992 resultados para Multiobjective (MO) optimization
The electronic structure of the group 6 oxyanions [MO_4]^2-, where M = Cr, Mo, W, and element 106 have been calculated using the Dirac-Slater Discrete Variational method. Results of the calculations show a relative decrease in the metal-oxygen bond strengths for the [E106O_4]^2- ion in the solid state compared to that for the [WO_4]^2- anion. Calculated energies of the electronic charge-transfer transitions are indicative of a strong possible luminescence of [El06O_4]^2- in the blue-violet area. In solutions [El06O_4]^2- will be the most stable ion out of the entire series. Estimated reduction potential E^0 (El06O^2-_4/E106O^3-_4) equal to -1.60V shows only a slightly increased stability of the +6 oxidation state for element 106 in comparison with W.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden Modellbildungsverfahren zur echtzeitfähigen Simulation wichtiger Schadstoffkomponenten im Abgasstrom von Verbrennungsmotoren vorgestellt. Es wird ein ganzheitlicher Entwicklungsablauf dargestellt, dessen einzelne Schritte, beginnend bei der Ver-suchsplanung über die Erstellung einer geeigneten Modellstruktur bis hin zur Modellvalidierung, detailliert beschrieben werden. Diese Methoden werden zur Nachbildung der dynamischen Emissi-onsverläufe relevanter Schadstoffe des Ottomotors angewendet. Die abgeleiteten Emissionsmodelle dienen zusammen mit einer Gesamtmotorsimulation zur Optimierung von Betriebstrategien in Hybridfahrzeugen. Im ersten Abschnitt der Arbeit wird eine systematische Vorgehensweise zur Planung und Erstellung von komplexen, dynamischen und echtzeitfähigen Modellstrukturen aufgezeigt. Es beginnt mit einer physikalisch motivierten Strukturierung, die eine geeignete Unterteilung eines Prozessmodells in einzelne überschaubare Elemente vorsieht. Diese Teilmodelle werden dann, jeweils ausgehend von einem möglichst einfachen nominalen Modellkern, schrittweise erweitert und ermöglichen zum Abschluss eine robuste Nachbildung auch komplexen, dynamischen Verhaltens bei hinreichender Genauigkeit. Da einige Teilmodelle als neuronale Netze realisiert werden, wurde eigens ein Verfah-ren zur sogenannten diskreten evidenten Interpolation (DEI) entwickelt, das beim Training einge-setzt, und bei minimaler Messdatenanzahl ein plausibles, also evidentes Verhalten experimenteller Modelle sicherstellen kann. Zum Abgleich der einzelnen Teilmodelle wurden statistische Versuchs-pläne erstellt, die sowohl mit klassischen DoE-Methoden als auch mittels einer iterativen Versuchs-planung (iDoE ) generiert wurden. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden, nach Ermittlung der wichtigsten Einflussparameter, die Model-strukturen zur Nachbildung dynamischer Emissionsverläufe ausgewählter Abgaskomponenten vor-gestellt, wie unverbrannte Kohlenwasserstoffe (HC), Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) sowie Kohlenmono-xid (CO). Die vorgestellten Simulationsmodelle bilden die Schadstoffkonzentrationen eines Ver-brennungsmotors im Kaltstart sowie in der anschließenden Warmlaufphase in Echtzeit nach. Im Vergleich zur obligatorischen Nachbildung des stationären Verhaltens wird hier auch das dynami-sche Verhalten des Verbrennungsmotors in transienten Betriebsphasen ausreichend korrekt darge-stellt. Eine konsequente Anwendung der im ersten Teil der Arbeit vorgestellten Methodik erlaubt, trotz einer Vielzahl von Prozesseinflussgrößen, auch hier eine hohe Simulationsqualität und Ro-bustheit. Die Modelle der Schadstoffemissionen, eingebettet in das dynamische Gesamtmodell eines Ver-brennungsmotors, werden zur Ableitung einer optimalen Betriebsstrategie im Hybridfahrzeug ein-gesetzt. Zur Lösung solcher Optimierungsaufgaben bieten sich modellbasierte Verfahren in beson-derer Weise an, wobei insbesondere unter Verwendung dynamischer als auch kaltstartfähiger Mo-delle und der damit verbundenen Realitätsnähe eine hohe Ausgabequalität erreicht werden kann.
