970 resultados para Salivary substitutes


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When analyzing the chromosomal polymorphism of D. subobscura natural populations it is assumed that the information provided by wild males and sons of wild females is equivalent. Thus, using both in the analysis it is possible to increase the sample size. However, it is important to verify whether there are significant differences between both groups or not. The aim of this research has been to statistically compare the results of chromosomal polymorphism of both groups. We have used data from Avala Mountain (Serbia) where D. subobscura flies were collected from the 30th May to the 5th June 2011. Avala is located 18 km south of Belgrade and the trapping place is a forest with polydominant communities of Fagetum submontanum Table 1. Number and percentage of adult flies collected in Font Groga (Barcelona, Spain) on 9th October 2013. Males and sons of wild females were crossed with virgin females of the Küsnacht strain. Third instar larvae from F1 were dissected to obtain the salivary glands and the polytene chromosomes were stained and squashed in aceto-orcein solution. No significant differences were observed for any chromosome of the karyotype: A (p-value = 0.485), J (p-value = 0.230), U (p-value =0.572), E (p-value = 0.536), and O (p-value = 0.338). Thus, it seems that the two groups can be grouped together to obtain the chromosomal polymorphism of the population.


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Gadolinium oxyortho-silicate, Gd2SiO5, presents a monoclinic structure with two crystallographic sites in which Gd3+ ions are equally distributed with coordination numbers CN, 7 and 9, respectively. By doping this host with Er3+ it is possible to distinguish and attribute the two sites by means of lifetime determination of the 4S3/2 state, (in this case, Er3+ substitutes Gd3+ ions). Samples doped with 0.1 and 5.0% molar Er3+ were prepared by solid state reaction and characterized by X-ray Diffractometry, Vibrational and Electronic Absorption Spectroscopies, and Time Resolved Photoluminescence. Based on the experimental results, it is possible to verify that, for the 5,0% doped sample, the lifetime value of the 4S3/2 state of the erbium ion inserted in site 1, (CN = 9), is 2.7 ± 0.1 mus, and for the one inserted in site 2, (CN = 7), it is 1.5 ± 0.1 mus.


