882 resultados para Manifold business forms industry


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This text presents an analysis of aggregated membership’s dynamics for Spanish trade unions, using ECVT data, as well as union memberships’ trajectories, or members’ decisions about joining the organization, permanency and responsibilities, and subsequent attrition. For the analysis of trajectories we make use of information of the records of actual memberships and the record of quitting of CCOO, and of a survey-questionnaire to a sample of leavers of the same union. This study allows us to confirm a linkage between the decision and motivations to become union member, to participate in union activities, the time of permanency, and the motives to quit the organization. We also identify five types of union members’ trajectories, indicating that, far from views that assert a monolithic structure, unions are complex organizations.


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The current global environment and the general increase in the spread and use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) by companies and consumers, make the use of these technologies as essential to confront the growing competition in the market. Focused on this sector, in this research we analyze the use of electronic commerce, as through websites as through electronic markets, and the use of social networking tools as enablers of business. For this aim, we conducted a comparative analysis between the Andalusian olive oil cooperatives and other legal forms which are present in the sector.


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Se propone un planteamiento teórico/conceptual para determinar si las relaciones interorganizativas e interpersonales de la netchain de las cooperativas agroalimentarias evolucionan hacia una learning netchain. Las propuestas del trabajo muestran que el mayor grado de asociacionismo y la mayor cooperación/colaboración vertical a lo largo de la cadena están positivamente relacionados con la posición horizontal de la empresa focal más cercana del consumidor final. Esto requiere una planificación y una resolución de problemas de manera conjunta, lo que está positivamente relacionado con el mayor flujo y diversidad de la información/conocimiento obtenido y diseminado a lo largo de la netchain. Al mismo tiempo se necesita desarrollar un contexto social en el que fluya la información/conocimiento y las nuevas ideas de manera informal y esto se logra con redes personales y, principalmente, profesionales y con redes internas y, principalmente, externas. Todo esto permitirá una mayor satisfacción de los socios de la cooperativa agroalimentaria y de sus distribuidores y una mayor intensidad en I+D, convirtiéndose la netchain de la cooperativa agroalimentaria, así, en una learning netchain.


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The Balanced Scorecard of Kaplan and Norton is a management tool that supports the successful implementation of corporate strategies. It has been discussed and considered widely in both practice and research. By linking operational and non-financial corporate activities with causal chains to the firm's long-term strategy, the Balanced Scorecard supports the alignment and management of all corporate activities according to their strategic relevance. The Balanced Scorecard makes it possible to take into account non-monetary strategic success factors that significantly impact the economic success of a business. The Balanced Scorecard is thus a promising starting-point to also incorporate environmental and social aspects into the main management system of a firm. Sustainability management with the Balanced Scorecard helps to overcome the shortcomings of conventional approaches to environmental and social management systems by integrating the three pillars of sustainability into a single and overarching strategic management tool. After a brief discussion of the different possible forms of a Sustainability Balanced Scorecard the article takes a closer look at the process and steps of formulating a Sustainability Balanced Scorecard for a business unit. Before doing so, the basic conventional approach of the Balanced Scorecard and its suitability for sustainability management will be outlined in brief.


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This paper examines the debate surrounding local versus international sourcing of retail products, particularly food and flowers, in light of the emerging carbon imperative. It begins by examining the Fairtrade market and then examines food miles and carbon impact. The complexity of sourcing decisions when considering both international development issues and the emerging carbon agenda is considered using the case of the cut flower industry


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This article examines the debate within corporate governance about the
appointment of female non-executive directors (NEDs). The first part
tracks the diversity story that corporate governance tells about itself from
the Cadbury Report (1992) to the Davies Report (2011). The second sets
out the evidence used to support the argument that female appointments
enhance profits and corporate profile. The third part presents the
authors' empirical analysis of FTSE 100 companies and female non-
executive board membership, and concludes that there is little evidence
that companies with female board membership display different charac-
teristics from those without. Industry sector emerges as a significant
factor in female appointments. The idea that women should be appointed
to boards to increase corporate profitability and profile is not strongly
supported by this analysis.A social justice argument based upon the right
of woman to equal economic participation opportunities provides a much
superior articulation of the need for boardroom diversity.


