913 resultados para Information and Comunication Technologies
"January 20, 1997."
La medición objetiva del movimiento humano y la cuantificación del gasto energético debido a la actividad física es una necesidad identificada tanto en investigación como en clínica. Los métodos de referencia validados y bien definidos (el agua doblemente marcada, la calorimetría directa, la calorimetría indirecta) son caros y prácticamente se limitan a la investigación en el laboratorio. Por lo tanto, en los últimos años, se han desarrollado diferentes dispositivos de medición objetiva que son apropiados para los estudios de campo y clínicos. No hay ningún estándar de oro entre ellos, ya que todos tienen limitaciones. Los podómetros son ligeros, poco costosos, cuentan los pasos y aportan información sobre la actividad física total, pero no sobre el comportamiento y los patrones de actividad física. Los acelerómetros son caros, aportan información sobre patrón, frecuencia e intensidad de la actividad física, pero no sobre el tipo de actividad física. Los podómetros y acelerómetros únicamente recogen información sobre el movimiento del movimiento corporal, pero la validez en la estimación del gasto energético es limitada. La monitorización de la frecuencia cardíaca relaciona intensidad del ejercicio con gasto de energía, pero no aporta información sobre la actividad física. Los dispositivos GPS son portátiles, relativamente asequibles, no invasivos y recogen distancia, velocidad y elevación con hora y lugar exactos, pero quizás estén limitados para la evaluación de movimientos cortos de alta intensidad y elevado gasto energético. Los dispositivos de última generación combinan acelerometría con la medición de variables fisiológicas, comparten las ventajas de los dispositivos individuales y son más precisos. Para el cálculo del gasto energético se aplican algoritmos específicos de la actividad incluidos en el software del fabricante que pueden afectar a los resultados. La mayoría de los dispositivos estiman con mayor precisión el gasto energético a intensidades ligeras y moderadas, pero subestiman el gasto a intensidades muy ligeras y de mayor intensidad.
Background: Ethics is defined as the entirety of moral principles that form the basis of individuals’ behavior; it can also be defined as “moral theory” or “theoretical ethics”. Objectives: To determinate information and applications related to ethical codes of pediatric nurses. Patients and Methods: Participants were nurses attending the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nursing Course and the Pediatric Nursing Course conducted in Istanbul between September 2011 and December 2012. A total of nurses attending the courses at the specified dates and who agreed to participate in the study were included in the analysis. Data were collected through a questionnaire that we developed in accordance with current literature on nursing ethics. Results: 140 nurses participated in this study. Information and applications were related to ethical codes of nurses including four categories; autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice. The principle of confidentiality/keeping secrets. Exactly 64.3% of nurses reported having heard of nursing ethical codes. The best-known ethical code was the principle of justice. Furthermore, while the rates were generally low, some nurses engaged in unethical practices such as patient discrimination and prioritizing acquaintances. Conclusions: We conclude that most nurses working in pediatric clinics act in compliance with ethical codes. We also found that the majority of nurses wanted to learn about ethical codes. For this reason, we recommended that nurses working in clinics and future nurses in training be informed of the appropriate ethical behavior and codes.
Poster presented at the First International Congress of CIIEM: From Basic Sciences to Clinical Research. Egas Moniz, Monte de Caparica, 27 e 28 de Novembro 2015
Se examina la experiencia de los estudiantes y los profesores de dos grupos de un curso de Elocución con el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs), para mejorar sus habilidades de expresión oral en inglés. Se presenta el diseño del curso y la metodología en la cual se fundamentó, así como las apreciaciones de los trabajos de estos a lumnos a la hora de mejorar las habilidades comunicativas orales por medio del enfoque constructivista. Se incluyen recomendaciones para poner en práctica esta metodología.A description is provided here of the experience of the students and teachers of two Elocution courses in which Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) were used to improve oral communication skills in English. Reference is made to the design of the course and the methodology it is based on, together with some insights of the assignments that students did to improve their English speaking skills through the constructivism approach. Recommendations are also provided for others interested in using this type of methodology.