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Tulevaisuusorientaatio on tullut entistä tärkeämmäksi myös koulumaailmassa johtuen yhteiskunnassa nopeasti eteen tulevista muutoksista. On myös esitetty epäilyjä, että tulevaisuuteen reagoimisessa heikoin tilanne olisikin juuri kuntatason päätöksenteossa. Ymmärrys ja tieto opettajan työstä nimenomaan opettajan omasta perspektiivistä tarkasteltuna mahdollistavat lähtökohdan ja edellytykset todelliselle koulun uudistamiselle. Peruskysymys, johon tässä tutkimuksessa etsittiin vastausta oli: Millaisia ovat lukion aineenopettajien käsitykset lukion muutosprosesseista ja miten he visioivat oman lukionsa ja yleensä lukioiden tulevaisuutta? Aineiston keruu osui ajankohtaan, joka oli hyvin otollinen tulevaisuuden tarkasteluun, sillä uusi opetussuunnitelma otettiin käyttöön kaikissa Suomen lukioissa viimeistään lukuvuonna 2005-2006. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana kaksi hyvin erilaista lukiota Länsi-Suomen läänistä eli pieni maaseudun lukio ja hyvin suuri kaupunkilukio. Tutkimusaineiston keruu eteni kaksivaiheisesti: informoitu kysely ja teemahaastattelu. Tutkimusjoukon suuruus oli yhteensä 20, joista puolet oli miehiä ja puolet naisia. Aineenopettajien käsityksiä muutoksista ja visioista tutkittiin fenomenografisen tutkimusotteen avulla. Fenomenografiassa kiinnostuksen kohteena ovat ihmisten erilaiset käsitykset todellisuudesta ja näin saatava ymmärrys tavoista, joilla ihmiset kokevat tilanteita ja maailmaa. Organisaation muutosprosesseja voidaan kutsua myös oppimiseksi. Tutkimuksen oppivan organisaation näkökulmat perustuivat juuri yhteistyössä tapahtuvaan yhteisen toiminnan kehittämiseen. Aineenopettajien käsityksiä työyhteisöstään tarkasteltiin seuraavista oppivan organisaatiomallin näkökulmista: vuorovaikutus, päätöksenteko sekä rehtorin ja aineenopettajan rooli ja asema työyhteisössä. Aineenopettajien keskeisimmät käsitykset muutoksista lukiossa viime vuosina kohdistuivat aineenopettajan ammattirooliin ja lukio-opiskelijaan sekä opiskelijalta vaadittaviin lukio-opintoihin. Muutokset ammattiroolissa korostavat tutkimustulosten perusteella aineenopettajilta vaadittavia muitakin kuin opetettavien aineiden hallintataitoja. Suoranaista ammattitaidon puutetta opettajat kokivat varsinkin ryhmänohjaustehtävien yhteydessä, osittain myös uusien oppimisympäristöjen, esimerkiksi verkkopedagogisten taitojen, yhteydessä. Opettajien lisäkoulutuksen tarve koetaan konkreettisena, mutta sekä koulutusten sisältöihin, järjestelyihin ja ajankohtiin että koulun sijais- ym. järjestelyihin kaivattaisiin parannuksia. Verrattuna aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin näyttäisi siltä, että luokaton lukio on saanut opettajat enenevässä määrin huolestumaan opiskelijoiden syrjäytymisriskistä ja hyvinvoinnista. Opiskelijoiden syrjäytymisriskin kasvu lukio-opintojen aikana nouseekin yhdeksi lukion pessimistiseksi skenaarioksi. Muista pessimistisistä skenaarioista lukiolle, jotka saattoi johtaa tutkimustuloksista, voidaan mainita työyhteisön demokratiavajeen syveneminen sekä opetussuunnitelmasisältöjen ja ylioppilastutkintovaatimusten välisen kuilun syveneminen. Aineenopettajien käsitykset oman lukionsa visioista olivat sisällöiltään pääosin välineellisiä ja ne kohdentuivat kaikki opiskelijoihin. Esimerkiksi työyhteisöllisiä kehittämisajatuksia ei visioissa ilmennyt. Myöskään visioinnin dynaamisuus ei aineistossa korostunut. Aineenopettajien käsitykset visioiden arvopohjasta heijastivat perinteistä suomalaista arvomaailmaa eli itsekuria, velvollisuudentuntoa, kuuliaisuutta esivaltaa kohtaan ja perinteisten arvojen kunnioittamista. Sen sijaan antiikista perityviä Sokrateen edustamia keskustelua ja auktoriteettien kyseenalaistamista ei arvoissa ilmennyt, eikä myöskään uusliberalistista individualismia. Käsitykset visioiden synnystä näyttävät parhaiten selittävän opettajan muita käsityksiä liittyen visioon, visiointiin ja työyhteisöllisiin vaikutusmahdollisuuksiin sekä opettajan tulevaisuusorientoitumiseen.. Käsitykset vision syntytaustasta voidaan jakaa seuraaviin pää- ja alakategorioihin: 1. auktoriteettikeskeinen visiointi: johdon linjaus tai valtakunnallinen linjaus, 2. yhteisökeskeinen visiointi: yhteisöllinen linjaus tai toiminnallinen linjaus ja 3. yksilökeskeinen visiointi. Pessimistisimmiksi eli vähiten tulevaisuusorientoituneiksi opettajiksi työyhteisössä osoittautuivat ne opettajat, jotka pitivät oman lukionsa visiota koulun johdon sanelemana. Monet teoriat oppivasta organisaatiosta korostavat johtajuuden merkitystä työyhteisöä kehitettäessä. Johtajuuden merkitys nousi tämänkin tutkimuksen aineistosta keskeisesti esiin. Pyrkimystä kohti oppivaa organisaatiota opettajien puheista löytyy paljonkin, esimerkkeinä viittaukset johtajuuden ja vuorovaikutustapojen kehittämistarpeisiin. Sen sijaan opettajien puheet omista työyhteisöllisistä kehittymistarpeistaan, ns. alaistaidot, jäivät vähäisiksi. Tutkimustuloksista on luotu sovellusmalli kouluyhteisöjen visioinnin ja muun kehittämistyön tueksi.


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The private sector plays an increasing and relevant role in highway funding and management. For that reason, the regulation designed and enforced by public authorities becomes even more important for the social welfare results generated by this process. In this study, we analyze the current trends in highway funding and management paying special attention on the recent process of privatization and its motivations. Since public ownership and regulation are substitutes for government intervention, we check the hypothesis that highways privatization induces more strict regulation. Indeed, we observe that as the private sector increases its size, toll regulation becomes more detailed.


