704 resultados para Disinfected impressions


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Filosofia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, 2015.


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In the current economic situation very few business operations are static. In some cases, organizations feel that the most rational solution is not expanding but focusing on their core competencies or certain areas of business through corporate restructuring. The focus in this thesis is on corporate demerger, a process that involves a complete separation of units within a company. Despite the vast amount of research considering corporate demergers, there is still a lack of knowledge about how top managers experience these kinds of organizational rearrangements. In this qualitative case study, the aim is to bring forward the thoughts of executives in two companies that emerged from a single company through corporate demerger a few years ago. By conducting dyadic semi-structured interviews with the management group and board members in both the parent company and the demerger company, I pursue to understand the impressions that they had during the demerger process as well as during the change that followed afterwards. Additionally, their retrospective sense-making patterns are briefly examined. The findings suggest that the way operations are managed before plays an important role in the demerger process. In this case the pre-demerger organization was quite distinctly divided into two business areas, which allowed a somewhat natural allocation of resources. In addition, apart from the top management, every employee knew their future company and role, thus decreasing the amount of uncertainty in lower organizational levels. Consequently, the ambiguity and change faced by the top executives was evidently more powerful compared to the operational actors. The fragmented characteristics also enabled certain points of reference in the unfolding demerger process. Along with the information about future management groups, the pre-demerger re-grouping took place. This sparked up the mental division, where both groups started to act separately. On a personal level, the managers involved in the demerger planning have made retrospective sense of the repercussions related to the restructuring process. For them, it was an extremely demanding, ambiguous and burdensome project that provided them with managerial experiences they are likely not to have again.


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Poster presented at the “From Basic Sciences to Clinical Research” – First International Congress of CiiEM. Egas Moniz, Caparica, Portugal, 27-28 November 2015


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Poster apresentado no XXIV Congresso da Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas. Lisboa, 12-14 Novembro 2015


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2015.


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Mestrado Vinifera Euromaster - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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Mestrado Vinifera Euromaster - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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Includes index.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the utility of N-acetylcysteine administration for depressive symptoms in subjects with psychiatric conditions using a systematic review and meta-analysis. DATA SOURCES: A computerized literature search was conducted in MEDLINE, Embase, the Cochrane Library, SciELO, PsycINFO, Scopus, and Web of Knowledge. No year or country restrictions were used. The Boolean terms used for the electronic database search were (NAC OR N-acetylcysteine OR acetylcysteine) AND (depression OR depressive OR depressed) AND (trial). The last search was performed in November 2014. STUDY SELECTION: The literature was searched for double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials using N-acetylcysteine for depressive symptoms regardless of the main psychiatric condition. Using keywords and cross-referenced bibliographies, 38 studies were identified and examined in depth. Of those, 33 articles were rejected because inclusion criteria were not met. Finally, 5 studies were included. DATA EXTRACTION: Data were extracted independently by 2 investigators. The primary outcome measure was change in depressive symptoms. Functionality, quality of life, and manic and anxiety symptoms were also examined. A full review and meta-analysis were performed. Standardized mean differences (SMDs) and odds ratios (ORs) with 95% CIs were calculated. RESULTS: Five studies fulfilled our inclusion criteria for the meta-analysis, providing data on 574 participants, of whom 291 were randomized to receive N-acetylcysteine and 283 to placebo. The follow-up varied from 12 to 24 weeks. Two studies included subjects with bipolar disorder and current depressive symptoms, 1 included subjects with MDD in a current depressive episode, and 2 included subjects with depressive symptoms in the context of other psychiatric conditions (1 trichotillomania and 1 heavy smoking). Treatment with N-acetylcysteine improved depressive symptoms as assessed by Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale when compared to placebo (SMD = 0.37; 95% CI = 0.19 to 0.55; P < .001). Subjects receiving N-acetylcysteine had better depressive symptoms scores on the Clinical Global Impressions-Severity of Illness scale at follow-up than subjects on placebo (SMD = 0.22; 95% CI = 0.03 to 0.41; P < .001). In addition, global functionality was better in N-acetylcysteine than in placebo conditions. There were no changes in quality of life. With regard to adverse events, only minor adverse events were associated with N-acetylcysteine (OR = 1.61; 95% CI = 1.01 to 2.59; P = .049). CONCLUSIONS: Administration of N-acetylcysteine ameliorates depressive symptoms, improves functionality, and shows good tolerability.


