784 resultados para Imunização canina
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
Question: How do interactions between the physical environment and biotic properties of vegetation influence the formation of small patterned-ground features along the Arctic bioclimate gradient? Location: At 68° to 78°N: six locations along the Dalton Highway in arctic Alaska and three in Canada (Banks Island, Prince Patrick Island and Ellef Ringnes Island). Methods: We analysed floristic and structural vegetation, biomass and abiotic data (soil chemical and physical parameters, the n-factor [a soil thermal index] and spectral information [NDVI, LAI]) on 147 microhabitat releves of zonalpatterned-ground features. Using mapping, table analysis (JUICE) and ordination techniques (NMDS). Results: Table analysis using JUICE and the phi-coefficient to identify diagnostic species revealed clear groups of diagnostic plant taxa in four of the five zonal vegetation complexes. Plant communities and zonal complexes were generally well separated in the NMDS ordination. The Alaska and Canada communities were spatially separated in the ordination because of different glacial histories and location in separate floristic provinces, but there was no single controlling environmental gradient. Vegetation structure, particularly that of bryophytes and total biomass, strongly affected thermal properties of the soils. Patterned-ground complexes with the largest thermal differential between the patterned-ground features and the surrounding vegetation exhibited the clearest patterned-ground morphologies.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Opere principali del commendatore Luigi Canina ...": prelim. leaves 4-5.
First edition 1830.
Mode of access: Internet.
Reprint of the 1845 ed. published by Tipi dello stesso Canina, Rome.
Infectious diarrhea results in 2 to 5 million deaths worldwide per year, and treatments that are safe, effective, and readily available are under investigation. The field of medicinal ethnobotany focuses on plants that are used by different cultural groups for treating various diseases and evaluates these plants for efficacy and cytotoxicity. In the present study, ethnobotanical research was conducted with Central Anatolian villagers in Turkey. Folk concepts and etiologies surrounding diarrhea were analyzed, as were salient plant-based remedies for diarrhea. Reviewing the literature, 91 plant species were described as anti-diarrheal in all of Turkey. In Central Anatolia, villagers described 35 species. For continued research via bactericidal and bacteriostatic bioassays, 15 plants were selected. Methanolic and aqueous extracts of medicinally used plant parts were evaluated for inhibitory properties against 10 diarrhea-causing bacteria in the first bioassay, and later 21 bacteria in a second assay utilizing spectrophotometry. The cytotoxic properties were also evaluated in an Alamar Blue Assay using HepG-2, PC-3, and SkMEL-5 human cell lines. While several extracts showed bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties, the methanolic extract of R. canina galls inhibited the most bacteria at the lowest concentrations. They were not cytotoxic. Thus, R. canina methanolic gall extracts were selected for bio-assay guided fractionation. Antibacterial activity was maintained in the third fraction which was composed of almost pure ellagic acid. The bioassay was repeated with standard ellagic acid, and the polyphenol retained potency in inhibiting multiple bacterial strains. Several other extracts showed promise for safe, effective anti-bacterial remedies for diarrhea.
This study aimed to analyze the perception of home caregivers of children from zero to five years-old on child domestic accidents and their influence in preventing these events. Exploratory and descriptive study with a qualitative approach, conducted with 20 caregivers attended at the Family Health Unit of Cidade Nova in Natal/Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The participants should have age less than 18 years-old, being a caregiver of at least a five year-old child and living in the area ascribed of Family Health Unit in the neighborhood Cidade Nova. Data collection occurred between March and April 2013 and a semistructured interview script was used. This stage was preceded by the acquiescence of the director of health institution where the research was developed, the Health Department of the Municipality of Natal as well as the Ethics Committee in Research of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte under Opinion nº 219 872 and CAAE nº 12236013.7.0000.5537. It is noted that respondents were asked to formal authorization by the Term of Consent. The data were treated according to the technique of the Collective Subject Discourse and analyzed based on three dimensions of the Health Belief Model, relating to perceptions of susceptibility to infant domestic accidents, self-efficacy to prevent infant and indicia domestic accidents for action of preventing domestic accidents in childhood. The results revealed that all the respondents were women, who, in their majority, they are mothers of the children they care, and predominantly they are aged between 18 and 30 years-old, full high school education and unemployed. Concerning the perception of susceptibility, it was unveiled understanding of deponents on various types of accidents, which are considered preventable. For this purpose, it was highlighted that the constant surveillance of the children is essential, keeping in view their high degree of curiosity and immaturity. On the perceived selfefficacy, the participants reported adopting preventive measures; however, they reported experiencing falls, burns, electric shocks and dog bites. In regard to the meaning attributed to experienced accidents they highlighted their feelings of guilt and despair, particularly about the cases understood as serious. Regarding the last dimension analyzed, related to indications for action, family, friends and television were the main source of information about household accidents and their prevention methods; however, health professionals were rarely cited as issuers of such knowledge. It is concluded that there is a widespread perception of women about prevention of domestic accidents and the weakness in the view of health professionals, including nurses, as disseminators of this information. This suggests the need to strengthen the dialogue on the issue and encouraging the participation of caregivers actively in the prevention of child domestic accidents
La leishmaniosis canina (Lcan) es una zoonosis en toda la Cuenca Mediterránea y está producida por un protozoo intracelular, Leishmania infantum, transmitido por especies del género Phlebotomus. La enfermedad se caracteriza por una presentación clínica heterogénea en la cual la lesión renal es, con frecuencia, la causa principal de mortalidad. La nefropatía asociada a Lcan se atribuye fundamentalmente al depósito intraglomerular de inmunocomplejos circulantes. La combinación de antimoniato de n-meglumina (antimoniales) con alopurinol se considera el tratamiento de primera línea en esta enfermedad, aunque algunos estudios han demostrado que la combinación de miltefosina y alopurinol tiene una eficacia similar. A pesar de ser considerado el tratamiento más eficaz, el uso de antimoniato se asocia a efectos adversos sobre la funcionalidad renal lo cual puede ocasionar complicaciones importantes en el manejo de estos pacientes. A ello se suma la escasa sensibilidad de las pruebas diagnósticas disponibles hasta ahora en la clínica veterinaria para poder establecer un diagnóstico precoz de lesión renal. Es decir, el propio tratamiento podría agravar una posible alteración en la funcionalidad renal en pacientes que ya la tuvieran alterada debido a la leishmaniosis. Los perros infectados y tratados, en la mayoría de los casos, no alcanzan la curación parasitológica y sufren recidivas después del tratamiento. Las técnicas habituales para valorar la respuesta al tratamiento son la evolución de la tasa de anticuerpos y la electroforesis de proteínas plasmáticas. La normalización de las proteínas plasmáticas ocurre en paralelo con la mejoría clínica, pudiéndose emplear como marcadores de respuesta al tratamiento; sin embargo, la serología parece menos útil, a corto plazo, porque el descenso del título de anticuerpos es más lento. Se ha postulado que otros parámetros laboratoriales, como las proteínas de fase aguda, pueden ser una buena opción como marcadores precoces de la enfermedad y también para la monitorización del tratamiento...