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Probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the mouth – in vitro studies on saliva-mediated functions and acid production Probiotics are viable bacteria which, when used in adequate amounts, are beneficial to the health of the host. Although most often related to intestinal health, probiotic bacteria can be found also in the mouth after consumption of products that contain them. This study aimed at evaluating the oral effects of probiotic bacteria already in commercial use. In a series of in vitro studies, the oral colonisation potential of different probiotic bacteria, their acid production and potential saliva-mediated effects on oral microbial ecology were investigated. The latter included effects on the salivary pellicle, the adhesion of other bacteria, and the activation of the peroxidase system. Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus gordonii, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and Helicobacter pylori were used as bacterial indicators of the studied phenomena. There were significant differences between the probiotic strains in their colonisation potential. They all were acidogenic, although using different sugars and sugar alcohols. However, their acid production could be inhibited by the peroxidase system. Based on the results, it can be suggested that probiotic bacteria might influence the oral microbiota by different, partly species or strain-specific means. These include the inhibition of bacterial adhesion, modification of the enamel pellicle, antimicrobial activity, and activation of the peroxidase system. To conclude, probiotic strains differed from each other in their colonisation potential and other oral effects as evaluated in vitro. Both positive and potentially harmful effects were observed, but the significance of the perceived results needs to be further evaluated in vivo.


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Oral implantology is a common procedure in dentistry, especially for fully or partially edentulous patients. The implants must be placed in the best location from both the aesthetic and functional point of view. Because of this it is increasingly more frequent to resort to regeneration techniques that use substitutes of the bone itself, in order to be able to insert the implants in the most appropriate location. Material and Methodology: A review was performed on the literature from the last ten years based on the following search limitations: "graft materials', 'allograft', 'xenograft', 'autologous graft" and 'dentistry". Results: 241 works were obtained that after reading their respective summaries, they were reduced to 38, and 9 previous works were included in order to summarize the concepts. Discussion: Autologous grafts are the 'gold standard' of the bone regeneration. They have obvious advantages, but they also have drawbacks. This is why allogeneic and xenogeneic tissues are used. The former because of their clear similarity with the recipient's tissue and the latter due to their wide availability. Given that these grafts also have drawbacks, the industry has developed synthetic materials that have properties similar to those of human bone tissue. However, as of today, the ideal material to substitute human bone has not yet been found. In recent years the tendency has been to combine these synthetic materials with the patient's own bone, which is extracted during drilling in implant placement, with bone marrow aspiration, or with bone morphogenetic proteins. Thus the intention is to equip these substances with the osteogenic capacity. Conclusions: There is currently no ideal graft material, with the exception of those materials that come directly from the patient. We hope that in the coming years we will have products that will allow us to perform rehabilitations with better results and provide a better quality of life for our patients, especially those who have more complex situations to resolve, like the patients that are operated on for head and neck cancer


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the antioxidant properties of ginger and rosemary extracts, obtained by supercritical extraction. The extracts were characterized by HPLC, GC-MS, phenolic compounds content and antioxidant activity. The main active compounds were identified and high content of phenolic compounds was observed. The extracts presented high antioxidant activity against the free radicals ABTS•+ (350 and 200 mM Trolox/g, for ginger and rosemary, respectively) and DPPH•+ (145 and 80 mM Trolox/g, for ginger and rosemary, respectively). These results suggested that the attained extracts are potential substitutes of synthetic antioxidants used in chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries.


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Vanadium-containing molecular sieves are redox catalysts and are good candidates as substitutes for oxide-supported V2O5 in a number of reactions. These materials have the advantage of presenting better dispersion of vanadium species, as well as shape-selective properties and controllable acidities. They may be prepared by one-pot synthesis or by post-synthesis methods and a number of techniques such as diffuse reflectance UV-visible spectroscopy, 51V nuclear magnetic resonance and electron paramagnetic resonance, to name but a few, have been used to characterize these materials. In this review, methods of preparation of vanadium-modified molecular sieves, their characterization and applications in catalysis are discussed.


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Human milk has characteristics of great importance for the newborn. Its composition shows all nutrients in quantity and quality needed, in addition to providing protection against infections and allergies and stimulating the immune system. Therefore, the composition of fatty acids and their distribution in the triacylglycerols are targets of studies on infant formula, and the triacylglycerols of human milk fat should serve as a model for the lipid components. This review aims to report studies of technology in lipids in order to produce structured lipids as substitutes of human milk fat.


