944 resultados para Cutover lands
The genus Euphorbia comprises about 2000 species ranging from annuals to trees, including C3, C4, and CAM species. Euphorbia species widely studied in agriculture includes E. antiquorum, E. carollata, E. dentata, E. dracunculoides, E. esula, E. geniculata, E. granulata, E. helioscopia, E. heterophylla, E. hierosolymitana, E. hirta, E. maculata, E. microphylla, E. nerifolia, E. piluifera, E. pulcherrima, E. royleana, E. supine, and E. thiamifolia. These species have been reported mainly in field crops/vegetables, orchards, pastures, and rangelands. Euphorbia plants may present allelopathic effect over desirable cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, forage plants, and nitrifying bacteria, posing a serious threat to livestock production on open range lands through the release of allelochemicals from roots, stems, leaves, and inflorescence in the rhizosphere. Leaves are reported to be more toxic than other plant parts. Competition of Euphorbia spp. against crop plants is the most important crop yield-limiting factor. The critical period for Euphorbia competition with crops is reported to take place between 17 to 70 days after emergence for most crops, depending on root development during the initial crop growth stage, crop height, tillering or branching capacity, whether weeds emerge at the same time as the crop or later after crop emergence; how quickly crop canopy develops and also on Euphorbia species. A yield reduction of 4-85% has been reported in field crops with different Euphorbia species and distinct occurrence densities. Euphorbia species decrease herbage production by 10 to 100% in pasture and rangelands, with many acting as natural insecticide, fungicide, nematidicide, immunopotentiator, or immunosuppressor.
The forest succession after abandonment of slash-and-burn agriculture over calcareous soil in Brazilian Atlantic Forest was assessed. This is one of the world's most threatened Biome, with only 8% remaining. The study area is located over calcareous soil inside the Alto Ribeira Touristic State Park (PETAR), southeast Brazil. The phytossociological survey showed a successional pattern dominated by species of Leguminosae, especially Piptadenia gonoacantha (Mart.) J.F. Macbr. This species occurs in calcareous soils as a substitute of Tibouchina pulchra (Cham.) Cogn. (Melastomataceae) that is the most usual dominant tree species in early succession over acidic soil, which is the most common situation in this Biome. These results are important for a better understanding of Neotropical forest biodiversity and characterize a unique genetic bank in this highly endangered Biome. They are also decisive to support actions regarding rehabilitation of degraded lands and a potential tool for Neotropical forest sustainable management, both inside and around the conservation unit.
The Pasvik monitoring programme was created in 2006 as a result of the trilateral cooperation and with the intention of following changes in the environment under variable pollution levels. Water quality is one of the basic elements of the programme when assessing the effects of the emissions from the Pechenganikel mining end metallurgical industry (Kola GMK). In this report temporal trends of the water chemistry during 2000–2013 are examined on the basis of the data gathered from lake Inari, River Pasvik and directly connected lakes, Lake Kuetsjarvi and 25 small lakes in three areas: Pechenganikel (Russia), Jarfjord (Norway) and Vätsäri (Finland). The lower parts of the Pasvik watercourse are impacted by both atmospheric pollution and direct wastewater discharge from the Pechenganikel smelter and the settlement of Nikel. The upper section of the watercourse and the small lakes and streams which are not directly linked to the Pasvik Watercourse only receive atmospheric pollution. Lake Inari is free of direct emissions from the Pechenganikel and the water quality is excellent. In River Pasvik and the directly connected lakes copper, nickel, and sulphates are the main pollutants. The most polluted water body is the Kolosjoki River as well as the stream connecting the Lakes Salmijarvi and Kuetsjarvi. The concentration of metals and sulphates in the water notably increases downstream the river lower Lake Kuetsjarvi. In Lake Kuetsjarvi copper and nickel concentrations are clearly elevated and have changed insignificantly in the last years of the research period. In the small border area lakes recovery from acidification in Vätsäri and Jarfjord is evident. Nickel and copper oncentrations have fluctuated but remained on clearly elevated level in Jarfjord and Pechenga. Copper concentrations have been slightly rising in the recent years. In Pechenga area nickel concentrations during the last four monitoring years are decreasing in some places but the regional trend through whole time series is still positive.
