868 resultados para Indian art -- Central America


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Resumen Estudia en impacto político e ideológico del viaje que realizara a Centroamérica, entre junio y diciembre de 1928, Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre, fundador del APRA. Asimismo, revisa el pensamiento de ese líder Abstract The author studies the political and ideological impact of APRA  founder Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torres’s visit to Central America between June and December of 1928, and analyzes this leather’s thinking


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Resumen Desde principios del siglo XX, desde el estado hondureño se ralizan esfuerzos por mayanizar Honduras. El autor vincula este ´proceso con la hegemonía bananera en ese país centroamericano y con la integración de varios discursos en una identidad nacional post-colonial Abstract Since the start of the twentieth century, the Honduran state fomented efforts to “mayanize” Honduras. The author links this process with the hegemony of banana interests in that Central America country and the integration of various discourses into a post-colonial national identity


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ResumenContribución al esfuerzo por comprender un período considerado calve en la historia de los países centroamericanos. Se analiza la formación del estado liberal en Honduras y los aspectos más relevantes de la economía hondureña de 1870 a 1930, para luego examinar si surgió o no una “oligarquía hondureña”AbstractIn this contribution to a key period of the history of Central America, the author discusses the Liberal State in Honduras and major aspects of the Honduran economy from 1870 to 1930. Subsequently, he addresses the question of whether or not a “Honduran oligarchy” developed during that period.


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ResumenEste artículo se refiere a los tipos de discursos que se gestaron en Centroamérica a fines del siglo pasado: el discurso modernista, de carácter principalmente literario y artístico, y el discurso nacional, de carácter más ideológico. Hace mención de la vida errante que llevaron muchos intelectuales centroamericanos.AbstractThis article refers to two types of discourse in late nineteenth century Central America: that of modernism, primarily literary and artistic, and national discourse, more ideological nature. The author also discusses the geographically mobile life of many Central American intellectuals.


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ResumenComo su título lo indica, ente trabajo analiza la relación entre pueblos, política y nación durante los siglos XIX y XX y trata de aplicar argumentos derivados de la historia de México a los países de América Central.AbstractAs stated in its title, this article discusses interrelations among peoples, politics, and nationhood during the 19th and 20th centuries, and seeks to apply reasonings derived from Mexican history to the Central America countries.


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Resumen La historia de los cultivos tropicales en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, es en gran parte, una historia de innovación. Un análisis de esa historia de innovación nos permite vislumbrar la historia ambiental de esos cultivos. Mucha de la innovación de esa época, se hizo para controlar una ola de enfermedades y plagas vegetales sin precedentes. Recuperar la historia de esas enfermedades, nos permitirá, al mismo tiempo, comprender el aumento de la fragilidad ecológica de los principales cultivos en América Central. Este artículo analiza justamente esa problemática a partir del enfoque particular de la historia de la roya del cafeto -Hemileia vastatrix- en América Central, con énfasis en Costa Rica. Abstract The history of tropical crops in the second half of the twentieth century is, in large part, a history of innovation. An analysis of this history of innovation allows us to glimpse the environmental history of these crops. Much of the innovation in this period was done to counter an unprecedented wave of crop diseases and pests. Recovering the history of these diseases, in turn, allows us to understand the increasingly fragile ecology of the main crops in Central America. This article analyzes these themes through a history of the coffee rust - Hemileia vastatrix- in Central America, with particular emphasis on Costa Rica.


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This article explores how Rural Pedagogy has been developed within the “División de Educación Rural (DER)” of the “Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación (CIDE)” at the “Universidad Nacional”. In order to emphasize recent advancements, pedagogical activities are organized in two different moments, taking into account its characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. Even though, the way rural pedagogy has been done at Division’s history is described in detail, the main interest is to accentuate how this allows a quantum shift towards new horizons in rural pedagogy inside the DER. The article concludes providing some thoughts concerning the factors that will probably decide the destiny of Rural Pedagogy nationally and in Central America.


