999 resultados para Pedagogical familiar investment
In the last few years, Economic Theory has revised two basic ideas around the economics of the household: that family income is the result of the individual income of each of its members (income pooling), and that all family members living in the household have equal access to its resources. Unequal access to family resources (among women and men, on the one hand, and among the elderly, adults and children, on the other), is now understood as an input (for instance, that women eat less food and of worst quality than men), and as an output (for instance that women have poorer health, higher epidemic mortality, or are less tall than men as a result, among other things, of having received less food and poorer medical care, and/or of a heavier workload). Despite the fact that inequality in intrafamily consumption has become the center of attention in academic and international agencies, it can still not be found in the agenda of Economic History. In this paper we look at some of the resources consumed by Spanish families in the 19th century: food, alcoholic beverages, clothes and shoes. Medical topographies, our main source, suggest that unequal access to family resources among household members had a strong impact on their health and wellbeing.
Ja fa temps que es parla del futur de la famlia tradicional, per sembla que darrerament aquest tema ha adquirit una especial rellevncia, i fins i tot un partit poltic ha proposat la creaci d'un ministeri de la famlia i afers socials. La famlia s la instituci social ms antiga de la humanitat, anterior a la nostra prpia espcie, i la seva estructura ha anat canviant al llarg del temps adaptant-se a les diverses situacions. Segons l'antropologia cultural, una famlia s una unitat social i econmica formada com a mnim per un o ms progenitors i els seus fills [...].
The thesis investigates if venture capital investments affect the development of SMEs positively. The thesis will also view the presence of venture capitalists affect on the capital structure of SMEs and other company determinants in the financial crisis. The theories effecting to SME investment has been presented to provide background information. The data consist of the financial statement data and the results a corporate questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of 63 questions and 860 corporate answered the questionnaire. The result shows that venture capitalist seems to have a negative effect on SMEs productivity. Also SMEs with a venture capitalist have more negative outlook for future in the financial crisis.
The aim of this masters thesis is to analyze the effects of Foreign Direct Investments on growth in selected Central and Eastern European transition countries. The theoretical part of this thesis, introduces growth theories and how FDI is covered in those theories. In addition, the results from previous studies, which have studied FDIs effect on growth, are presented in this masters thesis. This work introduces also the economical progress during the transition period in selected countries. In the empirical parts regression model, it will be searched for the direct effect of FDI on growth with panel data collected from nine transition countries.
This thesis studies venture capital investment on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The specific objective of the study is to test whether venture capitalists have a positive effect on SMEs. In addition effect of several other factors is studied in financial crisis. Used determinants are formulated based on three capital structure theories. The pecking order theory concerns favoring on financing source over another. The agency theory and the tradeoff theory concentrate on the search of optimal capital structure. The data of this study consist of financial statement data and results of corporate questionnaire. Regression analysis was used to find out the effects of several determinants. Regression models were formed based on the presented theories. SMEs with and without venture capitalists were considered separately. It was found that venture capitalists have a positive effect on SMEs. Although some results between SMEs with and without venture capitalists were mixed.
Purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of Russia's economic environment changes in the total return indexes of Finnish companies. The research data consisted of Finnish publicly listed companies, which have made physical investments to Russia, and operating in the area. The study used six different variables to model the Russian operating environment. The data consists of total return indexes of Finnish companies. From those we calculated the monthly mean interval between timeline of 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2009. Sample period is divided into two different parts. Variables impact on companies' total return indices is tested by regression analysis. By F-test we tested significance of model and squared coefficient correlation told us how much model explains from changes. Goodness of the -coefficient is tested in the model by t-test. The research results shows that the Russian operating environment, or changes in which the active Finnish companies in total return indices. On partial sample periods results were not so significant.
Researching research is not a common theme in educational drama. Nor is the educational drama process from a participant perspective a typical focus of research, at least not if the participants are disabled. Yet this is the theme of this thesis, a drama in three acts. The aim of this thesis is to describe, analyse, and discuss both the ways in which research within educational drama can be carried out and represented, and the experiences of the participants of the educational drama process. The theoretical framework that steers the research process is built up of two pairs of frames, each of them, like Russian nesting dolls, containing further frames. The first frame, relating to the outcomes of conducting research in educational drama, comprises philosophical, representational, and personal theories. As the second question asks what educational drama is, the subject related frame is built up of pedagogical, drama educational, and aesthetic theories. The study in its entirety follows the structure of the researchers hermeneutical learning process and takes the form of a journey starting from what is familiar, stretching towards what is new and different, and finally returning back to the beginning with a new view on what was there at the start. The thesis consists of two separate but related studies. The first, a familiar study conducted earlier, Alpha in Act I, was carried out among upper secondary school pupils. In the second, the new and therefore unfamiliar study, Omega in Act III, the participants are adult individuals who are physically and communicatively disabled. In between these two Acts an element of Verfremdung where the Alpha study is systematically scrutinized as the purpose is to teach and to manage the reader to think. Meta-discussions on the philosophical issues of the study are conducted throughout the text, parallel to the empirical parts. The outcomes of the first research question show that philosophical, methodical, and representational consistency is crucial for research. While this may sound like stating the obvious, this has nevertheless not always been considered fact, especially not within qualitative research. The outcomes further stress that representational issues are also to be recognized when presenting non-rational aspects of educational drama. By wording the world, through the use of visualising language, the surplus of meanings of educational drama can be, as they are within this study, made visible, sensible, and almost tangible, not only cognitively understandable. The outcomes of the second question point to the different foci of the studies, with Alpha focusing on the rationally retold experiences and Omega focusing on nonrational experiences. The outcomes expose educational drama as a learning process comprising doing, reflecting, and being. The doing aspect communicates the concrete efforts in creating a piece of theatre, while the being aspect relates experiences of being as situated, embodied and sensuous, reciprocal, empowering, aesthetic and artistic, and existential. Reflection is the twine that runs throughout the process and connects both doing and being. In summary, the outcomes could be formulated as learning from learning how to make theatre.
