716 resultados para Gillick competency
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Social e das Organizações.
Bei der Vermittlung geographischer Kompetenzen im Sachunterricht der Grundschule stellen Karten und andere visuelle Medien wichtige Lernmedien dar (vgl. Haubrich 2006, 174ff.). Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Einbindung von audiovisuellen Medien in die Onlineplattform kidipedia. Dabei wird zunächst ein Überblick über aktuelle Möglichkeiten der Einbindung multimedialer Inhalte gegeben, bevor Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten mit dem Fokus auf geographische Inhalte skizziert werden. (DIPF/Orig.)
The first few years in the teaching profession are usually demanding. Although initial teacher education forms an essential foundation for teachers’ work, it cannot fully prepare new teachers for the complexities of working life. This study focuses on investigating the need for professional development support among newly qualified teachers to determine what their professional learning needs are and how these needs differ among teachers from four different countries: Finland, the United Kingdom (England), Portugal and Belgium (Flanders). The research data was collected via a questionnaire from 314 teachers, each with less than five years of teaching experience, and both closed and open-ended questions were included. The quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics and factor analysis to identify the latent variables associated with their needs. Answers to the open-ended questions were used to gain deeper insight into the newly qualified teachers’ situation. The results indicate that new teachers need support, especially regarding conflict situations and in differentiating their teaching. In addition, when analysing the profiles of eight support-need latent variables, all of the teachers in the different countries viewed supporting students’ holistic development as the most important area. Although the results of this study cannot be generalised, they provide an important overview of new teachers’ learning needs that should be taken into account when planning and organising support for them. (DIPF/Orig.)
This paper presents the results of a study conducted among pre-service home economics teachers from the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana with different levels of practical experience in teaching. The pre-service Home Economics teachers in the 3rd year of their studies had just completed their first class of teaching experience in contrast to the pre-service teachers from the 4th year of their faculty studies, who had conducted more teaching lessons. The results showed that the 4th-year pre-service teachers had fewer doubts and problems concerning the planning and conducting of a lesson. They also statistically significantly agreed that they are sufficiently prepared to teach than the 3rd-year pre-service teachers are. The results showed that the majority of the pre-service teachers agreed that the feedback from their colleagues was helpful for their professional development. The results suggest the importance of practical teaching experience in the context of professional development and the intention to continue a career in education. However, the results also revealed some critical points in the teacher’s development of competency. The results suggest problems related to the application of theoretical knowledge on the children’s development in practice and pro problems related to classroom management in specific situations. (DIPF/Orig.)
O presente estudo, no âmbito da Pragmática Linguística, resulta de uma investigação, que observa a realização dos atos ilocutórios expressivos de agradecimento nas interações comerciais. O objetivo é tentar compreender os processos linguísticos subjacentes à realização dos referidos atos ilocutórios, nomeadamente através do recenseamento dos diferentes tipos de agradecimento, da descrição dos atos de fala predominantes e das funções semântico-pragmáticas do agradecimento. Um dos aspetos mais importantes será o recensear dos tipos de agradecimento mais usados nas interações comerciais. Para tal, parte-se da observação detalhada de um corpus recolhido no âmbito específico de interações comerciais que ocorreram entre 10 de fevereiro de 2014 a 30 de setembro de 2014. Os resultados obtidos convergem no sentido de que o agradecimento é um ato expressivo reativo que pode ser verbal ou não verbal, com a finalidade de estabelecer a relação custo-benefício entre locutor e ouvinte, tendo em conta e respeitando os vários contextos socioculturais. De facto, o ato de agradecer, tal como os restantes atos ilocutórios expressivos, depende da forma como é expressado, dos gestos que o acompanham e das emoções que lhe são inerentes.
