986 resultados para Jonathan Livernois
The mining industry is highly suitable for the application of robotics and automation technology since the work is arduous, dangerous and often repetitive. This paper describes the development of an automation system for a physically large and complex field robotic system - a 3,500 tonne mining machine (a dragline). The major components of the system are discussed with a particular emphasis on the machine/operator interface. A very important aspect of this system is that it must work cooperatively with a human operator, seamlessly passing the control back and forth in order to achieve the main aim - increased productivity.
The research reported here addresses the problem of detecting and tracking independently moving objects from a moving observer in real time, using corners as object tokens. Local image-plane constraints are employed to solve the correspondence problem removing the need for a 3D motion model. The approach relaxes the restrictive static-world assumption conventionally made, and is therefore capable of tracking independently moving and deformable objects. The technique is novel in that feature detection and tracking is restricted to areas likely to contain meaningful image structure. Feature instantiation regions are defined from a combination of odometry informatin and a limited knowledge of the operating scenario. The algorithms developed have been tested on real image sequences taken from typical driving scenarios. Preliminary experiments on a parallel (transputer) architecture indication that real-time operation is achievable.
This paper reviews the state-of-the-art in the automation of underground mining vehicles and reports on the development of an autonomous navigation system under development through the CMTE with sponsorship arranged by AMIRA. Past attempts at automating LHDs and haul trucks are described and their particular strengths and weaknesses are discussed. The auto-guidance system being developed overcomes some of the limitations of state-of-the-art prototype æcommercialÆ systems. It can be retrofitted to existing remote controlled vehicles, uses minimum installed infrastructure and is flexible enough for rapid relocation to alternate routes. The navigation techniques use data fusion of two separate sets of sensors combining natural feature recognition, nodal maps and inertial navigation techniques. Collision detection is incorporated and people and other traffic are excluded from the tramming area. This paper describes the work being done by the group with regard to auto-tramming and also outlines the future goals.
This paper reviews the state-of-the art in the automation of underground truck haulage. Past attemps at automating LHDs and haul trucks are described and their particular strengths and weaknesses are listed. We argue that the simple auto-tram...
Draglines are very large machines that are used to remove overburden in open-cut coal mines. This paper outlines the design of a computer control system to implement an automated swing cycle on a production dragline. Subsystems and sensors have been developed to satisfy the constraints imposed by the task, the harsh operating environment and the mine's production requirements.
Dragline Swing to Dump Automation By Peter Corke, CSIRO Manufacturing Technology/CRC for Mining Technology and Equipment (CMTE) Peter Corke presented a case study of a project to automate the dragline swing to dump operation. The project is funded by ACARP, BHP Coal, Pacific Coal and the CMTE and is being carried out on a dragline at Pacific Coal's Meandu mine near Brisbane. Corke began by highlighting that the minerals industry makes extensive use of large, mechanised machines. However, unlike other industries, mining has not adopted automation and most machines are controlled by human operators on board the machine itself. Choosing an automation target The dragline automation was chosen because: ò draglines are one of the biggest capital assets in a mine; ò performance between operators vary significantly, so improved capital utilisation is possible; ò the dragline is often the bottleneck in production; ò a large part of the operation cycle is spent swinging from dig to dump; and ò it is technically feasible. There has been a history of drag line automation projects, none with great success.
The mining industry is highly suitable for the application of robotics and automation technology since the work is both arduous and dangerous. Visual servoing is a means of integrating noncontact visual sensing with machine control to augment or replace operator based control. This article describes two of our current mining automation projects in order to demonstrate some, perhaps unusual, applications of visual servoing, and also to illustrate some very real problems with robust computer vision
This paper describes the experiences gained performing multiple experiments while developing a large autonomous industrial vehicle. Hot Metal Carriers (HMCs) are large forklift-type vehicles used in the light metals industry to move molten or hot metal around a smelter. Autonomous vehicles of this type must be dependable as they are large and potentially hazardous to infrastructure and people. This paper will talk about four aspects of dependability, that of safety, reliability, availability and security and how they have been addressed on our experimental autonomous HMC.
This paper reviews a variety of advanced signal processing algorithms that have been developed at the University of Southampton as part of the Prometheus (PROgraMme for European Traffic flow with Highest Efficiency and Unprecedented Safety) research programme to achieve an intelligent driver warning system (IDWS). The IDWS includes: visual detection of both generic obstacles and other vehicles, together with their tracking and identification, estimates of time to collision and behavioural modelling of drivers for a variety of scenarios. These application areas are used to show the applicability of neurofuzzy techniques to the wide range of problems required to support an IDWS, and for future fully autonomous vehicles.
