998 resultados para Museu Guggenheim


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Steps of Waltmar Theatre, Moulton Hall, Chapman College, Orange, California. Completed in 1975 (2 floors, 44,592 sq.ft.), Moulton Hall is named in memory of an artist and patroness of the arts, Nellie Gail Moulton. Within this structure are the departments of Art, Communications, and Theatre/Dance as well as the Guggenheim Gallery and Waltmar Theatre. Waltmar Theatre was a gift from the late Walter and Margaret Schmid.


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Moulton Hall, Chapman College, Orange, California, ca. 1975. Designed by Leason Pomeroy III & Associates of Orange, using a tilt-up concrete construction method. Completed in 1975, this 44,592 sq.ft. building is named in memory of an artist and patroness of the arts, Nellie Gail Moulton. Within this structure are the departments of Art, Communications, and Theatre/Dance as well as the Guggenheim Gallery and Waltmar Theatre. Waltmar Theatre was a gift from the late Walter and Margaret Schmid. The Guggenheim Gallery is used for the art exhibits presented by the art department and other departments on campus.


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Moulton Hall, Chapman College, Orange, California, ca. 1975. Designed by Leason Pomeroy III & Associates of Orange, using a tilt-up concrete construction method. Completed in 1975, this 44,592 sq.ft. building is named in memory of an artist and patroness of the arts, Nellie Gail Moulton. Within this structure are the departments of Art, Communications, and Theatre/Dance as well as the Guggenheim Gallery and Waltmar Theatre. Waltmar Theatre was a gift from the late Walter and Margaret Schmid. The Guggenheim Gallery is used for the art exhibits presented by the art department and other departments on campus.


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Moulton Hall, Chapman College, Orange, California, ca. 1975. Designed by Leason Pomeroy III & Associates of Orange, using a tilt-up concrete construction method. Completed in 1975, this 44,592 sq.ft. building is named in memory of an artist and patroness of the arts, Nellie Gail Moulton. Within this structure are the departments of Art, Communications, and Theatre/Dance as well as the Guggenheim Gallery and Waltmar Theatre. Waltmar Theatre was a gift from the late Walter and Margaret Schmid. The Guggenheim Gallery is used for the art exhibits presented by the art department and other departments on campus.


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Moulton Hall under construction, Chapman College, Orange, California, ca. 1975. Designed by Leason Pomeroy III & Associates of Orange, using a tilt-up concrete construction method. Completed in 1975, this 44,592 sq.ft. building is named in memory of an artist and patroness of the arts, Nellie Gail Moulton. Within this structure are the departments of Art, Communications, and Theatre/Dance as well as the Guggenheim Gallery and Waltmar Theatre. Waltmar Theatre was a gift from the late Walter and Margaret Schmid. The Guggenheim Gallery is used for the art exhibits presented by the art department and other departments on campus.


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Waltmar Theatre steps, Moulton Hall, Chapman College, Orange, California, ca. 1975. Designed by Leason Pomeroy III & Associates of Orange, using a tilt-up concrete construction method. Completed in 1975, this 44,592 sq.ft. building is named in memory of an artist and patroness of the arts, Nellie Gail Moulton. Within this structure are the departments of Art, Communications, and Theatre/Dance as well as the Guggenheim Gallery and Waltmar Theatre. Waltmar Theatre was a gift from the late Walter and Margaret Schmid. The Guggenheim Gallery is used for the art exhibits presented by the art department and other departments on campus.


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Waltmar Theatre entrance steps, Moulton Hall, Chapman College, Orange, California, ca. 1975. Designed by Leason Pomeroy III & Associates of Orange, using a tilt-up concrete construction method. Completed in 1975, this 44,592 sq.ft. building is named in memory of an artist and patroness of the arts, Nellie Gail Moulton. Within this structure are the departments of Art, Communications, and Theatre/Dance as well as the Guggenheim Gallery and Waltmar Theatre. Waltmar Theatre was a gift from the late Walter and Margaret Schmid. The Guggenheim Gallery is used for the art exhibits presented by the art department and other departments on campus.


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Moulton Hall, Chapman College, Orange, California, ca. 1975. Designed by Leason Pomeroy III & Associates of Orange, using a tilt-up concrete construction method. Completed in 1975, this 44,592 sq.ft. building is named in memory of an artist and patroness of the arts, Nellie Gail Moulton. Within this structure are the departments of Art, Communications, and Theatre/Dance as well as the Guggenheim Gallery and Waltmar Theatre. Waltmar Theatre was a gift from the late Walter and Margaret Schmid. The Guggenheim Gallery is used for the art exhibits presented by the art department and other departments on campus.