This thesis investigates a method for human-robot interaction (HRI) in order to uphold productivity of industrial robots like minimization of the shortest operation time, while ensuring human safety like collision avoidance. For solving such problems an online motion planning approach for robotic manipulators with HRI has been proposed. The approach is based on model predictive control (MPC) with embedded mixed integer programming. The planning strategies of the robotic manipulators mainly considered in the thesis are directly performed in the workspace for easy obstacle representation. The non-convex optimization problem is approximated by a mixed-integer program (MIP). It is further effectively reformulated such that the number of binary variables and the number of feasible integer solutions are drastically decreased. Safety-relevant regions, which are potentially occupied by the human operators, can be generated online by a proposed method based on hidden Markov models. In contrast to previous approaches, which derive predictions based on probability density functions in the form of single points, such as most likely or expected human positions, the proposed method computes safety-relevant subsets of the workspace as a region which is possibly occupied by the human at future instances of time. The method is further enhanced by combining reachability analysis to increase the prediction accuracy. These safety-relevant regions can subsequently serve as safety constraints when the motion is planned by optimization. This way one arrives at motion plans that are safe, i.e. plans that avoid collision with a probability not less than a predefined threshold. The developed methods have been successfully applied to a developed demonstrator, where an industrial robot works in the same space as a human operator. The task of the industrial robot is to drive its end-effector according to a nominal sequence of grippingmotion-releasing operations while no collision with a human arm occurs.
Summary - Cooking banana is one of the most important crops in Uganda; it is a staple food and source of household income in rural areas. The most common cooking banana is locally called matooke, a Musa sp triploid acuminate genome group (AAA-EAHB). It is perishable and traded in fresh form leading to very high postharvest losses (22-45%). This is attributed to: non-uniform level of harvest maturity, poor handling, bulk transportation and lack of value addition/processing technologies, which are currently the main challenges for trade and export, and diversified utilization of matooke. Drying is one of the oldest technologies employed in processing of agricultural produce. A lot of research has been carried out on drying of fruits and vegetables, but little information is available on matooke. Drying of matooke and milling it to flour extends its shelf-life is an important means to overcome the above challenges. Raw matooke flour is a generic flour developed to improve shelf stability of the fruit and to find alternative uses. It is rich in starch (80 - 85%db) and subsequently has a high potential as a calorie resource base. It possesses good properties for both food and non-food industrial use. Some effort has been done to commercialize the processing of matooke but there is still limited information on its processing into flour. It was imperative to carry out an in-depth study to bridge the following gaps: lack of accurate information on the maturity window within which matooke for processing into flour can be harvested leading to non-uniform quality of matooke flour; there is no information on moisture sorption isotherm for matooke from which the minimum equilibrium moisture content in relation to temperature and relative humidity is obtainable, below which the dry matooke would be microbiologically shelf-stable; and lack of information on drying behavior of matooke and standardized processing parameters for matooke in relation to physicochemical properties of the flour. The main objective of the study was to establish the optimum harvest maturity window and optimize the processing parameters for obtaining standardized microbiologically shelf-stable matooke flour with good starch quality attributes. This