971 resultados para Concentración de sales
La invención proporciona un método para preparar un concentrado de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (PUFAS) a partir de biomasa que comprende: (a) extraer y saponificar la biomasa mediante tratamiento con un alcohol inferior y un hidróxido de metal alcalino a 75-90ºC; (b) enfriar la mezcla obtenida en (a) para obtener una fase líquida y una fase sólida; (c) filtrar la fase sólida a la temperatura de enfriamiento; (d) acidificar el filtrado; (e) extraer el filtrado acidificado con un disolvente orgánico; y (f) purificar el extracto destilando el disolvente; en el que en la etapa (a) el alcohol inferior es etanol absoluto y el hidróxido de metal alcalino es hidróxido sódico sólido; y el enfriamiento de la etapa (b) y la filtración de la etapa (c) se llevan a cabo a una temperatura de 0-4ºC. El concentrado de PUFAS así obtenido puede usarse en la industria agroalimentaria, farmacéutica o química.
La presente invención consiste en concentrar cultivos de microalgas mediante un proceso económico y de bajo consumo energético pudiendo reaprovechar el glicerol residual de la síntesis de biodiesel. La disolución de glicerol constituye la solución osmótica, que se pone en contacto con el cultivo de microalgas a través de una membrana semipermeable. La diferencia de presión osmótica entre el cultivo y la disolución de glicerol hace que el agua se transfiera al glicerol, lográndose así, sin adición de químicos ni gasto energético adicional la concentración del cultivo. Este procedimiento, permite que en los procesos posteriores al cultivo de microalgas se manejen menores volúmenes, con el subsecuente recorte en el gasto de equipos, suministros y energético. Alternativas: centrifugación, floculación, ósmosis con agua de mar.
The main aim of this book is to consider how the sales function informs business strategy. Although there are a number of books available that address how to manage the sales team tactically, this text addresses how sales can help organizations to become more customer oriented. Many organizations are facing escalating costs and a growth in customer power, which makes it necessary to allocate resources more strategically. The sales function can provide critical customer and market knowledge to help inform both innovation and marketing. Sales are responsible for building customer knowledge, networking both internally and externally to help create additional customer value, as well as the more traditional role of managing customer relationships and selling. The text considers how sales organizations are responding to increasing competition, more demanding customers and a more complex selling environment. We identify many of the challenges facing organisations today and offers discussions of some of the possible solutions. This book considers the changing nature of sales and how activities can be aligned within the organization, as well as marketing sensing, creating customer focus and the role of sales leadership. The text will include illustrations (short case studies) provided by a range of successful organizations operating in a number of industries. Sales and senior management play an important role in ensuring that the sales teams' activities are aligned to business strategy and in creating an environment to allow salespeople to be more successful in developing new business opportunities and building long-term profitable business relationships. One of the objectives of this book is to consider how conventional thinking has changed in the last five years and integrate it with examples from sales practice to provide a more complete picture of the role of sales within the modern organization.
There would appear to be varied approaches to the sales process practiced by SMEs in how they go about locating target customers, interfacing with prospects and new customers, presenting the benefits and features of their products and services, closing sales deals and building relationships, and an understanding of what the buyers needs are in the seller-buyer process. Recent research has revealed that while entrepreneurs and small business owners rely upon networking as an important source of sales, they lack marketing competencies, including personal selling skills and knowledge of what is involved in the sales process to close sales deals and build relationships. Small companies and start-ups with innovative products and services often find it difficult to persuade potential buyers of the merits of their offerings because, while the products and services may be excellent, they have not sufficiently well-developed selling skills necessary to persuade their target customers.
Universities in the United Kingdom do not make provision to deliver sales-ready graduates to the economy. One means of delivering sales education is participation in university sales competitions that bring together commercial sponsors, the higher education establishment and those students who may be interested in embarking upon a sales career. This paper explores the views of a sample of Edinburgh Napier University undergraduate students who completed a survey, with both multiple choice and open-ended questions, that detailed their experience in taking part in the Russ Berrie Institute (RBI) Sales Challenge competition between 2009-2014 at the Cotsakos Business Faculty of William Paterson University, New Jersey, in the United States. Ten categories of questions were asked relating to students' sales working experience, sales education, sales jobs, skills and knowledge, their preparation for the sales challenge competition process, observations during the event, post-competition reflection, and overall benefits of taking part in the sales competition process. The findings suggest that there are multiple benefits to students, business and universities from sales challenge competitions, which deliver an overall win-win-win outcome for all stakeholders.