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BACKGROUND: Respiratory rate is an important sign that is commonly either not recorded or recorded incorrectly. Mobile phone ownership is increasing even in resource-poor settings. Phone applications may improve the accuracy and ease of counting of respiratory rates. OBJECTIVES: The study assessed the reliability and initial users' impressions of four mobile phone respiratory timer approaches, compared to a 60-second count by the same participants. METHODS: Three mobile applications (applying four different counting approaches plus a standard 60-second count) were created using the Java Mobile Edition and tested on Nokia C1-01 phones. Apart from the 60-second timer application, the others included a counter based on the time for ten breaths, and three based on the time interval between breaths ('Once-per-Breath', in which the user presses for each breath and the application calculates the rate after 10 or 20 breaths, or after 60s). Nursing and physiotherapy students used the applications to count respiratory rates in a set of brief video recordings of children with different respiratory illnesses. Limits of agreement (compared to the same participant's standard 60-second count), intra-class correlation coefficients and standard errors of measurement were calculated to compare the reliability of the four approaches, and a usability questionnaire was completed by the participants. RESULTS: There was considerable variation in the counts, with large components of the variation related to the participants and the videos, as well as the methods. None of the methods was entirely reliable, with no limits of agreement better than -10 to +9 breaths/min. Some of the methods were superior to the others, with ICCs from 0.24 to 0.92. By ICC the Once-per-Breath 60-second count and the Once-per-Breath 20-breath count were the most consistent, better even than the 60-second count by the participants. The 10-breath approaches performed least well. Users' initial impressions were positive, with little difference between the applications found. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence that applications running on simple phones can be used to count respiratory rates in children. The Once-per-Breath methods are the most reliable, outperforming the 60-second count. For children with raised respiratory rates the 20-breath version of the Once-per-Breath method is faster, so it is a more suitable option where health workers are under time pressure.


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Networked learning practices are impacting the field of cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, with implications for the way in which places of cultural significance are understood, managed, documented, engaged with and studied. Our research explores the intersection between walking, photography, technology and learning, investigating how mobile devices can be used to foster community participation and assess social value within a networked framework for digital heritage. The paper introduces CmyView, a mobile phone application and social media platform in development, with a design concept grounded on both digital heritage and networked learning perspectives. CmyView encourages people to collect and share their views by making images and audio recordings of personally meaningful sites they see, while walking outdoors. Each person’s walking trajectory (along with their associated images and audio files) then becomes a trace-able artefact, something potentially shareable with a community of fellow walkers. The aim of CmyView is to encourage networked heritage practices and community participation, as people learn to assess their own and experience others social values of the built environment. Drawing on a framework for the analysis and design of productive learning networks, we explore the educational design of CmyView arguing that the platform offers a space for democratic heritage education and interpretation, where participatory urban curatorship practices are nurtured. CmyView reframes social value as dynamic, fluid and located within communities, rather than fixed in a place. The paper presents preliminary findings of the activity of a group of four undergraduate students at an Australian university, who used CmyView to explore the immediate surroundings of their campus. Participants interacted with the platform, mapping, capturing, audio recording their impressions and sites of interest in their walks. In so doing, they created shareable trajectories, which were subsequently experienced by the same group of participants on a second walk. The paper concludes with a discussion about the impact of our research for the design of mobile technologies that embrace participation and sharing, through a networked learning perspective. The paper brings together concepts that sit at the intersection of previously separate fields, namely digital heritage and networked learning, to find their synergies.


