884 resultados para Luiz Eduardo Martins Ferreira


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Climate and environmental conditions allowed Brazil to become one of the largest producers of tropical fruits in the world. The São Francisco Valley, over the years, has emerged as the main fruit-producing region of the country, especially mangos and grapes. The mango, which is produced in this region, has reached a good international position, especially in European and American markets. However, the domestic price has absorbed more and more the impact of fluctuations in the international market expectations affecting the production and marketing of producers. The objective of the study is to analyze the transmission ratio of export prices of the mango, with the American market prices and the European Union in the period from 2003 to 2013. It is intended also to analyze the factors affecting the fluctuations of exports Brazilian mango for the main import markets. To achieve the proposed objectives, we used, in the methodology, the autoregressive vector model, in order to find the price transmission mechanism and the mechanisms of impacts through the impulse response function. We also used, the Constant Market Share model, in order to observe the importance of the effects competitiveness, destination, and growth in world trade on the changes of Brazilian mango exports in the period. The data used were obtained from the database of the Ministry of Development and Foreign Trade - MIDIC and FAOSTAT (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). Among the results, it was found that the Brazilian domestic prices are influenced by the US market price, and that price shocks promoted this market can impact on the growth of the internal prices for several months. It was noted also that the competitiveness effect accounted for the largest portion of the effective growth of Brazilian exports, in other word, the country has improved its competitiveness among the other exporting countries.


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This study evaluates the cost effectiveness of municipalities in the state of Rio Grande do Norte in the execution of spending in basic education carried out in 2011, as well as analyze the determinants of the inefficiency of the same. For this, we used two methodological approaches (i) stochastic frontier cost, and (ii) analyze data envelopment (DEA), which allows to identify the efficient frontier of the municipalities analyzed non-parametrically. Results show that municipalities under review achieved low efficiency rates in the stochastic frontier cost, while the DEA method they achieved higher rates where nineteen among them reached full efficiency. The results suggest that a significant portion of the Potiguar municipalities should review its administrative practices, especially the means of allocation of resources. In regard to determining the efficiency observed distinct results by the two methods.


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O controle de sistemas MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) é muitas vezes realizado por várias malhas de controladores clássicos que operam com restrições e apresentam baixo desempenho. Técnicas de controle adaptativo são uma alternativa interessante para aumentar o rendimento desses sistemas, como por exemplo os controladores MRAC (Model Reference Adaptive Control), que quando bem projetados, permitem que a dinâmica da planta seja escolhida de maneira a seguir um modelo de referência. O presente trabalho apresenta uma estratégia de desacoplamento para um sistema MIMO de três tanques acoplados e o projeto de um controlador MRAC para o mesmo.


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O controle de sistemas MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) é muitas vezes realizado por várias malhas de controladores clássicos que operam com restrições e apresentam baixo desempenho. Técnicas de controle adaptativo são uma alternativa interessante para aumentar o rendimento desses sistemas, como por exemplo os controladores MRAC (Model Reference Adaptive Control), que quando bem projetados, permitem que a dinâmica da planta seja escolhida de maneira a seguir um modelo de referência. O presente trabalho apresenta uma estratégia de desacoplamento para um sistema MIMO de três tanques acoplados e o projeto de um controlador MRAC para o mesmo.


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The mathematical modeling in the simulation of self-purification capacity in lotic environment is an important tool in the planning and management of hydric resources in hydrographic basin scale. It satisfactorily deals with the self-purification process when the coefficients of physical and biochemical processes are calibrated from monitorated water quality data, which was the main focus of this study. The present study was conducted to simulate the behavior of the parameters OD, BOD5, total phosphorus, E. coli, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and the total metals cadmium, chromium, copper, lead and zinc in the Uberabinha’s lower course (with an approximate annual growth flow between 4-35 m3/s), in a stretch of 19 km downstream of the treated effluent release by the WWTP of the city. The modelings, on the present study, show the importance of constant water quality parameters monitoration over the water course, based on the comparison of the simulations from calibrated coefficients and coefficients obtained in the literature for the period of June until November 2015. After coefficients calibration, there were good adjustments between simulated and measured data for the parameters OD, BOD, Ptotal, ammonia and nitrate and unsatisfactory adjust for the parameters nitrite and E. coli. About the total metals, the adjustments were not satisfactory on the reservoir’s vicinity of the Small Hydropower Plant Martins, due the considerable increase of the bottom sediment in lentic region. The greatest scientific contribution of this study was to calibrate the decay coefficient K and the quantification of the release by the fund S of total metals in watercourse midsize WWTP pollutant load receptor, justified by the lack of studies in the literature about the subject. For the metals cadmium, chromium, copper, lead and zinc, the borderline for K and S calibrated were: 0.0 to 13.0 day-1 and 0.0 to 1.7 g/m3.day; 0.0 to 0.9 day-1 and 0.0 to 7.3 g/m3.day; 0.0 to 25.0 day-1 and 0.0 to 1.8 g/m3.day; 0.0 to 7.0 day-1 and 0.0 to 40.3 g/m3.day; 0.0 to 30.0 day-1 and 0.0 to 70.1 g/m3.day.