research was designed to: i) establish the optimum maturity harvest window within which matooke can be harvested to produce a consistent quality of matooke flour, ii) establish the sorption isotherms for matooke, iii) establish the effect of process parameters on drying characteristics of matooke, iv) optimize the drying process parameters for matooke, v) validate the models of maturity and optimum process parameters and vi) standardize process parameters for commercial processing of matooke. Samples were obtained from a banana plantation at Presidential Initiative on Banana Industrial Development (PIBID), Technology Business Incubation Center (TBI) at Nyaruzunga – Bushenyi in Western Uganda. A completely randomized design (CRD) was employed in selecting the banana stools from which samples for the experiments were picked. The cultivar Mbwazirume which is soft cooking and commonly grown in Bushenyi was selected for the study. The static gravitation method recommended by COST 90 Project (Wolf et al., 1985), was used for determination of moisture sorption isotherms. A research dryer developed for this research. All experiments were carried out in laboratories at TBI. The physiological maturity of matooke cv. mbwazirume at Bushenyi is 21 weeks. The optimum harvest maturity window for commercial processing of matooke flour (Raw Tooke Flour - RTF) at Bushenyi is between 15-21 weeks. The finger weight model is recommended for farmers to estimate harvest maturity for matooke and the combined model of finger weight and pulp peel ratio is recommended for commercial processors. Matooke isotherms exhibited type II curve behavior which is characteristic of foodstuffs. The GAB model best described all the adsorption and desorption moisture isotherms. For commercial processing of matooke, in order to obtain a microbiologically shelf-stable dry product. It is recommended to dry it to moisture content below or equal to 10% (wb). The hysteresis phenomenon was exhibited by the moisture sorption isotherms for matooke. The isoteric heat of sorption for both adsorptions and desorption isotherms increased with decreased moisture content. The total isosteric heat of sorption for matooke: adsorption isotherm ranged from 4,586 – 2,386 kJ/kg and desorption isotherm from 18,194– 2,391 kJ/kg for equilibrium moisture content from 0.3 – 0.01 (db) respectively. The minimum energy required for drying matooke from 80 – 10% (wb) is 8,124 kJ/kg of water removed. Implying that the minimum energy required for drying of 1 kg of fresh matooke from 80 - 10% (wb) is 5,793 kJ. The drying of matooke takes place in three steps: the warm-up and the two falling rate periods. The drying rate constant for all processing parameters ranged from 5,793 kJ and effective diffusivity ranged from 1.5E-10 - 8.27E-10 m2/s. The activation energy (Ea) for matooke was 16.3kJ/mol (1,605 kJ/kg). Comparing the activation energy (Ea) with the net isosteric heat of sorption for desorption isotherm (qst) (1,297.62) at 0.1 (kg water/kg dry matter), indicated that Ea was higher than qst suggesting that moisture molecules travel in liquid form in matooke slices. The total color difference (ΔE*) between the fresh and dry samples, was lowest for effect of thickness of 7 mm, followed by air velocity of 6 m/s, and then drying air temperature at 70˚C. The drying system controlled by set surface product temperature, reduced the drying time by 50% compared to that of a drying system controlled by set air drying temperature. The processing parameters did not have a significant effect on physicochemical and quality attributes, suggesting that any drying air temperature can be used in the initial stages of drying as long as the product temperature does not exceed gelatinization temperature of matooke (72˚C). The optimum processing parameters for single-layer drying of matooke are: thickness = 3 mm, air temperatures 70˚C, dew point temperature 18˚C and air velocity 6 m/s overflow mode. From practical point of view it is recommended that for commercial processing of matooke, to employ multi-layer drying of loading capacity equal or less than 7 kg/m², thickness 3 mm, air temperatures 70˚C, dew point temperature 18˚C and air velocity 6 m/s overflow mode.