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The following paper resulted from the final research project conducted for my Master’s Degree in Teacher Training for Teachers of Primary Education (1st – 6th grade of the Basic General Education). This research project was conducted under the supervision of the Rural Education Division of the Center for Research and Teaching in Education (CIDE-UNA, Spanish acronym), in coordination with the Central America Educational and Cultural Coordination (CECC). The research is qualitative with an interpretative approach. Our main objective was to analyze the process of inclusive education in the regular classroom for a person with Asperger’s Syndrome, defined as a type of social impairment. The case study method was used in this research, as it allows a deeper study. A girl was chosen from a public school in an urban area of San José, Costa Rica. Three techniques were used to obtain information: interviews, questionnaires and documentation (personal file, behavior record, and psychological assessment) related to the girl with Asperger. The triangulation of sources was used as a method of analysis. The conclusion of the project was that regular schools may have children miss-diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, and that our schools are still far from achieving inclusive education, but efforts are being made to achieve it. For a more opportune intervention, some recommendations based on this study were provided to the family and the school of the girl with Asperger.


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Este artículo examina el proceso en que la agricultura itinerante está siendo marginada en la biosfera Río Plátano de la Mosquitia hondureña. Mientras la región se vincula cada vez más con la sociedad nacional de Honduras, varios procesos socioeconómicos están transformando las comunidadesde la reserva. Esta investigación se enfoca en tres comunidades ubicadas a lo largo del límite oriental de la biosfera. Pocas casas todavía están orientadas totalmente en la subsistencia. La mayoría combina la subsistencia con varias otras actividades que rinden el dinero. Este estudio demuestra que la sostenibilidad de la agricultura itinerante no es una cuestión solamente de sus límites ambientales, sino su valor en comparación a otras actividades económicas que existen ahora en la Mosquitia hondureña, así como en otras regiones fronteras de la América Central.Palabras claves: Mosquitia hondureña, río Plátano, sostenibilidad, agricultura itinerante, cambio socioeconómico.AbstractThis article examines the process in which shifting cultivation is becoming marginalized in the Río Plátano Biosphere of the Honduran Mosquitia. As the region becomes increasingly tied to the national society of Honduras, various socioeconomic processes are transforming communities in the reserve.This investigation focuses on three communities located along the eastern boundary of the biosphere.Few houses are still oriented solely on subsistence. The majority combine subsistence with various other money-making activities. This research demonstrates that the sustainability of shifting cultivation is not solely a question of its environmental limits, but also its value in comparison to other economic activities that are now present in the Honduran Mosquitia, as well as in other frontier regions of Central America.Keywords: Honduran Mosquitia, Río Plátano, sustainability, shifting cultivation, socioeconomic change


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Esta investigación pretende explicar cuál es el rol que los regímenes internacionales tienen en la prevención de problemas ambientales y los conflictos sociales existeifies O potenciales en las cuencas internacionales centroamericanas. De forma más especffica. se pretende identificar cuáles son las condiciones paniculares que hacen más efectivo un régimen ambiental y qué tan sostenibles, permanentes, adaptables. vulnerables y justos son estos regímenes. Finalmente, tales hallazgos contribuyen a identificar cuáles han sido las principales líneas de acción y cuáles las que podrían implementar los regímenes para aprovechar las fortalezas y oportunidades con que cuentan y enfrentar de forma más positiva los desafíos ylas amenazas que los aquejan. con el fin de que su gestión mejore, scan más eficaces y cumplan satisfactoriamente los objetivos con que fueron creados.Abstract: The research pretend to explain which is dic role that international rcgimcs havc in tite prevention ofenvimnmenial problems asid social conflicts existern or potent ial in Central America international basins. More speciftc, it pretends lo identify which are dic particular conditions dtat made more effective an environmental regime and how much sustainable, pernianent, adaptable. vulnerable and equal are ihese regimes. Finally. this findings support to idenuty which have been dic principal lines of action and which will be that could be irnpkmented by dic regimes to prof.t ihe advantages and opportunities that they have asid cnfaced in a more positive way dic challenges and disadvantages, with dic objective to improvement it management, tobe more cfficient to reach tIte objectives that they were created.