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LOPES, Jose Soares Batista et al. Application of multivariable control using artificial neural networks in a debutanizer distillation column.In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - COBEM, 19, 5-9 nov. 2007, Brasilia. Anais... Brasilia, 2007


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Tratar de cultura é fazer parte da evolução humana, pois esta é a realidade que direciona os caminhos para entender a mentalidade das pessoas numa trilogia que envolve, religião, ciência, sociedade e organização. Percebe-se quando o individuo torna-se mais culto diminui a intensidade em sua crença, mesmo assim jamais o homem poderá caminhar sem esses dois mundo, cientifico e religioso. Nisto a percepção sensitiva da existência humana, acontece mediante a razão universal pois o importante é a integração do ser para uma vida mais humanizada, desde a forma de pensar e agir podendo enfrentar desafios para adaptar-se ao meio em busca de seu momento prazeroso. Vivenciar a cultura é obter um resultado que envolva, diversidade, sedução, controle de dominação e encantos, incorporado a historia de um povo Nesta performance a racionalização e a superação dos preconceitos é percebido como fenômeno da capacidade criadora e inovadora, exercendo sua liberdade, fundamentada na manifestação do espírito, onde cultura e símbolos representam sentimento e auto definição. No Brasil a cultura é vista como estruturação da teoria racista, optada por prazeres fáceis, vícios, adultério, poligamia, machismo, autoritarismo e conformismo ocasionado por uma miscigenação que consolida os costumes do relativismo cultural, vinculado a uma cidadania grupal que preserva uma postura ética permeando desigualdades, ocasionando a aparecimento de novos sujeitos sociais. Negros, mulheres e homossexuais, fazendo parte dos fatores, psicológico, biológico, sociológico e culturais. / To deal with culture is to be part of the evolution human being, therefore this is the reality that directs the ways to understand the mentality of the people in a trilogy that involves, religion, science, society and organization. It is perceived when the individual becomes more cultured diminishes the intensity in its belief, exactly thus never the man will be able to walk without these two world, scientific and religious. In this the sensitive perception of the existence human being, happens by means of the universal reason therefore the important one is the integration of the being for a humanizada life more, since the form to think and to act being able to face challenges to adapt it the way in search of its pleasant moment. To live deeply the culture is to get a result that involves, diversity, seduction, control of domination and enchantments, incorporated the history of a people In this performance the rationalization and the overcoming of the preconceptions is perceived as phenomenon of the creative and innovative capacity, exerting its freedom, based on the manifestation of the spirit, where culture and symbols represent feeling and auto definition. In Brazil the culture is seen as estruturação of the racist theory, opted to easy pleasures, vices, adultery, polygamy, machismo, authoritarianism and conformism caused for a miscegenation that consolidates the customs of the cultural relativism, tied with a group citizenship that preserves an ethical position promoting inaqualities, causing the appearance of new social citizens. Blacks, women and homosexuals, being part of the factors, psychological, biological, sociological and cultural.