Mestrado em Gestão de Recursos Humanos
Este Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada incidiu sobre a “Liderança e Coesão dos Graduados Instruendos no Curso de Comandos”, cujo objetivo principal é a caracterização dos níveis de Liderança e Coesão durante as várias fases do Curso de Comandos. Para a realização deste estudo, foi feita uma intervenção em cada fase do Curso de Comandos (Estágio inicial, Fase Individual, Fase de Equipa, Fase de Grupo) com um Questionário de Competências de Liderança com seis dimensões de Liderança e três fatores critério (Rouco, 2012) inerentes à ação de comando e, um Questionário do Ambiente no Grupo com quatro aspetos (Carron, 1985). Estes Questionários foram aplicados a todos os Graduados Instruendos, Oficiais e Sargentos, que frequentaram o 124º Curso de Comandos, 1º Turno de 2015. Com base nas respostas, foi efetuado o tratamento dos dados num programa estatístico Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Os graduados instruendos no Curso de Comandos obtiveram comportamentos de liderança com valores médios mais elevados nas dimensões associadas à relação com as pessoas. A média com valores mais elevados regista-se na dimensão “Coesão, trabalho de equipa e cooperação”. Acrescenta-se o facto de que, os graduados instruendos, entre a fase inicial e a fase final, mostram grande vontade de cumprir a missão, grande capacidade de tomada de decisão e planeamento e desenvolver a coesão nos grupos. Os graduados instruendos, de um modo geral, percecionam que os níveis de coesão aumentaram desde a segunda fase até à última fase. Apesar da enorme queda de valores entre a primeira fase e a segunda fase, os valores na última fase são tão elevados que para além de compensarem a queda, atingem um limite superior a nove em todos os aspetos da coesão. Conclui-se que os graduados instruendos se sentem em todos os momentos, envolvidos com a interação, as tarefas, a produtividade e os objetivos do grupo. De um modo geral, os comportamentos dos graduados instruendos “Gestão de Conflitos” e “Liderança Participativa e Envolvimento” ao longo do curso de comandos contribuem para os três fatores critério. A capacidade dos graduados instruendos em tomar decisões com coragem e confiança em qualquer situação, a capacidade de avaliarem o ambiente externo e interno do grupo e a capacidade de influenciar e motivar através do exemplo, relaciona-se com a capacidade de obterem desempenhos superiores, com a competência adequada de estabelecer a capacidade de organização e motivação e, ainda, satisfazer o grupo em todo o curso. Podemos dizer que, de todas as fases do curso de comandos, a fase individual é a que apresenta os valores mais baixos nas dimensões da liderança, fatores critério e aspetos da coesão. Isto porque não existe prática de comando por parte do graduado instruendo, o que não permite a prática de liderança, e como nesta fase não existe equipa definida nem grupo, o graduado anda sozinho, o que não permite promover a coesão. Na última fase, a Fase de Grupo, todos os graduados instruendos trabalham pela primeira vez em conjunto, obtendo os valores mais elevados da coesão.
Es un estudio que plantea un aspecto traductológico específico: la traducción a la segunda lengua de quien traduce. A partir del análisis de una traducción al español de The Cat in Ihe Hat, de Dr. Seuss, obra de literatura infantil, se señalan ciertas ventaj as metodológicas que tienen que ver con la competencia cultural, la comprensión apropiada del texto original y un acercamiento lingüístico más consciente de la lengua terminal.This study focuses on translation directionality; in particular, translating to one's second language. Based on a Spanish translation of the children's book The Cat in in the Hat, by Dr. Seuss, this article discusses certain methodological advantages of translating to one's second language: cultural competency, an appropriate understanding of the source text, and an enhanced linguistic awareness of the target language.
Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de maîtrise (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières, option formation.
Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option formation des sciences infirmières
The overall purpose of this collected papers dissertation was to examine the utility of a cognitive apprenticeship-based instructional coaching (CAIC) model for improving the science teaching efficacy beliefs (STEB) of preservice and inservice elementary teachers. Many of these teachers perceive science as a difficult subject and feel inadequately prepared to teach it. However, teacher efficacy beliefs have been noted as the strongest indicator of teacher quality, the variable most highly correlated with student achievement outcomes. The literature is scarce on strong, evidence-based theoretical models for improving STEB.^ This dissertation is comprised of two studies. STUDY #1 was a sequential explanatory mixed-methods study investigating the impact of a reformed CAIC elementary science methods course on the STEB of 26 preservice teachers. Data were collected using the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (STEBI-B) and from six post-course interviews. A statistically significant increase in STEB was observed in the quantitative strand. The qualitative data suggested that the preservice teachers perceived all of the CAIC methods as influential, but the significance of each method depended on their unique needs and abilities. ^ STUDY #2 was a participatory action research case study exploring the utility of a CAIC professional development program for improving the STEB of five Bahamian inservice teachers and their competency in implementing an inquiry-based curriculum. Data were collected from pre- and post-interviews and two focus group interviews. Overall, the inservice teachers perceived the intervention as highly effective. The scaffolding and coaching were the CAIC methods portrayed as most influential in developing their STEB, highlighting the importance of interpersonal relationship aspects in successful instructional coaching programs. The teachers also described the CAIC approach as integral in supporting their learning to implement the new inquiry-based curriculum. ^ The overall findings hold important implications for science education reform, including its potential to influence how preservice teacher training and inservice teacher professional development in science are perceived and implemented. Additionally, given the noteworthy results obtained over the relatively short durations, CAIC interventions may also provide an effective means of achieving improvements in preservice and inservice teachers’ STEB more expeditiously than traditional approaches.^
Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de maîtrise (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières, option formation.
Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option formation des sciences infirmières
This study examined whether instrumental and normative learning contexts differentially influence 4- to 7-year-old children’s social learning strategies; specifically, their dispositions to copy an expert versus a majority consensus. Experiment 1 (N = 44) established that children copied a relatively competent “expert” individual over an incompetent individual in both kinds of learning context. In experiment 2 (N = 80) we then tested whether children would copy a competent individual versus a majority, in each of the two different learning contexts. Results showed that individual children differed in strategy, preferring with significant consistency across two different test trials to copy either the competent individual or the majority. This study is the first to show that children prefer to copy more competent individuals when shown competing methods of achieving an instrumental goal (Experiment 1) and provides new evidence that children, at least in our “individualist” culture, may consistently express either a competency or majority bias in learning both instrumental and normative information (Experiment 2). This effect was similar in the instrumental and normative learning contexts we applied.