Résumé: Le rapport entre la morale et la politique est un des plus vieux problèmes et des plus durables que s’est posé la philosophie morale, la philosophie politique, et plus récemment la philosophie du droit. Pour certains, la Morale, au sens large, doit guider les actions humaines dans toutes les sphères d’activité et les individus devraient ainsi, au mieux de leur capacité, chercher à se conformer à ses exigences. Dans ce cas, il ne peut y avoir de dilemme moral entre les exigences normatives issues de l’univers politique et les exigences, prétendument universelles, de la Morale. En contrepartie, d’autres suggèrent que l’on peut être justifié d’enfreindre, à certains moments, les exigences que l’on considère comme morales dans la vie « ordinaire » étant donné le caractère adversatif de la politique. Le dilemme se présente, ainsi, comme une tension entre deux normativités qui suggèrent une distinction entre ce qui relève du public et ce qui relève du privé. C’est en voulant répondre à ce dernier problème que s’est développé une littérature qui porte au cœur de sa conception le problème de la justification morale d’une action politique qui est moralement condamnable. Dans son ensemble, ce mémoire s’intéresse à analyser comment la littérature portant sur le problème des mains sales traite la question du couple conceptuel public – privé. Nous soutenons, qu’en retenant la possibilité d’une réelle distinction entre ces deux univers à normativités différentes, l’hypothèse qu’il y a effectivement une tension entre le domaine privé et le domaine public, qui ne peut totalement se soumettre aux exigences de la morale étant donné les particularités de l’action politique. Ceci étant dit, nous désirons nuancer une telle prise de position qui fait écho aux écrits de Machiavel. Ainsi, nous soutiendrons que cette distance entre le public et le privé est bien réelle, cependant, elle ne se présente pas aussi radicalement. Plutôt, elle se présente comme une distinction qui est liée à l’enjeu de l’évaluation, du jugement moral, faite par les individus qui sont hors de la politique et de ceux étant à l’intérieur de la politique.
Objetivo: Analisar os teores de íons de fluoreto e o padrão microbiológico encontrado nas águas de abastecimento público dos municípios alagoanos que fluoretam suas águas. Métodos: Estudo transversal descritivo realizado no período de 2012 a 2014, no qual se analisaram todos os laudos emitidos pelo Laboratório Central de Saúde Pública de Alagoas (LACEN-AL) com os resultados da análise da qualidade da água para consumo humano dos onze municípios alagoanos que fluoretaram suas águas, totalizando 3.089 laudos. Avaliouse o número total de amostras enviadas para análise da qualidade da água, a quantidade de amostras em que foi solicitada a análise de fluoreto, teores e variações dos íons de fluoreto e o padrão microbiológico das amostras fluoretadas. Realizou-se a análise descritiva dos dados, obtendo-se as frequências absolutas e relativas percentuais. Resultados: Foram encontradas 429 (83,9%) amostras coletadas no intervalo 0,0-0,5 mgF/L, número considerado abaixo do recomendável, além de grande variação na concentração dos íons de fluoreto e 128 (26,3%) amostras de água fluoretada fora dos padrões de potabilidade. Conclusão: Os dados mostraram uma grande variação e um alto percentual de amostras com baixas concentrações de fluoreto, assim como a necessidade de melhoria da qualidade da água ofertada, de modo a garantir para a população o acesso contínuo à água potável.
The goal was to understand, document and module how information is currently flown internally in the largest dairy organization in Finland. The organization has undergone radical changes in the past years due to economic sanctions between European Union and Russia. Therefore, organization’s ultimate goal would be to continue its growth through managing its sales process more efficiently. The thesis consists of a literature review and an empirical part. The literature review consists of knowledge management and process modeling theories. First, the knowledge management discusses how data, information and knowledge are exchanged in the process. Knowledge management models and processes are describing how knowledge is created, exchanged and can be managed in an organization. Secondly, the process modeling is responsible for visualizing information flow through discussion of modeling approaches and presenting different methods and techniques. Finally, process’ documentation procedure was presented. In the end, a constructive research approach was used in order to identify process’ related problems and bottlenecks. Therefore, possible solutions were presented based on this approach. The empirical part of the study is based on 37 interviews, organization’s internal data sources and theoretical framework. The acquired data and information were used to document and to module the sales process in question with a flowchart diagram. Results are conducted through construction of the flowchart diagram and analysis of the documentation. In fact, answers to research questions are derived from empirical and theoretical parts. In the end, 14 problems and two bottlenecks were identified in the process. The most important problems are related to approach and/or standardization for information sharing, insufficient information technology tool utilization and lack of systematization of documentation. The bottlenecks are caused by the alarming amount of changes to files after their deadlines.