Healthcare systems have assimilated information and communication technologies in order to improve the quality of healthcare and patient's experience at reduced costs. The increasing digitalization of people's health information raises however new threats regarding information security and privacy. Accidental or deliberate data breaches of health data may lead to societal pressures, embarrassment and discrimination. Information security and privacy are paramount to achieve high quality healthcare services, and further, to not harm individuals when providing care. With that in mind, we give special attention to the category of Mobile Health (mHealth) systems. That is, the use of mobile devices (e.g., mobile phones, sensors, PDAs) to support medical and public health. Such systems, have been particularly successful in developing countries, taking advantage of the flourishing mobile market and the need to expand the coverage of primary healthcare programs. Many mHealth initiatives, however, fail to address security and privacy issues. This, coupled with the lack of specific legislation for privacy and data protection in these countries, increases the risk of harm to individuals. The overall objective of this thesis is to enhance knowledge regarding the design of security and privacy technologies for mHealth systems. In particular, we deal with mHealth Data Collection Systems (MDCSs), which consists of mobile devices for collecting and reporting health-related data, replacing paper-based approaches for health surveys and surveillance. This thesis consists of publications contributing to mHealth security and privacy in various ways: with a comprehensive literature review about mHealth in Brazil; with the design of a security framework for MDCSs (SecourHealth); with the design of a MDCS (GeoHealth); with the design of Privacy Impact Assessment template for MDCSs; and with the study of ontology-based obfuscation and anonymisation functions for health data.
Abstract : Information and communication technologies (ICTs, henceforth) have become ubiquitous in our society. The plethora of devices competing with the computer, from iPads to the Interactive whiteboard, just to name a few, has provided teachers and students alike with the ability to communicate and access information with unprecedented accessibility and speed. It is only logical that schools reflect these changes given that their purpose is to prepare students for the future. Surprisingly enough, research indicates that ICT integration into teaching activities is still marginal. Many elementary and secondary schoolteachers are not making effective use of ICTs in their teaching activities as well as in their assessment practices. The purpose of the current study is a) to describe Quebec ESL teachers’ profiles of using ICTs in their daily teaching activities; b) to describe teachers’ ICT integration and assessment practices; and c) to describe teachers’ social representations regarding the utility and relevance of ICT use in their daily teaching activities and assessment practices. In order to attain our objectives, we based our theoretical framework, principally, on the social representations (SR, henceforth) theory and we defined most related constructs which were deemed fundamental to the current thesis. We also collected data from 28 ESL elementary and secondary school teachers working in public and private sectors. The interview guide used to that end included a range of items to elicit teachers’ SR in terms of ICT daily use in teaching activities as well as in assessment practices. In addition, we carried out our data analyses from a textual statistics perspective, a particular mode of content analysis, in order to extract the indicators underlying teachers’ representations of the teachers. The findings suggest that although almost all participants use a wide range of ICT tools in their practices, ICT implementation is seemingly not exploited to its fullest potential and, correspondingly, is likely to produce limited effects on students’ learning. Moreover, none of the interviewees claim that they use ICTs in their assessment practices and they still hold to the traditional paper-based assessment (PBA, henceforth) approach of assessing students’ learning. Teachers’ common discourse reveals a gap between the positive standpoint with regards to ICT integration, on the one hand, and the actual uses of instructional technology, on the other. These results are useful for better understanding the way ESL teachers in Quebec currently view their use of ICTs, particularly for evaluation purposes. In fact, they provide a starting place for reconsidering the implementation of ICTs in elementary and secondary schools. They may also be useful to open up avenues for the development of a future research program in this regard.