Tunable Optical Sensor Arrays (TOSA) based on Fabry-Pérot (FP) filters, for high quality spectroscopic applications in the visible and near infrared spectral range are investigated within this work. The optical performance of the FP filters is improved by using ion beam sputtered niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5) and silicon dioxide (SiO2) Distributed Bragg Reflectors (DBRs) as mirrors. Due to their high refractive index contrast, only a few alternating pairs of Nb2O5 and SiO2 films can achieve DBRs with high reflectivity in a wide spectral range, while ion beam sputter deposition (IBSD) is utilized due to its ability to produce films with high optical purity. However, IBSD films are highly stressed; resulting in stress induced mirror curvature and suspension bending in the free standing filter suspensions of the MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) FP filters. Stress induced mirror curvature results in filter transmission line degradation, while suspension bending results in high required filter tuning voltages. Moreover, stress induced suspension bending results in higher order mode filter operation which in turn degrades the optical resolution of the filter. Therefore, the deposition process is optimized to achieve both near zero absorption and low residual stress. High energy ion bombardment during film deposition is utilized to reduce the film density, and hence the film compressive stress. Utilizing this technique, the compressive stress of Nb2O5 is reduced by ~43%, while that for SiO2 is reduced by ~40%. Filters fabricated with stress reduced films show curvatures as low as 100 nm for 70 μm mirrors. To reduce the stress induced bending in the free standing filter suspensions, a stress optimized multi-layer suspension design is presented; with a tensile stressed metal sandwiched between two compressively stressed films. The stress in Physical Vapor Deposited (PVD) metals is therefore characterized for use as filter top-electrode and stress compensating layer. Surface micromachining is used to fabricate tunable FP filters in the visible spectral range using the above mentioned design. The upward bending of the suspensions is reduced from several micrometers to less than 100 nm and 250 nm for two different suspension layer combinations. Mechanical tuning of up to 188 nm is obtained by applying 40 V of actuation voltage. Alternatively, a filter line with transmission of 65.5%, Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of 10.5 nm and a stopband of 170 nm (at an output wavelength of 594 nm) is achieved. Numerical model simulations are also performed to study the validity of the stress optimized suspension design for the near infrared spectral range, wherein membrane displacement and suspension deformation due to material residual stress is studied. Two bandpass filter designs based on quarter-wave and non-quarter-wave layers are presented as integral components of the TOSA. With a filter passband of 135 nm and a broad stopband of over 650 nm, high average filter transmission of 88% is achieved inside the passband, while maximum filter transmission of less than 1.6% outside the passband is achieved.
Micromirror arrays are a very strong candidate for future energy saving applications. Within this work, the fabrication process for these micromirror arrays has been optimized and some steps for the large area fabrication of micromirror modules were performed. At first the surface roughness of the insulation layer of silicon dioxide (SiO2) was investigated. This SiO2 thin layer was deposited on three different type of substrates i.e. silicon, glass and Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN) substrates. The deposition techniques which has been used are Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD), Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) and Ion Beam Sputter Deposition (IBSD). The thickness of the SiO2 thin layer was kept constant at 150nm for each deposition process. The surface roughness was measured by Stylus Profilometry and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). It was found that the layer which was deposited by IBSD has got the minimum surface roughness value and the layer which was deposited by PECVD process has the highest surface roughness value. During the same investigation, the substrate temperature of PECVD was varied from 80° C to 300° C with the step size of 40° C and it was found that the surface roughness keeps on increasing as the substrate holder temperature increases in the PECVD process. A new insulation layer system was proposed to minimize the dielectric breakdown effect in insulation layer for micromirror arrays. The conventional bilayer system was replaced by five layer system but the total thickness of insulation layer remains the same. It was found that during the actuation of micromirror arrays structure, the dielectric breakdown effect was reduced considerably as compared to the bilayer system. In the second step the fabrication process of the micromirror arrays was successfully adapted and transferred from glass substrates to the flexible PEN substrates by optimizing the conventional process recipe. In the last section, a large module of micromirror arrays was fabricated by electrically interconnecting four 10cm×10cm micromirror modules on a glass pane having dimensions of 21cm×21cm.
Optimal control theory is a powerful tool for solving control problems in quantum mechanics, ranging from the control of chemical reactions to the implementation of gates in a quantum computer. Gradient-based optimization methods are able to find high fidelity controls, but require considerable numerical effort and often yield highly complex solutions. We propose here to employ a two-stage optimization scheme to significantly speed up convergence and achieve simpler controls. The control is initially parametrized using only a few free parameters, such that optimization in this pruned search space can be performed with a simplex method. The result, considered now simply as an arbitrary function on a time grid, is the starting point for further optimization with a gradient-based method that can quickly converge to high fidelities. We illustrate the success of this hybrid technique by optimizing a geometric phase gate for two superconducting transmon qubits coupled with a shared transmission line resonator, showing that a combination of Nelder-Mead simplex and Krotov’s method yields considerably better results than either one of the two methods alone.
