948 resultados para Continental Extension
Sedimentological and benthic foraminifera analyses carried out on a core (length 4.15 in, collected at 22 degrees 56`31 `` S and 41 degrees 58`48 `` W, at a water depth of 43 in) sampled from the inner shelf of Cabo Frio, southeastern Brazilian continental margin, allowed identification of different hydrodynamic and productivity regimes related to sea-level fluctuations and/or climatic changes, during the last 9.4 ka cal BP. Prior to 7.0 ka cal BP, a less intense hydrodynamic and lower productivity regime occurred at lower sea levels and under drier climatic conditions. Between 7.0 and 5.0 ka cal BP, relatively stronger local oceanic circulation and relatively high productivity were observed, in a scenario of rising sea levels and more humid conditions. From 5.0 to 3.0 ka cal BP, bottom currents weakened and input of nutrients increased, with productivity levels similar to the previous phase at lower sea level and in a drier climate. From 3.0 ka cal BP up to the present, stronger hydrodynamic conditions and a higher productivity regime are linked to the establishment of the upwelling process in Cabo Frio. From 2.5 ka cal BP to the present, upwelling enhancement has been recognized, resulting from the combined action of NE winds and the intensification of the meandering pattern of the Brazil Current (BC). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
The response of the Sao Paulo Continental Shelf (SPCS) to synoptic wind forcing has been analyzed. Two different methods are used for this purpose, one based on hydrographic data, bottom topography, and geographical characteristics, and a second on analyzing currentmeter data directly and using empirical orthogonal functions. Both methods show similar results for an essentially barotropic shelf. The SPCS response in the subinertial frequency band appears to be trapped on the continental shelf. Numerical experiments have also been carried out showing results that qualitatively agree with the observations, including the velocity component parallel to the coastline.
The physical aspects of the Subtropical Shelf Front (STSF) for the Southwest Atlantic Continental Shelf were previously described. However, only scarce data on the biology of the front is available in the literature. The main goal of this paper is to describe the physical, chemical and biological properties of the STSF found in winter 2003 and summer 2004. A cross-section was established at the historically determined location of the STSF. Nine stations were sampled in winter and seven in summer. Each section included a series of conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) stations where water samples from selected depths were filtered for nutrient determination. Surface samples were taken for chlorophyll a (Chl-a) determination and plankton net tows carried out above and below the pycnocline. Results revealed that winter was marked by an inner-shelf salinity front and that the STSF was located on the mid-shelf The low salinity waters in the inner-shelf indicated a strong influence of freshwater, with high silicate (72 mu M), suspended matter (45 mg l(-1)), phosphate (2.70 mu M) and low nitrate (1.0 mu M) levels. Total dissolved nitrogen was relatively high (22.98 mu M), probably due to the elevated levels of organic compound contribution close to the continental margin. Surface Chl-a concentration decreased from coastal well-mixed waters, where values up to 8.0 mg m(-3) were registered, to offshore waters. Towards the open ocean, high subsurface nutrients values were observed, probably associated to South Atlantic Central Waters (SACW). Zooplankton and ichthyoplankton abundance followed the same trend; three different groups associated to the inner-, mid- and outer-shelf region were identified. During summer, diluted waters extended over the shelf to join the STSF in the upper layer; the concentration of inorganic nutrients decreased in shallow waters; however, high values were observed between 40 and 60 m and in deep offshore waters. Surface Chl-a ranged 0.07-1.5 mg m(-3); winter levels were higher. Three groups of zoo and ichthyoplankton, separated by the STSF, were also identified. Results of the study performed suggest that the influence of freshwater was stronger during winter and that abundance distribution of Chl-a, copepods and ichthyoplankton was related to the Plata Plume Waters (PPW), rather than to the presence of the STSF. During summer, when the presence of freshwater decreases, plankton interactions seem to take place in the STSF. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nutrient distributions observed at some depths along the continental shelf from 27 degrees 05`S (Brazil) to 39 degrees 31`S (Argentina) in winter, 2003 and summer, 2004 related to salinity and dissolved oxygen (mL L-1) and saturation (%) data showed remarkable influences of fresh water discharge over the coastal region and in front of the La Plata estuary. In the southern portion of the study area different processes were verified. Upwelling processes caused by ocean dynamics typical of shelf break areas, eddies related to surface dynamics and regeneration processes confirmed by the increase of nutrients and the decrease of dissolved and saturation oxygen data were verified. High silicate concentrations in the surface waters were identified related to low salinities (minimum of 21.22 in winter and 21.96 in summer), confirming the importance of freshwater inputs in this region, especially in winter. Silicate concentration range showed values between 0.00 and 83.52 mu M during winter and from 0.00 to 41.16 mu M during summer. Phosphate concentrations worked as a secondary trace of terrestrial input and their values varied from 0.00 to 3.30 mu M in winter and from 0.03 to 2.26 mu M in summer; however, in shallow waters, phosphate indicated more clearly the fresh water influence. The most important information given by nitrate concentrations was the presence of water from SACW upwelling that represents a new source of nutrients for marine primary production. Nitrate maximum values reached 41.96 M in winter and 33.10 mu M in summer. At a depth similar to 800m, high nitrate, phosphate and silicate concentrations were related to Malvinas Current Waters, Subantarctic Shallow Waters and Antarctic Atlantic Intermediate Waters (AAIW). Dissolved oxygen varied from 3.41 to 7.06 mL L-1 in winter and from 2.65 to 6.85 mL L-1 in summer. The percentage of dissolved oxygen saturation in the waters showed values between 48% and 113% in winter and from 46% to 135% in summer. The most important primary production was verified in the summer, and situations of undersaturation were mainly observed below 50 m depth and at some points near the coast. The anti-correlation between nutrients and dissolved oxygen which showed evident undersaturation also revealed important potential sites of remineralization processes. The nutrient behaviours showed some aspects of the processes that occur over the Southwestern South Atlantic continental shelf and in their land-sea interfaces between Mar del Plata and Itajai.