Have you ever wished you were Doctor Who and could pop yourself and your students into a Tardis and teleport them to an historical event or to meet a historical figure? We all know that unfortunately time travel is not (yet) possible, but maybe student and teacher teleportation just might be – sort of. Over the past few centuries and in lieu of time travel our communities have developed museums as a means of experiencing some of our history...
Power line inspection is a vital function for electricity supply companies but it involves labor-intensive and expensive procedures which are tedious and error-prone for humans to perform. A possible solution is to use an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with video surveillance equipment to perform the inspection. This paper considers how a small, electrically driven rotorcraft conceived for this application could be controlled by visually tracking the overhead supply lines. A dynamic model for a ducted-fan rotorcraft is presented and used to control the action of an Air Vehicle Simulator (AVS), consisting of a cable-array robot. Results show how visual data can be used to determine, and hence regulate in closed loop, the simulated vehicle’s position relative to the overhead lines.
Researchers have argued that the creative industries have significant effects on the wider economy, with early agendas focused on urban regeneration, job creation, and economic value-added. Later work extended to new firm creation, the growth of new markets, and regional clustering and development. This chapter reviews the evolution of thinking on classifying the creative industries as a ‘sector’, or group of sectors, and outlines contributions on economic ‘spillovers’ regarding knowledge, innovation, and graduate talent. Work on creative clusters has highlighted the widespread adoption of forms of organization and contracting developed in such clusters. Later work by the authors has contributed a ‘creative trident’ model, and shifted focus to employment and the position of creative workers in the economy, showing that there are more creatives working outside the creative industries than within them. The chapter reflects on the specific role of design and the relationship between the creative industries and innovation.
In making this submission, we suggest that Australia learn from the experiences of other jurisdictions, and avoid some of the mistakes that have been made. In particular, this involves: * Ensuring that adequate information is available to evaluate the success of the scheme * Ensuring that notices sent to consumers provide full and accurate information that helps them understand their rights and options * Limiting the potential abuse of the system, and particularly attempts to intimidate consumers into paying unfair penalties through ‘speculative invoicing’ * Avoiding the potential for actual or perceived bias in the scheme’s oversight body
The Field and Service Robotics (FSR) conference is a single track conference with a specific focus on field and service applications of robotics technology. The goal of FSR is to report and encourage the development of field and service robotics. These are non-factory robots, typically mobile, that must operate in complex and dynamic environments. Typical field robotics applications include mining, agriculture, building and construction, forestry, cargo handling and so on. Field robots may operate on the ground (of Earth or planets), under the ground, underwater, in the air or in space. Service robots are those that work closely with humans, importantly the elderly and sick, to help them with their lives. The first FSR conference was held in Canberra, Australia, in 1997. Since then the meeting has been held every 2 years in Asia, America, Europe and Australia. It has been held in Canberra, Australia (1997), Pittsburgh, USA (1999), Helsinki, Finland (2001), Mount Fuji, Japan (2003), Port Douglas, Australia (2005), Chamonix, France (2007), Cambridge, USA (2009), Sendai, Japan (2012) and most recently in Brisbane, Australia (2013). This year we had 54 submissions of which 36 were selected for oral presentation. The organisers would like to thank the international committee for their invaluable contribution in the review process ensuring the overall quality of contributions. The organising committee would also like to thank Ben Upcroft, Felipe Gonzalez and Aaron McFadyen for helping with the organisation and proceedings. and proceedings. The conference was sponsored by the Australian Robotics and Automation Association (ARAA), CSIRO, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Defence Science and Technology Organisation Australia (DSTO) and the Rio Tinto Centre for Mine Automation, University of Sydney.
Between the national and household factors, community or “meso-level” changes in political economy and livelihoods in southwestern Bangladesh illustrate that in order to understand the impacts on people and nations of climate change-related environmental changes – changes that are expected to include rising sea level, saline inundation, and increased likelihood and intensity of cyclones in Bangladesh – we need to understand the dynamics of the built and natural environment and the political economies these sustain. Meso-level political economies affect the sources of income and livelihood available in distressed environmental conditions, and therefore influence how well the people in them can adapt to changing environmental conditions. In this study we have seen the underlying political economies whose dynamics, and not slow onset environmental changes or disastrous environmental events, are pushing Bangladeshis to incorporate migration strategies into their livelihood strategies.