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Ni–W–P electrodeposits were synthesized in a Hull cell in order to simulate the obtainment under industrial conditions. Complete coverage of panels was accomplished by applying total currents of 1.0 and 2.0 A. Panels obtained with a current of 1.0 A appeared brighter. The best compositional uniformities, as determined by Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) occurred in the current density ranges of 0.6 to 3.0 A dm−2 and 1.6 to 6.0 A dm−2 obtained with 1.0 and 2.0 A, respectively. However, the best morphological characteristics, as determined by Scanning Electro Microscope (SEM), were observed in those obtained with a total current of 1.0 A. Analysis of corrosion resistance by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Potentiodynamic Linear Polarization (PLP) in NaCl have shown significant variations in the amount of corrosion potential, polarization resistance, and even total impedance. The alloys exhibited amorphous character (XRD) and crystallized above 400 °C to Ni and Ni3P phases, and possibly Ni–W, with a subsequent increase in hardness. The results suggest that under industrial conditions, current density variations due to the large and complex geometric shapes of substrates lead to formation of distinct alloys. Furthermore, these materials are potential substitutes for chromium deposits in many applications.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia teollisuudelle aineita maahantuovan perheyrityksen toimintaympäristössä tapahtuvaa muutosta. Tutkimuksessa lähestytään yrityksen muuttuvaa toimintaympäristöä strategian näkökulmasta ja otetaan huomioon muuttuvana seikkana lainsäädäntö eli REACH -kemikaaliasetus. Tutkimuksen tutkimusongelmaa käsitellään konstruktiivisen tutkimuksen tapaan. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen tapaan keräämällä tutkimustietoa valmiista aineistosta kuten arkistoista, dokumenteista ja kirjallisuudesta. Tutkimukseen on myös käytetty havaintoja, haastatteluja ja arkikokemuksia tutkimuksen kohteesta. Tutkimuksen viitekehyksessä käytiin läpi strategian teoriaa ulkoisesta toimintaympäristöstä yrityksen sisäiseen toimintaympäristöön. Yritykselle laadittiin strategiakeskeinen malli ottaen huomioon uuden lain tuomat vaikutukset yrityksen sisäiseen ja ulkoiseen toimintaympäristöön. Lakimuutoksen vaikutuspintoja löytyi kaksi: yrityksen toimialan toimintaympäristö ja sisäinen toimintaympäristö. Toimialan toimintaympäristössä eriteltiin lakimuutoksen rajapinnat viiden kilpailuvoiman avulla. Tulokseksi saatiin, että REACH vaikuttaa vahvasti läpi koko toimitusketjun. Vaikutustavat ovat korvaavat tuotteet, ostajien vaikutusvalta ja toimittajien vaikutusvalta. Lisäksi yhtenä vaikuttajana voidaan pitää uusia tulijoita sekä kilpailua nykyisten yritysten kanssa. Yrityksen sisäisestä toimintaympäristöstä löydettiin arvoketjun avulla lisää vaikutuskohtia. Ne olivat raaka-aineiden hankinnat, dokumentointi, näytteiden lähetys, varastointi ja varastokirjanpito. Lisäksi huomioitiin tukitoiminnoista lakiasiat ja henkilöstön koulutus.


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The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the short- and long-term effectiveness of a prefabricated occlusal appliance (R) on patients with myofascial pain and headache by comparing it with the treatment of the stabilization appliance (S). Another aim was to evaluate the effect of appliance treatment on stress-related salivary parameters like cortisol and IgA, as well as on flow rate values in these patients. Sixty-five patients diagnosed with myofascial temporomandibular disorder (TMD) pain, of whom 94% suffered concomitantly from headache, at two centres for Stomatognathic Physiology, one in Sweden and one in Finland, were included in this randomized controlled trial using Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD), with history questionnaires and clinical examinations performed at baseline and at 6- and 10-weeks, and 6- and 12-month follow-ups. Patients were randomly assigned either to the R or the S group. Treatment outcome was measured according to IMMPACT (Initiative on Methods, Measurements, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials), i.e. four chronic pain outcome domains: pain intensity, overall improvement, physical and emotional functioning. Changes in frequency and intensity of headache were recorded. Thirty-nine patients participated in the saliva study. Salivary analyses were performed at 6 and 10 weeks. The results revealed no differences between groups at baseline. At all follow-ups, all four outcome measures, as well as frequency and intensity of headache, showed statistically significant within-group improvement compared to baseline, without significant differences between groups. No treatment-induced changes in saliva parameters could be registered. In conclusion, the effectiveness of the prefabricated appliance seemed to be similar to that of the stabilization appliance in alleviating myofascial pain, and frequency and intensity of headache, in the short as well as the long term. However, no changes in salivary parameters were observed during treatment.