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Ce projet de recherche en sociologie porte sur les aspirations des jeunes atikamekws d’Opitciwan dans le Haut-Saint-Maurice et leur attitude face à l’école et l’emploi. Dans un premier temps, nous dresserons un bref portrait de la situation socio-économique, historique et politique de la communauté. Ensuite, nous examinerons les données de l’Enquête Nationale auprès des Ménages d’Opitciwan en 2011. Nous retiendrons les données sur la situation socio-économique de la communauté, en particulier celles portant sur la relation entre l’éducation, l’emploi et le revenu total. Cela permettra de connaître leur dynamique. Dans un deuxième temps, nous tenterons d’identifier les aspirations des jeunes d’Opitciwan à l’aide d’entrevues semi-dirigées. Nous examinerons les fondements de leurs aspirations, c’est-à-dire les représentations que se font les jeunes des possibilités d’avenir, et des moyens de les rendre effectivement atteignables. Afin d’illustrer les résultats différemment, nous dresserons un portrait des jeunes participants en créant des socio-types. Les quatre socio-types seront l’ambitieux, le réaliste consciencieux, l’insécure et le passif. Finalement, nous comparerons les deux analyses afin d’identifier les cohérences et les divergences et d’élucider celles-ci. L’étude permettra de mieux comprendre l’attitude des jeunes atikamekws et de l’ensemble de la population face à l’éducation et l’emploi. Elle permettra aussi de découvrir les besoins de la communauté.


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Le bois est un matériau souvent utilisé par les architectes pour améliorer l’ambiance générale d’un espace, mais peu de recherches en présentent l’impact réel du matériau sur les impressions visuelles et les effets lumineux. Cette recherche étudie l’influence de la matérialité du bois par rapport à la création d’ambiances d’éclairage spécifiques dans l’architecture. Plus particulièrement, elle se concentre sur l’impact des panneaux décoratifs en bois à générer de la diversité lumineuse dans les espaces intérieurs et son potentiel à améliorer la satisfaction environnementale et l’efficacité énergétique. La recherche utilise des maquettes à l’échelle pour leur précision dans la représentation des ambiances lumineuses d’espaces éclairés naturellement ainsi que les technologies récentes d’imagerie digitale pour capturer et analyser les résultats. La méthodologie permet la comparaison entre les différents réglages des espaces intérieurs créés par une sélection des types de matérialités du bois: la réflectance (valeur), la couleur et la réflectivité. Les modalités spatiales sont comparées en présence d’ensoleillement direct et sous des conditions de ciel couvert puisque les modèles d’éclairage et les ambiances diffèrent considérablement. Les résultats permettent d’établir une discussion sur les ambiances en termes de brillance et de contraste, sur la couleur ainsi que la répartition des zones lumineuses dans l’espace. La recherche souligne le rôle des matérialités que peuvent prendre le bois pour optimiser la diversité lumineuse et la création d’ambiances visuellement confortables, ainsi que ses possibilités d’améliorer les ambiances architecturales par rapport à la lumière.


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La presente investigación consiste en determinar las aplicaciones existentes de las teorías del caos y las teorías de la complejidad en la cadena de suministro del sector agroindustrial colombiano. Además, tiene como propósito describir el sector de la agroindustria y la cadena de suministro, identificar los modelos de caos y complejidad y posteriormente determinar cuáles de éstos son aplicables al sector. Se define el caos como una sub-disciplina de las matemáticas que estudia sistemas complejos o dinámicos y tiene inmerso implicaciones filosóficas; por otra parte complejidad es la cualidad que adquiere un sistema en el que hay diversos componentes relacionados. Se ha identificado que en el ámbito colombiano existen diferentes estudios enfocados en la construcción de modelos agroindustriales, donde se adopta el concepto de complejidad para calificar el atributo de dichos modelos que involucran la armonización e integración de diferentes actores, desde los productores hasta los consumidores. En este estudio se emplea un estudio monográfico de tipo documental teniendo como unidad de análisis la cadena de suministro del sector agroindustrial. Los resultados indican que las teorías del caos y complejidad se encuentran presentes dentro de la cadena de suministros del sector agroindustrial colombiano, ya que en ella se ocurre la interconexión entre productores, procesadores y comercializadores, interactuando entre ellos y presentando alteraciones en su comportamiento económico a lo largo del tiempo en función de variaciones de las condiciones iniciales influenciadas por variables macroeconómicas, ambientales, sociales y políticas.