Se presenta experiencia educativa que propone la m??sica y la danza como medio de expresi??n del alumnado. Se realiza en el CEIP Ntra. Sra. del Rosario en Chimeneas, Granada. Los objetivos son: conocer algunas de las manifestaciones art??sticas y culturales de su entorno m??s cercano; coordinar las diferentes partes del esquema corporal; desarrollar la autoestima y la confianza en s?? mismo; desarrollar una autoestima progresiva; intervenir de forma directa en las manifestaciones art??sticas de su localidad.
Unidades did??cticas dirigidas a los alumnos de Educaci??n Infantil y Primaria. El tema transversal abordado es la Educaci??n para la Igualdad y viene justificado por la presencia de un n??mero importante de ni??os y ni??as de raza gitana, magreb??es y trabajadores temporales que conviven en los pueblos y campo de Cartagena (Murcia). El objetivo de estas unidades es modificar y desarrollar actitudes personales centradas en los valores de: tolerancia, responsabilidad y solidaridad. Antes de abordar las unidades did??cticas, los autores de este trabjo exponen los objetivos generales del centro y el de las dos etapas a los que va dirigido as?? como tres esquemas correspondientes a los objetivos generales contemplados en el Proyecto Educativo de Centro.
El trabajo ha formado parte del Programa S??neca de Investigaci??n Cient??fico y Desarrollo Tecnol??gico HUM 96/23 (1996-1998), subvencionado por la Consejer??a de Cultura y Educaci??n de la Comunidad Aut??noma de la Regi??n de Murcia
Se presenta el cuestionario que eval??a las necesidades y se ofrece un resumen de los resultados, as?? como quince fichas-modelo de actividades para realizar en los centros
Actas del ciclo de conferencias patrocinado por una Fundaci??n cultural regional y dedicado a tres personajes hist??ricos de Murcia que desarrollaron su actividad laboral y p??blica en la pol??tica: el Conde de Floridablanca, Mariano Ruiz Funes y Diego Saavedra y Fajardo.
Dynamic optimization has several key advantages. This includes the ability to work on binary code in the absence of sources and to perform optimization across module boundaries. However, it has a significant disadvantage viz-a-viz traditional static optimization: it has a significant runtime overhead. There can be performance gain only if the overhead can be amortized. In this paper, we will quantitatively analyze the runtime overhead introduced by a dynamic optimizer, DynamoRIO. We found that the major overhead does not come from the optimizer's operation. Instead, it comes from the extra code in the code cache added by DynamoRIO. After a detailed analysis, we will propose a method of trace construction that ameliorate the overhead introduced by the dynamic optimizer, thereby reducing the runtime overhead of DynamoRIO. We believe that the result of the study as well as the proposed solution is applicable to other scenarios such as dynamic code translation and managed execution that utilizes a framework similar to that of dynamic optimization.
Caminando Asturias es una acci??n enmarcada en el Programa de Actividades Complementarias y Extraescolares que promueve la Consejer??a de Educaci??n y Ciencia de Asturias. Est?? orientado a promover actividades de car??cter formativo y convivencial, fomentando la pr??ctica de los mejores valores humanos que siempre se dan en pleno medio natural, las relaciones sociales y de compa??erismo, al tiempo que contribuye a una adecuada educaci??n medioambiental. En este sentido, trata de potenciar el estudio y disfrute de los recursos naturales, como un elemento que contribuye a la Formaci??n Integral de los alumnos. As?? mismo, se pretende fomentar las pr??cticas de educaci??n no formal, ni reglada, vertebradas a trav??s de las actividades extraescolares y complementarias. Por ??ltimo, como objetivo b??sico se busca fomentar y facilitar la participaci??n de las familias en las actividades de los centros docentes. El programa se dirige a alumnos de los colegios p??blicos e institutos de ense??anza secundaria, a sus familias y a sus profesores, y va preferentemente dirigido a alumnos y alumnas matriculados en el tercer ciclo de Primaria (quinto y sexto) y de la ESO (primero a cuarto). Este d??ptico recoge la informaci??n, itinerario y mapa de la ruta Foces de Lla??mo o Ruta del Alba, que discurre en el Parque Natural de Redes.