Acid sulfate (a.s.) soils constitute a major environmental issue. Severe ecological damage results from the considerable amounts of acidity and metals leached by these soils in the recipient watercourses. As even small hot spots may affect large areas of coastal waters, mapping represents a fundamental step in the management and mitigation of a.s. soil environmental risks (i.e. to target strategic areas). Traditional mapping in the field is time-consuming and therefore expensive. Additional more cost-effective techniques have, thus, to be developed in order to narrow down and define in detail the areas of interest. The primary aim of this thesis was to assess different spatial modeling techniques for a.s. soil mapping, and the characterization of soil properties relevant for a.s. soil environmental risk management, using all available data: soil and water samples, as well as datalayers (e.g. geological and geophysical). Different spatial modeling techniques were applied at catchment or regional scale. Two artificial neural networks were assessed on the Sirppujoki River catchment (c. 440 km2) located in southwestern Finland, while fuzzy logic was assessed on several areas along the Finnish coast. Quaternary geology, aerogeophysics and slope data (derived from a digital elevation model) were utilized as evidential datalayers. The methods also required the use of point datasets (i.e. soil profiles corresponding to known a.s. or non-a.s. soil occurrences) for training and/or validation within the modeling processes. Applying these methods, various maps were generated: probability maps for a.s. soil occurrence, as well as predictive maps for different soil properties (sulfur content, organic matter content and critical sulfide depth). The two assessed artificial neural networks (ANNs) demonstrated good classification abilities for a.s. soil probability mapping at catchment scale. Slightly better results were achieved using a Radial Basis Function (RBF) -based ANN than a Radial Basis Functional Link Net (RBFLN) method, narrowing down more accurately the most probable areas for a.s. soil occurrence and defining more properly the least probable areas. The RBF-based ANN also demonstrated promising results for the characterization of different soil properties in the most probable a.s. soil areas at catchment scale. Since a.s. soil areas constitute highly productive lands for agricultural purpose, the combination of a probability map with more specific soil property predictive maps offers a valuable toolset to more precisely target strategic areas for subsequent environmental risk management. Notably, the use of laser scanning (i.e. Light Detection And Ranging, LiDAR) data enabled a more precise definition of a.s. soil probability areas, as well as the soil property modeling classes for sulfur content and the critical sulfide depth. Given suitable training/validation points, ANNs can be trained to yield a more precise modeling of the occurrence of a.s. soils and their properties. By contrast, fuzzy logic represents a simple, fast and objective alternative to carry out preliminary surveys, at catchment or regional scale, in areas offering a limited amount of data. This method enables delimiting and prioritizing the most probable areas for a.s soil occurrence, which can be particularly useful in the field. Being easily transferable from area to area, fuzzy logic modeling can be carried out at regional scale. Mapping at this scale would be extremely time-consuming through manual assessment. The use of spatial modeling techniques enables the creation of valid and comparable maps, which represents an important development within the a.s. soil mapping process. The a.s. soil mapping was also assessed using water chemistry data for 24 different catchments along the Finnish coast (in all, covering c. 21,300 km2) which were mapped with different methods (i.e. conventional mapping, fuzzy logic and an artificial neural network). Two a.s. soil related indicators measured in the river water (sulfate content and sulfate/chloride ratio) were compared to the extent of the most probable areas for a.s. soils in the surveyed catchments. High sulfate contents and sulfate/chloride ratios measured in most of the rivers demonstrated the presence of a.s. soils in the corresponding catchments. The calculated extent of the most probable a.s. soil areas is supported by independent data on water chemistry, suggesting that the a.s. soil probability maps created with different methods are reliable and comparable.
Exerpts from Houghton's "Niagara and other poems", Hardy's "Through cities and prairie lands", Dickens' "American notes", etc.
The lithograph, "General view of lands, tunnel and docks of Niagara River Hydraulic Tunnel, Power and Sewer Company," called for p. [4] in the Index, has been removed and encapsulated, and is shelved separately.
The correspondence from D.W. [David William] Smith to President Peter Russell regarding Smith’s desire to sell a certain piece of property in Newark (now Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont.) to be used as a location for a common grammar school. The notice gives a description of the building situated on the property as being adaptable for the use of a school. The Board of Survey convened in December 1798 to examine Smith’s property and gave an appropriate valuation of the properties and buildings Smith was offering for sale. Smith was the deputy surveyor general of lands for Upper Canada.
Item one is a minute book for Grantham Township, Ontario. It records the proceedings of meetings from 1818-1854 and the names of parish and town officers from 1818 to 1842. Names include: Chisholm, Ball, Steele, TenBroeck, Shipman, Laraway, McKerney, Adams, Pawling, Merritt, Rolls, Robertson, Lampman, Phelps, Darling. Also notes the laws agreed upon for the period - mainly dealing with livestock. Item two is a report and evidence of boundary line disputes in the Township of Grantham. Includes affidavits from witnesses to the boundary dispute and a report to the Honourable the Commissioner of Crown Lands Quebec. The affadavits were recorded in 1844, and transcribed into the folio in 1852. Lewis A. Ball was the commissioner before whom the affadavits were sworn and duly recorded. Includes field notes by Frederic F. Passmore, Provincial land surveyor. The boundary lines in dispute were 1. between the 2nd and 3rd Concessions, from Lot no. 1 to Lot no. 5, 2. between the 4th and 5th concessions, from lot no. 4 to lot no. 5 and 3. between lots 14 in the 9th and 10th concession of the Township of Grantham.