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As mudanças e o aumento da concorrência em todos os segmentos econômicos têm exigido das empresas um grau de profissionalização cada vez maior. As empresas familiares, além desse desafio frente ao mercado, ainda se deparam com dificuldades intrínsecas às suas características, como a dificuldade em separar o que é família, empresa e patrimônio. Portanto, é necessário se preparar para continuar no mercado e desenvolver um plano de sucessão para as próximas gerações. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é propor um instrumento de avaliação do processo sucessório em empresas familiares. Dentre os objetivos específicos, encontram-se identificar itens de maturidade no processo sucessório, oferecer diretrizes estratégicas para promover a sucessão em empresas familiares e avaliar a aplicabilidade do instrumento de pesquisa. Para a empresa estar preparada para a sucessão, ela não pode tratar somente o assunto isoladamente. Portanto, os temas estratégia, planejamento estratégico, distinção entre família, propriedade e gestão, governança corporativa e maturidade, também são aprofundados ao longo da revisão de literatura. Por meio de um estudo de caso com abordagem exploratória, o trabalho foi desenvolvido tendo-se como base modelos disponíveis na literatura para avaliação de maturidade. Antes da aplicação, o instrumento foi submetido à avaliação por cinco especialistas em empresas familiares. Como resultado, foi possível propor uma avaliação para o processo sucessório, identificando itens de maturidade e oferecendo diretrizes estratégicas para promover a sucessão em empresas familiares. Conclui-se que a avaliação do processo sucessório pode contribuir para a empresa identificar seus pontos fortes, minimizando dificuldades e superando obstáculos para sua sobrevivência no mercado ao longo das gerações. / The advance of competition in all of the economy markets has being demanding companies to have professional businesses, in an increasing way. The family business, beyond this challenge, still faces particular difficulties, such as the difference among family, business and ownership. So, it is a necessity for them being ready for their continuity in the market and developing a succession plan for the next generations. The main objective of this work is to propose an evaluation instrument for succession process. Specific objectives are to identify maturity items in the succession process, offer strategic directions to promote succession in family businesses and evaluate the usage of the research instrument. To get ready for succession, the company can not work just this subject. Therefore, it includes topics like: strategy, strategic planning, difference among family, business and ownership, corporate governance, and maturity are reviewed along the literature. Using a case study research method with an exploratory approach, it was developed based on maturity models available in the literature for maturity evaluation. Prior to the application, the research instrument was applied to five specialists in family businesses. As a result, it was possible to propose an evaluation model for succession, identifying maturity items and offering strategic perspectives to promote the succession process in family businesses. As conclusion, the succession evaluation could contribute for the company identifies its strengths, minimizing difficulties and overcoming obstacles for survival throughout generations.


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The present study has proposed a structural model to identify the reasons why individuals become voluntary, keep and exit this type of work. The empirical space was the Pastoral da Criança - social action agency of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) - community-based institution that has its work based on solidarity and the sharing of knowledge. The theoretical framework has the context in which are volunteering studies in Brazilian and world level. Then discuss the various concepts of volunteering and presented the theoretical models of volunteer motivation. Studies of Mostyn (1983) and studies conducted by the BEPEGE-Base for Studies and Research in Management Policies and Strategies - in their line of research GERQUAL - Human Resource Management and Organizational Quality - of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte as Carvalho e Souza(2006), Souza, Medeiros e Fernandes (2006), Souza et al (2009, 2010), Cavalcante et al (2011a, 2011b, 2011c, 2011d) were the main theoretical references for the construction of the model that was tested. Data collection was done through a survey with 71 indicators, in 2 visits to cities from the Diocese of Pesqueira, Pernambuco. The first data collection occurred in the period between May 30 and June 3, 2011, in Buique/PE and the second collection happened in Pesqueira/PE, in St. Joseph Seminary, in the period between July 6-8, 2011. 720 questionnaires were collected. The sample was divided into two parts. Exploratory Factor Analysis was applied in first part and Confirmatory Factor Analysis - structural equation modeling - in the second half. The examination of the results achieved by the expectations, reasons for entry, reasons for staying and exit reasons showed that all hypotheses were accepted. So the motivation of voluntary Pastoral da Criança can be explained by a set of interactions between these five constructs: Altruistic, Affectionate, Amiable, Adjusted and Astute