In this article, we introduce an asymmetric extension to the univariate slash-elliptical family of distributions studied in Gomez et al. (2007a). This new family results from a scale mixture between the epsilon-skew-symmetric family of distributions and the uniform distribution. A general expression is presented for the density with special cases such as the normal, Cauchy, Student-t, and Pearson type II distributions. Some special properties and moments are also investigated. Results of two real data sets applications are also reported, illustrating the fact that the family introduced can be useful in practice.
In this paper, we propose an extension of the invariance principle for nonlinear switched systems under dwell-time switched solutions. This extension allows the derivative of an auxiliary function V, also called a Lyapunov-like function, along the solutions of the switched system to be positive on some sets. The results of this paper are useful to estimate attractors of nonlinear switched systems and corresponding basins of attraction. Uniform estimates of attractors and basin of attractions with respect to time-invariant uncertain parameters are also obtained. Results for a common Lyapunov-like function and multiple Lyapunov-like functions are given. Illustrative examples show the potential of the theoretical results in providing information on the asymptotic behavior of nonlinear dynamical switched systems. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Analyses of living foraminiferal and environmental parameters near an outfall at Mar Grosso Beach (Laguna, SC, Brazil) demonstrate its usefulness as indicators of domestic sewage pollution. The low species diversity may be due to sand accumulation in the central part. Higher diversity was noted closer to the mouth of Laguna estuarine system where reduced salinity and higher temperatures indicate freshwater influence, suggesting a relationship between increased diversity and greater availability of terrestrial food. On the basis of foraminiferal diversity and average coliform count the higher values are closer to the mouth of the estuarine system and under the influence of the outfall. Due to the effect of local hydrodynamics, the particulate organic waste derived from the outfall does not settle down locally, and thus, do not accumulate nearby. Our hypothesis is that the fine material derived from the outfall is accumulating on the southwestern and northwestern parts of the beach.
In this paper we introduce a new distribution, namely, the slashed half-normal distribution and it can be seen as an extension of the half-normal distribution. It is shown that the resulting distribution has more kurtosis than the ordinary half-normal distribution. Moments and some properties are derived for the new distribution. Moment estimators and maximum likelihood estimators can computed using numerical procedures. Results of two real data application are reported where model fitting is implemented by using maximum likelihood estimation. The applications illustrate the better performance of the new distribution.
In this work, we present a supersymmetric extension of the quantum spherical model, both in components and also in the superspace formalisms. We find the solution for short- and long-range interactions through the imaginary time formalism path integral approach. The existence of critical points (classical and quantum) is analyzed and the corresponding critical dimensions are determined.
This paper presents an extension of the Enestrom-Kakeya theorem concerning the roots of a polynomial that arises from the analysis of the stability of Brown (K, L) methods. The generalization relates to relaxing one of the inequalities on the coefficients of the polynomial. Two results concerning the zeros of polynomials will be proved, one of them providing a partial answer to a conjecture by Meneguette (1994)[6]. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The frequency distribution of SNPs and haplotypes in the ABCB1, SLCO1B1 and SLCO1B3 genes varies largely among continental populations. This variation can lead to biases in pharmacogenetic studies conducted in admixed populations such as those from Brazil and other Latin American countries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of self-reported colour, geographical origin and genomic ancestry on distributions of the ABCB1, SLCO1B1 and SLCO1B3 polymorphisms and derived haplotypes in admixed Brazilian populations. A total of 1039 healthy adults from the north, north-east, south-east and south of Brazil were recruited for this investigation. The c.388A>G (rs2306283), c.463C>A (rs11045819) and c.521T>C (rs4149056) SNPs in the SLCO1B1 gene and c.334T>G (rs4149117) and c.699G>A (rs7311358) SNPs in the SLCO1B3 gene were determined by Taqman 5'-nuclease assays. The ABCB1 c.1236C>T (rs1128503), c.2677G>T/A (rs2032582) and c.3435C>T (rs1045642) polymorphisms were genotyped using a previously described single-base extension/termination method. The results showed that genotype and haplotype distributions are highly variable among populations of the same self-reported colour and geographical region. However, genomic ancestry showed that these associations are better explained by a continuous variable. The influence of ancestry on the distribution of alleles and haplotype frequencies was more evident in variants with large differences in allele frequencies between European and African populations. Design and interpretation of pharmacogenetic studies using these transporter genes should include genomic controls to avoid spurious conclusions based on improper matching of study cohorts from Brazilian populations and other highly admixed populations.