El hiperadrenocorticismo (HAC) es una de las endocrinopatías más frecuentes en la especie canina, con una incidencia aproximada de 1-2/1000 perros/año. En el 80-85% de los casos el origen se encuentra en un exceso de secreción de hormona adrenocorticotropa (ACTH) provocado por un tumor hipofisario, denominándose HAC hipofisario. En el 15-20% restante el origen del HAC es un tumor (adenoma o carcinoma) adrenocortical que secreta una cantidad excesiva de glucocorticoides, denominándose HAC adrenal, y en un escaso porcentaje de casos, la etiología se sitúa ectópicamente a ambas glándulas. En la revisión bibliográfica de esta Tesis Doctoral se proporciona una visión general de la anatomía hipofisaria en la especie canina, de la regulación y de la síntesis de las hormonas hipofisarias y adrenales que intervienen en el desarrollo del HAC. Se describen los síntomas y signos clínicos de la enfermedad, los métodos de diagnóstico y las opciones terapéuticas farmacológica, quirúrgica y radioterápica...
BRITO, Rosineide Santana de; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz; SOARES, Verônica Guedes. Lactação materna: a contribuição do pai. Revista Baiana de Enfermagem, Salvador, v.19/20,n.1-3, p.105-112, jan./dez. 2004,jan./dez. 2005.
Research has shown that performance differences exist between brand-affiliated hotels and unaffiliated properties. However, the extant empirical results are mixed. Some research has shown that brands outperform unaffiliated hotels on various metrics, whereas other research has shown the opposite. This article analyzes this issue using a matched-pair approach where we compare the performance differences of brand-affiliated and unaffiliated properties between 1998 and 2010. The matched-pair approach ensures that local competitive conditions as well as hotel characteristics are the same across the comparison pair. In addition, all potential omitted-variable bias and model misspecifications are avoided. Thus, to address our research question, we compare branded hotels with unaffiliated properties that are identical in age, market segment, location, and duration of operation, as well as having a similar number of rooms. Our analysis shows that performance differentials are present, albeit not systematic. We found no consistent advantages in all segments for either the affiliated hotels or the comparable unaffiliated properties, taking into account our comparison factors. That said, the methodology of our approach yields results that are more informative to the affiliation choice of owners and to the growth strategies of hotel brand–owner companies than those of previous empirical studies.
Hoje em dia o médico dentista depara-se frequentemente com situações de inclusão canina. Sendo o canino um dente fundamental para o desenvolvimento harmonioso da estética dentária, facial e da função mastigatória, torna-se importante estudar abordagens que solucionem esta condição. Várias abordagens multidisciplinares têm sido desenvolvidas com recurso à Ortodontia, Cirurgia, Periodontia e Dentisteria. O objetivo desta revisão bibliográfica é o estudo e comparação de duas técnicas cirúrgicas de exposição de caninos inclusos maxilares: técnica aberta e técnica fechada. A técnica aberta consiste na exposição do canino, isolamento da área cirúrgica recorrendo a um cimento periodontal e posterior instalação de um acessório com vista à tração ortodôntica. Na técnica fechada a exposição cirúrgica e a instalação do acessório de tração são executados na mesma consulta, procedendo-se de seguida ao fecho e sutura do retalho. A escolha da técnica tem por base critérios como a localização vestíbulo-palatina, a quantidade de gengiva aderida presente na área de inclusão, posição mésio-distal e vertical da coroa do canino. Existe controvérsia entre os autores no que toca à escolha da técnica cirúrgica a utilizar. Nesse sentido são expostas as vantagens, desvantagens, indicações e protocolos de cada técnica, de modo a obter um melhor entendimento do tema. Existem também diversas opções em relação à escolha do dispositivo de tração ortodôntica a utilizar. Na década de 60 começou por se utilizar a técnica do laço de fio de aço, no entanto a manifestação de problemas periodontais decorrentes da sua utilização, bem como a evolução dos sistemas adesivos levaram ao desenvolvimento de acessórios de colagem direta e o uso de correntes metálicas.