The increasing integration of renewable energies in the electricity grid contributes considerably to achieve the European Union goals on energy and Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions reduction. However, it also brings problems to grid management. Large scale energy storage can provide the means for a better integration of the renewable energy sources, for balancing supply and demand, to increase energy security, to enhance a better management of the grid and also to converge towards a low carbon economy. Geological formations have the potential to store large volumes of fluids with minimal impact to environment and society. One of the ways to ensure a large scale energy storage is to use the storage capacity in geological reservoir. In fact, there are several viable technologies for underground energy storage, as well as several types of underground reservoirs that can be considered. The geological energy storage technologies considered in this research were: Underground Gas Storage (UGS), Hydrogen Storage (HS), Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES), Underground Pumped Hydro Storage (UPHS) and Thermal Energy Storage (TES). For these different types of underground energy storage technologies there are several types of geological reservoirs that can be suitable, namely: depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs, aquifers, salt formations and caverns, engineered rock caverns and abandoned mines. Specific site screening criteria are applicable to each of these reservoir types and technologies, which determines the viability of the reservoir itself, and of the technology for any particular site. This paper presents a review of the criteria applied in the scope of the Portuguese contribution to the EU funded project ESTMAP – Energy Storage Mapping and Planning.
Oggigiorno il concetto di informazione è diventato cruciale in fisica, pertanto, siccome la migliore teoria che abbiamo per compiere predizioni riguardo l'universo è la meccanica quantistica, assume una particolare importanza lo sviluppo di una versione quantistica della teoria dell'informazione. Questa centralità è confermata dal fatto che i buchi neri hanno entropia. Per questo motivo, in questo lavoro sono presentati elementi di teoria dell'informazione quantistica e della comunicazione quantistica e alcuni sono illustrati riferendosi a modelli quantistici altamente idealizzati della meccanica di buco nero. In particolare, nel primo capitolo sono forniti tutti gli strumenti quanto-meccanici per la teoria dell'informazione e della comunicazione quantistica. Successivamente, viene affrontata la teoria dell'informazione quantistica e viene trovato il limite di Bekenstein alla quantità di informazione chiudibile entro una qualunque regione spaziale. Tale questione viene trattata utilizzando un modello quantistico idealizzato della meccanica di buco nero supportato dalla termodinamica. Nell'ultimo capitolo, viene esaminato il problema di trovare un tasso raggiungibile per la comunicazione quantistica facendo nuovamente uso di un modello quantistico idealizzato di un buco nero, al fine di illustrare elementi della teoria. Infine, un breve sommario della fisica dei buchi neri è fornito in appendice.
The Information Society (IS) may be taken as a geopolitical organization which started after the Third Industrial Revolution, having direct impact on the use of information and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The expression arose as techno-social paradigm change in the post-industrial society, aiming to use information as currency to the society-in-progress at that time. In Brazil it has become stronger with the Programa Sociedade da Informacao no Brasil-Livro Verde, lunched by the Ministerio da Ciencia e Tecnologia, in September 2000 without any discussion with the civil society to formulate the main document. Our main goal in this article is to discuss the Information Society in contemporary times, and also the organized and conscious use of information, looking for key-concepts to a better understanding of it, from some topics as digital inclusion-exclusion to the use of digital informational resources.
The information and communication technologies, to suggest new ways of production circulation and reception of symbolic products, contributing together with the aesthetic discussion related to post-modernity to make the current cultural scene becoming increasingly complex. Multiple layers of information are added to the cultural products, signalling the formation of a new type of knowledge necessary for the critical and understanding of the works. The article reflects on this process, focusing on cultural information present on the Internet.
O artigo investiga as contribui????es da pol??tica de governo eletr??nico para a reforma administrativa e a governan??a no Brasil. A pesquisa baseou-se na opini??o de informantes-chave dos quatro setores que atuam no e-gov: setor p??blico, iniciativa privada, terceiro setor e academia. Concluiu-se que as tecnologias de informa????o e comunica????o (TIC) podem ser a principal ferramenta para as iniciativas de moderniza????o do Estado, sendo ressalvado que o e-governo n??o pode ser visto como panac??ia para as reformas: o uso de tecnologias deveria caminhar em paralelo com outras medidas governamentais, nos campos pol??tico e econ??mico, por exemplo. Embora tenha sido reconhecido o potencial das TIC, o governo eletr??nico ainda n??o se encontra inserido com a ??nfase necess??ria na agenda governamental brasileira, de modo a contribuir decisivamente para a reforma administrativa e a governan??a.