Scale not given.
En este trabajo de graduación se presenta paso a paso, el diseño y construcción de una unidad de laboratorio que permite familiarizarse con los principios, y la demostración de la refrigeración por absorción para uso didáctico, utilizando agua como refrigerante y sales de bromuro de litio como absorbente, enfatizando en las ventajas e inconvenientes que este tipo de equipos presenta comparado con el sistema de refrigeración por compresión de vapor; como un insumo a la Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura de la Universidad de El Salvador, fomentando el uso de energías renovables y el uso eficiente de los recursos energéticos. Se muestra el detalle del método de diseño y fabricación de cada componente del sistema, los materiales utilizados, planos constructivos y costos de fabricación. Las guías de laboratorio como una serie de pasos para impulsar en la comunidad estudiantil de la facultad la formación en el área, y un manual de operaciones para hacer correcto uso del banco de refrigeración por absorción, además de una manipulación segura y responsable de las sustancias de trabajo
This study focuses on the network embeddedness of a subsidiary of a multinational company. Academic research has identified the rising role of geographically dispersed subsidiaries as valuable sources of strategic knowledge and value to the whole multinational company. Moreover, previous research suggests that in order to gather this knowledge and transfer it across the multinational company, a subsidiary needs to be insider, i.e. embedded, in both its local external network as well as in its internal corporate network. The purpose of this study is to describe the network embeddedness of a foreign sales subsidiary from the subsidiary personnel perspective and hence increase understanding on the phenomenon and provide suggestions to enhance overall subsidiary embeddedness. The empirical study was based on a theoretical framework on subsidiary network embeddedness and comprised a qualitative single-case study in a French sales subsidiary of a Nordic multinational company. Data collection included nine semi-structured interviews and six Network Pictures drawing tasks. Altogether eight people out of subsidiary staff of eleven participated in the study providing relatively exhaustive overview of the subsidiary personnel perspective. Based on the collected data, the relationships toward the most relevant network actors, both internal and external were identified and their impact on the subsidiary embeddedness were analyzed separately. Moreover, the subsidiary’s simultaneous embeddedness in both internal and external network, that is, the subsidiary dual embeddedness, was discussed to increase understanding how subsidiary personnel perceive their role between the two networks and its impact on the subsidiary activities. The findings of the study suggest that the subsidiary personnel perceives strong external embeddedness increasing internal and dual-embeddedness since intensive external collaboration requires including and activating other corporate units as well. The role of the local sales subsidiary is to act as the interpreter and connector between the internal and external network actors. Hence, by actively promoting relationship linkages between internal and external actors, the subsidiary may adopt an active role beyond its original corporate mandate. In order to achieve this, both managers on the subsidiary and corporate level need to promote open communication and increase cultural understanding between different corporate units.
The purpose of this research is to discover development points for business processes and sales reporting in the recovered paper sourcing organization. The processes under development are both sales and sourcing processes that were determined by the commissioning company. All of these processes have in common that there are used sales orders to organize the money flows correctly. Although the main objective is to source only recovered paper, the sourcing also brings by-products that cannot be utilized and are thus sold. As the purpose of the sales function is to only support the sourcing strategy, it should be organized as efficiently as possible. Investigating the current status of the processes and finding development points help in building proposals for enhanced process descriptions. In order that sales function could be analyzed, should the sales reporting be accurate and present the needed key figures. The current status of the processes as well as the possible problems and development ideas were researched with the help of interviews. Best practices could also be brought from other business lines in the commissioning company. The theory part was build according to relevant literature and scientific articles. The research indicates, that processes have shaped differently in sourcing organization’s business units. Local infrastructure and legislation sets certain limitations to the sourcing of recovered paper, and these circumstances cannot be changed. Customer-supplier power relations also affect to the formulation of business processes. In order to steer the processes, there has to be more internal controls. Still, the enterprise resource planning system also sets boundaries how the processes can be made more efficient.
Diversos estudios ponen de manifiesto la importancia que tienen las variables psicológicas y psicosociales a la hora de mejorar el rendimiento deportivo de los deportistas. Por ejemplo, Gimeno, Buceta y Pérez-Llantada (2007) explican la relación de variables psicológicas tales como el control del estrés, el manejo de la concentración, la autoconfianza, la motivación y el manejo de habilidades mentales como por ejemplo la toma de decisiones, con la consecución de éxito deportivo. El objetivo de nuestra investigación es demostrar que a través de sencillos ejercicios de concentración previos a las sesiones de entrenamiento en padel en menores, la concentración de los alumnos puede mejorar de manera rápida.