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O objetivo desta tese foi analisar os recursos intangíveis de um destino turístico. Foi feito um estudo de desempenho da cidade de Natal tendo como base a teoria das capacidades dinâmicas. Inicialmente, foi desenvolvido um instrumento de pesquisa para oportunizar a construção de um modelo de medida com vistas à captação de variáveis latentes para os recursos intangíveis existentes no setor do turismo em Natal-RN. Em seguida, foi realizada uma análise dos recursos intangíveis que são evidenciados pelos turistas acerca da cidade. Finalmente, foi feita a investigação de um modelo de estrutura que estabeleceu as relações entre as variáveis latentes dos recursos intangíveis e a percepção de desempenho do turismo na cidade de Natal. Procedeu-se uma revisão de literatura para construção de um modelo inicial acerca dos ativos intangíveis dentro da teoria das capacidades e foram relacionados dez recursos, quais sejam: recursos humanos prestadores de serviços; recursos humanos como gestores; cultura local; conservação do meio ambiente; know-how empresarial; inovação empresarial; tecnologia; marca; preço; e promoção. Estes dez recursos, em conjunto, seriam responsáveis pelo desempenho do destino turístico. Após ser realizada uma análise de equações estruturais, apenas quatro recursos manifestaram relações com o desempenho: marca; cultura; conservação do meio ambiente; e preço. Análisando dos dados, verificou-se que a variável desempenho positivo da cidade na ótica do turista se manifestou fortemente e foi influenciada de forma forte pela cultura local, marca e conservação do meio ambiente em conjunto. O preço foi influenciado pelo desempenho positivo mostrando que o turista sente que o preço pago foi satisfatório diante dos atributos do destino Provavelmente, isso seja um ponto positivo muito forte para o destino turístico de Natal, pois, em termos de recursos intangíveis e de juntos formarem capacidades, eles são inimitáveis, raros e são capazes de se ajustarem às mudanças organizacionais e ambientais, para reconfigurar os ativos e as estruturas de um destino, corroborando, assim, com a teoria das capacidades dinâmicas. Esses recursos da cidade de Natal, como destino turístico, são únicos e provavelmente têm um peso muito maior para o desempenho da cidade do que problemas existentes na localidade. Logo, esses atributos devem ser estimulados a continuar crescendo e se modificando de acordo com as exigências atuais e futuras de consumo


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The objective of this study is to investigate if exist relationship between organizational culture and the organizational climate, having as research s locus three dairy industries in the Rio Grande do Norte State. As such, an exploratory-descriptive and conclusive-causal study, with a sample composed of 211 employees of all firms hierarchical levels was undertaken. By way the data collection, the employees personal characteristics, the predominant organizational culture profile and the predominant organizational climate in the industries researched were identified. In order to analyse the organizational culture, the Competing Value Model (CAMERON; QUINN, 2006), with adaptations by Santos (1998, 2000), was used. In order to analyse the organizational climate, the Organizational Climate Measurement Scale, proposed by Martins (et al., 2004, 2008), with modifications, was used. The data were submitted to quantitative statistical analyses, firstly to the set of firms and afterwards to the firms alone, that permitted arrival to the following conclusions: the cultural profiles was met in a balanced way in the researched organizations, with emphasis to clan culture and market culture profiles; the researched organizations have a good organizational climate, based in the Martins (2008) classification, with emphasis to boss and organization s support and physical comfort , being these factors coherent whit the clan culture profile; the personal variables are correlated with the cultural profiles and with the organizational climate factors, however, each organization show its singular form of relation; and the cultural profiles showed influence on organizational climate factors. Thus, the results permitted to conclude that there are relations between the cultural profiles and the organizational climate factors in the researched organizations


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LOPES, Jose Soares Batista et al. Application of multivariable control using artificial neural networks in a debutanizer distillation column.In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - COBEM, 19, 5-9 nov. 2007, Brasilia. Anais... Brasilia, 2007


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The present study has proposed a structural model to identify the reasons why individuals become voluntary, keep and exit this type of work. The empirical space was the Pastoral da Criança - social action agency of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) - community-based institution that has its work based on solidarity and the sharing of knowledge. The theoretical framework has the context in which are volunteering studies in Brazilian and world level. Then discuss the various concepts of volunteering and presented the theoretical models of volunteer motivation. Studies of Mostyn (1983) and studies conducted by the BEPEGE-Base for Studies and Research in Management Policies and Strategies - in their line of research GERQUAL - Human Resource Management and Organizational Quality - of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte as Carvalho e Souza(2006), Souza, Medeiros e Fernandes (2006), Souza et al (2009, 2010), Cavalcante et al (2011a, 2011b, 2011c, 2011d) were the main theoretical references for the construction of the model that was tested. Data collection was done through a survey with 71 indicators, in 2 visits to cities from the Diocese of Pesqueira, Pernambuco. The first data collection occurred in the period between May 30 and June 3, 2011, in Buique/PE and the second collection happened in Pesqueira/PE, in St. Joseph Seminary, in the period between July 6-8, 2011. 720 questionnaires were collected. The sample was divided into two parts. Exploratory Factor Analysis was applied in first part and Confirmatory Factor Analysis - structural equation modeling - in the second half. The examination of the results achieved by the expectations, reasons for entry, reasons for staying and exit reasons showed that all hypotheses were accepted. So the motivation of voluntary Pastoral da Criança can be explained by a set of interactions between these five constructs: Altruistic, Affectionate, Amiable, Adjusted and Astute


