1000 resultados para P. zopfii
Freshwater stingrays, or potamotrygonids, are restricted to Neotropical river drainages. These elasmobranchs are well adapted to freshwater environments and the number of described species gradually increases as further research is carried out. Some of the first studies on their systematics and natural history were carried out in the 1960s and 1970s in southern South America. However, there is no new published data on potamotrygonids from Uruguayan waters since then (except for local journal reports from sportive fishermen and specimens deposited in Uruguayan collections). The present study aims to record the recent occurrence of two species of potamotrygonids caught by sport fishermen, with comments on other published historical records for the same area. As many other elasmobranchs, these species have an important, but not always well understood, role in the Uruguayan rivers ecosystems.
RESUMO Piper arboreum Aubl. var. arboreum e P. tuberculatum Jacq. (Piperaceae), conhecidas como pimenta-longa, são comercializadas como produtos tradicionais fitoterápicos e, frequentemente, identificadas erroneamente, não havendo relatos sobre controle de qualidade dessas espécies. O objetivo do trabalho foi preparar e caracterizar drogas vegetais foliares e caulinares dessas espécies para estabelecer-lhes parâmetros de autenticidade botânica e grau de pureza para o controle de qualidade. Foram utilizados métodos padrões para o preparo e análises estrutural e fÃsico-quÃmica das drogas vegetais. São caracteres diagnósticos macroscópicos para distinguir as drogas vegetais Ãntegras: tamanho, forma, cor, sabor, textura, caracterÃsticas da superfÃcie de fratura e da secção transversal e os padrões de venação foliar. São caracteres diagnósticos para distinguir as drogas vegetais pulverizadas: padrões de cutÃcula e cera epicuticular, tipos de tricoma e espessamento parietal dos elementos traqueais e a forma do hilo dos grãos de amido. Emergências são marcadores morfológicos chave para as drogas vegetais de P. tuberculatum. Os valores dos parâmetros fÃsico-quÃmicos foram similares nas drogas vegetais das espécies, exceto o de cinzas ácido-insolúveis que foi maior nas drogas vegetais caulinares de P. arboreum var. arboreum. As maiores concentrações de metais ocorreram nas drogas vegetais de P. arboreum var. arboreum. As concentrações mais elevadas foram de Al, Cu, Mn e V e as mais baixas de Cd, Co e Hg. Os resultados obtidos poderão ser utilizados como parâmetros de controle de qualidade para as drogas vegetais de ambas as espécies.
Measurements of differential cross sections for J/ψ production in p+Pb collisions at sNN−−−−√=5.02 TeV at the CERN Large Hadron Collider with the ATLAS detector are presented. The data set used corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 28.1 nb−1. The J/ψ mesons are reconstructed in the dimuon decay channel over the transverse momentum range 8<pT<30GeV and over the center-of-mass rapidity range −2.87
The ATLAS Collaboration measures the inclusive production of Z bosons via their decays into electron and muon pairs in p+Pb collisions at sNN−−−√=5.02TeV at the Large Hadron Collider. The measurements are made using data corresponding to integrated luminosities of 29.4 and 28.1 nb−1 for Z→ee and Z→μμ, respectively. The results from the two channels are consistent and combined to obtain a cross section times the Z→ℓℓ branching ratio, integrated over the rapidity region ∣∣y∗Z|<3.5, of 139.8±4.8(statistical)±6.2(systematic)±3.8 (luminosity) nb. Differential cross sections are presented as functions of the Z boson rapidity and transverse momentum and compared with models based on parton distributions both with and without nuclear corrections. The centrality dependence of Z boson production in p+Pb collisions is measured and analyzed within the framework of a standard Glauber model and the model's extension for fluctuations of the underlying nucleon-nucleon scattering cross section.
Rare germline mutations in TP53 (17p13.1) cause a highly penetrant predisposition to a specific spectrum of early cancers, defining the Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS). A germline mutation at codon 337 (p.Arg337His, c1010G>A) is found in about 0.3% of the population of Southern Brazil. This mutation is associated with partially penetrant LFS traits and is found in the germline of patients with early cancers of the LFS spectrum unselected for familial his- tory. To characterize the extended haplotypes carrying the mutation, we have genotyped 9 short tandem repeats on chromosome 17p in 12 trios of Brazilian p.Arg337His carriers. Results confirm that all share a common ancestor haplotype of Caucasian/Portuguese-Ibe- ric origin, distant in about 72–84 generations (2000 years assuming a 25 years intergenera- tional distance) and thus pre-dating European migration to Brazil. So far, the founder p. Arg337His haplotype has not been detected outside Brazil, with the exception of two resi- dents of Portugal, one of them of Brazilian origin. On the other hand, increased meiotic recombination in p.Arg337His carriers may account for higher than expected haplotype diversity. Further studies comparing haplotypes in populations of Brazil and of other areas of Portuguese migration are needed to understand the historical context of this mutation in Brazil.
"Available online 22 March 2016"
OBJECTIVE: To assess the relation between P-wave and QT dispersions in elderly patients with heart failure. METHODS: Forty-seven elderly patients (75.6±6 years) with stable heart failure in NYHA functional classes II or III and with ejection fractions of 37±6% underwent body surface mapping to analyze P-wave and QT dispersions. The degree of correlation between P-wave and QT dispersions was assessed, and P-wave dispersion values in patients with QT dispersion greater than and smaller than 100 ms were compared. RESULTS: The mean values of P-wave and QT dispersions were 54±14 ms and 68±27 ms, respectively. The correlation between the 2 variables was R=0.41 (p=0.04). In patients with QT dispersion values > 100 ms, P-wave dispersion was significantly greater than in those with QT dispersion values < 100 ms (58±16 vs 53±12 ms, p=0.04 ). CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that, in elderly patients with heart failure, a correlation between the values of P-wave and QT dispersions exists. These findings may have etiopathogenic, pathophysiologic, prognostic, and therapeutic implications, which should be investigated in other studies.
v.1 (1897)
Dissertação de Mestrado em Comunicação Social, vertente de Comunicação Estratégica
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