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There are major concerns about the level of personal borrowing, particularly sourced from credit cards. This paper charts the progress of an initiative to create a Responsible Lending Index (RLI) for the credit industry. The RLI proposed to voluntarily benchmark lending standards and promote best practice within the credit industry by involving suppliers of credit, customer representatives and regulators. However, despite initial support from some banks, consumer bodies and the Chair of the Treasury Select Committee, it failed to gain sufficient support from financial institutions in its original format. The primary reasons for this were related to the complexity of building such a robust index and the banks trade body’s fear of exposing its members to public scrutiny. A revised alternative, the Responsible Lending Initiative, was proposed which took into account these concerns. However, the Association of Payment Clearing Service (APACS), the trade body of the credit industry, then effectively destroyed the proposal. This article describes an attempt to address the challenges in the credit card industry with the initiation of the RLI, reflected in stakeholder discourse and in the context of a wider concern expressed by the involved stakeholders in terms of the need for greater responsibility in the banking industry’s lending practices.


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Universities are in a current state of transition, whereby they are expected to develop a wide range of relationships with stakeholders in order to enhance regional innovation systems. However, despite external environmental pressures commonly regarded as one of the main drivers of business model evolution, there is a lack of studies that explore business model innovation as a result of multiple stakeholder influences. Accordingly, the aim of this paper is to examine the changing university business model within a region of the United Kingdom, using a stakeholder perspective that will aid theoretical development and refinement in both the business model and stakeholder fields. This examination is aided by consideration of the university business model as an activity system. Repeat interviews, combined with stakeholder theory, have been used to show how the changing university business model–stakeholder relationship has progressed through different stakeholder stages with resultant changes in content, structure and governance. Furthermore, conflicting objectives between each of the stakeholder groups (i.e. academics, industry liaison staff, technology transfer office staff and government support agency representatives) have led to the university business model evolving not as a process of co-creation but rather in a series of transitions whereby multiple stakeholders are continually shaping the university business model through strategies that are dependent upon their salience. Finally, this paper contributes to the development and refinement of business model innovation research, in that the use of stakeholder constructs can illustrate the impact of multiple stakeholders' power and influence on business model innovation.


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In the last 15 years of the nineteenth century c.300 British brewers incorporated and floated securities on the stock market. Subsequently, in the 1900s, the industry suffered a long-lived hangover. In this paper, we establish the stylised facts of this transformation and estimate the gains enjoyed by brewery investors during the boom as well as the losses suffered by investors during the bust of the 1900s. However, not all brewery equity shares suffered alike. We find that post-1900 performance correlates positively with capital-market discipline and good corporate governance and negatively with family control, but does not correlate with indebtedness.


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The emergence of open innovation theory and practice, alongside the evolution to a quadruple helix system of innovation, has led to a need for universities to rethink their models of engagement with industry and wider society. One important element in this system is the entrepreneurial academics; however there is a lack of research considering the motivations of entrepreneurial academics, who differ from academic entrepreneurs, to engage in knowledge transfer in line with open innovation policy. This research offers practical insights on whether new models of engagement, increasingly offered by universities, really address the policy drivers for open innovation. Furthermore, this research explores whether these activities might motivate entrepreneurial academics to participate. Preliminary findings identify that many supposedly new collaboration activities do not really motivate entrepreneurial academics. This may have important implications on the ability of universities to become truly open and to encourage their academics to become engaged in collaboration and impact.


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This article presents a series of conversations with anthropologists working in collaborative, interdisciplinary settings and projects. It examines the changing role and place of anthropology on the island of Ireland, particular for early career anthropologists. With anthropologists now working in settings as diverse as business schools, health, music, documentary making and industry (to name but a few), early career researchers are now dealing with new challenges. In this piece, we map out a number of these debates and show how a multiplicity of anthropologies and practices are emerging on the island.