Let G be a group such that, for any subgroup H of G, every automorphism of H can be extended to an automorphism of G. Such a group G is said to be of injective type. The finite abelian groups of injective type are precisely the quasi-injective groups. We prove that a finite non-abelian group G of injective type has even order. If, furthermore, G is also quasi-injective, then we prove that G = K x B, with B a quasi-injective abelian group of odd order and either K = Q(8) (the quaternion group of order 8) or K = Dih(A), a dihedral group on a quasi-injective abelian group A of odd order coprime with the order of B. We give a description of the supersoluble finite groups of injective type whose Sylow 2-subgroup are abelian showing that these groups are, in general, not quasi-injective. In particular, the characterisation of such groups is reduced to that of finite 2-groups that are of injective type. We give several restrictions on the latter. We also show that the alternating group A(5) is of injective type but that the binary icosahedral group SL(2, 5) is not.
Basalts of the Parana continental flood basalt (PCFB) province erupted through dominantly Proterozoic continental crust during the Cretaceous. In order to examine the mantle source(s) of this major flood basalt province, we studied Os, Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope systematics, and highly siderophile element (HSE) abundances in tholeiitic basalts that were carefully chosen to show the minimal effects of crustal contamination. These basalts define a precise Re-Os isochron with an age of 131.6 +/- 2.3 Ma and an initial Os-187/Os-188 of 0.1295 +/- 0.0018 (gamma Os-187 = +2.7 +/- 1.4). This initial Os isotopic composition is considerably more radiogenic than estimates of the contemporary Depleted Mantle (DM). The fact that the Re-Os data define a well constrained isochron with an age similar to Ar-40/Ar-39 age determinations, despite generally low Os concentrations, is consistent with closed-system behavior for the HSE. Neodymium, Sr, and Pb isotopic data suggest that the mantle source of the basalts had been variably hybridized by melts derived from enriched mantle components. To account for the combined Os, Nd, Sr, and Pb isotopic characteristics of these rocks, we propose that the primary melts formed from metasomatized asthenospheric mantle (represented by arc-mantle peridotite) that underwent mixing with two enriched components, EM-I and EM-II. The different enriched components are reflected in minor isotopic differences between basalts from southern and northern portions of the province. The Tristan da Cunha hotspot has been previously suggested to be the cause of the Parana continental flood basalt magmatism. However, present-day Tristan da Cunha lavas have much higher Os-187/Os-188 isotopic compositions than the source of the PCFB. These data, together with other isotopic and elemental data, preclude making a definitive linkage between the Tristan plume and the PCFB. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Numerous studies use major element concentrations measured on continental margin sediments to reconstruct terrestrial climate variations. The choice and interpretation of climate proxies however differ from site to site. Here we map the concentrations of major elements (Ca, Fe, Al, Si, Ti, K) in Atlantic surface sediments (36 degrees N-49 degrees S) to assess the factors influencing the geochemistry of Atlantic hemipelagic sediments and the potential of elemental ratios to reconstruct different terrestrial climate regimes. High concentrations of terrigenous elements and low Ca concentrations along the African and South American margins reflect the dominance of terrigenous input in these regions. Single element concentrations and elemental ratios including Ca (e. g., Fe/Ca) are too sensitive to dilution effects (enhanced biological productivity, carbonate dissolution) to allow reliable reconstructions of terrestrial climate. Other elemental ratios reflect the composition of terrigenous material and mirror the climatic conditions within the continental catchment areas. The Atlantic distribution of Ti/Al supports its use as a proxy for eolian versus fluvial input in regions of dust deposition that are not affected by the input of mafic rock material. The spatial distributions of Al/Si and Fe/K reflect the relative input of intensively weathered material from humid regions versus slightly weathered particles from drier areas. High biogenic opal input however influences the Al/Si ratio. Fe/K is sensitive to the input of mafic material and the topography of Andean river drainage basins. Both ratios are suitable to reconstruct African and South American climatic zones characterized by different intensities of chemical weathering in well-understood environmental settings.