INTRODUO: Visando atualizar suas prticas pedaggicas, atender as exigncias da comunidade, da reestruturao do sistema de sade e os avanos tecnolgicos, a Faculdade de Cincias Mdicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas implementou uma grande reforma curricular para alunos ingressantes de 2001. OBJETIVO: Descrever uma experincia de ensino voltada integrao dos conhecimentos para ateno aos indivduos nas diversas fases da vida, dentro da realidade de assistncia primria sade, com nfase no conhecimento, nas habilidades clnicas, na responsabilizao e nas atitudes humansticas e ticas. MTODOS: No novo currculo, a integrao intra, inter e transdisciplinar foi estruturada em mdulos interdepartamentais, insero progressiva das disciplinas clnicas, contato mais cedo e progressivo do aluno com a sistema de sade, preservando mdulos integradores horizontais e verticais. A iniciao da prtica clnica em Centros de Sade tem, no quarto ano, 432 horas destinada a atendimentos clnico-ambulatoriais de assistncia criana, mulher, ao adulto e ao idoso num contexto de sade da famlia. A superviso realizada por professores, mdicos assistentes da Faculdade e tutores selecionados entre os profissionais da rede primria de sade. O Programa Nacional de Reorientao da Formao Profissional em Sade Pr-Sade facilitou a insero e a parceria do curso de medicina com as UBS. O contedo terico integrado em seminrios ministrados em dois perodos semanais e avaliado por meio de provas tericas (conhecimento cognitivo). As habilidades e competncias nas atividades clnicas so avaliadas por meio de discusses terico-prticas quinzenais ao longo do estgio, avaliaes clnicas estruturadas de atendimentos criana, mulher e adulto, alm da composio de portflio com planilha de atendimentos totais, casos selecionados para reviso e auto-crtica de aprendizado. RESULTADOS: O mdulo foi avaliado na forma de fruns semestrais de discusso, com participao de discentes, docentes, tutores e gestores. Os grupos foram unnimes em considerar plenamente atingidos os objetivos de responsabilizao, vnculo e tica, e parcialmente atingida a integrao dos contedos terico-prticos e trabalho em equipe. CONCLUSO: O currculo integrado propiciou uma viso clnica abrangente da famlia. Permitiu que o estudante se responsabilizasse e criasse vnculo com o paciente, entendendo a resolutividade e demandas da ateno bsica sade por meio de sua vivncia.
RESUMO A promoo de sade requer um trabalho com abordagens preventivas, educacionais, curativas e de controle da sade pelo prprio indivduo, sendo a motivao e a transformao social por meio da conscientizao as nicas propostas viveis para a diminuio das doenas bucais. O objetivo deste programa foi promover a sade de forma ampla, atingindo vrios atores sociais, e trabalhar a autonomia e a modificao de hbitos essenciais para alteraes no fenmeno sade-doena. Foi desenvolvido na rede pblica de ensino do municpio de Patos (PB), com a participao de trs eixos – a famlia, os educadores e as crianas –, tendo como aes as prticas de promoo e educao em sade, anlise do nvel de conhecimento em sade bucal, realizao de tratamento restaurador atraumtico, alm de cursos de capacitao em sade bucal para educadores e agentes comunitrios de sade. O projeto teve aceitao por todos os eixos assistidos e alcanou como resultado a melhoria nos nveis de sade bucal e a criao de agentes multiplicadores de sade, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento da autonomia e integralidade em sade.
In this study, it was adjusted a mathematical model to measure the effect of electric motor efficiency on pumping system costs for irrigation on the tariff structure of conventional electricity and green horo-seasonal , and also to calculate the recovery period of the invested capital in higher efficiency equipment. Then, it was applied to a center pivot irrigation system in two options of electric motor efficiency, 92,6% (standard line) and 94,3% (high efficiency line), and the acquisition cost of the first corresponded to 70% the of the second. The power of the electric motor was 100hp. The results showed that the model allowed us to evaluate if a high efficiency motor was economically viable compared to the standard motor in each tariff structure. The high efficiency motor was not viable in the two tariff structures. In the green horo-seasonal tariff, would only be viable if its efficiency was 4.46% higher than the standard motor. In the conventional tariff, it would only be viable if the efficiency overcame 2.71%.
Embora a neoplasia gstrica maligna constitua-se numa das principais causas de mortalidade por cncer, as bases moleculares desta enfermidade permanecem ainda pouco compreendidas. Recentemente, a identificao de leses gstricas difusas ocorrendo em famlias com padro de transmisso tipicamente mendeliano, resultou no achado de um evento molecular nico: mutaes no gene da caderina-E. Esta entidade foi denominada cncer gstrico hereditrio. Apesar de rara, a sua identificao deve ser suspeitada na prtica clnica, j que possvel detectar-se casos precoces de cncer nestas famlias em alto risco. Como a anlise mutacional do gene da caderina-E s realizada em pouqussimos centros no mundo, importante tentar identificar estas famlias por meio de critrios de fcil acesso para qualquer profissional de sade. Este trabalho comenta os critrios sugeridos pelo International Gastric Cancer Linkage Consortium (IGCLC), propostos em 1999, alm de tentar estabelecer algumas diretrizes para o rastreamento das pessoas em risco.