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Este articulo tal como reza en su titulo, reúne la aplicación de tres tecnologías diferentes en la geografía actual: Sistemas de Posicionamiento Global (SPG), Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) y Teledetección, lo cual es importante para los investigadores de estos temas y para el lector común científico o no. Pero la principal finalidad del trabajo es que sus contenidos rigurosos, metodológica y teóricamente tratan de análisis histórico del uso de los recursos naturales y la evolución ecológica en uno de los países mas devastados por todo tipo de calamidad: los desastres naturales, los desastres sociales-guerra- y las enfermedades. Lo anterior lo califica como uno de los países más pobres de Centroamérica y del mundo. El sudeste de Nicaragua es la <<muestra>> de nuestros países expoliados, exportadores de materia prima, endeudados con los entes financieros y con todo tipo de debilidad interna: desempleo, bajos salarios, desigualdad en la repartición de la tierra, dominio empresarial de una <<oligarquía>>, agricultura de subsistencia, factores ambientales negativos. Como se señalará más adelante, <<a los habitantes les gusta decir que llueve trece meses al año>>. Este último factor, constituye una dificultad metodológica porque la cantidad de nubosidad impide realizar trabajos <<óptimos>>. No obstante, el trabajo deja ver las consecuencias de la deforestación para el pastoreo y algunos cultivos (monocultivos y productos para el mercado externo). En conclusión, el estudio lleva a la consecución de la distribución del uso del suelo, la delimitación de la frontera agrícola y la elaboración del mapa respectivo para 1992, elementos que permiten comparar el gran avance de la frontera agrícola observando un mapa del instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER) de 1983.  ABSTRACT This article focuses on the application of Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and Remote Sensing to the study of the agricultural frontier of Southeastern Nicaragua in the elaboration of a land use map of this area. The methodology of map elaboration, bases on LANDSAT satellite imagines, is explained. A report on deforestation processes and the agrarian frontier in Nicaragua within the context of Central America is also included.


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The genetic diversity of E. oleifera is strongly structured by geographical origin, with four groups clearly distinguished: Brazil, Surinam/French Guyana, north of /Colombia/Central America and Peru. Within the Amazon basin, thereis a moderate structure that corresponds to the major tributaries of the Amazon river. From the 37 polymorphic RFLP probe/enzyme combinatios used, 19 probes (51%) presented simple restriction profiles, with one (1) or two bands/plant, suggesting a single locus with different alleles, allowing allelic co-dominant coding for them.


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The goal of this study is to identify cues for the cognitive process of attention in ancient Greek art, aiming to find confirmation of its possible use by ancient Greek audiences and artists. Evidence of cues that trigger attention’s psychological dispositions was searched through content analysis of image reproductions of ancient Greek sculpture and fine vase painting from the archaic to the Hellenistic period - ca. 7th -1st cent. BC. Through this analysis, it was possible to observe the presence of cues that trigger orientation to the work of art (i.e. amplification, contrast, emotional salience, simplification, symmetry), of a cue that triggers a disseminate attention to the parts of the work (i.e. distribution of elements) and of cues that activate selective attention to specific elements in the work of art (i.e. contrast of elements, salient color, central positioning of elements, composition regarding the flow of elements and significant objects). Results support the universality of those dispositions, probably connected with basic competencies that are hard-wired in the nervous system and in the cognitive processes.


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Background: Most investigations regarding the First Americans have primarily focused on four themes: when the New World was settled by humans; where they came from; how many migrations or colonization pulses from elsewhere were involved in the process; and what kinds of subsistence patterns and material culture they developed during the first millennia of colonization. Little is known, however, about the symbolic world of the first humans who settled the New World, because artistic manifestations either as rock-art, ornaments, and portable art objects dated to the Pleistocene/Holocene transition are exceedingly rare in the Americas. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we report a pecked anthropomorphic figure engraved in the bedrock of Lapa do Santo, an archaeological site located in Central Brazil. The horizontal projection of the radiocarbon ages obtained at the north profile suggests a minimum age of 9,370640 BP, (cal BP 10,700 to 10,500) for the petroglyph that is further supported by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates from sediment in the same stratigraphic unit, located between two ages from 11.7 +/- 0.8 ka BP to 9.9 +/- 0.7 ka BP. Conclusions: These data allow us to suggest that the anthropomorphic figure is the oldest reliably dated figurative petroglyph ever found in the New World, indicating that cultural variability during the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary in South America was not restricted to stone tools and subsistence, but also encompassed the symbolic dimension.