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Moulton Hall, Chapman College, Orange, California, ca. 1975. Designed by Leason Pomeroy III & Associates of Orange, using a tilt-up concrete construction method. Completed in 1975, this 44,592 sq.ft. building is named in memory of an artist and patroness of the arts, Nellie Gail Moulton. Within this structure are the departments of Art, Communications, and Theatre/Dance as well as the Guggenheim Gallery and Waltmar Theatre. Waltmar Theatre was a gift from the late Walter and Margaret Schmid. The Guggenheim Gallery is used for the art exhibits presented by the art department and other departments on campus.


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Màster Oficial en Gestió del Patrimoni Cultural


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Es presenta la primera part de l'Estudi del fons pictòric, en la major part, d'època barroca que procedeix del Museo del Prado. Fons dipositat a l'Antic Museu Provincial per Reial Ordre entre 1880 i 1882


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Es presenta la segona part de l'Estudi del fons pictòric, en la major part, d'època contemporània que procedeix del Museo del Prado. Fons dipositat a l'Antic Museu Provincial per Reial Ordre entre 1876


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Esta hoja didáctica forma parte de la maleta-museo 'Los quesos tradicionales asturianos' que se ofrece como material complementario a la visita a este museo que recoge los aspectos más destacables de una producción agrícola muy extendida en Asturias, y en concreto en esa zona. En este material se ofrece información sobre el producto básico con el que se elaboran los quesos, la leche; se plantean experimentos para realizar en casa o en el laboratorio, centrando la investigación sobre la acción de los microorganismos sobre los alimentos, los elementos constitutivos de los mismos centrandose en la leche, el proceso de elaboración del queso (preparación de la leche, coagulación de la cuajada, desuerado y maduración) para finalmente experimentar sobre las características organolépticas de los quesos (aroma, sabor, color,..) utilizando los materiales que la maleta museo ofrece: instrumentos, recipientes, liquidos de cuajo, etc..


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El queso fue en la Asturias del pasado uno de los alimentos más importantes en la dieta de las gente por ello en el Museo Etnográfico de la Lechería se ofrece a los escolares la maleta-museo 'Los quesos tradicionales asturianos', como material complementario a la visita a este museo. Para preparar queso se utilizan una serie de herramientas y recipientes, los más imprescindibles los moldes que servían para guardar y secar la cuajada, ya sean de madera, cerámica o tela. En este material se ofrecen explicaciones sobre la fabricación, evolución y uso de las queseras diferenciándolas a partir de las muestras existentes en el museo, según la zona; posteriormente se propone experimentar con las queseras que contiene la maleta-museo; de la misma forma se hace un estudio de la fardela, pequeña saca de tela que se utiliza para desuerar la cuajada, muy común en esta zona de Morcín.


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A Besalú (la Garrotxa) hi ha les restes d’un molí fariner de rodet horitzontal que va deixar de funcionar a meitat del segle XX. Durant l'any 2004,l’Ajuntament de Besalú va realitzat unes actuacions arqueològiques a la zona dels horts, pròxima al riu Fluvià, que han permès la redescoberta del Molí d’en Subirós, que està propulsat per la força de l’aigua del canal de rec, que va paral·lel al riu. Actualment s’estan duent a terme les obres de reconstrucció de l’edifici del molí amb la intenció que torni a funcionar com ho feia antigament i convertir aquest espai en un petit museu dedicat a aquest antic ofici, en l’actualitat desaparegut. Per això, cal reconstruir tots els elements que composen el mecanisme del molí. Per poder dur a terme aquesta feina amb el màxim rigor històric s’ha realitzat un treball d’investigació històrica i s’ha comparat amb molins existents a la comarca. Aquesta comparació i anàlisi de molins existents ha revelat la manca d’estudis tècnics sobre el rodet hidràulic tot i ésser una de les parts fonamentals del molí. D’aquesta forma, és d’esperar que un redisseny adequat del rodet permeti millorar de forma apreciable el rendiment hidràulic del molí. S’ha dividit el projecte en dues parts: primer, hem definit els elements que composen el mecanisme del molí fariner hidràulic de rodet horitzontal i hem analitzat el seu funcionament. Segon, hem realitzat un estudi tècnic (hidràulic i mecànic) del rodet clàssic(utilitzat en d’altres molins de característiques semblants). D’aquesta forma, som capaços de conèixer no només el seu comportament hidràulic sinó també com podem modificar les variables essencials del mecanisme com potència hidràulica, parell motriu, etc