. The absence of broad signal characteristic of Eu(II) in EPR spectrum suggested that europium ions are primarily at Eu(III) oxidation state. The luminescence spectra of Eu-PANI film presented emission bands at 405 and 418 nm assigned to PANI moieties and bands at 594,615 and 701 nm assigned to (5)D(0) -> (7)F(J) (J = 1, 2 and 4, respectively) transitions of Eu(III). EPR and photoluminescence data confirm that europium ions are mainly in Eu(III) oxidation state in Eu(III)/PANI films. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The stereoselective nucleophilic addition of potassium alkyltrifluoroborates to cyclic N-acyliminium ions derived from N-benzyl-3,4,5-triacetoxy-pyrrolidin-2-one, which affords 5-substituted-pyrrolidin-2-ones, is described. The products are obtained in moderate to good yields and are produced predominantly as the anti diastereomer.
Trimercaptotriazine-modified gold nanoparticles exhibit strong SERS effects,(1) yielding vibrational profiles very sensitive to the presence of heavy metal ions. Because of the contrasting response observed for selected vibrational bands in the SERS profiles, they provide useful nanoprobes for Hg2+ and Cd2+ ions, allowing direct quantitative assays by employing relative peak intensity ratios instead of using internal standards.
Resonance Raman, FTIR, X-ray diffraction, UV-vis-NIR, electron paramagnetic resonance, X-ray absorption at Si K-edge and electron microscopy were employed for characterizing the products formed through electrochemical oxidation of intercalated anilinium ions inside the cationic montmorillonite (MMT) clay. The layer silicate structure was not affected by the anilinium oxidation between the layers. The intercalated products present only an electronic absorption band at 400 nm, very low conductivity (ca. 10(-7) S cm(-1)) and their Raman spectrum displays bands, with high relative intensities, assigned to the benzidine dication, indicating that this product was formed in high amount. Nevertheless, bands that can be correlated to phenazine-like segments and 1,4-phenylenediamine repeat units (PANI like segments) are also observed. The very low EPR signal indicates that diamagnetic species are predominant. All results are compared to those obtained by anilinium-MMT chemically oxidized by persulfate and the differences are pointed out. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.