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Novel biomaterials are needed to fill the demand of tailored bone substitutes required by an ever‐expanding array of surgical procedures and techniques. Wood, a natural fiber composite, modified with heat treatment to alter its composition, may provide a novel approach to the further development of hierarchically structured biomaterials. The suitability of wood as a model biomaterial as well as the effects of heat treatment on the osteoconductivity of wood was studied by placing untreated and heat‐treated (at 220 C , 200 degrees and 140 degrees for 2 h) birch implants (size 4 x 7mm) into drill cavities in the distal femur of rabbits. The follow‐up period was 4, 8 and 20 weeks in all in vivo experiments. The flexural properties of wood as well as dimensional changes and hydroxyl apatite formation on the surface of wood (untreated, 140 degrees C and 200 degrees C heat‐treated wood) were tested using 3‐point bending and compression tests and immersion in simulated body fluid. The effect of premeasurement grinding and the effect of heat treatment on the surface roughness and contour of wood were tested with contact stylus and non‐contact profilometry. The effects of heat treatment of wood on its interactions with biological fluids was assessed using two different test media and real human blood in liquid penetration tests. The results of the in vivo experiments showed implanted wood to be well tolerated, with no implants rejected due to foreign body reactions. Heat treatment had significant effects on the biocompatibility of wood, allowing host bone to grow into tight contact with the implant, with occasional bone ingrowth into the channels of the wood implant. The results of the liquid immersion experiments showed hydroxyl apatite formation only in the most extensively heat‐treated wood specimens, which supported the results of the in vivo experiments. Parallel conclusions could be drawn based on the results of the liquid penetration test where human blood had the most favorable interaction with the most extensively heat‐treated wood of the compared materials (untreated, 140 degrees C and 200 degrees C heat‐treated wood). The increasing biocompatibility was inferred to result mainly from changes in the chemical composition of wood induced by the heat treatment, namely the altered arrangement and concentrations of functional chemical groups. However, the influence of microscopic changes in the cell walls, surface roughness and contour cannot be totally excluded. The heat treatment was hypothesized to produce a functional change in the liquid distribution within wood, which could have biological relevance. It was concluded that the highly evolved hierarchical anatomy of wood could yield information for the future development of bulk bone substitutes according to the ideology of bioinspiration. Furthermore, the results of the biomechanical tests established that heat treatment alters various biologically relevant mechanical properties of wood, thus expanding the possibilities of wood as a model material, which could include e.g. scaffold applications, bulk bone applications and serving as a tool for both mechanical testing and for further development of synthetic fiber reinforced composites.