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O objetivo desta tese foi analisar os recursos intangíveis de um destino turístico. Foi feito um estudo de desempenho da cidade de Natal tendo como base a teoria das capacidades dinâmicas. Inicialmente, foi desenvolvido um instrumento de pesquisa para oportunizar a construção de um modelo de medida com vistas à captação de variáveis latentes para os recursos intangíveis existentes no setor do turismo em Natal-RN. Em seguida, foi realizada uma análise dos recursos intangíveis que são evidenciados pelos turistas acerca da cidade. Finalmente, foi feita a investigação de um modelo de estrutura que estabeleceu as relações entre as variáveis latentes dos recursos intangíveis e a percepção de desempenho do turismo na cidade de Natal. Procedeu-se uma revisão de literatura para construção de um modelo inicial acerca dos ativos intangíveis dentro da teoria das capacidades e foram relacionados dez recursos, quais sejam: recursos humanos prestadores de serviços; recursos humanos como gestores; cultura local; conservação do meio ambiente; know-how empresarial; inovação empresarial; tecnologia; marca; preço; e promoção. Estes dez recursos, em conjunto, seriam responsáveis pelo desempenho do destino turístico. Após ser realizada uma análise de equações estruturais, apenas quatro recursos manifestaram relações com o desempenho: marca; cultura; conservação do meio ambiente; e preço. Análisando dos dados, verificou-se que a variável desempenho positivo da cidade na ótica do turista se manifestou fortemente e foi influenciada de forma forte pela cultura local, marca e conservação do meio ambiente em conjunto. O preço foi influenciado pelo desempenho positivo mostrando que o turista sente que o preço pago foi satisfatório diante dos atributos do destino Provavelmente, isso seja um ponto positivo muito forte para o destino turístico de Natal, pois, em termos de recursos intangíveis e de juntos formarem capacidades, eles são inimitáveis, raros e são capazes de se ajustarem às mudanças organizacionais e ambientais, para reconfigurar os ativos e as estruturas de um destino, corroborando, assim, com a teoria das capacidades dinâmicas. Esses recursos da cidade de Natal, como destino turístico, são únicos e provavelmente têm um peso muito maior para o desempenho da cidade do que problemas existentes na localidade. Logo, esses atributos devem ser estimulados a continuar crescendo e se modificando de acordo com as exigências atuais e futuras de consumo


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The objective of this study is to investigate if exist relationship between organizational culture and the organizational climate, having as research s locus three dairy industries in the Rio Grande do Norte State. As such, an exploratory-descriptive and conclusive-causal study, with a sample composed of 211 employees of all firms hierarchical levels was undertaken. By way the data collection, the employees personal characteristics, the predominant organizational culture profile and the predominant organizational climate in the industries researched were identified. In order to analyse the organizational culture, the Competing Value Model (CAMERON; QUINN, 2006), with adaptations by Santos (1998, 2000), was used. In order to analyse the organizational climate, the Organizational Climate Measurement Scale, proposed by Martins (et al., 2004, 2008), with modifications, was used. The data were submitted to quantitative statistical analyses, firstly to the set of firms and afterwards to the firms alone, that permitted arrival to the following conclusions: the cultural profiles was met in a balanced way in the researched organizations, with emphasis to clan culture and market culture profiles; the researched organizations have a good organizational climate, based in the Martins (2008) classification, with emphasis to boss and organization s support and physical comfort , being these factors coherent whit the clan culture profile; the personal variables are correlated with the cultural profiles and with the organizational climate factors, however, each organization show its singular form of relation; and the cultural profiles showed influence on organizational climate factors. Thus, the results permitted to conclude that there are relations between the cultural profiles and the organizational climate factors in the researched organizations