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivos a identificação de uma estratégia e o desenvolvimento de um modelo que permita às operadoras de telecomunicações a sua sustentabilidade, bem como a identificação de caminhos para a adaptação a uma realidade sempre em mudança como é a da indústria das telecomunicações. Numa primeira parte do trabalho elaborou-se uma revisão de literatura do atual estado da arte das principais estratégias relevantes e com aplicação à indústria de telecomunicações. A pesquisa realizada investigou a estrutura atual da indústria de telecomunicações e o estado da competitividade das operadoras de telecomunicações. Dos resultados desta foi possível constatar uma evolução constante da tecnologia e dos modelos de negócio neste ecossistema, assim como a presença de uma pressão concorrencial significativa exercida sobre as operadoras, quer por parte das empresas já existentes no mercado quer por parte das emergentes. As operadoras têm de transformar o seu modelo de rede e de negócios para se adaptarem às mudanças e às tendências da indústria e do mercado. Com base na revisão de literatura, elegeu-se a metodologia baseada num inquérito de pesquisa empírica para aferir o estado da indústria e derivar as estratégias possíveis. Este inquérito foi efetuado a especialistas da área de telecomunicações de diferentes subsectores e países para abordar todos os elementos estratégicos do modelo de negócio futuro. Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram que as empresas que operam no mercado da Internet (Over The Top - OTT) representam a maior ameaça sobre o futuro dos operadores de telecomunicações. Os operadores só vão conseguir responder através da modernização de sua rede, melhorando a qualidade, reduzindo o custo global, e investindo em produtos inovadores e diferenciados e em serviços. Os resultados do inquérito revelam-se de acordo com os pressupostos da Blue Ocean Strategy. A aplicabilidade da Blue Ocean Strategy foi aprofundada permitindo concluir que o valor inovador obtido simultaneamente através da redução de custos e da diferenciação permitem aumentar as vantagens dos operadores existentes em termos das infra-estruturas físicas detidas e das relações estabelecidas com os clientes. O caso particular da fibra óptica até casa (FTTH) foi considerado como aplicação da Blue Ocean Strategy a uma nova tecnologia que as operadoras podem implementar para criar novas soluções e abrir segmentos de mercado inexplorados. Os resultados do inquérito e da investigação realizada à aplicação da Blue Ocean Strategy foram combinados para propor um novo modelo de negócio para as operadoras de telecomunicações que lhes permite, não só responder aos desafios existentes, mas, também, ter uma melhor posição competitiva no futuro. Foi, ainda, realizado um estudo de caso que destacou como a Verizon Communications foi capaz de transformar a sua rede e o modelo de negócio em resposta ao aumento da pressão competitiva. Através do valor da inovação transferida aos seus clientes, a Verizon foi capaz de aumentar significativamente as suas receitas e satisfação do cliente.


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O presente relatório expõe as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio curricular, frequentado na Bluepharma - Indústria Farmacêutica S.A. e na TREAT U, Lda. uma Spin-off da Universidade de Coimbra, no âmbito do Mestrado em Biomedicina Farmacêutica da Universidade de Aveiro. Esta foi uma experiência de 6 meses que teve duas componentes, uma multidisciplinar e outra monodisciplinar, as quais me permitiram desenvolver os conhecimentos e aptidões adquiridas ao longo do curso de mestrado e de as aplicar ao mundo real. Para além do desenvolvimento de competências profissionais, esta experiência possibilitou também a aquisição e desenvolvimento de várias aptidões, quer a nível pessoal como social. Nos primeiros dois meses desta minha experiência adquiri um conhecimento essencialmente teórico em várias áreas da indústria farmacêutica (financeira, desenvolvimento de negócio, assuntos regulamentares, investigação e desenvolvimento de medicamentos, garantia da qualidade, etc.) através da minha passagem pela Bluepharma. De seguida, na minha experiência de quatro meses na TREAT U, foi-me dada a oportunidade de realizar de forma mais independente, as funções inerentes ao cargo de assistente da gerência, com especial enfoque para atividades de gestão de projeto (incluindo assuntos regulamentares), tais como, apoio na preparação do plano de desenvolvimento não clínico e na preparação do pedido de aconselhamento científico. Este relatório começa assim por descrever os objectivos do estágio e uma breve descrição das instituições que me acolheram para a sua realização. De seguida, os conhecimentos adquiridos na vertente multidisciplinar do estágio e depois as atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito monodisciplinar. Por fim, apresenta uma análise das dificuldades e desafios encontrados bem como os esforços realizados para os ultrapassar.