William Van Every, son of McGregory and Mary Wilcox (Jaycocks) Van Every, was born in New York state in 1765. During the Revolutionary War he joined Butler’s Rangers and served under Captain John McDonnell. He was granted three lots of land in the Township of Niagara, with additional lands granted at later dates. William married Elizabeth, daughter of George Young. Elizabeth was the widow of Col. Frederick Dochstader and mother of Catherine Dochstader, b. 1781. William Van Every died in 1832, his wife Elizabeth in 1851. Both are buried in the Warner Cemetery, in present day Niagara Falls. The children of William Van Every and Elizabeth Young were Mary, Elizabeth, Phoebe, John, Peter, William, Rebecca, Samuel and Joseph. Source: Mary Blackadar Piersol, The Records of the Van Every Family, Toronto : Best Printing, 1947. And, Patricia M. Orr, Historic Woodend, sponsored by Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, 1980?
Index of names for the Survey of Lands for the Welland Canal Company. The index includes names for people whos lands were surveyed on the line of the canal. The index also includes a very basic geographic location of the lands in reference to the canal (for example, east, west, resevoir. No page numbers are listed.
Consists of a petition by residents of the Township of Crowland, and a letter addressed to the Hon. Commissioner of Crown Lands. Both items concern a dispute of a land survey. The petition is dated May 26, 1854, and is by inhabitants of the fourth concession in the Township of Crowland. The petition is signed by 9 residents. The names include James Cook (?), Samuel Buchner, James Rock (?), Wm. Vanalstine (?), Seth Skinner, Daniel Holcomb, P. Skinner (?), Henry Buchner, and Cornelius McHay (?). The letter is dated July 20, 1855 and is addressed to the Hon. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Quebec. It is signed by Arthur Johnston, Town Reeve, Bertie.
Translation of Clopton Charter Let those who are present and those in future know that I Robert de Clopton gave and granted to my son, William, one yardland which is part of the Clopton estate / manorial demesne with all its appurtenances in exchange for his homage and service , and that I have confirmed it with this charter . The yardland in question is that which he once held as heriot / heritable property . [I have given and granted it to him] to be held and kept by him and his heirs freely and undisputedly as a holding granted in return for services and as hereditable property from me and my heirs. For this he has to pay an annual rent of twelve silver pennies, in two installments per year: six on the Feast Day of St. Michael and six on the Feast Day of St. Mary in March , on the income that belongs to me and to my heirs, without neglecting income from elsewhere; together with all goods and privileges attached to the aformentioned land in the form of fields and pastures and everything which belongs to said yardland. And I, Robert, and all my heirs shall warrant all this aforementioned yardland together with all its appurtenances to said William and his heirs against all other claims in perpetuity . However, in order that this gift and grant of mine may remain firm and immovable, I have validated this charter with my seal in the presence of [the following] witnesses: the knights Sir William of Ludinton [and] Sir Robert of Valle. William of Edricheston, William of Waleford, Robert of Sidesam, Richard of Ludinton, Nicholas the scribe , and others.
The Welland Canal Company was formed in 1824 by William Hamilton Merritt. Construction of the first Welland Canal began in 1829 and was completed in 1834. The canal ran south from Port Dalhousie along Twelve Mile Creek to St. Catharines. An extension was built in 1833 to Gravelly Bay, now Port Colborne. As ships became larger and the wooden locks deteriorated, the need for a new canal became apparent. In 1839, the government purchased the Welland Canal Company’s assets and began making plans for the construction of a second canal. Construction began in 1841 and was completed by 1845. In 1887, a third Welland Canal was completed, which operated until 1932, when a fourth canal was completed. This canal remains in operation today.
Thomas Millard Senior was born in Middlesex, Connecticut, in 1728. He served as a Private with Butler’s Rangers. In July 1784, Thomas and his wife Mary, along with their 4 children, were on a list “to settle and cultivate the lands opposite Niagara”. He took the oath of allegiance at Niagara around 1784-85.
Richard Leonard was a member of the 104th Regiment of the British Army. He fought during the War of 1812 at Sackett’s Harbour, Lundy’s Lane and Fort Erie. After the war he settled at Lundy’s Lane and was appointed lieutenant colonel of the 1st Lincoln Militia. He later became the Sheriff of Niagara. He died in 1833 and is buried in the Drummond Hill Cemetery.