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Astringency is traditionally thought to be induced by plant tannins in foods. Because of this current research concerning the mechanism of astringency is focused on tannin‐protein interactions and thus on precipitation, which may be perceived by mechanoreceptors. However, astringency is elicited by a wide range of different phenolic compounds, as well as, some non‐phenolic compounds in various foods. Many ellagitannins or smaller compounds that contribute to astringent properties do not interact with salivary proteins and may be directly perceived through some receptors. Generally, the higher degree of polymerization of proanthocyanidins can be associated with more intense astringency. However, the astringent properties of smaller phenolic compounds may not be directly predicted from the structure of a compound, although glycosylation has a significant role. The astringency of organic acids may be directly linked to the perception of sourness, and this increases along with decreasing pH. Astringency can be divided into different sub‐qualities, including even other qualities than traditional mouth‐drying, puckering or roughing sensations. Astringency is often accompanied by bitter or sour or both taste properties. The different sub‐qualities can be influenced by different astringent compounds. In general, the glycolysation of the phenolic compound results in more velvety and smooth mouthdrying astringency. Flavonol glycosides and other flavonoid compounds and ellagitannins contribute to this velvety mouthdrying astringency. Additionally, they often lack the bitter properties. Proanthocyanidins and phenolic acids elicit more puckering and roughing astringency with some additional bitter properties. Quercetin 3‐O‐rutinoside, along with other quercetin glycosides, is among the key astringent compounds in black tea and red currants. In foods, there are always various other additional attributes that are perceived at the same with astringency. Astringent compounds themselves may have other sensory characteristics, such as bitter or sour properties, or they may enhance or suppress other sensory properties. Components contributing to these other properties, such as sugars, may also have similar effects on astringent sensations. Food components eliciting sweetness or fattiness or some polymeric polysaccharides can be used to mask astringent subqualities. Astringency can generally be referred to as a negative contributor to the liking of various foods. On the other hand, perceptions of astringent properties can vary among individuals. Many genetic factors that influence perceptions of taste properties, such as variations in perceiving a bitter taste or variations in saliva, may also effect the perception of astringency. Individuals who are more sensitive to different sensations may notice the differences between astringent properties more clearly. This may not have effects on the overall perception of astringency. However, in many cases, the liking of astringent foods may need to be learned by repetitive exposure. Astringency is often among the key sensory properties forming the unique overall flavour of certain foods, and therefore it also influences whether or not a food is liked. In many cases, astringency may be an important sub‐property suppressed by other more abundant sensory properties, but it may still have a significant contribution to the overall flavour and thus consumer preferences. The results of the practical work of this thesis show that the astringent phenolic compounds are mostly located in the skin fractions of black currants, crowberries and bilberries (publications I–III). The skin fractions themselves are rather tasteless. However, the astringent phenolic compounds can be efficiently removed from these skin fractions by consecutive ethanol extractions. Berries contain a wide range of different flavonol glycosides, hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives and anthocyanins and some of them strongly contribute to the different astringent and bitterness properties. Sweetness and sourness are located in the juice fractions along with the majority of sugars and fruit acids. The sweet and sour properties of the juice may be used to mask the astringent and bitterness properties of the extracts. Enzymatic treatments increase the astringent properties and fermented flavour of the black currant juice and decrease sweetness and freshness due to the effects on chemical compositions (IV). Sourness and sweetness are positive contributors to the liking of crowberry and bilberry fractions, whereas bitterness is more negative (V). Some astringent properties in berries are clearly negative factors, whereas some may be more positive. The liking of berries is strongly influenced by various consumer background factors, such as motives and health concerns. The liking of berries and berry fractions may also be affected by genetic factors, such as variations in the gene hTAS2R38, which codes bitter taste receptors (V).


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Tässä työssä tutkittiin lämpöpumppujärjestelmiä, joilla tuotetaan samaan aikaan kylmä- ja lämpötehoa. Höyryn puristus lämpöpumppu on yleisimmin käytetty lämpöpumpputyyppi ja sen pääkomponentit ovat kompressori, lauhdutin, paisuntaventtiili ja höyrystin. Lämpöpumppu tuottaa samaan aikaan kylmätehoa höyrystimellä ja lämpötehoa lauhduttimella. Lämpöpumpun toiminta-arvoihin vaikuttaa valittujen lämpötilatasojen lisäksi voimakkaasti valitun kiertoaineen termodynaamiset ominaisuudet sekä kompressorin painesuhteeseen verrannollinen isentrooppihyötysuhde. Uusissa lämpöpumpuissa käytetään HFC yhdisteitä sekä sekoituksia kiertoaineina, mutta myös luonnolliset aineet, kuten ammoniakki, ovat lupaavia korvikkeita CFC yhdisteille. Sopivia sovelluskohteita kylmä- ja lämpötehon yhteistuotannolle ovat kauppa- ja asuinrakennukset, hotellit, toimistot, elintarviketeollisuus ja -myymälät sekä vierekkäiset jää- ja uimahallit ja hiihtoputket. Kylmä- ja lämpötehon yhteistuotannolla voitaisiin saavuttaa merkittäviä säästöjä ja päästövähennyksiä. Esimerkiksi jäähallien kylmäkoneiden lauhdelämmön hyödyntämisessä olisi Suomessa potentiaalia 6-10 miljoonan euron vuotuisiin säästöihin. Kylmä- ja lämpötehon yhteistuotanto voidaan toteuttaa hyödyntämällä kylmäkoneen lauhdelämpöä toisella lämpöpumpulla. Toinen vaihtoehto on käyttää eri tilojen samanaikaiseen lämmittämiseen ja jäähdyttämiseen HPS lämpöpumppua tai moniyksikköistä lämpöpumppua.